Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3)

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Karina's Quest (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 3) Page 27

by John Evans

  "I don't intend for that to happen," replied Ivin.

  "Neither do I," agreed Karina.

  Ivin suddenly stiffened and she began to look around. "She's coming."

  "How can you tell?" asked Karina, picking up her helmet. "Sisterly bond?"

  "No," said Ivin with a sharp touch of pain in her voice. "I cast a spell to detect evil."

  "I'm sorry," apologized Karina.

  "So am I."

  Lorilei appeared walking through the woods and leading two ponies. One pony had a saddle on it, while the other had a pack harness. The pack harness had the usual items strapped to it, tent, canteen, blankets and so on. What raised Karina's eyebrows was the twig broom carefully lashed to the side of the pack.

  "Well, dear sister, what is the consensus?" asked Lorilei after she tied her ponies to a bush.

  "You have to ask Karina," said Ivin, pointing at Karina. "She's in charge."

  "You're not the boss?" asked Lorilei in mock horror. "Tsk, tsk, what is the world coming to?" Lorilei looked Karina up and down, taking in her armor. "Oh, nice outfit, very butch. Well, Karina, what's the word?"

  Karina kept her face bland. "You can come with us and teach Helga what she needs to know. I have less than a year to find certain people to participate in a ritual for my son. If you interfere or delay me, I'll simply lop off your head because I don't have the time to waste."

  "I understand," said Lorilei with a little smirk. "I care nothing for your mission, only Helga's training. Do you understand that?"

  Karina put on her helmet and fastened it down. Lorilei's face lost its smirk and turned white as the mask animated and became Karina's face frowning at her. She took two steps back in fright.

  "Understand this," said Karina, her voice becoming metallic behind the mask. "If you hurt or harm Helga in the slightest, I'll make burning at the stake seem like a nice spring cookout."

  * * * * *

  It was mid-afternoon of the next day before they rode into sight of the walls surrounding Tectin. Helga and Lorilei had been riding together most of the day and when Karina managed to eavesdrop on them, she was surprised to find them talking about plants and herbs. As soon as they caught sight of the gates of the city, Lorilei trotted her pony up next to Karina.

  "May we stop for a moment?" asked Lorilei. "I need to change before we go through the gates."

  "Why not change at the temple?" asked Karina.

  "It's not that type of change," replied Lorilei with a smile. "I can't show my face in Tectin. It will only take a minute."

  "Oh, okay," said Karina, a little confused.

  "Thanks. Oh, by the way, Helga told me that you taught her about herbs and spices."

  "Yes, I did," said Karina. "I used to be an herbalist."

  "Really? You did a good job," said Lorilei with a little respect in her voice. "She'll progress faster because of it."

  They halted and Lorilei hopped down off her saddle. She made some intricate motions with her fingers and muttered something that no one could catch. The air around Lorilei shimmered for a second hiding her from view. When Lorilei reappeared, she had changed to look like an old woman. Her hair was white, her face wrinkled, and her hands had age spots on them.

  "Well, dearies, what do you think?" she asked in a dry, cackled voice. Not waiting for an answer, she walked over to her pony and nimbly mounted up. "Ready to go."

  They entered Tectin and headed up the broad street towards the Temple of Adelpha. Karina was a little unsettled by the number of children who ran after them yelling, "Grandmother Cole! Grandmother Cole!" to Lorilei. Lorilei greeted all the children sweetly, giving out candy to each before sending them home.

  The children thinned out as they approached the temple. Octavia, riding in front of Lorilei, looked back at her with a puzzled expression on her face.

  "Potential prospects for the cookpot," cackled Lorilei answering Octavia's look. Octavia sputtered indignantly and turned back around.

  As they approached the temple, Karina could see Calla, Andie, and Dorna standing at the top of the steps waiting for them. Lorilei reined in her pony and turned to face Ivin.

  "You know I can not enter," she said to Ivin. "I will stay at the inn just down the street."

  "Do you need any money?" asked Karina.

  "No, thank you. I have sufficient means. Coming, Helga?"

  Karina stiffened, waiting for Helga to answer.

  "I said I would be staying with Karina."

