Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3)

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Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3) Page 1

by John Evans

  Karina's Quest

  The Adventures Of Pervikar: Volume Three

  John Evans

  Also by John Evans from Uruk Press:

  The Adventures Of Pervikar


  The Rescue Of The Queen

  Karina's Quest

  Uruk Press

  Great Britain

  © John Evans 2014

  All rights reserved.

  The right of John Evans to be indentified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Cover by Jason Barton.

  Prologue: A Family Reunited

  Chapter 1: Back On The Farm

  Chapter 2: The Ritual Of Neccar

  Chapter 3: Karina's Quest Begins

  Chapter 4: Homecoming

  Chapter 5: The Temple Of Lust

  Chapter 6: A Special Surprise

  Chapter 7: Sore Heads, Warm Beds

  Chapter 8: The Unicorn

  Chapter 9: Woodgate

  Chapter 10: Free Love

  Chapter 11: Bonding

  Chapter 12: Visions On The Road

  Chapter 13: Split Minds, Shared Bodies

  Chapter 14: Tenan's Box Of Tricks

  Chapter 15: Witchcraft

  Chapter 16: Girls' Night Out

  Chapter 17: Civilization And Savagery

  Chapter 18: A New Quest

  Prologue: A Family Reunited

  "Per?" gasped Karina, resplendent in her armor. She ran over to hug her son tightly. "Praise the Gods you're alive."

  "Oh, mom, it's been so long. What are you doing here?" he asked in disbelief.

  "It is customary to bow when the monarch enters the room," remarked the Overlord dryly.

  "Oh, Your Majesties, I'm sorry," stammered Karina, wiping away her tears. She bowed hastily to both of them. "We arrived just after you left and Lady Triarii's kept us here ever since. I did not know my son was with you."

  "Lady Karina, I'm glad you are safe, but you did disobey a royal command," said the Overlord. "Unfortunately, I do not have the time now to sort through everything. I would like to meet with everyone tonight. I didn't ask last time, so I'll ask now - will you give me your word to stay in the palace?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty," replied Karina.

  "Per, you will come with us," ordered the Overlord.

  "But…," he began.

  "You are the Queen's savior and the people need to see you." His expression softened. "I know it has been a long time since you have seen your mother, but I must ask just a few more hours of duty from you. You will have plenty of time to catch up later."

  The rest of the day passed in a blur. Suddenly it was night, and a servant was escorting him through to a large chamber that was usually used for cabinet meetings.

  When they entered, Per was surprised by the number of people already there. He was even more surprised when he realized he knew them all. Standing by the door were Melinar, Nyrandurril, Vail and Dareen. Sitting off to one side was Octavia, Karlto, Pawl, Cendri and Gedda. Seated at the large table were Alana, Nesbra, Lorilei and Contico. Per also recognized Ivin, Bargan, Tessa, Calli, Andie, and Dorna. There was a woman talking to Holina, Iona, and Celine, who looked familiar but he could not place her. Another woman that he did not recognize at all came over to greet him.

  "Good evening, Per," she said. "I wanted to greet you and apologize for what I did to you so that you don't go berserk on me."

  "Huh, sure," said Per hesitantly, unsure of what she was talking about.

  "Your mother was there when Shades changed me. I'm not the same as when we met. I'm Phartom."

  Per stiffened and his hand went automatically for Dorgeth's hilt, but he did not draw it out. Slowly, he released his grip and let go of the hilt, while taking in a deep breath to steady his nerves. "Does my mother know what you are?" he asked quietly.

  "Yes, we met in the Hells as she was traveling through to go see Shades," replied Phartom. "Leekya, over there, was the woman she was after."

  "Leekya?" asked Per, still unable to place the woman.

  "The ghost from Tymera's manor," said Octavia, walking over to them. "It's really good to see you again, Per." She turned as Per's mother approached. "You, too, Karina. I wanted to beat you black and blue for sneaking away like that, but I realized that you did not have a choice."

  "You always have a choice," said the Overlord, coming in through the door with Shara, Lady Triarii, the General, and Inga.

