Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3) Page 15

by Jourdyn Kelly

  I shrug. Hell, I can’t explain it now any more than I could centuries ago. I don’t know why the evil didn’t consume me. I’m just glad it didn’t, even more so with Sam.

  “This is all so fascinating. My parents would have never believed this.”

  “Are they still here?”

  Abby frowns, then looks at me with sad eyes. “No. They did not conform with the rules of the Priestess, wanting instead to follow the guidelines of your parents. They were sentenced to death for treason. I wish I could have killed the Priestess myself, but I couldn’t.”

  Intuitively, I know she means should couldn’t because it was against her nature as a Hunter. That is a sign of a true Hunter. Even after the death of her parents, she wouldn’t harm the Priestess because she was human. Knowing what had happened to Abby’s parents, and why, makes me less sad that Liam had killed the Priestess now.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, Abby,” I say sincerely. “I know nothing will make it better, but at least now you know you don’t have to live under the Priestess’s rules any longer.”

  “Yes. That actually does make it a little better, although it’s scary as well. We’re so used to being under someone’s rule, I’m not sure what the Hunters will do now.”

  “You become their Leader.”

  She drops her fork, and sits back in her chair, eyes wide with disbelief. “Me!? I’m not a Leader!”

  “Of course you are. You do realize that those who left with you today, are loyal to you. They will follow your lead. Be good to them. Show them how a true leader should be. Faith in the Society will be restored, and with a few tweaks to the rules, this land could live in harmony.”

  “You really think I could lead as your parents did? They are still legendary here, you know. The Priestess tried to quell the stories about them, but they never stopped. That leadership is what Hunters wanted again.”

  “So give it to them. I believe in you.”

  “It’s rightfully yours, Anala. You are their daughter.”

  “I told you, Abby, I don’t want it. Do any of you?” I ask my Hunters. Heads were vehemently shaking with emphatic “nos”. “There you have it. You know this land and these people. They know and trust you, it seems. Lead them. Fix this mess, Abby.”

  “That’s not a daunting request at all,” she sighs.

  Laughing, I place my hand on her shoulder. “It is daunting, but we’re here to help you get started. First, we need to come up with a plan for Malcolm that will have the as few casualties as possible. Now that’s troublesome. Are you all ready?”

  The room fills with unenthusiastic “yesses”. I know the feeling. I’m just hoping that this isn’t an impossible task.

  “I don’t suppose Malcolm would be open to talking out our problems?”

  Ah, Eric. Ever the diplomat. “Since Abby is taking over, he’s not going to be any happier than what he was with the Priestess,” I answer with a smile. “His ego far exceeds his intellect.”

  “I agree,” Abby also sends Eric a smile that makes him blush. “I have tried talking to him on behalf of the Priestess. God, I hate calling her that. I’ve always thought it was an obnoxious title, but it doesn’t seem right to call her Anala.”

  I shudder. “It’s way too weird for me having another Anala out there.”

  “Not anymore,” Jenna points out. “You’re the only one again, Ana. I don’t think you have to worry about any more.”

  “Right. Okay, let’s figure this Malcolm thing out. Abby, you said that you tried talking to him. What did you say?”

  “It was more of a threat,” Abby sighs. “That’s what I was told to do. I tried telling him that he could continue to rule his territory, if he followed the Priestess. If he chose to keep going with this revolution, we would have no other choice but to rid ourselves of our problem. But he refused. He wanted more. He wanted what the Priestess had.”

  “He should be careful what he wishes for,” Emily said softly.

  She’s right, of course. If he chooses to continue with this fight, he’ll lose just as my namesake did. Not only is that a bad thing for him, it’s bad for my Hunters. Amanda was clearly distraught at the thought of hurting an innocent. If she kills one without a doubt, I’m not sure what that will do to her. Or any of them. Unless I can get Malcolm to change his mind, there’s nothing I can do to protect my friends. They will never allow me to go through with this without them.

  “Tania said that Malcolm deals with drugs. Is that his main business?”

