The New Angondra Complete Series

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The New Angondra Complete Series Page 49

by Ruth Anne Scott


  “Thanks Eden.”

  “Bye Gyyx.”

  He left and shut the door. Then he ran home to his mate. Hopefully the girls really knew what they were doing. She’d probably be more comfortable if the things she had fit her. She was pretty tiny compared to both of the others.

  He went inside his cabin and went straight to his room. He heard sobbing and dropped the bag on the bed. He shoved the door opened and pulled the shower curtain open without even bothering to announce himself. He wasn’t quiet so she didn’t freak out. Instead he saw his mate curled up on the floor of the shower sobbing.

  He didn’t care about getting wet as he crowded inside of the stall and wrapped his arms around her holding her. She shook and shivered. Her body was freezing.

  “Sweetheart what’s wrong?”

  She shook her head frantically. “I’m not ready to talk about it.”

  He knew better than to push so he let it go for the time being. “That’s fine but whenever you are I’m all ears, okay?”

  She sniffed and nodded before putting on a fake smile. He wiped beneath her eyes and kissed her cheek.

  “No need to pretend with me. I can feel your pain.”

  She paled. “Sorry, it’s just hard ya know. I lived every day in fear, and when I realized you left, it freaked me out.”

  Gyyx growled. “I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone.”

  “No it’s all right. You needed to get me stuff to wear, and I know you weren’t gone long. It’s just—next time I have to go with you.”

  “Of course you can go with me next time, Leia. I won’t leave you alone again. Until you feel comfortable. I’m sorry.”

  Gyyx scooped her into his arms and stepped out dripping water everywhere but he didn’t care as he yanked the towel she’d picked out and covered her shaking body.

  “The girls went sort of crazy. I hope everything fits you, and that you have everything you needed. Eden said they got everything.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I’m sure it’s perfect.”

  He set her on her feet and brushed her cheek. “I’m just going to figure out what to feed you while you’re getting dressed and stuff.”

  Her eyes widened in panic and her small hand clutched his arm. “Not leaving though?”

  “No, not leaving.”

  She relaxed, and he left her next to her bag and went to the kitchen to get her some food. He knew she had to be starving.

  He chose fruit and cheeses and poured two glasses of ice water. He placed everything on the tray and carried it to his room. Leia had slipped into a light sleeveless dress that dipped low revealing her small perky breasts. She was standing in front of the mirror with frown.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart? You look beautiful.”

  “I’m too skinny.”

  “No you’re perfect.”

  She spun around and faced him. “I’m not, but thank you for thinking so.”

  Just then her stomach rumbled and she blushed before going back to sit on the bed. He could see how hungry she was.

  When Gyyx set the tray in front of her she went to grab the food. He grabbed her hand in his. “Don’t eat too fast or you’ll make yourself sick.”

  “I won’t.”

  He sat next to her watching her eat. She didn’t seem to mind him staring, and she devoured the plate. Even eating slowly everything disappeared quickly. When she shoved the tray away Gyyx ate what was left. He was happy to see her smile.

  “Thank you. Now we can go meet everyone?”

  “I was hoping to talk first. I know you’re not ready to talk about your imprisonment, but tell me about you.”

  She settled back against the pillows and nodded. “Okay sure. There isn’t much about me. Not anything exciting or anything. Actually my life is probably quite boring compared to yours.”

  “I doubt I will find anything about you boring Leia.”

  It was true; he found her fascinating even over the smallest things. Like how she took a cube of cheese and broke it in half again with her fingers before eating it. Or how she rolled her eyes every time he gave her a compliment, and in the next breath she would blush and thank him. She had so many layers and he wanted to peel each and every one of them back to see who Leia was inside and out.

  Chapter 5

  I wasn’t used to people being interested in me. I was the girl that always got overlooked. He was so sweet and attractive, and I was just me. I didn’t think I was ugly or anything, but I had a past I wasn’t proud of, and one that probably wasn’t very deserving of the warrior’s love. He sat on the bed waiting for me to give him anything, but I was afraid. So instead of opening up I decided distraction was the best bet. I would tell him soon, but I wanted to enjoy him before I told him the truth and saw the look of disgust on his face. I wasn’t ready for that. Not from him. I think I would probably break when he knew who I was.

  I knelt and went in front of him. Right away his huge hands gripped my hips and when I leaned in to kiss him his eyes shut. My lips covered his, and I kissed him with everything I had. I wanted to distract him. I was good at the intimate aspects; it was the talking and the getting to know each other that I wasn’t so good at.

  He groaned into my mouth when I ran my tongue over his in a slow enticing way. I showed him how much I cared without words. When he pulled me closer I straddled his lap and one of his hands slid up my thigh under the dress. My legs were already spread for him, and when his finger grazed me he ripped his mouth from mine and stared at me with bright orange eyes.

  “No fucking panties?”

  I blushed and shrugged. “Not here, with you.”

  “My god.”

  I brushed my lips over his and smirked. “That’s a good thing right. This way you can take me anytime you want without having that tiny fabric in the way.”

  I felt his intake of breath and in the next his slid his finger inside of me. “I like that sweetheart, but you are never allowed to leave here without your panties, got it?”

