Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3)

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Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3) Page 3

by John Evans

  said Gar, incredulous at the stupidity of the question.

  Karina could only stare at him open-mouthed. Suddenly she felt rage flooding through her body. She screamed and launched herself at the ogre god.

  "Hold!" With that one word, Karina froze, her muscles locked into immobility. She fought against the force holding her, but to no avail. Karina remained motionless as an incredibly beautiful woman walked up from behind her.

  "Are you alright, dear?" asked the woman.

  "Everyone keeps asking me that," muttered Karina. "Yes, thank you. Who are you?"

  The woman smiled. "I'm Adelpha. I know your son well. Let me talk to Ahhspah."

  said Ahhspah.

  "She is not an ogre," retorted Adelpha, pointing at Karina. "She has claimed one of us as her goddess. It does concern us. She's human."

  insisted Ahhspah.

  "I had forgotten that," mused Adelpha. "Come, we need to talk alone."

  asked Ahhspah lewdly.

  "No, Ahhspah. No play," she said firmly as she led him across the clearing.

  Karina looked over at Gar who only shrugged his shoulders. He then sat down to wait for his god and the goddess to finish talking. After a short while, they came back.

  "Karina, for your son to survive, the ritual must be completed," said Adelpha.


  Adelpha held up one hand. "You are right though, you serve another and cannot participate."

  Ahhspah did not look pleased but said nothing. As Adelpha's finished, he disappeared.

  said Gar, standing.

  "That's it?" thought Karina.

  said Gar as he started to walk off.

  intoned Adelpha.

  Gar turned his head and smiled back at then as he left the clearing. His shape was soon lost within the woods.

  "You do know he will kill you if you fail," said Adelpha to Karina. "His words were a threat and promise all in one. I can not interfere."

  "I won't fail," promised Karina.

  "Sit down, Karina," said Adelpha as she sat down on a marble chair covered with furs and pillows.

  Karina looked to see that a similar chair had appeared behind her. Suddenly self-conscious to be in the presence of a goddess, she sat down demurely and gazed down at her feet.

  "Meekness doesn't become you," laughed Adelpha. "Karina, have you ever lost control of your lust before? I am searching for an instance since you left Gar for Tenan."

  "Yes," said Karina, thinking back. "There have been times when I had to make love to Tenan or die. Last night, I completely lost control. I saw Rolph and Dagmar making love to Dorthea and I lost all thought, but sex."

  "Your times with Tenan, was he naked at the time when your desire took over?"

  "I believe he was."

  "I believe Ahhspah has increased your sexual desire along with magically altering you. There is nothing subtle about what an ogre does. You would be able to take that monster-sized penis of his inside you and your lust would be overpowering. I believe that the mere sight of anything sexual will spark your desire. You should be aware of this."

  "Can't you change me back?" asked Karina.

  "No, I can't," said Adelpha gently. "I promised Ahhspah not to interfere any further. It is time for you to go back to the farm."

  * * * * *

  By the time Karina got to the yard of the farmhouse, she was in pain. Her arm throbbed and ached. Her cuts and scratches itched and burned and her split lip cracked open each time she opened her mouth. As she entered the gate, she saw Helga come running out of the barn followed by Dorthea. Karina braced herself as Helga threw herself at her and hugged Karina in a crushing embrace. Karina gritted her teeth against the pain.

  "Let her go, Helga," said Dorthea. "You're hurting her. I have a hot bath drawn for both of you."

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," chanted a tear-stained Helga "I was sure you were going to be killed."

  Karina looked at the two women. Helga had a black eye and had straw stuck throughout her hair and clothes. Dorthea had scratches on her arm and her dress appeared to have been torn and hastily repaired.

  "Helga, I'm fine," said Karina. "Go get cleaned up and put something on that eye." Helga hesitated. "It's okay. Go on."

  Once she was inside, Karina turned and looked questioningly at Dorthea.

  "She was going to follow you," stated Dorthea, leading Karina inside. "I guess she thought she could protect you. We had a tussle in the barn and I locked her inside a horse stall. I sent Rolph and Dagmar to the fields so they could not interfere."

