Mine (Citrione Crime Family #2)

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Mine (Citrione Crime Family #2) Page 5

by Penelope Bloom

  I grit my teeth, finger tensing around the trigger as I come within millimeters of ending

  this cocksucker. But I don’t. I can’t say what it is. Maybe it’s just how bad I want to make her mine. Maybe not. For all I know, it’s just bullshit. Maybe when I finally get between her legs, I’ll be bored and want to toss her aside like all the women before, but I’m not so sure anymore, and that scares me.

  I get off him, gripping his shirt and pulling back my arm as if to break his face with the gun, but I relax, even if my face is still twitching with rage. What kind of message is this going to send? Damian Citrione gets tailed by two Riccis and he lets them walk? Every asshole in the city is going to think they have free license to spy on me and only risk losing a few teeth or a finger.

  It’s stupid as hell, and I know it, but it doesn’t change what I’m going to do. I walk away from brick-jaw, who’s still squirming on the ground trying to find all the pieces of his teeth. I turn my back on the killer, who looks more like a beaten dog than anything else. I get back in the car and slam the door, waiting for Callie to get in. She sits down, face stony and hard.

  “I can’t believe you,” she says.

  “You want me to just say how’s it fucking going? Nice of you to tail me today?”

  “So you nearly killed them just because they followed you? What kind of person does that? How did you even know they were following you before you punched through the fucking window?”

  The darkening sky flashes white and a few seconds later, a thunder splits the silence, cracking sharp at first and dying in a growl of low rumbles. Rain patters on the windshield.

  “I can’t take risks right now,” I say.

  “So what if you decide I’m a risk? Are you going to shove a gun down my throat?”

  I purse my lips thoughtfully. “It’s not my gun that I want to shove down your throat.”

  She glares. “I’m not playing.”

  “I’d never do anything to hurt you. Not unless you wanted it.”

  Her eyebrows pull together. “Why would I want you to hurt me?”

  “People think pain and pleasure are opposites, but they’re not. They are compliments, just like hot and cold. Get out of a hot tub and jump into a pool—it’ll feel a hell of a lot colder. You don’t know how good fucking can feel unless you’ve mixed it with a little pain. I’ll show you soon.”

  Callie tries to turn away before I can see how she bites her lip, but she’s not quick enough. My cock stiffens. She wants it. I know she does. Still, she has her arms crossed and from the look on her face, she’s pissed at me. Oh well. I know how to cure that.



  The rain is pouring down hard and the sky is black. Blinding flashes of white cast the countryside in sharp relief, emphasizing how alone we are out here. I don’t know my way around the area to begin with, so I’m far beyond lost. Being lost with Damian feels terrifying and thrilling at the same time. I knew he was dangerous, I just didn’t expect to see it. I think the part that scares me most is how the violence only draws me to him more, making me want to help him, to fix him. I can see a good person somewhere inside him, deep inside, but I think he’s on a path to bury that goodness once and for all. Unless I can help.

  It looks like we’re in the country, which is surprisingly beautiful, even in the tumult of the storm. He pulls off on a small dirt road that cuts between farmhouses and huge plots of land. He turns through an open fence and drives across an overgrown field, parking the Camaro in the grass beneath a huge tree with a trunk at least three times thicker than a normal tree. Lightning illuminates the sky and I see that we’re in the middle of a rolling field about a mile away from a small farmhouse and the main road, nestled between trees on every side.

  He puts the car in park and relaxes into his seat. Without the sound of the engine roaring, I can hear the rain patter against the roof and an occasional rumble of thunder roll through the hills.

  “Where are we?” I ask. The truth is that I don’t care. Every time I’m with Damian, I feel my problems fade into background noise. It’s like he’s so intense and so present that there’s no space for anything else. The same intensity that draws me to him is also what scares me. I just saw who he really was back there. He would’ve killed those men. The thought sends a shiver through me.

  “I used to come here before I went to prison. When I felt like getting away, I’d come up here and just let it all fall away.”

