Scandalous Motives- Heartless Reactions

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Scandalous Motives- Heartless Reactions Page 12

by Red Snapper

  The unidentified white woman who Niesha threw out, who was furious, thinking to herself, “You think you can throw me out for that bitch…you just wait!” “I will show you about getting rid of me bitch!”

  Her name is Elizabeth Lindell, a long time companion of Niesha Jamison who for many years worked with Niesha on several of her assassination missions. She had been following Niesha since their last break up and decided that she was going to stop Niesha from having her fun by taking out her latest conquest. Little did she know she made a big mistake, killing the wrong woman? About a half a block, away Niesha was walking as she heard the gun shot. She froze in place as she thought to herself, “NO…NO!”

  She immediately ran back toward the Deveraux house, as she got within fifty feet of the house she saw a red Chevrolet Malibu speeding down the street. Niesha quickly noticed that Elizabeth was the driver as she made her way to the driveway, she saw Tianna laying there with her eyes open and a pool of blood all around her body. She knew she was dead as she tried to revive her. She got up and quickly ran away from the scene, hoping no one saw her as she made it three blocks from the house and stopped as she broke down into tears, crying, as she knew her friend was gone just like that. She could now hear the sounds of police sirens coming toward the area as she quickly began to run down the street. She saw a taxi stand about half a block from where she had stopped. She walked slowly over to the waiting cab and got in.

  The driver asked, “Where too miss?”

  She looked at the floor of the cab as she responded, “Take me downtown.”

  He glanced at her as he noticed she had been crying and asked, “Is everything okay, Ma’am?”

  She looked up at him and smiled as she replied, “I guess it is…for now.”

  As he began to pull out into the street, he stopped to allow the police vehicles and ambulance race by. After they passed, he slowly drove out onto the street to take her to her destination.

  Chapter 9

  Shareefah and Regina finally made it to the Emergency room to meet Bradford. When they walked in, he immediately met them. Shareefah quickly began to ask Bradford a series of questions, “What’s going on?” “Is he alright?” “What happened?”

  Bradford embraced her as she was had been crying. He tried to comfort her as he advised her, “Calm down and relax, let’s sit down over here on the couch.”

  Regina was rubbing her back as they took their seat.

  Shareefah and Regina were now looking at Bradford, waiting for answers on the condition of Kyle as he replied, “I don’t know how to tell you this without making this worst then it really is.”

  Regina stared at him as she asked, “What is it Bradford?”

  Shareefah was now gazing at him with deep concern as she waited for his response.

  He hesitated for a minute, than as he was about to explain, the doctor came in and asked, “Are you here to support Mr. Kyle Jefferies?”

  They all stood up, shaking their heads in the affirmative.

  “First of all, my name is Doctor Gupta; I’m a neurologist here at the hospital.” “Your friend is it?”

  Bradford responded immediately, “Yes…he is my friend.”

  The doctor continued, “I see…Mr. Jefferies has suffered a sensory nervous system breakdown, causing his neurotransmitters in his brain and his spinal cord to stop working.” “This of course regulates his heartbeat and controls muscle contractions in the walls of his blood vessels, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts.” “I need to know something, how long has your friend been diagnosed with H.I.V.?”

  Shareefah’s eyes grew big as she replied, “H.I.V!” “WHAT HE HAS H.I.V.?”

  The doctor sighed, as he knew that this was her first time hearing this news.

  “I am sorry Ma’am…but to answer your question, yes he has Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), but his body is still fighting the Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as AIDS.” “I did some research and found out that he was involved with a local study program that was experimenting with a new type of drug that is supposed to help slow down the process.” “He had been taking this experimental drug for the past several months and it finally caused him to have this reaction.” “By taking an increase amount of this drug caused him to overdose which looked like he was trying to commit suicide.” “I have to ask this question…Has any one of you been involved with him…sexually involved, if so…it is my advice that you go and get yourself examined.”

  After giving them the news, the doctor’s beeper went off. He looked at them and said, “I will do everything I can to help him.”

