Lesson in Love (Olympians, 2)

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Lesson in Love (Olympians, 2) Page 4

by Marie Medina

  He didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t just been watching him for months; she’d been doing it for years. It made her opinion of him seem even less justified. “So am I a jerk or a hero? You’re confusing me.”

  “Aren’t we just as complex as humans?”

  “Of course.” He wondered where their conversation was going. He was starting to feel uneasy because he hadn’t had such an intellectual exchange with a woman in a long time. He was lost without flirting and clever lines.

  “So why can’t you be both?”

  “I can be, I guess. So what do you really think of me?” He hoped she couldn’t sense how nervous he was about her answer.

  “I have a professional opinion and a personal one. I think as a man you could do a better job of living up to your professional persona.”

  “I don’t think I understand.”

  She sighed, stopping by the water’s edge. She stepped a few feet into the waves and turned to look back at him. “Show love the same respect in your own life as you do when you’re planning it for others.”

  He looked down at the sand. Hadn’t his mother said that before? Maybe. He couldn’t really remember. “Sounds simple enough.”

  “It’s going to be harder than you imagine. I’m going to let you think about that for a while.” She walked farther into the waves. In the gently crashing waves he could see little pockets of color, rainbows appearing around her the way they did in mist around waterfalls. “I’m going to pay my mother a visit.” Then she was gone.

  Eros sat down at the edge of the water. He wasn’t sure what had just happened. He’d had plans of winning Iris over at least a little bit tonight, but instead she’d been the one in control. He’d wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself, but all he’d gotten from her was confusion. He’d only asked her one question and then she’d taken over the conversation. He’d ended up revealing things to her instead of the other way around. He couldn’t tell if she’d had a good time, or if her opinion of him had changed even slightly, given how brief their walk had been. But objecting to her leaving had seemed like a terrible idea. If she thought so much of him, why didn’t she like him? Then again, she had to like him a little to care so much about him. She wouldn’t be lecturing him just for the hell of it.

  He didn’t know how he’d have the time to think about what she’d said to him. All he could think about was how much he’d wanted to impress her and how miserably he’d failed. Based on what she’d said, she’d obviously been disappointed in him long before tonight.

  He stood up and tried to brush all the sand off his pants. The seeming impossibility of living up to her standards made him want to do it all the more.

  Iris had skipped lunch and was walking around the park trying to collect her thoughts. She stopped short and considered going back to the restaurant when she saw Hera and Aphrodite appear on a bench right in her path. Instead, she walked over and sat down between them. “Waiting for a progress report, ladies?”

  “I don’t need one,” Aphrodite said. “You’re doing great! My son is wandering around aimlessly. He doesn’t know what to do with himself.”

  “How is that good?”

  “You’ve gotten through to him in a way we’ve never managed to,” Hera explained. “He doesn’t fully understand yet, but at least he’s thinking about what you said to him.”

  Aphrodite nodded. “Which was wonderful, by the way. He refuses to take me seriously unless I’m angry with him. He’s cocky. He doesn’t listen to anyone because he thinks he knows best in every situation. If he realizes he doesn’t, he gets defensive.”

  Iris shook her head. “So what if I can change him for the better? That doesn’t mean he’s going to love me.”

  “He’s already on his way,” Aphrodite said with a grin. “Why else do you think he listened to you? You have impressed him more than any other woman ever has. He thought you were hot, and then you turned out to be a goddess. You stood up to him for the sake of making your point and showing him where he’d gone wrong. You didn’t do it for your own pride or for personal gain. I think he’s fascinated.”

  Iris raised her eyebrows. “I’m not so sure about that. He seems determined to make a point for the sake of his own pride.”

  “He likes you and can’t stand that you don’t like him,” Hera said. “We’ve been watching him very carefully. Deep down, he knows you’re right about him, but he’s tricking himself.”


  “He’s telling himself he needs to prove you wrong. Admitting his own failings is too much to expect from him just yet. He’s also telling himself he’s only following you around to achieve this goal.”

  “But that won’t actually change him or do any good.”

  Aphrodite winked at a man passing by, and then returned her attention to the conversation. “The effects will be permanent, though, because he’s going to be in love with you before all this is over.”

  “I still don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t have to. Why not just enjoy it? You can’t exactly get rid of him now. It would give our whole plan away.”

  “Maybe that’s just what I should do. I don’t want this, not this way.”

  Hera sighed. “You don’t really want to do that, do you? Don’t you trust us?”

  “I don’t want him to be tricked into loving me.”

  Aphrodite objected. “We’re only tricking him into paying attention to you. After he accidentally fell for Psyche, I made him immune to love spells. He cannot be made to love anyone or anything.”

  “Like you?”

  Aphrodite narrowed her eyes, and Iris wondered if she should have said anything. She didn’t want the goddess angry with her at a time like this.

  “If a spell were strong enough, even I would fall under it. Or if any god or man were worthy enough.”

  Hera stood. “We’re just stressing her. Let’s go.”

  “Oh, I suppose,” Aphrodite said. She hesitated, but then finally stood up. “Do call us if you need to.”

