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Destined to Meet: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 3)

Page 18

by Jourdyn Kelly

  They all look at each other, waiting for someone to take the floor first. No one speaks up immediately, and then I hear Eric clear his throat.

  “I think I want to stay here for a while. Perhaps help Abby out, at least until she gets settled. The rogue Cursed Ones could prove to be troublesome, and I’d like to be able to assist.”

  I wonder if Eric is purposefully leaving out that he’s interested in the new Leader, or if he just hasn’t figured it all out yet.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” I say carefully. “You will be sure to take care of yourself, right? Don’t give up on your dreams, Eric.”

  Eric smiles warmly at me. “I promise. I figure I’ll look at colleges around here. I’m actually interested in majoring in political science, perhaps at the University of Oxford.”

  I chuckle. Told you! He would be a perfect politician. The ‘people’s politician’. “Good for you, Eric.” I glance at Emily, wondering if she would stick around here, too.

  “I think I will stay as well,” Emily says quietly as if reading my mind. “I don’t know about college, yet, but I do want to help Abby clean up around here. Plus, I would like to explore the area a little. See where you grew up,” she finishes shyly.

  “I would love to show you all around. Perhaps we could take a couple of days to just hang out with each other. As friends.”

  Emily’s smile brightens, as do the others’. I’m even excited about taking them on a tour of my hometown without having anything to worry about.

  “What about you, Sara? What will you do?”

  She looks pensive for a moment, then grins. “I think I’ll go back to California. I want to go back to University to continue my studies. I think that’s what mi abuela would want.”

  “Excellent. I’m sure your grandmother would be proud of you,” I smile brightly. “Jeremy?”

  Jeremy sighs, glancing quickly at Jenna. “I don’t know yet,” he says glumly.

  I narrow my eyes, curious as to what was going on between him and Jenna. So, I decide to ask Miss Grumpy McGrumperton what her plans are. She looks up sharply, looking almost angry at my question.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Jenna, you’re very good at everything electronic. Why not do something in that area?” Sara suggests, oblivious to the Jeremy and Jenna dilemma - whatever that dilemma was.

  Jenna shrugs. “Maybe.”

  I let both of them off the hook, for now, as I turn to Amanda. “What will you do?” I ask softly.

  Amanda’s eyes fill with unshed tears, and it makes my own composure slip. “I like what I do now,” she says tearfully. “I finally found something that I’m good at.”

  “Oh, Mandy Bear, you would be great at anything you wanted to do,” I tell her sincerely, taking her hand in mine. “Being a Hunter doesn’t have to be your life anymore, but it has given you the tools you need to be successful in all areas of your life.”

  “I know.” She wipes a tear that tracks down her cheek. “But before you came to me with this unbelievable fairytale of a story, I struggled with what I wanted to do with my life. I had no clue. No interests. Now I do. Not just being a Hunter, but learning about the history, and making sure future Hunters know the truth about the Society. And the Geils.”

  A wayward tear escapes my blurred eyes, but I don’t dry it. Amanda has honored me more than I feel I deserve.

  “So, you will be the official Historian, and journalist of the Society,” I say with authority. “I’ve read things that you’ve written, Amanda. You’re extremely talented. Perhaps you should think about writing a book about your experience. Fiction, of course.” I give her a wink, secretly hoping she does write a book. I don’t think she realizes just how talented she is, and I can only hope that being a Hunter has given her the confidence in herself she deserves.

  She blushes, but her smile tells me everything I need to know. This is something she has thought about.

  “So, what will you and Sam do?” Jenna asks, giving Amanda a sweet backrub, and reprieve from being the center of attention. “Besides each other, of course.”

  So close. We were so close to having a profound conversation regarding our future. Then Jenna pulls a Jenna. And, yet, I can’t be mad because that’s really all I want to do with Sam for at least the first century. Sam lets out a sly snicker, and once again, I’m really glad I can’t blush.

  “Oh lord, you guys have nothing planned except that, do you!” Jenna snorts.

  “You’ll be the first to know what our plans are once we make them, Jenna,” Sam promises cheekily.

  “That’s okay. I don’t need details.” Jenna shivers with exaggeration making crude noises.