  "Thanks, she would have been seriously injured had she been there."

  "You didn't fare too well yourself," said Dorthea. "You won't be able to do much with that arm. I'll wash you hair and we'll get you in the bath. Tomorrow is when you'll really feel it."

  Karina smiled tiredly knowing that by tomorrow her enhanced vitality would have overcome most of her aches and pain. For now, though, she was willing to let someone else pamper her. After her bath, Karina climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.

  Karina awoke at daybreak. Most of her aches and pains were gone and the massive bruise on her arm was beginning to turn a sickly yellow at the edges. "It'll be gone in a couple days," thought Karina as she dressed.

  She went downstairs and out to the barn. Rolph and Dagmar were already there. They all started in on the chores without a word as if Karina had never left the farm. The clatter of the dinner bell halted their work and they quickly washed up to go in for breakfast.

  Dorthea and Helga had laid out steaming platters of eggs and bacon, pitchers of milk, and trays of bread and cheese. Everyone fell to with gusto, devouring the meal in no time flat.

  "Man, I'm stuffed," groaned Dagmar to Rolph as he leaned back in his chair. "I think we should keep them all here to wait on us hand and foot."

  Rolph looked over at Dagmar sourly. "I think you'd look funny when Karina shoves your foot into your mouth and Dorthea rips out several yards of your guts. I'm not sure what Helga would do, but I am sure it would be equally unpleasant."

  "Then we'd better get back to work before you get me into trouble," laughed Dagmar. "Karina, are you leaving today?"

  "Yes, soon."

  "Well, give us a hug. Bring Tenan next time and stay longer."

  "I'll try," promised Karina as she hugged both Rolph and Dagmar before they left.

  "Leave the dishes," said Dorthea as Helga got up to clear the table. "I can get them later. I want to know what happened yesterday."

  "Yes, tell us!" exclaimed Helga, sitting down again.

  Helga's eye looked particularly nasty this morning and Dorthea's scratches were plainly visible. Karina wondered why it seemed that Rolph and Dagmar had not questioned them all about their various cuts and bruises.

  "Well, I met Gar at the clearing and tried to break his kneecap. He, in turn, gave me this love tap on the arm, which threw me across the clearing into the brambles and thorns," Karina told them.

  "What?!" cried out Helga horrified. "But he loved you!"

  "Helga, you've confused this for a glorified version of romantic human love," said Karina. "You thought our relationship was noble and that Gar would be transformed into some prince because of it, didn't you?"

  "I don't know!" wailed Helga.

  "Helga, believe me, Gar is noble," said Karina softly. "I care for him deeply, but he is an ogre. He saved me, not out of love, but out of his hatred of goblins. He's an ogre right down to his massive bones. Gar also made me part ogre. At least, that is what Ahhspah said."

  "Ahhspah?" questioned Dorthea. "Who's Ahhspah?"

  "The ogre god of fertility," said Karina. She told them everything that had transpired in t
he clearing. Helga was stunned in astonishment upon hearing that Adelpha had been there. Dorthea shook her head in disbelief at what the ritual conditions were and at the alternate proposal Ahhspah had given Karina.

  "Women he has slept with or who has influenced him greatly," murmured Helga. "That could be anyone. It's almost impossible to accomplish."

  "Ogres are tied to their tribe, so the ritual is probably easier for them. You're right, though, it won't be easy and I only have a year to find them all," said Karina.

  "What happens if you don't find everyone?" asked Dorthea fidgeting.

  "Per's soul will be torn in two to separate his human half and his ogre half," said Karina.

  "I'm one of them," blurted out Dorthea before she bit her lip.

  "One of what?" asked Karina slowly.

  "One of the women Per has slept with," said Dorthea, her eyes downcast. "I didn't want anyone to know because I'm in love with Rolph and Dagmar. I wasn't sure how they would take it."

  "Dorthea, I have to know," said Karina. "Will you go through with the ritual?"

  "Yes, of course. I must to help Per."

  Karina hugged her in gratitude.