  “I think I’ll be fine.”

  “Suit yourself,” the love goddess said before she and Hera disappeared.

  Iris watched two children playing by the slide. She sighed and started to stand up so she could head back to work, but then she saw someone watching her. It looked like Ares, but she couldn’t be sure.

  A man kissed her on the cheek. “Hello, kitten.”

  She turned to see Ares sitting beside her.

  “Shouldn’t you be chasing your ladylove? She just left.”

  He chuckled and his dark eyes sparkled. “She can wait. I wanted to see you.”

  “I’m getting so much attention lately. I just don’t know what to do.” She liked Ares, but he loved teasing, and she didn’t feel like being teased about Eros.

  “You could always have this much attention, if you wanted it.” He ran his fingers through the ends of her hair.

  “Why so interested now?”

  He settled his arm behind her. “Just testing a theory.”

  Iris scowled at him. “Oh, I knew it, you arrogant bastard! You’ve come to see if I’ll sleep with you.”

  She blushed as an old couple passing by looked at them and then laughed together. Ares grinned at her.

  “I’ve tried before with no ulterior motives. Can’t blame me for trying now. If this all works out, I might not get another chance.”

  “All of you are unbelievable. Really unbelievable.”

  “Well then, prove me wrong.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

  Every nerve in her body went electric. Pleasure pulsed all over her, concentrating in her core. One touch and she would fall apart in his arms. She’d always wondered what it would be like to be with the god of war, and now she was getting quite a taste. She melted into his arms. His power washed over her, and her mind filled with visions of the two of them making love. She could almost feel his cock surging inside her.

  He broke off the kiss and looked at her.
The moment she opened her eyes, it all faded away. She blinked. “I don’t understand.” She’d been ready to come and cry out his name, but now she felt nothing.

  “A little test.” He ran one finger down her neck to just over the curve of her breast. “Very enjoyable. Eros will soon see how fortunate he is.”

  “What did you just do to me?” She wanted to slap him, but she didn’t want to attract any more attention than she already had.

  “You wanted me when I forced my power on you. The moment I released you, you didn’t want me anymore. It means another holds your heart. If that were not so, you would still be feeling the physical desire I ignited.” He shrugged. “Aphrodite taught me to do that.”

  “Ever tried it on her?” She wanted to tell him off for doing that to her, but she knew the personal comment would do more damage and be more likely to get his attention.

  His eyes darkened, but in a whisper he said, “I wouldn’t dare. I don’t want to know, honestly.”

  Iris stared at him. Why wasn’t he angry? She felt bad for purposely hurting him. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Love is as complicated for her as it is for her son, it seems.”

  “Looks that way.” Iris sighed. “Everyone knows I’m in love with Eros. It’s no secret.”

  Ares looked at her seriously. “Everyone doesn’t know that. He certainly doesn’t.”

  “He’s not going to fall in love with me.”

  “You keep saying that.” He shook his head and smiled. “You have many charms more precious than your beauty. You are very intelligent and stimulating, in more ways than one. You have many human virtues as well, some of the rarest ones at that. Who could appreciate them more than him?”

  He made an interesting point, but she still refused to get her hopes up. “We’ll see.”

  “Yes, we shall. The Fates may have something amazing in store for you.”

  “And what do you think they have in store for you?”

  He surprised her by answering. “Maybe they’re going to teach me a lesson I’m not expecting. Eros can’t be the only one the lovely Fates are seeking to reform.”

  She didn’t fully understand what he meant, but she nodded anyway. “Maybe so. What you want today may not be the same as what you want tomorrow.”

  “That’s a nice thought. Here’s hoping, then. Take care, sweetheart. Have a nice, naughty dream about me tonight.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  He vanished, and she stood up to finally walk back to the restaurant. She’d only wanted attention from Eros, but it suddenly seemed all of Olympus was fighting on her side. She wished that could make her surer of the outcome.

  Chapter Four

  Eros knocked on the office door. He glanced back at the mirror hanging in the short hallway. He looked good, but he also looked like he hadn’t made too much effort. Just jeans and a black shirt, untucked at that. He looked like he was just dropping by. At least, he hoped he did.

  “Come in,” Iris called.

  He opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door halfway. Again, an effort to seem casual. “Hi. I just wanted to see how you were.”

  Iris looked up from the computer, and he couldn’t read her expression. “I’m fine. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I just wanted to see how your visit went.”

  “My visit?”

  “To your mother. After our little, uh, outing last week.”

  “Good,” she said, nodding. “Very nice. She was happy I came by.”

  He nodded too. “Great. I hope you had a good time with me, too.”

  She smiled, but he still couldn’t tell how she felt about him showing up. “Yes, I did. It was nice to just take a walk and talk with you.”

  Nice. Just nice? “So how about dinner tonight? Nice and casual. Wherever you want to go.”

  She looked back at her computer and clicked the mouse a few times. “I don’t see why not.” She stood up. “I skipped lunch. Are you ready now?”