  "There are many things I have to teach you that they can not see or hear of," said Lorilei with a warning in her voice.

  "I know," replied Helga. "I will be available for that when it is time."

  "Hmm, strong willed," mused Lorilei. "One day we will have to see how well tempered it is. When do we leave, Karina?"

  "The day after tomorrow," said Karina. "Just after sunrise. We are going to the Capitol."

  "Fine by me, dearie. I'll see you then."

  Lorilei turned her ponies and trotted off in the direction of the inn. Andie, Calla, and Dorna came down the steps to help with the horses and the gear. A couple of men appeared to help carry Nesbra. "We've given you the same rooms you had last time. Isn't the old lady staying with us?" asked Dorna.

  "No, she can't," replied Ivin absentmindedly.

  "Who is she?" asked Calla.

  "What?" asked Ivin in surprise, caught off guard.

  "Grandmother Cole," supplied Octavia.

  "Was that her?" asked Calla in glad surprise. "I would have liked to have met her."

  "Later perhaps," said Ivin quickly. "Right now we have guests to take care of and chores to do. I also need to be brought up to date of what is happening here."

  Ivin led everyone inside, except for the three other priestesses who were taking care of the horses. They went into the temple and up to the room where Nesbra had been placed. She was lying comfortably in a spacious bed.

  "Oh, am I so glad to be out of that horse litter," sighed Nesbra in deep contentment.

  "You seem to be doing much better," said Octavia.

  "Lorilei fixed me some drink that got rid of most of the pain and the pain I do feel, I don't care about!" said Nesbra happily holding up a vial. "Oh, man, is this stuff good!"

  "Maybe we should hold on to that," said Helga as she tried to grab for the bottle.

  "Oh, no, you don't!" cried out Nesbra as she clutched the bottle tight to her.

  Helga gave up after a few futile attempts to get the bottle away from Nesbra. With a huff, she stomped out of the room. Octavia, Cendri and Gedda all wished Nesbra a good night's sleep and then left to go to their rooms. Ivin was lost in thought by the door as Karina sat down on the edge of Nesbra's bed.

  "Nesbra, Helga is only trying to help you," said Karina. "Won't you give me the vial to give to her?"

  "No," said Nesbra petulantly.

  "Alright, we'll talk in the morning. Good night."

  Nesbra, stoned by the drug, just smiled up weakly at Karina. She pulled out the stopper of her bottle and took a large swig. Her eyes then crossed as she stared puzzled at the bottle.

  "Hey! This isn't my bottle!" she said still staring at the vial.

  Karina stood up. "Ivin!" she hissed, while pointing towards the door. Ivin jumped in surprise as if she did not know Karina had been in the room. She saw Karina pointing towards the door, nodded, and walked out into the hallway with her.

  "What's wrong, Ivin?" asked Karina as they headed down the hallway. "You don't seem to be yourself."

  "Sorry," apologized Ivin. "Lorilei shocked me when she changed into Grandmother Cole. All these years I thought she was dead. Now I find out that she's been under my nose all along." Ivin looked around. "Where are we going?"

  "To see Gedda."

  Karina stopped at the door, which led into Gedda's room. She knocked lightly and, hearing no response, cracked open the door to look in. There on a small round table not more than five feet from the door was the bottle Lorilei gave to Nesbra. Karina took two steps t
owards the bottle, heard a moan to her left and stopped.

  Karina looked to her left and saw Gedda in bed with Andie, Dorna, and Calla. Gedda was on her knees with her face buried between Calla's thighs. Calla, sitting up against the headboard, was shaking as Gedda's tongue lashed away at her damp slit. Gedda, in turn, was doing her own quivering as Dorna licked at her cunt and Andie fucked a greased finger in and out of Gedda's ass. None of them looked over at Karina, who quietly picked up the bottle and tiptoed out of the room.

  Karina and Ivin walked back to the room set aside for Karina. It was the same luxurious bedroom suite that Karina remembered. Dinner for two had been set up on a table. Karina quickly changed out of her armor and into a skirt with a tight fitting blouse. She then turned to face Ivin, who was again lost in thought.

  "Ivin?" said Karina softly.

