Alcott, Resa, 286
Alda, Zan, 2
Alexander, Ross, 99
Allen, Charles Robert, Jr., 444, 518
Allen, Ralph Gilmore, 432–33
Allen, Steve, 338
Allen, Woody, 476
Allyson, June, 386
Altman, Robert, 386
American Communist Party, 128–29
American Film Institute, 507
Ames, Allyson, 352
Ames Brothers, 337–38
Amos ’n’ Andy, 29
Anderson, Bronco Billy, 45
Anderson, Eddie (“Rochester”), 437
Andy Hardy films. See also Rooney, Mickey—FILMS
audiences, 142–43
family values, 163
influence, 143–44
new series, 331–33
success, 141–42, 144, 197
wartime popularity/relevance, 227–28, 235–36
Annenberg, Moe, 294
Anthony, Ray, 337–38
Arbuckle, Fatty, 45, 170
Archer, Eugene, 367
Arkoff, Sam, 375
Arlen, Harold, 151
Armed Forces Radio Network, 246
Arnaz, Desi, 318
Arnold, Philip, 90–91
Asher, Betty, 155–56
Asher, William (“Bill”), 155–56, 376
Asian stereotypes, 368–71
Astaire, Fred, 87, 149, 386, 410
Astin, John, 409–10
Atmar, Ann, 351
intelligence of, 142
teen/youth, 142–43, 161, 170, 266
Augustine, Michael, 483–84, 486, 496–99, 511–13
Autry, Gene, 185
baby boomers, 143
Bacall, Lauren, 286
Backus, Jim, 374
backyard musicals, 152–53. See also Rooney, Mickey—FILMS, Babes in Arms, Babes on Broadway, Girl Crazy, and Strike up the Band
Baer, Parley, 279
Baez, Joan, xiii
Bailey, Edgar H., 216
Baker, Buddy, 290, 330, 391–92
Baker, Norma Jean. See Monroe, Marilyn
Ball, Lucille, 144, 316, 387
Ballard, Carroll, 450–52, 463
Barker, Bobby and Owen, 18
Barker, Lex, 375
Barnes, Clive, 469
Barnes, Eleanor, 102
Barry, Don (“Red”), 306, 310, 322, 363
Barry, Gene, 386, 410, 418
Barrymore, John, 87
Barrymore, Lionel, 117–18, 120, 123–24, 133–36, 138–39
Barstow, James, Jr., 302–3
Barsuglia, Brian, 2, 4
Bartholomew, Freddie, 113, 121–23, 150
Barty, Billy, 8, 50–54, 58, 65, 81, 83–84, 99, 292, 335, 474–75
Bautzer, Greg, 282, 302
Beatty, Clyde, 71, 78
Beatty, David, 2–5
Beaudine, William (“One-Shot”), 313
Beaumont, Gerald, 65
Beery, Noah, Jr., 60
Beery, Wallace, 87, 115, 120
Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla, 313
Bellamy, Ralph, 119
Belous, Yevgeny, 512
Bennett, Billie, 107–8, 222
Bennett, Michael, 435
Bennett, Tony, 508
Benny, Jack, 267, 285, 436–37
Bergman, Ingrid, 282
Berkeley, Busby, 151–54, 185
Berle, Milton, 64, 222, 314, 318, 372
Berlin, Irving, 433
Berman, Pandro, 234
Bern, Paul, 115, 168–69
Betzwood Film Company, 44
Biegel, Herman C., 283
Billy Barty Foundation, 474–75
Bishop, Joey, 409, 446–47
Black, Keith, 503–4
black performers, 229, 233
Blake, Robert, 285
Blanc, Mel, 437
Blandick, Clara, 128
block booking, 60
Blocker, Dan, 409
Blondell, Joan, 36
Blondie series, 235
Bloomberg, Mike, 508
Bogard, Delia, 52–54, 58
Bogart, Humphrey, 286
Boles, John, 78
Bond, Ward, 385
Bouron, Cynthia, 353
Bracken, Eddie, 312, 415–16, 418, 446, 448
Bradley, Omar, 238
The Brady Bunch, 129
Breakston, George, 96–98, 101–2
Brecher, Irving, 264–65
Breen, Bobby, 244
Breslin, Patricia, 331–32
Brice, Fanny, 22
Briskin, Mort
on Francis the Talking Mule, 291–92
on MR and Martha’s wedding, 290
MR conned by, 256–57, 294
and MR’s departure from MGM, 280–82
on MR’s postwar MGM contract, 249–52, 256
as Rooney Inc. VP, 233–34
on Sam Stiefel, 284
Brockes, Emma, 356
