Bad Boy's Treat: The Possessed MC

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Bad Boy's Treat: The Possessed MC Page 46

by Amy Love

  The man, aptly described as a silver fox by just about anyone who went to Marino’s Pizza in downtown Blackwoods, shot her a lopsided grin. “Anytime, doll. You give my best to Gryff.”

  “Will do,” she said, as she made her way toward the door. She pushed through it backward, nodding at the man as he waved her off, then set out into the beautifully warm spring weather. They were almost at the end of March now, with April a few blissful days away, and once more it was as if Blackwoods had never been shrouded by miserable winter weather at all.

  She wore a thin pair of teal leggings beneath a soft yellow sundress, her purse hanging across her body, and like many college girls in the spring, she had a pair of ballet flats adorning her feet. She wore her hair loose, enjoying the way it blew in the breeze, and plodded along down Main Street with too-big sunglasses on to shield her eyes from the sun. It had been a cloudless day for almost a week now, and her skin was loving all the extra warmth.

  Nearly a month had passed since her horrible ordeal with Gryff and her father and Phillip Crest. The vice-dean had been marked officially as missing for a few days after the incident, and while the police questioned Gryff for hours, at no point did he break and tell them where Crest was—because apparently Crest had a debt to pay to the Steel Phoenixes before they handed him over to the police. And they did, of course, in worse shape than he was when they took him.

  With all the evidence around him, particularly when the goons he hired to bludgeon her father confessed, he was looking at a lengthy jail sentence with little hope for parole. Beth only hoped he wouldn’t get out in a few years for good behavior. After all, Crest knew how to act the part of the academically-inclined businessman. Gryff figured he’d be in there for a long time, but Beth wasn’t so sure. Her father swore it, too, once he learned who was behind his attack. But since he was retiring from his position next year, he wouldn’t have quite the pull in Blackwoods he did now.

  Turning a sharp corner, Beth headed for Gryff’s apartment building with a bit of a bounce in her step. She would have rathered him stay with her, but since he was still technically in recovery from the gunshot wound, she knew he would be more comfortable with his own things around. Still, the apartment had mixed memories for her. It was a little rundown too, though she had high hopes for a change; she and Gryff had been looking at two-bedroom apartment listings recently, and he seemed almost as excited as she was to decide on one.

  Juggling the pizza boxes, Beth managed to shove Gryff’s key into the door downstairs, then, helped by a neighbor on the way out, she managed to finagle the massive box through the door and up the narrow stairwell to his apartment. Once inside, she found him in front of the TV, just where she’d left him.

  “Smells delicious,” Gryff said as she kicked off her shoes by the front door. Beth grinned as he sat up and turned the TV off, noting that he only winced a little at the movement. His shoulder hadn’t needed to be wrapped for a few weeks now, but the pain was still substantial. It would get better in time, but there was a lot of physical therapy and doctors’ visits ahead of him—Gryff was understandably unmoved at the thought of both.

  “Marino sends his regards,” she told him, setting the boxes on the coffee table. When she settled on the couch beside him, she found herself sitting on the sweater she’d knitted for him while she was bouncing between her father’s room and Gryff’s at the hospital. Black wool. Thick. It was getting too warm for him to wear it, but he usually still did at night.

  “Good man,” Gryff said with a mouthful of piping hot pizza. He subsequently doubled over and tried to blow the steam out before swallowing. Beth stifled a giggle as best she could, but the sound that escaped still earned her a sidelong glare.

  They sat there, Beth’s legs stretched over his lap, and enjoyed their individual pizzas in an easy togetherness. Their conversation flowed, moving from how Gryff’s arm was feeling after taking his most recent painkiller to the dinner they were both required to attend at her father’s this weekend. Apparently, the man was warming to the thought of Beth dating a biker, but she figured it would still be a frosty reception anyway. That didn’t bother her. Gryff could handle her father.