  He quickly left the waiting room, as they just stood there, dumbfounded. They all went and sat down on the couch as Shareefah looked at Bradford with an evil expression as she said, “So Bradford, I guess you knew all about his condition.” “Why did you kill us?”

  She got up and ran out of the waiting room, as Regina stood up to follow her. She looked at Bradford and said, “You really fucked us with this one…I don’t ever want to see or talk to you again!”

  As she turned to leave, Bradford tried to stop her, reaching for her arm. She immediately jerked her arm away from him as she quickly ran after Shareefah. He sat down on the couch, holding his head as he thought, “I don’t understand this!” “Why is this shit happening to me?”

  Regina finally caught up to Shareefah outside as she stood their smoking her cigarette. She was smoking like a freight train as tears were falling down her face. She looked at Regina, pissed as she continued to smoke, and began to pace the area.

  “All this shit…all this fuckin’ shit,” she said as she through down her cigarette butt, taking out another cigarette to light.

  “You know something Regina…you were right in the beginning when you want our relationship to be just me and you!” “I should have listened…I should have not forced you to find a fuckin’ man and we would not be in this fuckin’ predicament!”

  Regina strolled over to her, embracing her, trying to calm her down. She was furious and she felt cheated. Shareefah looked at Regina and said, “How long did this muthafucka know he was carrying that shit?” “He didn’t even tell us about that shit!” “This is fuckin’ foul Regina!”

  Regina’s eyes began to water as she listened to her friend vent her feelings. She blamed herself for all of this because she brought Bradford and Kyle into their lives.

  Regina looked at Shareefah as she sat down on the bench in front of the hospital. She was holding her head as she cried. Regina sat next to her and said, “We have to go to the clinic to get ourselves checked.” “Maybe we are okay!” “The only way to find out is to go get examined.”

  Shareefah looked up at Regina and shook her head in the affirmative. She took out a cigarette, fired it up and said, “I hope that we are safe because I don’t want to go out like that.”

  Meanwhile across town at the Costantino Funeral, the body was being taken out to the hearse as Brian received a call on his cell phone. As he heard the disturbing news of his lover’s murder, he quickly fell to the ground. Everyone watch him as he broke down in a vigorous crying session. He was furious and hurt, as he could not believe that this was happening. He quickly got up and raced to his car, as everyone noticed that something was wrong. Suddenly, Vikki’s cell phone began to ring. She quickly strolled out of the service and answered as the voice on the other end began to speak.

  “Vikki…I swear…it wasn’t my fault!” “I did not know that Elizabeth was there.”

  Vikki immediately replied, “Calm down Niesha…what are you taking about?”

  “Tianna was murdered about an hour ago.” “She was killed by Elizabeth Lindell, my old white girlfriend…you know the one who was at that house that you saw me at.” “She thought that she was killing you.”

  Vikki gasped as she heard the news…especially about the part that she was the potential target.

  She quickly replied, “Damn Niesha…is this woman crazy!” “We better make arra
ngements to meet.” “I will call you back and let you know where to meet me.”

  As she quickly hung up the phone, she turned to Tangie giving her the news. Tangie was furious as she responded, “How did this shit happen?” “Damn…this causes a huge predicament.” “We need to find out what’s Brian’s next move.” “Remember that private detective…the one who was so into getting revenge on Brian?”

  Vikki looked at Tangie for a minute…smiled and said, “Yeah…Tiberius Young?”

  Tangie quickly replied, “Get him on this A.S.A.P.!” “If we need to make a move it will be in the next few hours!”

  Vikki immediately searched for Tiberius’ business number in her directory. After she found it, she quickly dialed the number. She waited for someone to answer. She got the receptionist.

  “Nixon Detective Group,” “This is Deanna, how may I direct your call?”

  “I need to speak to a Mr. Tiberius Young…it is urgent please!”

  “I am checking to see if he is available…please stay on the line.”

  She checked for a few seconds to see if he was in his office. She quickly returned to the phone.

  “Ma’am…he is on another call can I take a message?”

  Vikki sighed, as she answered, “No…can you connect me to his private line so I could leave a message myself?”

  “Sure,” replied the receptionist. “I’ll connect you…wait one…the private line began to ring.