Broderick, Matthew, 508
Brokaw, Norman, 328
Brooks, Mel, 437
Brown, Clarence, 118, 120–21, 129, 223, 234, 452
Brown, Joe E., 99–100, 102
Brown, Kay, 306
Brown, Nacio Herb, 151
Brown, Tom, 65, 70
Brown, Wynn (MR’s stepfather), 41, 78–79, 112–13
Brush, Katharine, 163
Buchanan, Lucianne, 448
Burbank Burlesque, 429–30
Burdette, Lew, 345
Burke, Paul, 386
burlesque, 17–19, 24–27, 29–31, 88–89, 431–32, 436–37. See also Sugar Babies; vaudeville
Burnett, Leo, 318, 320, 328
Burnett ad agency, 317, 319–20
Burns, George, 144, 285, 435–36
Burrows, Abe, 385
Butler, Hugo, 128–29, 132
Butler, Jean Rouverol, 127–29
Buttons, Red, 244
Byington, Spring, 120, 124, 126–27, 133, 136, 139
Caan, James, 386
Cabot, Sebastian, 385
Caesar, Sid, 372, 374, 437
Cagney, James, 39
among top ten moneymakers, 185
critical reception, 89
financial success, 185
friendship with MR, 102
in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 96, 99–100, 102
in Reform School, 71
at Warner Bros., 226–27
in Yankee Doodle Dandy, 379
Cagney, Jeanne, 292
Caine, Michael, 410
Caldwell, Lily Mae, 241–43
Callander, Adrienne, 233, 255
Calloway, Cab, 229
Candy, John, 426
Capone, Al, 233, 335
Capote, Truman, 316, 367
Carmichael, Hoagy, 76
Carmines, Al, 411
Carroll, Harrison, 71, 87
on Ava Gardner, 179
on MR, 120, 167, 227, 258, 266, 414
on MR’s split from Stiefel, 293
on Nell, 253–54
on Quicksand, 292
Carson, Johnny, 328, 338, 345
Carter Prewitt, Edna (MR’s aunt), 18, 32–34
Carter, Harry (MR’s uncle), 18
Carter, Maggie (MR’s aunt), 18
Carter, Nellie Willa. See Yule, Nellie Willa
Carter, Palestine E. (MR’s grandfather), 18
Carvey, Dana, 454–55
Cassell, Marcy (née McGuire), 287–89, 299–301, 303–4, 335
Cassell, Wally, 287–88, 299–300, 304, 335
Cassidy, Ted, 426
Catania, Wilma, 353, 355–56
Cavanaugh, Hobart, 99
Cavendish, Dominic, 492–93
Cavett, Dick, 339–40, 400, 504
celebrities’ business skills, 277, 293
Chamberlin, Jan (MR’s wife)
accused of elder abuse of MR, 498–99
acting parts, 464, 488–92, 500–501, 509
and Chris and Mark Aber
’s conflict, 483–84
marriage to MR, 7, 9–10, 12, 412, 427–28, 483–84
and Mickey, Jr., 424–25
on MR’s burial, 511–12
MR’s career supported by, 425–27
on MR’s conservatorship, 514
Champlin, Charles, 378
Chance, Kim, 345–46
Chandler, Harry, 87, 96
Chandler, Jeff, 333
Chandler, Norman, 194
Channing, Carol, 447–48
Chaplin, Charlie, 36, 87
Charisse, Cyd, 410
Children’s Society, 29
Childress, Alvin, 29
child/youth actors
education, 72, 112–14. See also Lawlor School for Professional Children
laws protecting, 72, 145–46
physical exams, 215–16
Chitlin’ Circuit, 229
chorus lines, 19
Christiansen, Richard, 468
Christman, George, 35
Church of Religious Science, 440
Clarke, Gerald, 76
Clay, Lucius, 320
Clinco, Mario, 417
Clinton, Bill, 125–26, 143
Clooney, George, 8
Cohan, George M., 379
Cohen, Albert J., 72
Cohen, Mickey, 116, 230, 311–12, 326, 334–35, 430
Cohen, Rich, 116
Cohn, Harry, 46, 60, 97, 250, 303, 308, 311
Cohn, J. J., 141
Colbert, Claudette, 166
The Colbert Report, 370
Cole, Lester, 72
Colonna, Jerry, 338
Columbia Circuit (Columbia Wheel), 19, 24, 31
Columbia Pictures, 46, 70
comic timing, 436–37
Como, Perry, 266