  "You two need to get ready to leave," said Dorthea. "I'm sure Rolph and Dagmar have saddled your horses. Go get ready while I pack some food for the trip."

  "I'm glad you came here," said Karina, gently touching Dorthea's arm.

  "I'm glad I'm here, too," said Dorthea. "Oh, one more thing, have you thought about where you are going to hold this ogre ritual? I don't think Dosser would be up to it."

  "Oh, shit," cursed Karina as she clumped up the stairs.

  It was a couple of hours later as Karina and Helga were riding towards the castle, when Helga turned to Karina. "Milady, I'm sorry about my foolishness," she said contritely. "I've always thought love was this great and noble thing."

  "Aren't we a little too close for the milady routine? Please, call me Karina. Love is a great and wonderful thing as you will find out."

  "I think I know of two women who may be part of your search," said Helga, changing the subject. "They were servants at the castle when Per and I were there. He saved them and it was rumored that the three became lovers. Their names are Melinar and Nyrandurril. I think Baron Tenan knows of them."

  "We'll have to ask him when we see him," said Karina.

  The two of them arrived at the castle in the late afternoon. Tenan had returned before they did and was waiting for them at the gate. "By the Gods, what happened to you two?" he exclaimed as they came closer and he could see their injuries.

  "Gar asked me to meet him at the farm," said Karina. "You know the traditional ogre greeting."

  "You mean the punching, biting, gouging, and kicking?" he asked tight-lipped.

  "Yup, I kicked him in the kneecap and he tapped me across the ground," she said. "Oh, stop scowling! It's worse than it looks. He actually took it easy on me."

  "By his standards!" yelled Tenan. "Why did you take Helga to see him?"

  "Milord Baron, she didn't. Lady Karina forbade me from coming with her," said Helga quickly. "I foolishly was going to follow her from the farm. Dorthea was the one who punched me in the eye to keep me from following Lady Karina."

  "Dorthea? Who's Dorthea?" asked Tenan bewildered.

  "She the woman Rolph and Dagmar are seeing. She's also the cook at the farm," said Karina.

  Tenan shook his head to clear it, then blew out a big blast of air. "Can we go inside and start from the beginning," he said. "I'm sorry if I got angry, but I was upset when I saw your injuries."

  They walked up to his study, which was off the main reception hall. As Karina and Helga went inside, Tenan spoke to a page outside the door.

  "I've asked to have some food and wine sent up," he said as they all sat down. "What happened at the farm?"

  Karina told him almost everything that had occurred, leaving out her tryst with Helga and her altercation by Ahhspah.

  "I'm stunned," said an astonished Tenan as she finished up. "You met with two gods and have to take part in an ogre ritual based on a vision given to Gar." He shook his head. "I don't know how I am going to find these women in time."

  "Where you'll find the women?" growled Karina in an angry tone. "Since when did this become your responsibility? Who put you in charge? I am the one who was given the task and, if you're not going to help, then get out of the way!"

  With that said, Karina stormed out and went to their bedroom. She had mentally prepared herself to do the ritual and had just been casually set aside by her husband. She stewed and fumed for about an hour until a soft knock on the door interrupted her.

  "What?" she yelled.

  "May I come in?" asked Tenan, opening the door. "I want to apologize. I was wrong to yell at you and I was wrong to try to take over your duty."

  "What changed your mind?" asked Karina sullenly.


  "How so?" asked Karina curiously.

  "First, she burned my ears off telling me what she thought about my attitude. I've only heard such language in a barracks before. She then read me the riot act of what I am supposed to do in regards to this. She said I have no duties or responsibilities except what you tell me to do. I am sorry, Karina. Can you forgive me?"

  Karina walked over, hugged and kissed him. "I'm sorry, too. It's been hard trying to process all that has happened. I didn't get a chance to ask, how was your trip?"

  "The same as last month," said Tenan. "The Willis boys got into trouble again. Old lady Trask is convinced that someone is watching her undress every night. The Ritys almost got into a fight with the Blandales over the Blandales' dog impregnating the Ritys' dog. Gods, I've missed you!"

