Chaos: A Bad Boy Romance

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Chaos: A Bad Boy Romance Page 7

by Miranda Bee

  In prison, real men chewed up guys like that.

  I calmed down enough to actually notice that Sammy’s pajamas weren’t covering much. Her large tits nearly spilled out of the loose fitting, silk camisal. She wore these matching silky booty-shorts. I was tall enough that I could see more than she realized.

  “Since you came all this way,” she said, smiling, “you want to watch a movie with me?”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  I was excited.

  “I mean, it would be nice to have some company. I’m totally crossing the line, right?”

  “Darling, we are beyond that. All the lines that divide us are made-up, anyway.”

  I grabbed her waist and pulled her towards me, “Every line.”

  She laughed and pulled back, “Do you want something to drink?”

  “I’ll take a beer.”

  She nodded, disappearing into the kitchen and returning with two bottles.

  “Have a seat,” she motioned towards the couch.

  I licked my lips and grinned. She didn’t bother turning on any of the lamps. Maybe she’d already been drinking, or maybe she was still sleepy, but I was certain she had impure intentions for the night. Still, I wondered if I wasn’t being delusional. I wondered why she hadn’t texted me. The silence was killing me over the last few days.

  “Can I ask you why,” I paused, “You know what? Fuck it, I don’t even care.”


  She touched the top of her bottle to mine and then took a generous gulp.


  The movie was merely a prop. I couldn’t recall a single scene from it. Every moment was spent focused on releasing the tension that had grown between us. It was like letting out the carbonation in a bottle of soda after it had been shaken up. You twisted the cap open, little by little, to hear that hiss.

  She was a deeply sexual creature. She had so much to give (and so much to take). She was still too nervous to let it all out. She felt the need to hold back. I was perfectly happy to oblige her.

  She sat close to me, her thigh pressed against mine. The heat of her body was comforting. She stared straight ahead, eyes fixed on the television. She slid her hand into mine, pulling our folded hands into her lap. I didn’t feel the line of her panties, and lord help me, those silky shorts were thin enough that I should have.

  She wasn’t wearing panties.

  My cock swelled, embossed under the denim material of my jeans. My heart raced as I moved forward, sliding my hand in between her thighs. I watched her, her eyes still and fixed straight ahead. She swallowed hard as I began to massage her pussy through her silky shorts. I could tell she was wet. I couldn’t control myself. I slipped my hand past the hem of her bottoms and felt her bare sex.

  She purred. Her bright red lips parted as I increased my pace. She put her hands on mine, beckoning me deeper into the valley between her thighs. I followed her signals, dipping two fingers into her wet sex. She pushed harder, leaning her head back against the couch. Her breath picked up as I slid my fingers in and out. She was so warm, so tight.

  The fact that she wanted it drove me wild. She was so eager and open. Sammy was a woman shrouded in mystery. She seemed like the kind of woman who hid in the shadows, but for some reason, revealed herself to me.

  She gasped, again.

  I pulled her into my lap, my fingers deep inside of her. I slid my hand up her camisole and massaged her tits. They were so soft and full, with nipples standing erect to my attention. She pulled my hand out of her silk shorts and up to her other breast.

  She leaned in and kissed me. Her timid tongue sliding past my lips as she rocked her wet pussy against the tip of my cock. She ground against me. Her hungry lips crushed against mine. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer.

  “I don’t know if I can stop,” she whispered.

  “You don’t ever have to stop,” I growled, lifting my hips towards her.

  She felt good. We felt good. This was something curious to me. I never felt like this towards another woman in my entire life. I’d been with women, laughed with them, and that was it. Sammy and I had a magnetic connection.

  The light from the television reflected in her green eyes like a nebula giving birth to new stars, illuminating my insufferable darkness.

  My phone buzzed on the coffee table. I ignored it. She went to turn her head to look, but I turned her towards me.

  “It doesn’t matter,” I said.