  I moaned and bit my lip before I nodded. “Yes, Gyyx.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice. Something about him ordering me around while thrusting his finger inside of me like he would be doing with his cock turned me on more than I thought possible. He sped up and I rode his finger, then there was two stretching me for him. I gasped and kept moving.

  “Good girl.” Then his lips were on mine, demanding and hard. They punished me in an oh so pleasant way. I whimpered when I climaxed and grinded against him as my body shook with such force I nearly toppled. I felt his breathing pick up when my inner muscles clenched around him. He pulled his fingers out and pulled back from kissing me. They glistened with proof of my release and he growled as his eyes glowed brighter than I’d seen them.

  He sucked one finger, then the next into his mouth, the whole time keeping his eyes locked with mine. I pulled one of his fingers and licked it too. He smirked and slammed me against the bed. My dress was shoved up above my waist, and then I felt the wet tip of his erection poised to enter me.

  “Make love to me, Gyyx,” I said.

  His eyes still bright softened and his smile went from seductive to sweet. “Whatever you want sweetheart,” he said and slid into me. It was agonizingly slow and I felt every inch of him take me.

  When he reached the hilt and held sill caging me with his arms I wriggled my body until the tip hit that one special spot and I whimpered. He watched me and when he realized what I was doing he took over hitting my g-spot over and over again making me shatter before he even began.

  I came with a scream that could be heard for miles and held on to him. “Now Gyyx.”

  He nodded and kissed me before slamming into me. He rode me hard again, just like before, but something was different about it. He seemed to be in complete control this time, and I realized he was the type of man who liked to play rough…

  Well I was a woman who played rough.
Making love didn’t have to be soft. I liked feeling the pressure of him inside of me. I loved feeling every ridge of his cock rubbing against my inner walls. I loved the sound of flesh slapping flesh and the scent of passionate sex in the air and my head banging against the headboard because of the force of our love making. It was raw, passionate, and real.

  My eyes rolled back, and I anchored my legs around him holding on for dear life as he rammed into me. It was so good that the sounds coming from my lips were unintelligible. I muttered and gasped and yelled digging my nails roughly into the flesh of his arms. He grunted when I drew blood but that did nothing more but turn him on more.

  He rocked into me, and when I squeezed his erection with my inner walls forcing his climax he buried his face into my neck and bit me—hard. I yelped and had my third orgasm as he spilled his seed inside of me.

  His body rocked unstable against mine and he shook. His body was slick with sweat and so was mine. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close as he slowed to a stop. His breathing was heavy and he didn’t move for a few minutes as I rubbed his back.

  When he pulled his head away he looked confused. “Who are you?”

  I tried to smile and shrugged. “I’m your mate.”

  He chuckled. “You’re fucking amazing.”

  Again I blushed. He probably wouldn’t think so once he knew of my past. I’d managed to dodge the questions I knew were coming—for now.

  “Are you hurting though? I was a little too rough again.”

  I kissed his lips softly. “I love it. I’m not hurting, and you weren’t too rough. It was just right. I love the rawness in you Gyyx, it’s so sexy.” It really was. I’d never liked sissy men, and getting a mate like Gyyx was perfect. He was the perfect amount of sweet and hard. He treated me like a princess and in the bedroom…well I definitely wasn’t a princess.

  Chapter 6

  She certainly knew how to dodge talking. Gyyx had never met a woman who liked to play the way he did. He didn’t expect his tiny little mate to be able to handle him that way, but she proved a second time that she not only could handle it, but she seemed to prefer it. He loved how her body reacted to his, and even though she was small she could certainly take a lot.

  He loved everything about her, but he had a feeling the reason why she distracted him from talking was because there was something about her past she wasn’t proud of, but he didn’t care about that. He would never judge her based of things she had already done. To him past mistakes were what made the person. Everyone made mistakes; it was how those mistakes affected their lives afterward that mattered.

  He lay next to her slowing his breathing. Her small hand rubbed his chest, and he picked it up and brought it to his lips kissing her knuckles.

  “I know what you did Leia, and it’s okay. You’re not ready to talk yet.”

  He looked at her as she paled. “I’m sorry. There are some things in my past I’m not proud of. I’m not ready to see your shame.”

  He tensed when he saw a tear slide down her cheek.

  “Oh sweetheart, I would never be ashamed of you. No matter what you think you did that was so horrible, that is in your past. Everyone has to make mistakes in their life to grow. There are a lot of things I’ve done, that I’m not too proud of myself. Everyone does it.”

  She wiped at her eyes and nodded. “My past wasn’t too long ago though. Before I was taken it was still a part of who I was. In a way those things that took me, saved me from myself.”

  Gyyx growled. He hated knowing that she was ever taken. “How long did they have you?”

  She closed her eyes and licked her lips. “57 days. One of them had a thing about counting the days.” She shrugged. “I didn’t care after a while. It was my punishment. That’s what they told me. It was like they knew all of my secrets. I had gone numb.”