  “You know,” she mused as she reached across and closed her pizza box. Three slices was enough, but Gryff was working his way through slice number five with no signs of stopping. “I don’t think I want to finish my degree.”

  He looked at her sharply with a frown. “Why?”

  “This whole thing… Law school has never felt right,” she told him. It was a realization she’d come to the night all that drama with Crest went down, but she hadn’t had the courage to say it until now. “But researching data, facts, proving my father’s innocence… I liked that. I want to do that.”

  “Sounds like what a lawyer does,” Gryff remarked dryly, and she gave a humorless laugh.

  “No, it’s what a private investigator does.” She drew in a nervous breath as soon as she said it, bracing herself for Gryff’s response. When he didn’t give one immediately, she said in a very small voice, “I think I want to… to become a private investigator. Choose the cases I work. Genuinely help people.”

  “You know most of your cases will just be catching and photographing husbands cheating on their wives, right?” he told her, chuckling. She pursed her lips, biting back a smile, and watched as he set his half-eaten slice of pizza aside. As he turned to face her better, she sensed he was actually giving this his full attention. “Are you sure, Beth? Is that what you really want?”

  She nodded. A lot of thought had gone into the decision, and she figured she could actually help people instead of writing case reports and waiting for the legal system to catch up to the evidence.

  “I know you’re behind on your schoolwork again,” Gryff said as he placed a gentle hand on her leg. She tensed, waiting for the but. “I know you can get back on track. And Beth… You should finish school.”


  “I will support you in whatever you choose to do,” he insisted, silencing her protests by pulling her into his lap with his good arm. She helped by wiggling into place, her head on his shoulder. As he spoke, his voice vibrated in his chest and it tickled her splayed fingers. “But even if a PI is your calling, you should still have a degree. It’s just… It’ll really help you.”

  “But you don’t—”

  “My business degree might be sort of useful when I get out of the Steel Phoenixes.” Gryff shifted and wrapped his arm around her waist. “I mean, I want to go where you go. Can’t be a contributing member of the gang forever, right? I’ll probably need to find legitimate employment at some point. If I didn’t have the school stuff behind me, it’d be harder. It’ll be harder for you, sweetheart, if you don’t graduate.”

  He was right, of course. The logical side of her knew that, but she was tired. All these years of struggling for something she didn’t want had taken a toll.

  “I guess,” she muttered sullenly. She’d hoped he would have been waving pom-poms around and shouting chants of encouragement, but that might have just been wishful thinking.

  “Look, like I said, whatever you choose, I’ll support you,” he murmured in her ear, then gave her cheek a quick kiss, “but I just want you to have the best chance possible. I know you can do it. You don’t need to be a practicing attorney just because you have a law degree. I know a few PIs… I can set you up to talk to one sometime if you want, maybe to shadow him on some of the safer gigs he has?”

  “That’d be awesome,” she exclaimed, sitting up a little too fast and jostling him around. His face screwed into a pained wince, and she gave her apologies by way of sweet kisses along his jawline.

  “You’re still a little too exuberant for me these days,” he said with a heavy sigh, and Beth slid across his lap to straddle him, her hands falling to his shoulders. Even if she was too exuberant, her energy hadn’t killed his libido. As she nudged her hips over his, his cock hardened against her thigh, and she met his gaze with an impish
smirk. Given his shoulder’s condition, it was difficult to play the way they used to, but she’d learned the merits of gentle lovemaking with a man she loved. Sometimes Beth even preferred it.

  “I should have known,” she said demurely, her eyelashes fluttering as she looked down, the perfect display of shame, then added, “Master.”

  The smile Gryff gave her could only be described as wolfish, and she felt his hot breath on her cheeks, full of unsaid words and deviant desires.

  “Yes, you should have known,” he growled, his voice a deep rumble, and then grabbed her chin harshly and tilted her head up. Her lips curved into a sweet little O, her breath catching in her throat.