  "What? Oh, sorry!" exclaimed Ivin, as she came back to reality. "Please forgive me, Karina. I can't seem to get Lorilei out of my mind."

  "Sit down and eat," said Karina, as she dished out food for both of them. "I'm disturbed by this turn of events also. Why witchcraft? What is witchcraft?"

  "Well, it might help to talk about it," said Ivin, sitting down. "Remember I said witchcraft is innate to the person. A witch is supposed to be born with her power. A lot of what I am saying is just rumor and conjecture. Witches are very, very secretive. They are fearful because of the stigma associated with their power. Too many times, an untrained witch has used her power without realizing it to the detriment of someone else. All of us will be shut out of that part of Helga's life from now on. I think that was what hurt the most between Lorilei and me. Anyway, witchcraft deals with charms, potions, hexes, and curses. The power is designed to affect the senses, misdirect, or even totally control a person."

  "Will Helga turn evil?" asked Karina with some trepidation.

  "Not all witches are evil," said Ivin. "Unfortunately, as I said, they all have an evil reputation. I think a lot depends on circumstances and friends."

  "You said control. Will Lorilei be able to control Helga like that?"

  "I don't know. It's possible, but that type of control might stifle Helga's ability. Helga may have enough power to overcome it, once she's been trained."

  Something clicked in Karina's mind. "Do you know a swordsmith, a good one?"

  Ivin smiled. "I know of a man who is fairly good at making weapons.'

  "Can we see him now?"

  "Of course, if you're finished," replied Ivin.

  Karina had finished her meal, but she saw that Ivin had barely touched hers. Ivin, however, appeared ready to go, so Karina stood up and followed her out of the temple. They walked down the steps to the square and went over to the armorer's shop.

  "High Priestess!" called out the man behind the counter joyfully after they entered the shop. "I'm glad you are back!"

  "It is only for a day or two until we have to leave again," said Ivin. "Lady Karina needed to see you."

  "What can I do for you, milady?" asked the armorer.

  Karina outlined to him what she had in mind and how soon she needed it. The armorer grimaced as she talked.

  "It's impossible," he said after Karina had finished. "I'll give it a go, though. Come and see me when you're ready to leave."

  "What do I owe you?" asked Karina.

  "That depends on if I can do it or not," replied the armorer. At most, it will be around seventy-five inanes. We can settle up when you come back."

  "I'll see you the day after tomorrow then at daybreak," said Karina. "Now what?" she asked, turning to Ivin.

  "I'm going back to the temple to pray for some guidance," said Ivin. "I desperately need to get some perspective on Lorilei."

  "Talk to Nesbra," suggested Karina. "She's a smart girl."

  "I'm afraid her advice might be weights, chains, and a deep lake," said Ivin with a smile.

  "You're probably right," said Karina. "What Nesbra tells Helga would probably be different than what she says to you or to me."

  Karina and Ivin walked back to the temple. After saying goodnight, Karina headed towards her suite, while Ivin went into the temple proper. As Karina passed by Cendri's room, she heard noises coming from within. She stopped and pressed her ear to the door.

  "Oh, Gods! Yes! Ram that cock into me! Oh, yes! I'm cumming! Oh! Oh! Oh! Augh!! Yes!!!"

  Karina took her ear away from the door and smiled to herself. Without another thought, Karina turned on her heel and headed down the hall to Helga's room. Just before she could knock on the door, another door opened up and Octavia strode out into the hallway. She did not have on her armor, but was wearing a white shirt, blue slacks, and a matching vest with a dagger hanging off her belt.

  "Hmm, great minds think alike, I see," said Octavia, taking in Karina's style of dress. "I was going to see if Helga wanted to go carousing with me."

  "Make it a threesome?" asked Karina.

  "Why not? Drinking is best done with a crowd - along with dancing, singing and having a good time." Octavia banged a fist on Helga's door. "C'mon, girl! Let's go partying!"

  Helga, dressed only in her shift, opened the door. "We're taking you out for a night on the town," said Karina. "Ready to go?"

  Helga looked back and forth between Karina and Octavia in total confusion. She then lifted up the hem of her shift slightly as if to emphasize her state of undress. Just before she spoke, a booming voice reverberated throughout the entire temple.