  As soon as Vikki was preparing to leave a message, he quickly answered, “Hello.”

  Surprised, Vikki answered, “Hello Mr. Young?”

  “Yes…this is Mr. Young who am I speaking with?”

  “I am speaking to you on behalf of Ms. Tangie Laurie.”

  Tiberius nervously responded, Ms. Laurie…how can I help you?”

  Vikki could tell that he was on edge as she replied, “Relax sir…Ms. Laurie is just asking for your assistance on a little matter concerning a Mr. Brian Deveraux.”

  When he heard Brian’s name, he quickly responded, “Whatever you need me to do…I’m in!”

  Vikki laughed as she replied, “Whatever I need…that was kind of a quick response… what If I was asking you to kill him…would you be so eager to answer?”

  Tiberius sighed as he answered, “When it comes to Brian Deveraux…that would not be a fuckin’ problem!”

  Vikki smiled as she replied, “Well sir…I am not asking you to kill no one, but Ms. Laurie would like for you to find out Mr. Deveraux’s whereabouts, keep him in your radar for the next several days and report back to me with any activities.” “She wants to know when he takes a shit…that is how close she wants you to follow him…do we understand each other?”

  Tiberius quickly responded, “Understood…tell Ms. Laurie I am in this 100%!”

  “Oh…and Mr. Young, please do not involve Mr. Nixon in this matter, this is strictly between us.” “Of course…there is a large compensation in it for you when you pull this off.”

  Tiberius replied, “Considered it done…I’m on it right now!”

  Vikki laughed as she replied, “Mr. Young… looking forward to your calls!”

  “Please…call me Tiberius and you are…she quickly interrupted as she laughed, “Let’s just keep it strictly business sir.”

  He answered, “Okay…if that’s the way you want to play it…cool for now.” “I will be in touch later.”

  As he hung up the phone, Walter was coming into Tiberius’ office. Tiberius looked up at him from his desk and said, “Hey man…I was just about to come down to your office to see you.”

  Walter looked at him and said, “What you got?”

  Tiberius replied, “I am going to need to take a few days off to take care of some personal business.” “Is that okay with you?”

  Walter looked at him and said, “I guess so…is everything all right?”

  “Yeah…I just need to handle some loose ends and I need to do them this week.” “Did you have something for me?”

  Walter smiled as he sat down in the chair directly in front of Tiberius’ desk.

  “No…I just wanted to see if you were still interested in meeting Dorinda’s friend, you know the Asian chick…uh…Ms Kym?”

  “Sure…when are you going to introduce me?”

  “I thought maybe next Friday before the big private party that Dorinda invited me too.” I thought that if you and Kym hit it off…maybe she would invite you to the big swaray.”

  Tiberius answered, “That’s what’s up!” “Well, let me get this other business underway and if I finish everything before next Friday, then I’m game.”

  Walter replied as he got up out of his chair, “Cool…take as much time as you need…I got this!”

  Tiberius laughed as he watched Walter walk over to the door.

  Tiberius replied, “Man…now I know I’d better hurry and get back here then!”

  Walter turned back around toward Tiberius, putting up a fuck you finger as he laughed, walking out the door.

  Tiberius just threw a pencil at him as he began to laugh vigorously.