  “Yes. I think Tania was right about that being the way he controls his Enforcers. They’re not even Hunters. At least not all of them. A fight with them would be greatly uneven. And dangerous for us all.”

  “Because of the guns?” Amanda glances at me, and I see the glare of defiance. Like she’s daring me to tell them they’re not allowed to be in this fight. Oh how I want to do just that.

  “Yes. They don’t play fair,” Abby answers. “Meaning, they’re not above placing gunmen strategically where none of us will see them.”

  “Like snipers?” Sam sits up straighter, suddenly even more interested in the conversation. He has been quiet up until now, just taking everything in. I feel the fear and apprehension flowing through him at the mention of hidden gunmen.

  “Yes. They’re not exactly skilled because he doesn’t use the Hunters as snipers.”

  “That could be even more dangerous.” Sam stands and starts his patented Logan pacing. This doesn’t bode well for Amanda and the others.

  “What if we try to work out a deal with him concerning the drugs?” Abby suggests. “We promise to provide for him, if he promises to…” She’s cut off by Sam’s low growl.

  “Sam was a cop.” My eyes follow Sam. Back and forth. Back and forth. “And, even if he wasn’t, I don’t like the idea of using drugs. In fact, I want that stopped. You should too since you will be leading the Hunters in this area. Drugged up Hunters aren’t exactly reliable.”

  Abby sighs. “I know. I just don’t know what else to do that will cause the least amount of bloodshed.”

  “We have,” I glance at the clock above the fireplace, “less than twenty hours to come up with something.”

  “Could you compel Malcolm to order the others to stand down,” Sara asks.

  I think about the possibilities of that for a moment, then shake my head. “I’m afraid I’d have to compel all of the ‘rulers’ of the Enforcers. Malcolm may have organized this plot, but I don’t think he has total control. Do you?” I ask Abby.

  She shakes her head. “There’s a group according to Tania. They have meetings to discuss their plan of action.”

  “Did Tania hear any of those actual plans?”

  Abby looks at me apologetically. “Tania isn’t exactly the best source of information. She tends to overdramatize things to the point where I don’t know what’s real and what’s her imagination. Though, now that I know she was being drugged by Malcolm, I guess I can understand that.”

  “Great,” I mutter. “So, we have a power-hungry group, drugged-out Hunters and innocents, and Cursed Ones that are willing to follow them because they are promised all the blood they want. Oh yeah, not to mention guns.” I stand and start pacing along with Sam.

  What are we going to do, Sam? They could get hurt if we go into this fighting.

  I know. Sam runs his hand through his hair. I won’t allow Amanda to get hurt. Or any of the others. If I have to tie them down, I will.

  Yeah, that will go over real well.

  “It’d be nice if we could just cut off the head of the snake.”

  I stop in mid-step causing Sam to run into me. But I move to the side and let him continue on while Jenna’s nonchalant suggestion sparks something in my mind. Cut off the head. What if we could do just that? It certainly works with Cursed Ones.

  I turn to Abby. “How many heads are there?”

  Abby pauses for a moment. I imagine she’s counting. “There are six from different regions. Ireland, Scotlan
d, Spain, Netherlands, Northern Ireland and here.”

  “Do you know if they’re going to meet before they travel to my hometown?”

  “I would imagine they’re going to in order to go over strategy. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that Jenna had a good idea as crazy as that sounds.”

  “Hey! I resemble that remark!” Jenna smirks. “Wait, what was my idea?”

  Amanda and the others look at her like she’s a bit insane. I can’t help but to laugh at her. “Cut the head off the snake, Jenna. The ‘Enforcers’ and Cursed Ones look to the Head - or in this case, Heads - for directive. If we take that away from them, or at least lead them to a different head, such as Abby, we could hopefully get out of this with the least amount of bloodshed,” I finish with Abby’s words.

  “So, we, what? Kill Malcolm and the other rulers?” Jenna asks seriously.

