The Reckoning

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The Reckoning Page 8

by S. L. Morgan

  “You and Reece appear to be doing better,” Harrison mentioned to Levi as the two traveled through the corridors of the Hamiltons’ lakeside estate.

  “Indeed, we are.” Levi looked over at him and grinned. “I will admit that she has a delightful personality. I do enjoy being in her company.”

  “Definitely a start,” Harrison responded with a laugh. “Have you considered taking your mother’s advice and announcing that you and your lovely wife are expecting the next heir to Pemdas while all the kings and their families are in attendance?”

  “I am unsure if it is the proper time for that. Reece and I are comfortable in each other’s presence; however, I am unsure if I wish to celebrate her carrying our child just yet.”

  Harrison looked at Levi with disbelief. “It is so odd to hear you speak in such a way. All you wanted was such a moment when you first learned she was with child.”

  “Harrison, I am not that man any longer. I understand that a man in love with a woman would be thrilled at the news; however, I cannot pretend to know what that is like. Any words you share regarding my past feelings of Reece carrying our child are just that—words. I have watched her interact with others, and I believe she shall make an excellent mother. That is truly the extent of my feelings about it at this time.”

  Harrison stopped and gripped Levi’s arm, turning him to face him. “Whatever you do, never speak those words to Reece. You are best to stop judging her. I know you aren’t all there upstairs,” Harrison’s eyebrows rose up as he gestured to his own head, “but you seriously need to get over yourself.”

  “I am trying to accept her, Harrison. It is much more complicated than you can imagine. I have times where I am perfectly fine being around her and another odd feeling will wash over me, and I find myself struggling to accept I would marry her. The latest issue that concerns me is trying to understand how she so easily adjusted to being forced to live here and leave her life on Earth behind. Not only that, how could she accept a man from another world to become her husband? There has to be some other reason she would have accepted my advances toward her.” He shook his head. “I just can’t comprehend our relationship, and I struggle—”

  “Stop right there,” Harrison interrupted him. “First of all, I can’t believe you would question that.” Harrison folded his arms. “Do not tell me that you think she married you because of your status in Pemdas?” Harrison said incredulously.

  Levi’s lips tightened as he shrugged. “I don’t know what to believe; but yes, I have felt that may have been a possibility.”

  Harrison exhaled. “Indeed, you have much to learn about your wife.” He turned to continue their walk. “You will most certainly drive her away if you treat her as though she married you because of your status in Pemdas. To help explain your thoughts about that subject, you chased her, romanced her, and she fell in love with the sappy romantic you had become. As for marrying you because you were the emperor’s son? Reece never had and still has no interest in your title. Like I said, you need to get over yourself, whether your brains are one hundred percent or not.” He eyed Levi somberly. “As for her residing in Pemdas, you should know that even before your father mandated she live here for protection, you asked her to stay, and she accepted.”

  “So she was willing to return to her life on Earth?” Levi muttered.

  “Listen, I wasn’t there for your whole declaration of love moment. I only have knowledge of what you told me after I inquired about it. These are questions for Reece, and if you would get past your delusional ideas about her, you could possibly have a simple conversation with her about it. You cannot choose to critique every facet of the woman. She is not complicated. You are making this so much harder on yourself than is necessary.”

  Before they could say anything more, they entered the grand ballroom. “Angeline Hamilton has grown up to be a fine young woman. You have done very well for yourself,” Levi said, changing the subject.

  Harrison smiled at his beautiful wife who was in the company of Reece, Lizzy, and Isabelle. He looked over at Levi and clapped him on the shoulder. “Correction, my friend, she is known as Angeline Oxley, thank you very much. And I should say that you, too, have done exceedingly well in your choice of a wife. It is my hope that you will finally see that.”

  Levi nodded but said nothing. They approached the women, and Levi stood at Reece’s side. “You appear to be feeling well, Reece. Is there anything I can get for you?”

  When Reece declined, Levi dismissed himself from the group, as he did every evening, and he walked over to where his father remained in conversation with some of the kings in attendance. Harrison watched Reece’s eyes follow Levi, and the pain he saw within them was evident. He had to think of something to make Levi appreciate the woman who loved him. Harrison was certain Reece would soon grow tired of the man Levi was proving himself to be these days. Ending his relationship with Isabelle was the start of Levi claiming his life as his own, and now it was playing out all over again. Reece didn’t stand a chance of Levi falling in love with her as long as he remained in this state, and Harrison knew it.

  He reached for Angeline’s hand and drew her arm up into his as he respectfully dismissed themselves from the group. He walked her out to the center of the ballroom floor, and the music began to play. As they had every night of the festivities, Harrison held Angeline in proper dancing form as the guests stood around watching them open up the final celebration with their dance.

  “Harry, please forgive me, as I know this is not my business, but my heart is breaking for Reece and Levi,” Angeline said sadly.

  Harrison smiled sympathetically down at her. “I have been trying to stay out of it, but nothing good is coming out of that.”

  “How can Levi not find love with her again?” Angeline whispered. “It is so bizarre to watch him care nothing of her anymore. He was so taken with her before, and I was sure he would’ve easily seen why, even if he had no memories of her.”