Conference of American Pop Arts (Lincoln Center, 1977), 432
Conley, Gene, 345
Connolly, Walter, 90
Connors, Ben, 386
Conrad, William, 279
Coogan, Jackie, 36, 145
Coogan Law, 145–46
Cook, Jimmy, 240–45, 258, 274, 285–86
Coons, Robin, 170
Cooper, Bradley, 441
Cooper, Gary, 87
Cooper, Jackie, xi, 285
in The Devil Is a Sissy, 121
as director, 453
friendship with MR, 74, 77, 165, 182, 412
on MGM, 81
on MR’s business schemes, 421
on TV, 331–32, 385–87
Coppola, Francis Ford, 450, 452
Corio, Ann, 17, 438
Corman, Roger, 344, 350–51, 375
Correll, Charles, 29
Cosa Nostra, 336
The Cosby Show, 129
Cosell, Howard, 410
Costello, Chris, 231
Costello, Frank, 233
Costello, Lou. See Abbott and Costello
Courts, Ray, 12–13, 473–74, 485
Cox, Steve, 474–75
Crane, Cheryl, 116, 162–63
Crawford, Joan, 87, 117–18, 282, 310
Crawford, Johnny, 394
Crenna, Richard, 285
Crockett, Dick, 222
Crosby, Bing, 185, 267, 277
Crothers, Scatman, 454–55
Crow, Joe, 66–68
Crowne, Marcia, 38
Crowther, Bosley, 323, 328
Culp, Robert, 410
Cummings, Constance, 60
Cummings, Robert, 64, 319, 407, 409
Curtis, Alexander O., 408, 411
Curtis, Elaine, 306
Curtis, Tony, 487
Dachau concentration camp, 245
Daddy Mack Dance Studio, 36
Dahl, Arlene, 508
Dalitz, Moe, 335–36, 342
Dane, Lawrence, 426
The Danny Thomas Show, 380–81
Darmour, Larry, 42, 517. See also McGuire series
background, 44–45
as cameraman, 45
character/reputation, 58, 105
military service, 45
on MR’s height, 62
MR’s rough language encouraged by, 73
silent short films, 45
wealth, 56
Darmour Studios, 46, 54, 56–57
Darnell, Linda, 310
Darro, Frankie, 76, 236
Davis, Bette, 39, 185
Davis, Jerry, 312
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 475
Dawidziak, Mark, 466, 469–70
Day, Doris, 337–38, 391
Deans, Mickey, 403
Deedle, Nelson, 9, 11–13, 491, 501
Deems, Mickey, 448
DeHaven, Gloria, 51, 113, 385
de Havilland, Olivia, 86, 90–91, 99, 103, 144
Dell, Gabe, 454
Delon, Alain, 350–51
DeMille, Cecil B., 512
Dempsey, Jack, 292
De Niro, Robert, 409
Densmore Productions, 499
entertainment radio during, 71
family values during, 11, 125–26, 143
impact on film industry, 70, 102
optimism of youth during, 152
vaudeville’s decline during, 65
Derek, John, 386
Dern, Bruce, 386
Deutsch, Milton, 418
Devine, Andy, 70
Dickey, Gary, 513–14
Dickinson, Angie, 317
Dieterle, William, 96–99
Diller, Phyllis, 419
Dillinger, John, 82
DiMaggio, Joe, 486–88
dinner theaters, 408–9
Disney, Walt, 55, 93, 330
Disney Studios, 55
Doff, Aaron (“Red”), 331, 517
on Barbara Ann, 353
at Barbara Ann’s funeral, 363
daughter Carol’s drowning, 353, 360–61, 401
friendship with MR, 337, 401
and the mob, 335
as MR’s manager/press agent, 337–38, 341–42, 345–46, 355, 363–65, 367, 371, 376, 389, 400–401, 408
Productions Eleven started by, 408
Doff, Melody, 335, 337
Donlevy, Brian, 375
The Donna Reed Show, 129
Donnelley, Paul, 155
dopamine, 221
Dorsey brothers, 266
Douglas, Melvyn, 452–53
Douglas, Paul, 305
the draft, 213–16, 234
Drake, Sylvia, 439–40
Drake, Tom, 208
Ducich, Dan, 323–24, 326, 348
Duffy, Jesse A., 53
Duggan, Tom, 340
Duke, Fredrica (“Fredde”), 313–15, 473
Duke, Maurice (né Duschinsky; “the Duke”), 517
background, 312–13
and Berle, 314