  “I hope it won’t come to that, but if it does you and the others will not be involved.” I raise my hand as they all begin argue at once. “Please! These are armed humans. Amanda, you are devastated thinking about hurting that innocent, and you don’t know what really happened. What will happen if you actually do knowingly kill someone?”

  Amanda’s mouth snaps shut, tears springing to her eyes. Of course I feel horrible for doing that to her, but if this is the only way for them to understand the repercussions of fighting this fight with me, it’s something I have to do. But, God, it hurts seeing her like this.

  “I’m sorry, Amanda,” I whisper, and watch Sam go to her, wrapping his arm around her.

  She understands you’re just trying to keep her safe, baby.

  She may understand, but I don’t think that she will forgive me for throwing it in her face like that. Sigh.

  Abby clears her throat lightly. “I can tell you from personal experience that taking the life of an innocent is not something you want to live with,” she tells Amanda softly. “Even when it was done only because you had no other option besides your own death. Sometimes you wonder, on those darkest days, if you should have chosen your own death instead.”

  Abby can’t be more than twenty-five if I’m judging correctly. For someone that young to have gone through such a depressing life is unacceptable to me. Emma had done nothing more than destroy lives and turn the Society into nothing but a farce. It pisses me off that my parents’ legacy has turned out this way because of greed and ego. I will end this here.

  I lay my hand on Abby’s forearm as a show of support, and condolence. Then I let go and take Amanda’s hand in mine. “I don’t know if I’ve ever been clear about how much you mean to me. You are like the sister I never had. I felt a connection with you right away, and I never understood why, but I didn’t question it. I didn’t want this to be your life, Amanda. Believe me, if I could have found another way to do this, I would have. I should have,” I correct myself. “I should have dug deeper, looked harder for other Hunters, but I didn’t. You’re here. All of you are here, your lives in danger because of me. Do you really think I’d be able to live an eternity if something happened to you? Any of you? You all mean a great deal to me. Let me protect you.”

  “I don’t think you looked harder because you knew you could only trust us. Your secret couldn’t have stayed hidden forever, Ana,” Amanda tells me quietly. “You must have known that deep down inside, and known that you could count on us. Even Jenna.” Amanda bumps Jenna’s shoulder lightly when Jenna glares at her.

  “Maybe,” I smile. “And, maybe I need to let you help. In,” I hurry and continue when Sam’s eyes snap to mine, “a very-far-away-from-the-guns way.”

  “Meaning?” Sam asks irritably. Man, when he doesn’t agree with me, he certainly isn’t shy about letting it show.

  “Meaning they can patrol the area in the woods, Sam. We have yet to see innocents out there. Only Cursed Ones.”

  “This close to a fight, how do you know they won’t be out there now making sure none of the Priestess’s people are out spying?” he counters.

  “You and I will know if innocents are there. If your theory is right, then we’ll change our plans.” I glance at Abby again, trying to quell my annoyance with Sam. This ‘tug-of-wits’ between us is starting to feel too much like when we first met and he thought he would control everything. “I’m, of course, assuming that the meeting will take place at Malcolm’s?”

  “It’s the closest place to the Priestess’s hideaway, so yes. His innocents don’t usually patrol so close to his house. I’m guessing it’s because cops have been there a few times for drug related issues. Cursed Ones can make the cops forget, and get a meal out of it. Humans are too flawed, according to Malcolm. He’s afraid they will give him up if pressured enough.”

  I force myself not to give Sam a smug look. But realize quickly that it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t see it if he can hear my damned thoughts. Sam stalks out of the room angrily without one thought that I want to repeat. Shit. We certainly don’t have time for us to be fighting each other.

  “Okay, the plan for now is; all of you will patrol the woods. That includes you, Abby. If you feel you need more manpower, bring only those you trust. Leave Tania at home, please. I don’t need that distraction.” Abby nods, and I continue. “If Malcolm’s Cursed Ones are out there, don’t hesitate to take them out. They use humans for food, and I’m pretty sure they don’t care if they die or not. They will not be considered for reprieve like Liam and his group. Sam and I - if he’s speaking to me - will have a chat with Malcolm and the others and make sure they see our way of things.”