  “Ahem!” I need to try to get this conversation back on track before I lose everyone’s attention. “I do have something else to say before we make our plans for an outing the next couple of days.” I pause to make sure everyone is focused on me again. “I’ll try to keep the sappiness down for Jenna’s sake, but I wanted to do something for you all to let you know how grateful I am that you put your lives on hold - and in danger - for me.” I hold my finger up to stop any interruptions. “I have opened trusts for each of you.”

  They all gasp in what I’m sure is surprise, and start talking over each other. Even Sam is looking at me with amazement.

  “You all deserve it,” I shout over everyone, and their chatter dies down. “It’s a trust that will accumulate over time, as long as you don’t spend it in one shopping spree. Jenna.” Jenna just stares at me, her mouth hanging open. “In addition to that trust, if you decide college is what’s right for you, your tuition will be paid in full.”

  “Ana, that’s too much,” Amanda declares.

  “Hey, let the woman pay if she wants!” Jenna counters jokingly, but I still see the bewilderment in her eyes.

  “It’s not too much, Amanda. In fact, I’m not sure it’s enough, but it’s a start. When you all took a leap a faith with me, you knew you could very well die doing it. Even when we lost a friend, you never turned you back on me.” I see Emily lower her eyes. “Not even you, Emily. Grief is a part of all of this, but you still stuck around. You all followed me, led me, fought with me, forgave me, and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. You gave me something to live an eternity for.” I look at Sam, and grin. “So you see, Amanda, it’s not too much.”

  “Thank you, A.” Jeremy’s voice is sincere and thick with emotion, which I find odd coming from the quarterback stud who doesn’t show emotion easily.

  “Si, gracias,” Sara chimes in. Even though she hasn’t been with us that long, she has more than proven her loyalty and worth. The others convey their gratitude, including Jenna, with hugs and complete awe.

  “Just be happy in your life. Be as great as I know you all are. And, remember, I’m always just a phone call away. If you ever need me, for anything, I’ll be there.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the trusts?”

  Sam and I lay in bed, limbs entwined, and my head resting on his strong shoulder. The hurt in his voice makes me reach up and kiss his lips briefly.

  “I wasn’t keeping anything from you, baby. I set the trusts up as soon as I realized they were all staying. There’s even one in your name.”

  “I don’t need…”

  “I know, my love. But it’s there and it’s yours to do whatever you want with.”

  “Transfer it in Amanda’s name.”

  I lift up again, and balance on my elbow so I can look into his eyes.

  “Okay. Are you worried about her?”

  “I’ll always be worried about her. She’s my baby sister. But I need to trust her to take care of herself.”

  I smile at him, giving him another kiss before reclaiming my spot on his shoulder. My fingers idly make figure eights on his chest.

  “What would you like to do, Sam? We have an eternity to fill up. Do you have anything on your bucket list that you’d like to check off?”

  His voice lowers an octave, and b
ecomes seductive. “Mmmhmm. I can think of a few things.”

  I can’t stop the silly grin that I know I’m not sporting. “You know, contrary to what Jenna thinks, we can’t just make love all the time.”

  “Why not? We don’t need sleep, we can feed off each other, and I know for a fact that your stamina is unrivaled.”

  His chest rumbles with laughter when I playfully slap his chest with mock chagrin.

  “I suppose you’re right. We should just bunker down somewhere and never see the light of day again. We are vampires, after all. It’s what’s expected,” I tease.

  “See? Now you’re talkin’. However,” Sam rolls away from me, but with his arm tucked underneath me, I roll with him. I assume he’s looking for paper or something to actually write down his bucket list of things to do. After a moment of knocking things around on the nightstand, he rolls back into our original position. “there is one thing I would like to do before we ‘bunker down’.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s the one…” my words fade as he places a black velvet box in front of my line of sight. I freeze. I don’t look up at him, or look away from the box, or perhaps even breathe.

  “The moment I opened the door that night you came to my parents house, I saw my forever,” Sam murmurs. “It scared me so much to feel that for someone so young in my eyes, so I lashed out. I tried, Anala, to stay away from you, but the pull was just too strong. I needed you as much as I needed to breathe. I wanted you more than I had ever wanted anything or anyone in my life. And, now, I know that forever with you is real, and I still fear it’s not long enough.” He pulls me up until I’m forced to look him in the eye. “There are many labels I can put on you. Lover, Leader, Maker, friend, vampire,” he smiles. “But there is one title I long to call you. Wife. Will you marry me, Anala?”