  "Not always, Your Majesty," said Karina as everyone bowed or curtsied.

  "Please, be seated," said the Overlord. Per silently cursed that he still hadn't had a chance to speak to his mother beforehand.

  As everyone sat, Octavia whispered to Karina, "I've got some big items for you back at the farm."

  "Octavia, I don't think we have to keep this a secret anymore," said Karina softly. "Is it Gar?"

  "That's one of them," said Octavia with a smile. "He has Oraag and the two giantesses showed up."

  "From what Queen Shara told me last night, I think we should keep things informal," said the Overlord. "Please, feel free to speak without fear. This started with your abduction, my Queen. Why don't we start there?"

  Shara related her meeting with her uncle, Cedric's kidnapping, and the flight to Yayenski's underground castle. She unashamedly told how she and Per killed Yayenski, the battle at Delta, and their return to the Capitol.

  "You do know you just implicated your uncle in treason?" asked Lady Triarii.

  "Yes, in a plot I conceived," said Shara. "It most likely fell apart after my kidnapping."

  "We can discuss that later," said the Overlord. "Per, it's your turn."

  Per managed to stammer his way through how he and his companions were separated and how he found his way back to the Capitol. He told of his encounters with Melinar, Nyrandurril, and Vail. He recounted the incident with Lord Letlow and how he and Dareen had seen Queen Shara's kidnapping. Per told of the chase, meeting Iona, going to Delta, and their encounter with Mad Max. He told of going to the Eastern Spine and finding his way through the caverns to Yayenski's hideout. Iona, Holina, Contico, and Celine all filled in their part in the adventure.

  "Well, at least we can stop looking for Letlow now," said Lady Triarii to the Overlord. "He was a bastard, but too powerful to remove. We're doing well to be rid of him."

  "You're right about that," replied the Overlord calmly. "Now, Lady Karina, you're turn."

  "Well," she began. "This might take a while."

  Chapter 1: Back On The Farm

  "Will there be anything else tonight, milady?"

  "No, thank you, Helga."

  Karina watched as the blond-haired girl placed the brush she had been using on her hair back on the dresser. Helga had been at the castle when Baron Cedric had governed the province. Karina had hired the blond-haired, pixie-faced girl as her maid and had never regretted it. Helga was a devoted servant. The only thing that bothered Karina was that she never talked about her prior service or the former baron. Karina had not pried as she sensed that Helga had built a thick wall around her emotions.

  Helga turned, bowed, and left the room. Karina looked around the bedroom. Over a year had passed since her husband, Tenan, had been given the title of Baron of Dosser, married her, and moved into the castle.

  "More than a year since I've seen Per," thought Karina. "Only sketchy reports to let me know he's still alive. Damn Queen Shara! Damn her to hell!"

  She stood up from the stool she had been sitting on and flopped down on the bed, angry and out of sorts. Tenan had been gone for a week and would not return for ano
ther three or four days. Karina always felt frustrated when he was away. She missed his hard body and strong hands.

  Thinking of Tenan's body, her hands moved up and over her flat stomach, bunching her nightgown upward. Her hands traveled to the huge mounds of her breasts. She closed her eyes and sighed as her fingers pinched and rolled her nipples into hard buds, igniting a flame down between her legs.

  Karina's legs squirmed back and forth as her hands massaged and kneaded her tits. Her breathing became heavier and she pulled down the straps of her nightgown to her waist, exposing her lovely breasts.

  Her left hand continued to play with a nipple as her right hand slid down between her legs. Karina hiked her nightgown up to her waist and then reached down to part her pussy lips open. She gasped as her fingers encountered the moist interior and came into contact with her clitoris. Her breathing was labored as her hands caressed both her breast and clit respectively. Karina moaned as she sank two fingers deep into her pussy. She pulled her left breast up to her mouth and sucked voraciously on the nipple as her fingers pumped rapidly in and out of her cunt.