  “Prison? What for?”

  A darkness settles into his features that has nothing to do with the storm clouds outside. “For trusting the wrong person.”

  The silence that follows stretches until I realize he’s not going to say anything more on the subject. I clear my throat. “So you just came out here by yourself? I didn’t take you for the silent, thinking type.”

  “That shit you saw back there? I don’t enjoy that. It’s part of the business, though. Anybody who says it doesn’t get to them is full of shit.”

  “The restaurant business?” I ask. Why is my heart pounding like crazy? Why am I so scared to ask that question even though I know the answer?

  He thinks for a moment, long enough for a bolt of lightning to illuminate his gorgeous features. “Guys in my line of work don’t bring women into it, Callie. It’s safer that way.”

  “Too late. You just nearly murdered two guys in front of me. I’d say you already brought me in.” I wish I could say the words without a ball of fear writhing in my chest.

  He smirks. “You have a point. Just—look, the less you know the better. Those were some guys from out of town that are bad news. They work for a guy who’s even worse news. I didn’t give them anything worse than they probably give on a weekly basis. Assholes, both of them. Don’t worry about them.”

  “You shot one of them,” I say. A voice in the back of my head is telling me to drop it, telling me this man beside me in the car is just as dangerous as he is beautiful. I should just let it go and take his excuses.

  “You saw that, then? I wondered.”

  “What, do you think I was checking my phone while you were in the middle of a gun fight in a fucking suburban neighborhood?”

  How can he look so smug? So arrogant? He just shrugs at me, still giving me that irresistible and infuriating look.

  “What if I had called the cops on you?” I ask.

  He leans forward, snapping to face me as his features harden. “What did you say?”

  “I didn’t—” I stammer. God, Callie. Did you really just imply that you might call the cops on a guy who carries a gun in his glove compartment and attacks people for following him?

  “Don’t ever talk about the cops. Do you understand?”

  I nod my head, unable to look away from him.

  “You don’t have to be afraid of me, but if you start talking like that around some of the guys I know, it wouldn’t end well.”

  “I’m just confused. All of this is so bizarre. I don’t even know what I’m saying or thinking half the time.”

  He looks thoughtful. “You know what always calmed me down when I was a kid?”


  He smirks at me and then steps out of the car and into the rain. “I think I just need to get you a little wetter to clear your mind.” He jogs in front of the car, heading for my door.

  I scramble for the locks, laughing when I realize what he’s trying to do. He pulls on the handle and his smirk widens when he realizes I’ve locked him out. The rain is soaking his clothes through almost immediately and flattening his hair against his head. He digs in his pocket and holds up something I can’t quite see. Lightning flashes and I catch the glint of something metallic. I try to crawl to the driver seat to escape him, but he’s able to pick the lock in a few seconds, opening the door and grabbing my leg before I can get away. He yanks me toward him.

  I feel my skirt ride up as he does, and I’m thankful it’s so dark in the storm because I just wore white cotton panties and he would�
��ve just gotten an eyeful. He scoops me up with a strong arm under my midsection, standing me up gently, then shutting the door. He’s completely soaked. He looks amazing, even with his hair plastered to his head and dripping. The white button-down shirt he wears might as well be transparent as it clings to the peaks and valleys of his muscled torso. A tight sense of excitement grows in my chest as I look at him.

  The rain soaks through my clothes almost instantly. Even under the tree, thick rivulets of water pour down on us. I find a spot where a thick branch overhead blocks most of the water. He moves in so close that the water dripping from his nose lands between my breasts, sending a cold chill down my torso. I bite my lip, unable to look away from him.

  “When I was a kid,” he says, voice soft but full of gravel. “I used to walk out in storms like this and just run. I’d find a road or a field and run until my legs gave out and all I could do was lay there and look up. I guess I was daring the storm to take me down. You know? Strike me down. Besides, it felt good. It’s hard to focus on all the shit in your life when it’s just you and nature.”

  I smile. “That’s beautiful.”