  Later that evening, Waynell was on her balcony, overlooking her estate grounds. She was full of anticipation and it was only two weeks before the big initiation. She was thinking in her mind what type of new prospects were coming into the Guild. As she lay back on her lawn sofa, she began to play in her head how she expected the upcoming festivities to materialize. Before she knew it, she had fallen into an unfathomable slumber, as she began to slither into a fascinating and bizarre trance, she could see herself, as she stood there, dressed in a pair of lace top back seam thigh high stockings. She checked herself in the mirror, ensuring that the seam running up the back of both legs was straight, as she pulled the black silk nylon lace shaper Chemise that she had bought specially for this occasion over her head. She wanted to let her full breasts strain against the fabric and she knew that he would certainly spend the entire evening looking to see whether her little black nipples were hard and poking though; it would drive him wild, she thought. She wriggled into an extremely diminutive black skirt and smoothed it over her bootylicious ass, which made it look as if she painted on the fabric. It was so tight; she didn't bother with any panties or a thong. As always, her makeup was flawlessly and her hair was silky and smooth. She finished it off with a pair of 4” black Crisscross Sandal Stilettos with a rhinestone strap, which brought much definition to her sexy legs. While she waited for him to arrive, she poured herself a glass of chilled Cristal, which did nothing but make her hornier. It wasn't long before she heard him pull up outside the villa. He got out of his Bentley Convertible Coupé and slowly strolled to the door. As soon as she heard the doorbell ring, her pussy began to moisten. She intentionally kept him waiting a few minutes while she finished her Cristal, then, after checking herself again in the mirror and reapplying her lipstick, she slowly strolled to the door and opened it. He walked in towards her, taking her into his muscular arms, gazing into her sexy hazy eyes; he could not help but to put his mouth on hers. As she kissed him, it was as if she was catapulted back to that first night in his country club plaza loft. This kiss was reminiscent of their past rendezvous.

  “You smell and look good enough to eat!” Walter exclaimed, as he inhaled her fragrance. She gazed at him as she laughed, replying.

  “You look well too. Staying single agrees with you.”

  She grabbed his large hand and quickly guided him back to the living room as they both sat down on the love seat. As he sat there, looking into her pretty face, he chatted amicably about living and working on his new business ventures, as he began caressing her leg above her knee. His hand stroked along her stocking clad thigh until he reached the top, then he pressed his palm firmly down on her warm, bronze flesh and squeezed. Walter's fingertips started searching for the fabric of her panties. As he searched, he suddenly realized that she was not wearing any underwear, as she heard the sharp intake of his breath when he unexpectedly touched the moist lips of her punany. Waynel
l couldn't help smiling, as she slid forward on the seat, spreading her legs open slightly, encouraging him to delve further. She nonchalantly gave him her approval as he continued with two of his fingers dipped in and out of her wet cunt. There was a noticeable bulge in his trousers as he withdrew his wet fingers from between her legs. His eyes twinkled as he sucked slowly on each finger, inserting them one after the other into his mouth as he looked directly into Waynell’s eyes.

  “Are you enjoying that, she asked as she smiled?”

  Walter smiled and replied, “Oh yes, baby…, but I want more,” as he sucked his fingers clean.

  Walter kept smiling at her as he moved closer and leaned in. His mouth covering hers as his tongue probed deep into her mouth. Her hands reached up and clasped him behind his head, her fingers entwined in his hair, as they kissed passionately. Their tongues danced as she began to moan into his mouth when she felt him push her skirt up around her hips, and his hand sliding back between her moist thighs. He stroked across her freshly shaven pussy, his fingers grazed the discreetly sculpted strip of pubic hair, as she heard him groan, he felt how incredibly soft the bare flesh was. She moaned louder as Walter's fingers flicked casually across her clit, coaxing it out from its protective hood. His fingertips tracing lazily across her wet labia made her squirm in her seat. The constant rasping of his fingers against her soft folds nearly drove her crazy with lust, as she wanted him deep inside where she had an itch she couldn't scratch. He kissed her harder as he continued to tease her. When he eventually started to thrust his fingers quickly in and out of her hot wet cunt, each time reaching for her G-Spot and rubbing hard against it, all she could do was moan and tremble. She knew that she be too easy and cum quickly but it would garner all of his attention, so she bit her lower lip and moaned louder as he watched and waited for the inevitable. She was so close and Walter could sense it. He crouched over her, pushed her down into her seat until she was on her back with her legs pulled out from under her, and placed her legs on either side of his shoulders. He knelt over her, cupped her buttocks in both his hands lifting her up to his face, and then dived down between her thighs, using his tongue to lick at her clit and slurp into her cunt. By now, she had turned to jelly as she tried desperately to hold back but couldn't. Her thighs squeezed against Walter's head and her hands pressed his head down hard against her cunt as she started to climax. She screamed as she felt Walter's tongue lapping at her, her juices flowed into his mouth and what he didn't capture leaked onto the seat.


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