  "How could you have missed me?" asked Karina with mock sincerity. 'When you have been engrossed with these terrible issues that could rock the foundation of this kingdom?"

  "There's something else I'd much rather be engrossed with," said Tenan, hugging Karina tight and kissing her.

  "Wait," said Karina softly, backing away. "Get undressed and I'll be right back."

  She went into the dressing room and quickly shed her clothes. She put on a robe and went back into the bedroom. Tenan had undressed and was in the bed with the sheet pulled up to his waist. Karina felt her pulse quicken as she saw the outline of his hard cock under the sheets. She looked away because she wanted to test her resistance.

  "You look beautiful, Karina," said Tenan.

  "Do you really want me?" she asked.

  "Yes, come here," and he pulled back the sheet on her half of the bed.

  "How do you want me?"

  "How?" Tenan asked confused. "I don't understand."

  "Tenan, will you stand up and just let me look at you? Please?"

  Tenan stepped out of the bed and stood beside it. His hard cock pointed straight out at her. Karina felt her blood surge and her heat rise, especially between her legs, but she managed to maintain control of herself. After a couple of seconds, she smiled, shed her robe and walked over to Tenan to hug him.

  "What was that about?" he asked.

  "It's been so long that I just wanted to look at you," said Karina as she reached between them to grasp his hard cock.

  "I may have to go away more often," gasped Tenan as his hands came up to massage her large breasts.

  Karina pushed him back onto the bed she climbed right up on top of him. Their mouths locked together in a fevered kiss. She could feel his hardness pressing against her stomach and her tits were mashed on the hard muscles of his chest. Karina threw a leg over his hips without breaking the kiss. She reached down, aimed his cock at her pussy and in one lunge, sank all eight inches of his hard prick into her wet snatch. His shaft felt massive and seemed to fill her up completely. It fitted inside her perfectly.

  "You must have been ready," panted Tenan, his hands stroking up and down her back.

  "I'm always ready for you," said Karina as she started rocking up and down on his cock.

  Their moans got louder
and louder as Karina rocked faster and faster on Tenan's hard shaft. Her pendulous breasts swayed back and forth rubbing her hard nipples over his chest. Tenan's breathing became labored and Karina knew he was close.

  "Cum, my love," she gasped. "Cum inside me."

  Tenan gasped and arched his hips upward at her words, grinding his cock all the way into her cunt. Karina sighed in contentment as she felt his hot seed spurt into her womb. It set off a small orgasm inside her - nothing earth-shattering, but satisfying.

  "How was that?" asked Karina after they had lain together for several moments.

  "It was wonderful. I'm glad to be home with you."

  Karina slid off to one side and grasped his semi-flaccid cock. "You don't seem glad to see me," she said in a petulant voice as she stroked it.

  "Just you wait," said Tenan as he rolled onto his side and slid two fingers into her sopping wet cunt.

  Karina's manipulations soon had him hard again, while his skillful fingers had her squirming in delight. Tenan tried to roll her over onto her back, but she resisted by drawing her knees underneath her, which raised her well-rounded ass up in the air. Tenan took the hint and moved around to kneel behind her.

  Just before Tenan could sink his cock into her hot, wet pussy, Karina reached down between her legs and guided his cum-slick cock up to her asshole. Tenan paused, waiting a moment to make sure that this is what she wanted. He had not fucked her up the ass since the first time they had made love over a year ago. Sensing her desire, Tenan grasped her hips and eased his cock past her sphincter muscle. His cock sank all the way into her bowels like a hot knife through butter.

  Karina moaned long and loud in delight as his cock filled her rectum. Tenan slid his cock balls-deep up her ass and slowly began to fuck her. She buried her face into a pillow and reached down between her legs. Tenan's balls were slapping against her ass as she fingered her clit. The sound of heavy breathing permeated the air.

  Karina felt Tenan's cock stretch her asshole wide with each thrust and she vaguely wondered if what Ahhspah had said was true. Her asshole felt that it was stretched as wide as it could be and it gripped Tenan's cock tightly. Karina lost that train of thought as Tenan increased his pace and her finger responded by rubbing faster on her clitoris.


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