  He leans closer. “You are too.”

  I laugh. “Don’t get cheesy.”

  “What’s on your mind?” he asks. “Is it that asshole who came by Vince’s place?”

  I look down. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

  “Then stop thinking about him.”

  “It’s not that easy.”

  He grins, turning to gesture to the open field where the storm still rages. “Let’s go for a run then.”

  “Are you crazy?” I ask. “I’m pretty sure the best way to get struck by lightning is running out in the middle of an open field.” Then again, so is standing under a big ass tree, but for some reason I don’t want to get back in the car.

  He jingles a set of keys in front of my face. My keys. I snatch for them, but he pulls them back. He turns, winds up, and throws them impossibly far into the darkness. “Damn,” he says, stepping forward and putting his arm on the tree beside my head. “I guess you have to decide if you want to risk the lightning or risk staying here with me until the storm passes.”

  I swallow hard, painfully aware that if I just leaned forward a few inches my lips would be against his. “You said I didn’t have to be afraid of you.”

  “I said I wouldn’t hurt you. I never said you shouldn’t be afraid of me.”

  “Why should I be afraid?”

  “Because I want you, and I get what I want.”

  His lips crash into mine as lightning sets the night ablaze. The sounds of the storm dull in my ears and every nerve in my body attunes to him. I can smell his scent, a woodsy, fresh smell that I can’t get enough of. My hands explore his broad back, nails digging into the endless peaks and ridges of his muscles. He presses his body against mine, the force amplified by thunder booming through the night. I wrap my legs around him, winding my arms behind his neck and letting his powerful arms lift me from the ground and spin me around.

  He carries me to the still running car and lays me down on the hood. The warmth of the metal and vibration of the engine hum through me. Damian positions himself between my legs, looking down at me like a vengeful god. Lightning splits the sky behind him, silhouetting his powerful frame as he rips his shirt off and unbuckles his belt.

  Am I really letting this happen? I’ve only ever been with Greg, and I made him wait years before he even got to see me naked. Now I’ve known this guy less than a week and I’m about to let him fuck me in on top of his muscle car in the middle of a storm? Maybe I am. It’s not something the old Callie would do. It’s not something Greg’s accessory would do. Maybe I don’t want to be the old Callie anymore. I want to be someone new, someone who didn’t waste half of her life with a piece of shit who can’t keep his dick in his pants.

  Damian puts his hands on my thighs and then pauses. “Fuck.” he says.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I don’t have a condom.”

  Maybe it’s the storm or the completely crazy few days I’ve had or it’s just how unbelievably bad I want him inside me, but I know one thing—I need this. And I need it now. “I don’t care. Just fuck me. Fuck me and pull out—come on me, mark me.”

  The look on his face is feral as he pulls my soaked skirt down and lifts my shirt off. He takes his time, rubbing his hands over my body. The car’s headlights cast two long beams of light that are cut by the hundreds of streaking lines of rain. Lightning and thunder still rage all around us, and I feel myself getting completely lost in the moment. My back arcs when his hands find my breasts. He rubs them through my wet bra and then undoes it, freeing them and moving his focus to my panties.

  “You’re fucking incredible,” he growls through gritted teeth.

  I lift my head to watch him. The sight of Damian over my naked flesh sends such a thrill through me that I almost grab his face and press it into my waiting heat.



  My cock is about to fucking burst from the need to get inside her, but I want her taste just as much. I grab her panties and tear them off of her, shredding the material like wet paper.

  “God,” she sighs, leaning her head back and pushing herself up toward me.

  She fucking loves it.

  I hook my arms around her thighs and pull her closer to the edge of the car so I can lean down to reach her perfect pussy. The only problem with fucking in the middle of a rainstorm is that the rain has washed away most of her taste, but she’s still incredible. I take her clit between my lips and tease it with my tongue, sliding along her folds. Callie bucks into me, rubbing herself against my mouth hungrily. She wants it so bad. She’ll get it, but she’s going to get it as fast or as slow as I want to give it. Lucky for her, I can’t remember the last time I’ve wanted to fuck this badly. Hell, I don’t know that I ever have.