  “Oh sweetheart, nothing you ever did could have deserved being kidnapped by those slimy monsters.” He hated how down she was. There was something that happened she wasn’t proud of; he would prove to her he didn’t care as soon as she told him what it was she thought was so bad. In the meantime, he didn’t pry. “The Klimnu are smart bastards. We have been struggling with their attacks for years. They are always ahead of us. We got lucky to burn that prison in the Wastelands down. My brothers have been patrolling more. We aren’t letting them take any more of our women. They attacked Eden, took Eliana, and now you. It’s getting ridiculous.”

  She nodded and laid her head on his chest. “I did things to survive, but that’s no excuse for liking what I did.”

  He kept his mouth shut and ran his fingers though strands of her hair hoping she would keep talking. She did and it killed him not to interrupt and wipe away the tears he felt drip on his bare chest.

  “My father kicked me out when I was 17. Mom had just passed away and he couldn’t cope. He got drunk and he got mean. More times than not he used his fists instead of his words to show me just how angry he was. I left and was on the streets. I wasn’t dressed provocatively or anything, but I was walking in a bad part of town. It was where the hookers did their thing. One of the men stopped me and offered me a place to stay and warmth. I only had to do everything he said. At that point it was freezing cold so I agreed without even realizing what I was getting myself into. Or maybe I did.

  “For months he used me and my body in any way he chose. In reward he pampered me, and at first I hadn’t realized he’d been drugging me. It was when I told him I was too tired that the withdrawals came. It was then I knew he was using drugs to keep me. I had no idea I was an addict until he took them away. I went crazy, and he kicked me to the curb. I was used and abused.

  The story could go on forever. I was with several different men who did the same thing, but it seemed to be something I couldn’t get away from. The last man though he hurt me physically, and I ran away. It was then I met an elder woman who ran the bakery. She gave me food and gave me a place to stay. She is the one who helped me get clean and off of the streets. That was right before I was taken.” She sobbed. “She probably thinks I went back, but I was enrolled in college, working at her bakery. I was really getting my life together.”

  “That’s why I was coming here actually. I’m an artist, and I was supposed to be the first student here. I don’t know if you know about the program, your dad arranged with our college to send one student every semester to study the lands and learn about your culture. I was the first, but I got intercepted.”

  Gyyx was tense. All the things she had just laid on him confused him. Why would anyone give their body away to people who hurt them? He didn’t think lower of her, it just surprised him. He didn’t understand women from Earth. They were so different than Denynso women. They were more emotional and reactive. He licked his lips. “Yeah, we thought the college changed their mind since no one showed up. We haven’t been able to get in contact with the administrator or anything.”

  She sat up and watched him weary as if she were waiting for him to say something horrible about her not so recent past. He wouldn’t. She made decisions to survive. He had no idea what living on Earth was like. He didn’t know what it was like to be shoved to the street by someone who was supposed to love him. “I don’t think any differently about you sweetheart.”

  Her eyes widened and she sobbed covering her face with her tiny hands. It was the most heartbreaking thing he had ever seen. She was so ashamed of herself. He could feel her self-hate, and he wanted to wash it all away. He would too. He would love her the way she deserved, and he would help her love herself as well as love him.

  Chapter 7

  Didn’t he hear a word I said? It was strange; I could feel his love and affection grow. He didn’t look at me with disgust. He did look sad, but not because of the choices I made. Maybe it was more because of the choices that I thought I had to make. I needed to survive, and then once I realized how stupid I was, it was too late. I was sucked into the life on the street. I lived it and bre
athed it. I’d learned a lot, and I had suffered a lot. After the nearly five years it was hard to go straight and narrow. I’d been clean for a couple of months before I was picked to be a foreign exchange student as part of the Uoria Program.

  “I thought maybe getting away from all the problems for three months would help me heal. I thought I would save me from myself.”

  “It was smart, but apparently we need to watch incoming ships from now on. We need to make sure everyone who is supposed to be here is accounted for, and we need to keep better communication with those we interact with from your home.”

  “It’s not your fault you know.”

  “It is though. How did we not know we were missing someone? If we would have known, you wouldn’t have been held for two months. How the hell didn’t I know? You’re my mate for fuck’s sake. I should have sensed you sooner.”

  I pulled him to me. He was angry with himself. “Hey, it’s not your fault. Now you know those—Klimnu are even sneakier than you thought. Now you know you need to have more warriors guarding the area and up your security. It’s not a big deal. I survived.”

  He shook his head. “No thanks to us. If it weren’t for Eliana saving you…”

  I kissed him to shut him up. I wouldn’t let him beat himself up over a mistake. He didn’t judge me for my past stupidity so I could forgive him and his species for not realizing I was supposed to be studying their land. It was a mistake I knew they wouldn’t ever let happen again.

  He kissed me back slowly at first until I nipped his lip then he added more pressure. I knew my lips would be bruised and swollen but I loved it. He pulled back before we ended up staying in bed all day.

  “I want to know more than just your body, Leia.”

  The words froze me. I pulled back with a dazed expression. I hadn’t realized what I was doing until that moment. I was treating him how I did with the other men. I thought I always had to be sexual. That wasn’t my life anymore. “It’s going to take some getting used to,” I whispered and blushed.


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