  He thought quickly. His actual plan had been to seem nonchalant, and then come back dressed up and carrying flowers. If he stalled and came back later, she wouldn’t be as receptive no matter what he showed up with, so he nodded. “Yes. Wherever you’d like to go. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Hmmm. Just someplace quiet and out-of-the-way.” She thought for a moment. “I’d actually love pizza if you’re up for it.”

  He nodded. “Sure.” Pizza didn’t sound romantic, but it could be very intimate. They could find a nice little place and sit in a corner booth. It wasn’t what he’d had in mind, but it might still work just fine.

  “How about the little place down the street? It has great specialty pizzas.” She walked to her coatrack and started putting on her sweater. “Is that okay?”

  “That sounds good. I’ve never been there. I’d love to try it.”

  “You’re certainly being accommodating.”

  “I am?” What’s she getting at?

  “Yes. You are. You must want something.”

  He tried to keep his face blank. “I want to take you to dinner.” If he said he wanted her, she wouldn’t believe him. Either that or she’d take it as a cheap come-on. If he let the hurt show on his face, she’d think it was faked. He didn’t know what to do.

  “I know that. You must want something more?”

  He didn’t think being completely honest would get him too far, so he decided to be a little honest. “I still want exactly what I told you. I want to show you who I really am. And yes, to be blunt, I do want to sleep with you. Anytime you’re ready, so am I.” That should give her something to mull over.

  She nodded. “I see. I knew that. Is that all?”

  I want you to want me. I want you to like me. He came so close to saying it, but he didn’t. Saying he wanted to prove he was likeable was much safer than saying he wanted her to like him. That statement would have too many implications and leave him too vulnerable.

  “Are you going to answer me?”

  “Hmmm?” It took him a moment to realize he hadn’t replied to her at all. “Sorry. I was thinking.”

  “Must be something serious.”

  He resented the implication he never thought about anything but the next girl he’d bring to his bed. He knew that was what she thought. “I don’t seduce every woman I meet, you know.”

  She looked confused. “I never said you did, and I don’t think that. I promise I don’t.” She looked down and then took a few steps forward. “Look, I’m sorry I teased you. You came to take me out, and all I’ve done is give you grief. You should be angry with me.”

  As soon as her apology sank in, he felt terrible. How could she do that? He’d been angry, but now he felt like he’d made the mistake. He still thought he was right about what she thought of him, but she seemed willing to give him a chance. She had recognized that he’d gotten angry because she’d hurt his feelings. That had to be good. A few weeks ago she’d have been reluctant to believe she could hurt his feelings.

  “I’m not angry. Just frustrated. I’m sorry too. I don’t like doing this every time I see you.”

  “Doing what?”

  He sighed. “Having to banter back and forth for twenty minutes before we really talk.”

  She bit her lip and didn’t say anything.

  What the hell is she thinking? She can’t deny she gives me a pretty hard time.

  “That’s my fault. I guess I’m used to handling you that way.”

  He was stunned. He’d pointed out that two different things she’d done made him angry, and she’d not only listened but also apologized. He wasn’t used to this in a romantic relationship. They hadn’t exactly made it to the romance part yet, but he hoped they were on their way.

  “It’s my fault too. When we met I didn’t even know who you were. I guess I deserve this. Why shouldn’t you handle me that way, considering how you’ve seen me behave?”

  Iris’ eyebrows went up.

  Why did I say that? S
he’s not going to believe a word of it because it’s just what she said to me before. She’ll think I’m just repeating it to manipulate her. He groaned to himself, sure he was making things worse with every word he said.

  “Wow. It’s nice to hear you admit it.” She looked down. “Why don’t we go back to my place and just cook there? I don’t want to keep talking about this in a restaurant with an audience. What do you think?”

  Keep talking about this? What else did she want to talk about? “Yeah. That’s fine.”

  He had no idea what he was getting himself into, but he was determined to see where the Fates were leading him.

  Iris opened her front door and ushered Eros in. He stood in the foyer and looked around.

  “Nice,” he said. “Very simple.”

  While other goddesses like Hera and Aphrodite moved or redecorated every few months, Iris had a very ordinary condo, complete with boring white walls and simple, contemporary black furniture. She spent so little time at home she only had more personal touches in her bedroom, and even those were very few.

  “Thanks. I don’t stay here that much except at night, so I do keep it simple.”

  “Yeah. I’m not home much either. Of course, I still live with my mother.”

  It was true, but Aphrodite’s house was so big there was no telling how many people lived there.

  He looked at her, studying her face for a moment. “I like your hair.”

  “It’s just normal today.” She touched it self-consciously. If she didn’t do anything with it, her hair was naturally white blonde.

  He reached out and touched it. “It’s very pretty.”

  She froze as he held a lock of her hair between his fingers. He wasn’t doing anything special. He wasn’t even really touching her, but she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

  “I’m sorry.” He dropped his hand. “You look petrified.”

  After a moment, she finally took a breath. “No. I’m not.” She knew she probably had looked that way.

  “I know I’m not unattractive. Do I really still repulse you?”

  “No, of course not.”


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