  She kissed me again. She tangled her fingers in my beard, pulling my face closer to hers. My phone buzzed again.


  I reached across the table with her still in my lap, and her lips still on mine. We paused for a moment. It was Mathias.

  “Hey, we’ve got an emergency. Your expertise is required, ASAP. Meet me at the dump.”

  I locked my phone, stuffing it in my pocket. I kissed her and sighed.

  “You’ve got some criminal activities to pursue?” she asked, jokingly.

  “Oh, you know me,” I joked right back.

  The fact that we were parole officer and parolee was never more obvious than in that moment.

  “I’ll see you next week,” she said, sadly.

  I kissed her cheek and left.


  Mathias had a body ready for burying. ‘The Dump’ was code for transport of a dead body… to ‘the dump’. When I arrived, I saw Mathias standing next to an old, beat-up Ford and smoking a cigarette. I walked up to the truck and peered into the bed. Sure enough, there was a body wrapped in several garbage bags, fastened by duct tape around the neck, ankles, and waist.

  “One unlucky son-of-a-bitch, huh?” I joked.

  He nodded, “Well, you know the drill. Take him somewhere he can get a good view of the stars.”

  I nodded, knowing he meant to have him buried in the foothills just outside of town.

  “Who is this, anyway?”

  “You’re friend Adam. We fuckin’ got him.”

  “Well, shit. I almost feel bad it wasn’t me.”

  “See, I told you. There isn’t any schism in The Sons of the Shadow. There are no spies. We’re a family, and don’t you forget it.”

  He smiled, patting my back and handing me the keys.

  “We’ve got an officer patrolling the area you’ll be taking. He knows not to disturb you.”

  “Business as usual then?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Mathias said.

  I slapped the side of the truck, “Well Adam, let’s head on out.”

  I got in the pick-up and drove west, heading for the foothills. I tuned the radio to the local rock station and turned it up full-blast. I wondered if Sammy had any idea why they called me “The Devil’. I was positive that it was in my file. Maybe she didn’t think about it, or maybe she didn’t care. The life had its beauty in the freedom it offered, and with that freedom came brutality. It was the nature of the outlaw. I wondered if she’d think less of me.

  Chapter 11

  Sammy Wood

  Officer Opal paid me a visit at my office. My heart leapt into my throat when Sherry, the receptionist, rang my phone to ask if I had time to see him. When he walked in, my anxieties fell away. He had a smile on his face.

  “How are you doing, Ms. Wood?”

  “I’ve been okay.”

  “Have you seen the counselor we recommended?”

  I shook my head, “I’m fine. I was a little beat up, a little rattled maybe, but that is it.”

  I was rattled. I was scared. Still, I felt I could handle it. Charlie didn’t get to do what he wanted to do, and I was grateful for that. If he had, I would probably be way more fucked up over the situation. I was lucky enough to have never experienced that. He hit me in the head with a bat, knocked me unconscious, and then ran away when he heard Devin walk by the apartment.

  “Well, alright then. You might give it more consideration, though. It couldn’t hurt,” he said.

  “I’m sorry, Officer Opal, was there an update
on the case?”

  He nodded, “Yes, of course. I’m sorry. You’re probably busy. Listen, we haven’t caught Charlie. We have a good idea of where he might be. We got several tips that he was out 3 towns over, dyed his hair black and grew some facial hair. We have agents closing in on him. I give it a month, tops, before he’s sitting in a cell.”

  “Thank god,” I sighed, “That’s fantastic.”

  Officer Opal stood there for a moment, searching to find the words he wanted to say. I knew it was about the counseling. I knew he was genuinely concerned.

  “Officer, I’m fine. I promise,” I said, smiling.

  “Listen, you may think you’re fine. I believe you. Just, take note of your behavior. If you find yourself engaging in behavior not normal to your personality, please reconsider.”

  “What kind of behavior?” I asked.