  "Mmm," moaned Karina and her tit popped out of her mouth as her passion flared. She dreamed that it was Tenan's hard cock in her cunt instead of her fingers. With a final hard shove, she buried her fingers into her wet pussy as she orgasmed with a gurgled cry. Her cunt spasmed around her fingers as her juices flowed out over them. Karina lay there on the bed panting, with her fingers still inside her, for a long time. As her breathing returned to normal, she pulled her night gown down, rolled over and fell fast asleep.

  The next morning, she bathed and dressed as usual. As she was finishing, there was a rap on the door and Helga entered carrying a tray. "Milady, there is a man here with a note from Rolph," she said, setting out Karina's breakfast. "The note is here beside your plate."

  Karina ignored the fruit in front of her and tore open the letter from Rolph. He and Dagmar ran her farm, the place where she'd raised her son. Before she started reading, Karina made a short prayer to the gods that it contained word of Per.

  She scanned the short missive and then read it again. Her face took on a puzzled look as she sought to comprehend and understand what it read.

  "What is it, milady?" asked Helga, seeing the expression on Karina's face.

  "Gar wants to see me tomorrow at the farm," replied Karina absentmindedly, staring at the letter.

  "Who's Gar?" asked Helga.

  Karina shook herself back to reality. "He's Per's father. I'll have to leave immediately if I want to make it there before nightfall. Helga, please lay out my riding clothes and pack an extra set of clothes in a saddlebag. I'll tell the steward where I am going."

  Karina went and informed the castle's steward of her departure and returned to her suite to change. She was surprised to see that Helga was just beginning to lay out her clothes and even more surprised to see that she dressed in pants, blouse and cloak like Karina's riding outfit. The girl spun round when she entered.

  "Well, Helga, do you want to explain?" asked Karina.

  "I, uh, you need someone to accompany you," stammered Helga.

  "Helga, this is not a trip for fun nor is it a trip to satisfy your desire to see an ogre. Gar is dangerous. Very, very dangerous. He could quite easily kill all of us at the farm on a whim."

  "But you're the mother of his son!" exclaimed Helga.

  "Which means nothing to an ogre," said Karina dryly.

  "I'm not going with you to see an ogre," said Helga. "I just want to accompany you."

  Karina sighed. "Alright, girl, go get your things together while I change. We need to get a move on."

  "I already told the stable hands to saddle two horses and pack food for a couple of days," said Helga as she turned to finish packing Karina's clothes into a saddlebag. "They should be ready by the time we get down there."

  Helga was true to her word. The horses and food bags were ready when they walked down to the stables. Karina and Helga mounted up and were quickly out the gate, heading towards the farm.

  It was a fine summer day and the two women made quick time through the countryside. Tenan's rule had made the province a safe place to live and travel through. It was about an hour before sunset when Karina and Helga rode through the front gate of the farm. Rolph, Dagmar and a woman Karina had not seen before stood at the front door to the farmhouse.

  "Karina! What brings you to this neck of the woods?" shouted Dagmar laughingly. "Just kiddin'. C'mere and give me a hug."

  Karina slid off her horse and went over to hug both men fondly.

  "You're looking well, Karina," said Rolph.

  "She looks terrific, you old stick in the mud," exclaimed Dagmar. "And I see she's brought us a comely wench to meet and play with."

  "This is my maid, Helga," said Karina sweetly. "If you trifle with her, Dagmar, I'll reach up your ass and pull your heart out. You will behave, won't you?"

  Helga almost laughed as Dagmar's buttocks tightened involuntarily and his face took on a horrified look.

  "You'll be safe," chuckled Rolph as he approached Helga to help her down. "We know Karina well enough to know she would do it, too. I'm Rolph. The embarrassed one is Dagmar and this is Dorthea. Dorthea, this is Karina, the owner of the farm, and her maid, Helga."

  "The owner?" asked Dorthea. "You mean you're Per's mother?"

  "You've met my son?"

  "Some time ago," said Dorthea. "My husband disappeared and I was trying to run our farm by myself. I was going downhill fast and your son convinced me to come here. I've been working as a cook for Rolph and Dagmar ever since I arrived here. Well, I guess I really work for you."