  “Angie, Levi is a much different person right now. His outlook on everything is different, but I believe I must step in and show him how spectacular his wife is.”

  Angie softly laughed. “How do you plan on doing that, my darling husband?”

  Harrison chuckled and kissed her forehead. “You, Levi, and all of these arrogant kings are about to see.”

  He had ended their dance before the music had finished, causing the room to grow quiet as everyone brought their attention to Angeline and Harrison in confusion and speculation. Harrison lifted her chin and tenderly kissed her lips.

  When he withdrew, Angeline’s cheeks were lightly colored, and she gazed at him, feigning reproach. “Must you insist upon kissing me every time you are assured everyone is watching us?”

  “Yes. And,” Harrison laughed and kissed her again, “my lovely Angeline, get used to it. You have known me for many years, and you understand very well that I do not follow all of the rules.” He drew her arm up into his. “Now, allow me a moment so that I may prove myself even more unruly of Pemdas’ proper customs.”

  He guided Angeline over to where Lizzy, Isabelle, and Reece stood wearing speculative expressions. He reached for Reece’s hand. “Mrs. Oxley, I believe it is time to introduce to our Pemdai customs a new and intriguing dance style.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Just follow my lead.”

  Reece hesitantly placed her hand in his as he led her over to where the musicians were. “Harrison, what new dance style are you talking about? I never learned how to square dance, so if that’s your big play, you’re going to be disappointed,” she whispered.

  “Then I suppose I shall have to go with plan B. Perhaps the tango—”

  “Tango?” Reece blurted out, yet maintained her composure. “Harrison, no way. You have lost your mind. I haven’t danced the tango since—”

  Harrison laughed. “Your dance classes on Earth! You certainly had a knack for it in those days, didn’t you?”

  Reece w
ent to break free of his grip, but Harrison held her tighter. He looked at the musicians and instructed them to start their music off slow and gradually increase the tempo. He brought Reece to the center of the floor, where everyone in attendance had gathered to witness what was taking place.

  “My beautiful wife, Angie and I are honored and grateful for all of your support of our union. As you all may know, His Imperial Highness and his lovely bride were not as fortunate to enjoy the customs of Pemdas in celebrating their union. Most of you all are well aware that Levi and Reece put their love and their lives on hold to face a daring recovery mission for our emperor. I know there are some in this room that has not had the luxury of meeting Her Imperial Highness, Lady Reece Oxley, yet, but you know of her heritage and where she is from. Levi and I were very fortunate to have received the highest honor a Guardian can receive, and that was to protect her while she was on Earth. I have no doubt that no one was happier than he when we were forced to bring her to Pemdas for her protection,” he said with a wink, as some in the crowd laughed. “With that said, Reece and I have a special treat for you all. We shall introduce one of the customs of dancing that some on Earth delight in or enjoy watching for entertainment.”

  Reece’s face was pale with embarrassment. “Harrison! Please, don’t do this to me.”

  “Relax.” He brought her into position and lowered his voice. “Now, you may not have full use of those Olteniaus genes that you possess, but maybe the child within you can force some super powers to your brain and you can remember all your dance moves.”

  “Harrison, no—no!” She gripped his hand tightly. “This is insane.” Her eyes were like flint when they met his. “YOU are insane.”

  “Reece,” Harrison smiled, “do you want Levi back or not? What happened to that confident young woman from Earth that did not care what anyone thought of her? Now, I suggest that you start inwardly begging that unborn child of yours to start helping you out so that you can keep up with my superb dancing skills.”

  The music picked up, and Reece fell into step with Harrison. Her brilliant eyes sparkled as she laughed along with him at the challenges he offered her as they danced. Somehow, she was gaining the ability to keep up with Harrison and dance flawlessly with him. To Harrison’s surprise, the room began to fill with cheer as the people of Pemdas were enjoying the entertainment. Now, all that was left was to see the effect that this was having on his cousin.

  Levi was in awe of the performance. Their dance was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. It was impeccable, and she was remarkable with her talent. Even though this was not a traditional dance for those in Pemdas, it was an incredible performance, and Levi was more than impressed with the presentation from both Harrison and Reece.

  “She is a lovely young woman, Your Highness,” King Maxen said as he walked up to Levi and stood next to him.

  Levi sighed. There is no telling what this man ever thought of me taking Reece as my wife.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” he answered, hoping the man would remain quiet and allow him the luxury of enjoying the beauty of Reece dancing.

  “I have learned you have no memory of her?” he said in a quiet voice. “It must be difficult for you to learn you married such a woman.”

  “The entire experience has been difficult for me, sir. If I may be so bold, exactly what point are you trying to make? I must advise you to make it quickly because I will not tolerate underhanded words about me or my wife.”

  “It is remarkable to hear you are still defending her, she is most fortunate in that regard. Have you ever questioned the reasons as to why there was no celebration of your union with this woman? Regardless of what Harrison proclaimed, I must admit that there was considerable speculation.”