deal-making skills, 319
friendship with MR, 315, 337, 473
on MR and TV sponsors, 320–22, 328–29
as MR’s manager, 312–14, 316–19, 329, 333–37, 342, 347, 518
personality/appearance, 313
Dunaway, Faye, 376
Durbin, Deanna, 74, 113, 170
Durgom, Bullets, 354, 375–76, 380–81, 418, 447
Durling, E. V., 53. See also McGuire series
Durston, Ed, 394
Duvall, Robert, 452–53
Eagle-Lion Films, 310
Eastern Burlesque Wheel. See Columbia Circuit
Easton, Ellen, 473, 490, 501, 507–9
Eastwood, Clint, 386
Eaton, Charles, 128
Ebert, Roger, 19–20
Eckstein, Billy, 337–38
Eckstine, Billy, 229
Eddy, Nelson, 77
Edens, Roger, 153
Edison, Mrs. Thomas, 275
Edwards, Blake, 308, 311, 315–18, 367, 369–70, 384
Eisenhower, Dwight, 214, 253
Ellington, Duke, 229
Ellis, Patricia, 123
Evans, Madge, 118
Evans, Peter, 108–10, 189
n, Greg, 454
EYE Filmmuseum (Amsterdam), 52
Eyman, Scott, 106–7, 109, 111, 278
A Face in the Crowd, 184
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 77
Family Ties, 129
Farley, Walter, 450
Farrell, Glenda, 36
Father Knows Best, 129
Fawcett, Farrah, 394
Faylen, Frank, 23–24
FBO Studios, 50
Feinberg, Scott, 6–7, 9–10, 12, 75, 473, 502
Feinstein, Michael, 508–9
Feldman, Charlie, 183
Ferguson, Dorothy, 35
Ferguson, Otis, 89
Feuer, Cy, 279
Fidelman, Geoffrey Mark, 271, 471–72
Fields, Totie, 410
Fields, W. C., 26, 31, 87
Film Booking Offices, 46
film noir, 292
Finkel, Bob, 404, 475
Finklehoffe, Fred, 153
First National Pictures, 41–42
Fisher, Bob, 380, 384
Flamini, Roland, 240
Flatt, Ernest, 434–35, 439
Fleming, E. J., 106–8, 114–15, 154–55, 168–69, 183, 213
Fleming, Rhonda, 419
Fleming, Victor, 118–19, 121, 123
Flynn, Errol, 39
Fontanelli, Cristina, 509
Ford, Edsel, 248
Ford, Henry, 177, 248
Ford, Mary, 337–38
Ford, Phil, 446
Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 224
Forman, Joey, 317, 333, 363
Forrest, Frederic, 452–53
Forsythe, John, 386
Fosse, Bob, 378
Foster, Diane, 316
Fox, Fontaine, 46, 49–50, 58, 62–63, 66–67. See also Toonerville Folks cartoon strip
Fox Films, 38
Foxx, Redd, 454
Foy, Eddie, Jr., 386
Franciscus, James, 386
Frankenheimer, John, 376
Freed, Arthur, 151–53, 302
Freed, Ralph, 153
Friedkin, William, 31
Friedman, Harry, 145
Frohlich, Sig, 165, 222, 258, 297, 309, 332, 412, 428
Fuller, Jerry, 393
Funicello, Annette, 330, 365, 375
Gable, Clark, 81–82, 87, 106, 115, 117–18, 146, 185, 210
Gang, Kopp, and Brown, 144, 146
Gang, Martin, 144–45, 301–2, 382
Garber, Victor, 508
Garbo, Greta, 87
Gardner, Ava (MR’s wife), 10, 291
drinking, 180, 207–8, 448
film career, 194
in Ghosts on the Loose, 211–12
gossip about, 179
and Howard Hughes, 239–40, 395–96, 399
on Mannix, 109, 189, 211, 216–17
marriage to Artie Shaw, 257
marriage to Frank Sinatra, 312
marriage to MR, xiv–xv, 172, 177, 189–97, 201. See also Rooney, Mickey—MARRIAGES
in Masie Goes to Reno, 228
on Mayer, 106–7, 109–10, 111, 178–79, 188–89, 200
on MR, 159–60, 221
and Nell, 181–82, 220–21
and Peterson, 178–79, 195–96, 200, 210
press coverage, 266
in Three Men in White, 228
war bond tour with MR, 198–202
Gardner, Bappie, 180–81, 192, 195, 199, 206, 211
Gardner, Bill, 343, 363, 380, 404, 417
The Life and Times of Mickey Rooney Page 58