  “Well, I was a minor in psychology, back in the day,” he paused, “When people experience something traumatic like this, well, they tend to engage in destructive behavior. They start testing the waters, taking dangerous risks. It’s a slippery slope.”

  “Noted, Officer. I will take stock of my actions and if need be, I’ll see that counselor.”

  “Good. That’s good to hear, Ms. Wood. If you have any trouble, please feel free to give me a call. Okay?”

  “Thank you,” I paused, “I really appreciate everything you have done.”

  “Pleasure is all mine.”


  Dangerous activities? I had sex with a client (which was not something normal, for me). Was Devin my version of dangerous activities? It seemed like a slippery slope, indeed, albeit a fun one. Devin would certainly qualify as dangerous. He was just released from prison for felony assault, but in reviewing his case, I was surprised he didn’t get charged with attempted murder. The man he ‘assaulted’ suffered blunt force trauma to the head which resulted in a hairline fracture, a few broken ribs, and internal bleeding. Devin left him in the middle of the woods. The man crawled out of the woods on his belly. He was lucky to be alive, no thanks to Devin.

  When he was standing right in front of me, none of that mattered. It was easy to ignore the fact that he was strongly associated with a notorious motorcycle club that always seemed to slip through the grasp of the law. His nickname was “The Devil’. Motorcycle gangs didn’t just give those nicknames out for no reason. Still, he didn’t seem like a devil at all. He seemed broken, perhaps, but not evil.

  Maybe I was more fucked up than I realized.

  On an impulse, I pulled my phone out and called him. Before it could ring twice, Devin answered.

  “Sammy? I was just thinking about you,” he said.

  I fought a smile. I wasn’t going to allow myself to get caught up in his charm.

  “Devin, listen, I need to talk to you.”

  “I’m all ears, baby,” he said.

  “Um, I don’t know quite how to say this, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the other night. Our relationship is,” I paused, “completely inappropriate. It’s my fault. I mean, I can’t deny that we have this chemistry that is, well, it’s something really special. Those lines we talked about, well, they are there for a reason. I’m sorry but, we need to keep our relationship professional from here on out. I’m so sorry if I hurt you, I,”

  “No need to apologize, Officer Wood,” he interrupted, “I’ve got plenty of pelt at my disposal.”

  I laughed, “Pelt?”

  “I know, it’s crass. What’d you expect from a criminal? Anyway, like I said, no big deal. Best to end it before it became a chore.”

  “No, wouldn’t want it to become a chore,” I hissed, “That would be awful. So, you aren’t upset?”

  “Of course, not! Live and let live! You’re not upset, right?” he laughed.


  “Well, you have a nice evening. I’ll see you soon, Officer Wood.”

  “Sure, sure. See you later.”

  I hung up the phone and slammed it onto the desk.


  I wasn’t sure why his casual attitude pissed me off so fucking much. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I hadn’t kissed a man, besides Devin, in a very long time. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was my first. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was sincerely into him. It was hard to swallow the fact that my feelings were completely one sided.

  My heart raced, and my hands trembled. I was so fucking angry. Why? His reaction was a good thing. Right? No drama was a good thing. I was trying to coax myself into calming down. It didn’t work.

  He had fooled me. Apparently, we had no real spark. He had a dick, I had tits, and that was all she wrote. I thought about the night he came over, how concerned he was for me. He was almost angry at me for scaring him.

  It was endearing. Was it all a ruse? If so, how could I have been so blind?

  I decided to see if MaryAnn would take a walk with me. I was still a little nervous about taking walks by myself. I needed to clear my head. Of course, taking MaryAnn meant that she’d pry. She really could read me like a book.


  The morning was beautiful. It wasn’t too hot. It wasn’t too cold. The route I usually took was a little brick path along the river that cut through downtown. The green belt was easily the most beautiful path in the city. The tall green trees towered above us, their leaves shook gently with each passing breeze. The sun’s light came down through the leaves in unique golden prisms scattered along the brick path.