  “I’m sorry, Master,” she whispered. Gryff shook his head.

  “Not yet you aren’t.”

  Beth bit back a groan, wetness gathering between her thighs. Unable to help herself, she ground against his growing erection, only to stop when he reached down and caught her nipple between thumb and finger. They’d grown hard and visible beneath her sundress, and she pressed her lips together to hide the way his unsaid chastisement sent a flood of arousal coursing through her body. When their eyes met, he twisted, and she looked down with a whimper.

  “Go and get the flogger,” he instructed, his affect carefully neutral.

  “Yes, Master.”

  He released her a moment later, and Beth climbed off his lap. Even though she knew she’d be punished for it, she hesitated and spared a look at his arm. “Are you sure?”

  “I still have one good arm,” he hissed. His tone made her pussy clench. “Now go and do as you’re told.”

  She hopped to, only to stop when he tsk’d at her after two steps.

  “I don’t recall telling you to walk there,” Gryff said lightly. When she shot him a shyly curious look, he snapped and pointed to the floor. “Crawl.”

  Beth shivered and dropped to her knees, making sure to give him a good look at her ass arched up in the air, just as he liked, then crawled for the toy closet. The pain in her hands, in her knees, was refreshing, and she knew in that moment there was nowhere else she would rather be in the whole wide world.

  “Don’t keep me waiting, my little slut,” Gryff called, his voice laced with a loving affection that made her heart sing. “If I have to wait, the punishment will be much, much worse…”

  Grinning wickedly, Beth slowed her pace to a crawl.






  Baller, lady killer, and trouble maker, I’ve got plenty of ghosts from my past looking to tear me down.

  Quinn’s the only one who could make then go away, so long as I keep things professional.

  But one look at her and professionalism is the last thing on my mind.

  One look and all I want are those delicious curves of hers.

  One look and all I want is to use her.

  Ruin her.

  Make her MINE.


  Dante Rock is everything wrong with professional basketball: talent, money, potential… and a past that he can’t put behind.

  Landing an exclusive tell-all with him was supposed to be the highlight of my career.

  But that was before he turned it all on my head.

  Before he started blurring all the lines.

  Before his hands made me forget why I was here.

  And before I started to believe him when he whispered in my ear:






  There is no room for the weak. Jayna didn’t summon me into her life, but I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere.

  She gave me one hell of a ride, and now I can’t get her curves off my mind.

  But when the demons in my life went after her, something in me snapped.

  I’m putting them all in the ground.

  And then I’m putting a ring on her finger.

  A kid in her belly.

  And making her mine.


  I didn’t have to help him, but I did, and now he thinks he owns me.

  Maybe that’s what I wanted all along: to be owned. Devoured.

  His savagery should have him in a cage, but his command of my body is something more primitive than I can understand

  And when he pierces me with his eyes.

  His scarred, muscular body crushing against mine.

  I can’t help hearing his words, rumbling in my ear:



  Thanks for all the support, and if you enjoyed my work please sign up to my mailing list to stay in touch. I will even send you a free sexy short that I wrote just for my supporters!

  Here's the link:

  Hey everyone!

  I am an avid reader and writer of contemporary romance, and I love writing fantastic stories for you guys every single day! I am a stay at home mother of 3, and not a day goes by that I don't write something steamy just for you, though finding the time can often be tough.

  And here is a summary of the short:

  A Harley can make heartbreak a little easier...

  Norma Bennett's ex was a scumbag. Trashy. Loud. Overbearing. And it had taken her too long to see it. Now, angry and wronged, she's tossing back shots at the local pub looking like a wild child that no man wanted to handle.

  Except one.

  She's not drunk, but when Joey Emerson steps up to the bar, his towering height and cool gaze leave her positively intoxicated. But with the way he's looking at her, Norma isn't sure if he wants to tear her clothes off or tuck her in - either way, something in her stormy heart cracks, and she thinks she may have found what she's been looking for...




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