  "A witch!? What do you mean a witch?"

  "Uh, I think Ivin just told Adelpha about Lorilei and you," said Karina. "It might be best to leave post haste, don't you think?"

  Helga broke out with a big smile and quickly pulled on a blouse, smock and boots. Laughing the three woman ran down the hall and out of the temple. "Is anyone else joining us?" asked Helga.

  "They're occupied," replied Karina. "It's just the three of us."

  "Good," replied Octavia. "Partying is best done in a small group of close friends."

  Karina laughed. "Do you always adjust your reasoning for partying and drinking?"

  "Of course," said Octavia in mock surprise. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have any fun at all."

  Chapter 16: Girls' Night Out

  "This place looks promising."

  Karina and Helga both laughed as they all entered the inn. Laughter, noise, smoke, and fast-paced music all assaulted them as they entered the taproom. The three women stood in the doorway, the music, and conversation died as everyone turned to stare at them.

  "Does this usually happen?" whispered Helga at the silence.

  "Every time my tits enter the room first," whispered back Octavia. Then she planted her hands on her hips. "A round for the house!" she bellowed.

  "And I'll buy the next!" yelled Karina after her.

  There was a murmur of voices as the patrons turned in unison to stare at Helga.

  "Hell, I'm not rich," Helga told them. "You're on your own after the second round."

  The inn resounded with laughter at Helga's statement and then a cheer went up as the barmaids began passing out drinks. Karina, Octavia, and Helga got their drinks as they settled their tab with the bartender. The rest of the evening was kind of a blur for Karina. She was not sure if they visited four or five taverns. They all danced, drank, and shared jokes with patrons and bartenders alike. It was very late when the three of them laughing, singing, and leaning on each other made their way back towards the temple.

  "My butt is black and blue," moaned Octavia. "I think every guy in town must have pinched it."

  "You?" countered Karina. "I think three of my ribs are cracked from those extra-close dance clinches, not to mention the groping to see if these hefty hooters were real. How did you fare, Helga?"

  "Well, they seemed to lose interest and were very polite after they encountered one of my knives," she said.

  "You must have learned that from Gedda," said Octavia. "How many do you have on you?"

  "Six," said Helga with a gleam in her eye. "Of course
, when Karina slugged that one guy and broke his jaw..."

  "He thought I was warm and should remove my shirt with his help," snipped Karina. She then added defensively, "I only hit him once."

  "Yeah," said Octavia admiringly. "He completely cleared one table to land on the table on the other side. Didn't you notice the respectful attitude of everyone after that?"

  They all laughed together as the temple loomed in front of them. They giggled and hushed one another as they sneaked in through a door whose hinges creaked loudly. The heels of their boots clicked loudly down the dark and silent hallways until they finally managed to find their way to Karina's suite.

  "Whew! Am I glad to be here," exclaimed Octavia as she flopped on the bed. "I was half-expecting to find Adelpha waiting for us around each corner."

  "Me, too!" agreed Helga, who flopped down beside her.

  "Hey, that's my bed!" said Karina teasingly. "Go find your own!"

  Octavia wriggled back and forth on the bed. "Oh, I'm comfortable right where I am. How about you, Helga?"

  "You two had better lose your weapons," said Karina, removing her belt and dagger before taking off her boots. "I want my bed back!"

  "Think you're woman enough?" challenged Octavia as she took off her belt and boots.

  Helga did not say a word, but removed six throwing daggers from various places in and under her blouse and smock. She then kicked off her boots as Karina and Octavia looked on in amusement.

  "I thought she was kidding," said Octavia as Helga tossed aside her last knife.

  "Obviously not," replied Karina, who immediately gave a war cry and leapt upon Octavia and Helga. In the wrestling match that followed, Karina found out that she was still evenly matched with Octavia. It was Helga who was the deciding factor as she helped Octavia shove Karina off the huge bed. Karina landed on the floor all tangled up in her skirt. She grunted in surprise when Helga fell on top of her.

  "Ahhh, all mine," sighed Octavia luxuriously as she stretched out on the bed.


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