  I use my fingers to work her clit while I circle her entrance with my tongue, driving the length of it inside her and loving every second of it. I work every part of her, moving just before it gets too sensitive and finding a rhythm that keeps her gasping and digging her heels into my back.

  Hard rain slams into me as the night cries out with her. I roam my hungry hands across her body, unable to satisfy the ravenous need swelling inside me. I’ve never wanted it this badly, never felt this good before.

  When I can tell she’s about to cum, I stand. She gives me an incredulous look, but I wave my finger at her.

  “You get to cum when I’m ready for you to cum. Do you understand?”

  The way she nods her head and locks those big, doe eyes on mine is so fucking sexy. I lean down and kiss her, making sure she gets a taste of how delicious her pussy is before the rain washes it off me.

  I reach under her hips and flip her over so that her ass faces me. I take a step back, admiring for as long as I can before my need to be inside her overcomes everything else. She’s so perfect. She has curves in all the right places. I’ve never understood guys who go after model thin women or pushovers. Give me a woman who’s soft in the right places and knows how to hold her own in a conversation and I’m happy. Something about Callie has me firing on all cylinders. I don’t know if it’s those wide hips or the way she bites that thick lip of hers when she’s turned on, or the way she likes to challenge and test me. Hell, it’s probably all of that. I’ve never met a woman like her. I’ve never fucked a woman like her.

  With both hands on her hips, I pull her toward me, thrusting my cock into her in one swift motion. Her pussy grips me like a fucking glove. Jesus Christ. Greg must have a tiny cock, because she’s tighter than a virgin. The heat of her wrapping around my cock as I pump in and out of her is almost too much. Knowing she is letting me fuck her without a condom is such a turn on that I’m already having trouble holding my load. I drive myself inside her and bend down, gripping her face I turn her toward me so that I can taste her mouth again.

  Her warm tongue swirls in my mouth as
the rain pours down on us. My cock drives in her to the root, and her tight pussy throbs around it as I make her wait, kissing her deeply and holding her hips as she tries to move against my length. Not yet. I straighten and pull my hand back, slapping her so hard on the ass that it sounds like a thunderclap. She whips her head back, moaning into the night.


  I move my cock in her now and she shudders against me, dropping her head back below her shoulders and arching her back like a cat. I lean down to her ear and wait until the thunder dies out so I’m sure she hears me.

  “Say yellow if you want me to ease off. Red means stop. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she says breathlessly.

  I flip her over, watching as her heavy tits pillow into almost perfect spheres. I lean down, taking her nipple in my mouth as I find her entrance again with my cock. I wrap my fingers around her neck, squeezing until she has to struggle for breath. Her eyes widen slightly in panic, and I ease off for a moment, giving her a chance to safeword me if wants to, but she shakes her head slightly and then nods at me, biting her lip.

  I squeeze a little harder, starting to work myself into her and finding a rhythm. She moans, the vibrations passing through her long neck and into my fingers.

  “You like getting fucked by your boss?” I ask through gritted teeth, spraying rainwater from my soaked lips.

  “Yes,” she gasps.

  “Call me boss. Say how bad you want your boss to fuck you.”

  “Fuck me, boss. Please, Damian. Fuck me!”

  I nearly lose it. My hands tightening again around her neck. Her moans are muffled by the lack of air and the storm, but her body says it all. Her ass lifts off the car as she practically begs me to go deeper and harder. Her tits shake with every thrust of my body.

  Her pussy clenches around me as she cums, hard. I let go of her neck and watch as the flood of air makes her orgasm turn into something like she’s never felt. Her eyes go wide and she silently mouths something I can’t make out, clinging to me like the survivor of a shipwreck as the waves of her orgasm rock her to the core. Her small hand searches for my cock and strokes it fiercely as she moans into my chest. My cock pulses, spraying hot cum over her stomach.


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