  Levi gazed darkly at the man and ignored his father’s approach to his side. “You, sir, should guard your words when speaking to me. I may have lost my memories, but I have not forgotten who I am, and I will not allow such gossip to be spoken about my wife or me. You are completely out of line addressing me in such a manner.”

  “Levi? Maxen!” Navarre said, halting Levi from saying any more.

  “Forgive me, Father. I am in need of some fresh air.”

  With that, Levi turned and left the large dance hall. Harrison and Reece had finished their dance just as he disappeared out of the room. Levi trusted Harrison would care for her in his absence because as of now, he needed out of that room. He strode briskly into the courtyard and sought refuge in an isolated area that overlooked the glimmering lake. He sat on a bench and dropped his head into his hands unable to appreciate the views before him.

  Was Reece really worth all of this to him? King Maxen was an arrogant man, to say the least, but he never gave Navarre any trouble. Aside from Sandari, his kingdom was one of the finest in all of Pemdas, and it gave Navarre the least cause for concern. This man had presumably taken issue with Levi and Reece, which, in turn, brought issue to his father as emperor. How many others out there felt this way? Why did Levi not abide by what his duties commanded him? Why is it that Harrison found a proper wife, yet Levi somehow went outside of what Pemdas expected of him? Questions lined up one by one, ready again to torment his mind and change his view of Reece as his wife. If this all hadn’t felt so real, Levi would be begging himself to wake up from this nightmare.


  How did she find me here? he thought in utter annoyance as he rose up when Isabelle approached him.

  She sat on the bench, prompting Levi to sit next to her. He looked over at Isabelle and strangely could not pull his eyes from her.

  “Isabelle, please, I need to be alone.”

  She brought her hand to his face. “You appeared to be somewhat offended over Reece and Harrison’s display. I will admit that even though most everyone in the room enjoyed it, I was quite offended.” She softly laughed. “However, we all know Harrison enjoys being rebellious at times, but Reece? I am unsure why she would enter into such a provocative way of dancing.”

  Levi said nothing. Of course, Isabelle would be offended…she was a formal woman with a royal heritage. She was the woman Pemdas required him to make their empress.

  “Levi, you appear to be in turmoil. Are you still upset over your marriage to Reece?”

  “I am unsure as to why you would believe that,” he managed.

  “You are still in love with me, Levi,” she softly said. “I know so because I am still in love with you.”

  Was she right about him? He didn’t know. At this moment, for some strange reason, he felt Isabelle may be correct. But when he was with Reece, his emotions would react so wildly that he believed he may love her instead. It was a never ending battle of torment.

  Why can’t I just guard on Earth and leave all of this behind me? he thought, annoyed that his entire life now revolved around women and love, none of which he was ready for. I need to get out of here, and now.

  To his complete shock, and before Levi could make a proper exit, her lips were on his. Everything was wrong about this, but something about it also seemed right. Why couldn’t Levi push her away, at least for Reece’s sake or for Tomas’ sake? She deepened their kiss, which was not like Isabelle. Isabelle rarely kissed him in such a way, and even still, he could not find a way to remove her from him. He absently kissed her in return as millions of confused thoughts came swarming into his mind.

  This needs to stop, he thought as he abruptly stood, causing Isabelle to fall over.

  As he spun around to face Isabelle, he saw Reece standing near the hedges that surrounded the secluded bench, frozen in shock.

  “Reece! Please—” Levi stammered as Isabelle shot up from the bench, face red with shame and embarrassment.

  “Don’t say another word, Levi,” Reece snapped as she slowly walked closer, her eyes darting from Levi to Isabelle with disgust. “The only reason I am at this estate is because of the promise you made me, Levi. You begged me to come! I have made myself vulnerable to you time and time again sin
ce you’ve lost your memories only to have my heart crushed repeatedly. I cannot control your heart or your actions, but I can control mine, and I will not be put in a position to be treated so insignificantly again.” Her jaw clenched. “You, Levi Oxley, are not the man I married. I no longer have sympathy for your situation, and I am sick of trying to make this work with whoever you are now.”

  “Please, understand that—” Isabelle began to mumble.

  “I am doing the talking, Isabelle,” Reece said crossly as she turned her attention to the flustered woman. “I’m not sure what made you think it would be a good idea to kiss my husband, but I can assure you that when you tell Tomas about this, he will not be pleased. Levi has lost nine years of his life, and you have selfishly taken advantage of that. Your part in this is reprehensible, and I hope your husband is willing to forgive you. I, on the other hand, have no desire to see your face ever again.”

  Reece stared into Levi’s shame-filled eyes as she lifted her chin. “As you know, we depart for Pasidian in the morning. Until then, please make arrangements to stay in a different room. I do not wish to be in your presence. Goodnight.”

  Reece spun on her heel and walked briskly through the courtyard to return to her rooms.

  Levi couldn’t let it end like this, and without a glance back at Isabelle, he rushed through the courtyard and caught Reece by the arm. She turned and jerked her arm out of his grip.

  “Get your hands off me,” she snapped.

  She turned to leave, and Levi felt an overwhelming surge within him to stop her.

  You cannot lose her, a voice deep within him resounded.


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