  "I hope you're a better cook than either one of those two," said Karina with a smile. "I pity you if you had to eat their cooking. I'm glad to meet you."

  "Me, too. Come, dinner is on the table."

  They all went inside and sat down to a meal of lamb, potatoes and green beans. As Karina tasted the food, she could tell that Dorthea knew her way around a kitchen. The spices and flavors changed the food from ordinary to exquisite. Even the baked custard dessert was out of this world.

  "By the Gods, I'm stuffed," sighed Karina at the end of the meal. "How'd you like to come and work at the castle, Dorthea?"

  "Thank you, but no," replied Dorthea. "I'm happy where I am. I think there'd be too many people in the kitchen at the castle and I feel more at home on a farm."

  "And I don't relish eating Dagmar's stew again," said Rolph. He then turned serious. "Karina, Gar wants to meet you at the clearing by the bridge in the woods. He said to come alone, but I don't like it. Dagmar and I are ready to come with you."

  "No, I'll go alone," said Karina, thinking over the matter. "It must be something important for Gar to leave his tribe and come here. We'll know what it is in the morning. Right now, I need a bath and then bed."

  "We remembered your fondness for baths, so the water is already," said Dagmar. "We'll bring it right up."

  Karina went upstairs to her old room. It was unchanged since she had left it a year ago. Rolph and Dagmar had promised her that it would always be her room. Karina morbidly wondered if she would come back to haunt this room when she died.

  She changed out of her clothing and put on a robe. When she opened the door to the bathroom, she saw that the men had not forgotten a thing. The bathtub was three-quarters full of hot, steaming water. Karina quickly shed her robe and eased herself into the tub.

  Her aches from riding and her worries drifted away with the steam as Karina soaked in the hot water. She was vaguely aware that someone had entered the room across the hall and speculated that it might have been Helga. The hot water dissolved any further speculation as she lost herself into the warmth of the water.

  Karina slowly brought herself back to reality. Her eyes opened as she realized that she had fallen asleep and that the water had turned cold. She hopped out of the tub, sloshing water on the floor and reached for a towel. She noticed that her fingers looked like prunes
as she dried off. After she was dry, Karina looked around for another towel to wipe up the water on the floor.

  "It figures," she thought. "Trust a man to put only one towel out."

  Wrapping her towel around her, Karina ventured out into the hallway to get an extra set of towels from the linen closet. As she picked up the towels, she heard a door latch click and then heard a door open downstairs. Karina tiptoed to the stairs and looked over the railing down into the living room. She saw Dorthea, dressed in a cloak, crossing the living room from the first floor back bedroom. Dorthea padded quietly across the room and the carefully and silently opened the front door and went outside.

  Karina's curiosity was aroused and, unmindful of her state of undress, she sneaked down the stairs to follow after Dorthea. She carefully opened the front door, went through it, and silently closed it behind her.

  Outside was pitch-black. Karina strained to see or hear Dorthea. Only the glow from the windows of the bunkhouse and farmhouse illuminated the area. Karina stood perfectly still, looking and listening.

  After several minutes had passed without any sight or sound of Dorthea, Karina clutched her towel tighter around her. She slowly made her way over towards the bunkhouse. "Maybe Rolph or Dagmar has an idea of what her nocturnal activity is," she thought.

  Reaching the bunkhouse door, Karina was just about to knock when she heard a moan come from inside. She froze with her hand raised to knock on the door. Another louder moan startled her out of her paralysis. Karina slowly sneaked around to the side of the bunkhouse. She slid up next to the window and carefully peeked in. Dorthea, Rolph and Dagmar were inside and all three were naked.

  Karina's eyes were riveted on the scene inside. Rolph was lying on the bed with Dorthea, kneeling over top of him. His hard cock was stuffed into her pussy as his hands kneaded her firm breasts. Dorthea braced herself up with her hands because Dagmar was squatting behind her with his cock shoved up her asshole. Dorthea moaned in ecstasy as she rocked back and forth, driving both cocks simultaneously in and out of both holes.


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