  I took a deep breath. The air was just the right kind of crisp to rejuvenate the senses. Of course, it would have been easier to relax if our walk was done in silence. I liked MaryAnn, but she wasn’t the sort of person who could handle silence. I likened this to be both an asset and a handicap to her personality.

  “Of course, he acted like he didn’t give a shit!” she said, rolling her eyes.

  MaryAnn was full of opinions this morning. She didn’t stop talking for the next five minutes.

  “Number one, I’m proud that you boned. Number two, rules are meant to be broken every now and then. Three, I’m disappointed that you didn’t bone more! You should have. Number four, Officer Opal is a huge dumbass. Don’t get me wrong, he’s well intentioned, but he doesn’t know you. People don’t know you. You don’t let them. Which is something I hope you’ll change. And finally, number five, Devin was just trying to act tough.”

  “How do you know you’re right?”

  “I know men. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. It ain’t a lust thing, honey. He is into you. However, he is a criminal. He’s a little rough around the edges, intentionally. You do realize that, right? He has his pride and vanity. His whole identity is likely tied to being a tough guy. Of course, he said what he did.”

  “Well, it pissed me off. I don’t even want to see him, now.”

  “Yes, you do. Shut-up. You want to see him. You should see him.”


  MaryAnn’s mouth hung open for a good minute before she finally spoke, “This is it. This is the one.”

  “I can’t believe I’m listening to you,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Oh, come on now. You are going to knock his socks off. Just make sure to scream his name and not mine. You know, cause you’re going to be grateful to me for talking some sense into you,” she grinned.

  “Yeah, that might confuse him,” I said.

  “Oh, MaryAnn!” she gasped, “Thank you! Yes! You were right! Yes! Yes!”

  She whipped her hair back panting and gasping. The woman leaving the dressing room next to mine stared at MaryAnn and smirked.

  “What?” MaryAnn asked the woman as she walked away.

  MaryAnn was not the sort of woman who cared what others thought of her. She was such a free spirit. I was glad to have a friend in her. She was right, though. I didn’t let people get to know me. In retrospect, what Officer Opal said probably held some weight for some people. Not for me, though. With Devin, it was like I was searching for an excuse or t
icket out of the unknown and back into comfortable loneliness. I welcomed what Officer Opal said as a way to withdraw into myself, again.

  I was worried about what he would think of me when I showed up at his door and tried to take back everything I’d said on the phone. I wasn’t a woman who played games. I really wasn’t. This opening-up-to-people business was uncharted territory for me. There were bound to be some missteps.

  I looked in the mirror and sighed.

  I picked out a form-fitting spaghetti strapped dress that stopped about two inches above my knees. It was sweet, simple and made my tits look huge. I cupped my breasts and pushed them together, observing them keenly in the mirror.

  “I don’t know if this is such a good idea,” I said, “Besides, he might not even be home.”

  “I do know, and the dress is perfect. Oh, and don’t wear a bra with that.”


  After my little shopping excursion with MaryAnn, I went home and got ready. I took a shower, got dressed, and did my hair. I decided to wear it down in loose curls. I put on a light mist of perfume. I checked the mirror one last time.

  Here we go.

  I waited in Devin’s parking lot for almost twenty minutes. When I finally figured out what I was going to say, I got out of the car. I worked up the courage to finally admit that I wanted him and didn’t give a shit about the consequences. I wanted to be open. I wanted to be around him.

  I walked upstairs to his door. My arms felt heavy. I was nervous.

  How in the hell did I become such a pansy? I always considered myself a tough woman. I wasn’t so sure anymore. I wasn’t tough or aggressive. Maybe, all along, the only thing commendable about me were my impenetrable defenses.

  It was time to move past that. It was time to break the rules. I lifted my hand to knock on the door. At first, there was no answer.

  I knocked on his door three more times, each strike loud and intentional. I smiled. I was still nervous. Butterflies and shit. I tapped my foot on the sidewalk. After a few moments, I knocked again. Still, there was nothing.


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