  “And, if they don’t?” Jeremy asks.

  “They won’t have a choice,” I answer firmly. “This war is ridiculous. Innocents are getting killed, being drugged or being used as feeders for Cursed Ones either without their knowledge or out of fear of their life. If the greater good means ridding the world of a few bad people, I will do what is necessary.”

  I don’t look any of my Hunters in the eye as I say that. It shames me to think that I would consider murdering an innocent. I’m hoping that perhaps I’ll be able to come up with an alternative method with Sam later.

  “For now, you all need to rest. Please, get some sleep. I need you all to be extremely alert tomorrow for whatever may happen. If cutting off the head does nothing but grow another head, we’re in trouble,” I pause to think, already tweaking my plan as thoughts come to me. “Abby, set up people at the hideout. Make sure they’re out of sight, and make it clear that we will only fight if it is the last resort.”

  Abby nods, typing something on her phone. “I’m making a list of people to bring with me, and people to send there,” she explains when I give her a questioning look. “I assume Liam is trustworthy if you’re offering him reprieve?”

  “Yes. Make sure your people know they are not to be harmed. Amanda, I need you to make sure Liam knows who’s on the good side.”

  “Got it.”

  “I want half of you in the woods, the other half at the hideout. I need people I trust to be able to yell out orders, and make sure they’re carried out.” I’m really just flying by the seat of my pants at this point with the plans. It’s all I can do with such short notice, and not much intel. Normally I would prefer to recon the situation for at least a week before going into something like this. But we do what we have to do as Leaders, and hope to all that is good in the world that what you’re doing is what’s best and will keep everyone alive. “I’m going to go and talk to Sam. We’ll rehash, and tweak the plan more tomorrow. Right now, go and rest. Abby, you’re more than welcome to stay here. Sara can show you the spare bedroom if you like. Let’s meet in the dining room at eight a.m. We’ll have breakfast and talk more.”

  “Pancakes?” Jenna asks excitedly.

  “Sure, sounds good. Make a lot,” I smirk and wink at her. She sits there stunned, probably thinking how she just got roped into making everyone breakfast. It is no doubt a terrible idea to have Jenna cook for us on such an important day, so I make a no
te to call someone in the morning to bring food. I’m sure if I pay enough, someone will be willing to deliver breakfast food. “Goodnight everyone. Get some much-needed sleep. Tomorrow is going to be… interesting to say the least.”

  “Good luck,” Amanda calls out as I make my way to a not-happy Sam. I’m going to need it.

  I stop at the door of my and Sam’s room and take a deep breath. I haven’t felt this much trepidation about seeing Sam since the day he found out what I was and staked me.

  Will you ever forgive me for that?

  Oh, so you’re forcing me out of your head, but still listening in on mine?

  He opens the door and stares at me. “I’m not forcing you out, Anala.”

  “Hmm.” I push by him, still furious that he left me in the middle of our meeting. I should really calm down before saying anything, but my brain isn’t taking the hint, and before I know what’s happening, I’m spinning around to glare at him. “You do not leave during a meeting as important as this, Sam!”

  “The way I was feeling, I needed to get out of there.”

  “I do not care if your head is about to explode with anger! You suck it up and stay there until I dismiss you!”

  “Dismiss me?” he snarls.

  “Yes, dismiss! Did you forget I am you Leader? Not only that, I am your Maker! You blatantly disrespected me in there!”

  “No, Anala, I didn’t forget. But perhaps you forgot I’m also your lover. I thought it was best to leave before I said or did something I would regret.” Sam’s voice is laced with a venom I’ve never heard from him before. It creates an acute pain in my chest to hear, and it scares me. Not because I’m afraid of him, but afraid of losing him in more ways than one. It really is too bad I’m too angry to reason with myself.

  “Being my lover does not give you permission to disrespect me, Sam.”

  “And it doesn’t give you the right to send my sister into a situation that could kill her!”


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