  The tears flow freely down my face, and Sam brushes the away with his thumb. Never, in all my centuries, did I believe this would be possible for me. Of course, I could have changed anyone to be my companion for eternity, but there was never anyone I could see wanting to be around for that long. Until I met Sam and fell so deeply in love that I thought I may die from it. He is the one I want. Forever.



  I claim his lips in a deep, soulful, breath-taking kiss. When I finally pull back, we’re both breathing heavily.


  His lopsided grin, turns into a brilliant smile, as he picks up the velvet box and opens it. Inside sits an incredible ring with a stunning, round brilliant two carat diamond surrounded by a halo of rubies in an octagonal design. Four sparkling side diamonds rest on the platinum band, completing the beautiful piece of jewelry.

  “It’s gorgeous, Sam.”

  “You’re gorgeous, Anala. This ring will only highlight your beauty.”

  “My, my. You certainly know how to woo a woman, Detective.”

  Sam chuckles. “I only want to woo you. And, it’s not detective anymore. It’s fiancé.” He takes the ring out of its resting place, and slips it onto my finger, bringing them both to his lips for a sweet kiss. “I love you, Anala.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We took the time to thoroughly celebrate our engagement, making sure we each knew just how happy we were. After a couple of hours, we settle back into our original position, with my head reclining on his shoulder.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Did you really just propose to me, in bed, while we are naked?”

  Sam let out a loud belly laugh, and the sound thrills me. What a beautiful, amazing sound it is.

  “Yes, I did. But I planned it that way.”

  “You did?”

  “Mmhmm. It saved us a lot of time.”

  I look up at him again with a wicked grin. “Pretty sure of yourself aren’t ya, stud?”

  He shrugs. “It was either you said yes and we make love. Or, you said no, to which then I would have had to persuade you to change your mind.” He kisses me lightly on the tip of my nose. “Either way, we were already undressed for the occasion.”

  “How would you have persuaded me?”

  “Doesn’t matter, you said yes,” he says smugly.

  “I take it back.”


  “Pretend,” I urge.

  Sam growls, and rolls over until he’s on top of me. “Eternity with you is going to be so much fun,” he rumbles before proceeding to ‘persuade’ me.

  So, I bet you’re interested in what has happened with everyone, right? I thought so. It’s been a century, so let me gather my thoughts, and make sure I get everything right. Let’s start with me and Sam.

  The day after Sam proposed to me, we announced it to the group. They, of course, weren’t surprised, but they were very happy for us. To celebrate, all of us spent the next couple of days together, exploring my home. We decided to go back to visit the spot where my parents died so that I could say goodbye properly. Still, to this day, I could swear they stood out among the trees and watched me. It was like a balm to my soul.

  I also showed them the spot where I became what I am today. Now, there have been debates lately on what we should call ourselves. We have evolved so much, that calling us Cursed no longer seems, well, politically correct. But I digress. Let’s get back to what I was saying. It was amazing - and at times sad - exploring my past with the eyes of a human, not a Cursed One, or a Hunter. Just me, Anala, and my friends, enjoying time together, and the beauty of the country surrounding us. Those two days are days I will remember forever as two of the best days of my very long life.

  Sam and I decided not to have a long engagement, however we did concede to giving Amanda, Jenna, Emily and Sara enough time to put together a small wedding. The boys wore distinguished tuxes - Sam looked incredible. The girls wore pretty summer dresses in warm, cheerful colors. I wore a simple white, Vera Wang, strapless dress. I fell in love with the way the dress hugged my curves. Turns out, Sam did, too. He makes me bring it out every ten years or so, just so he can relive the moment he saw me walking down the aisle.

  The wedding itself was under a tent where my childhood home once stood. I was reluctant to have our wedding there because of the bad memories, but Amanda convinced me. She told me to think of all of the good memories I had there when I was little. A time when my parents and I were happy, playful and shared unconditional love. It worked. Turns out, I was happy that Amanda insisted so vehemently, because that day, I felt my parents’ presence stronger than I ever had before.

  As for Amanda, well… she and Liam take vacations with us every year. You weren’t expecting that, were you? The rules of the Society have evolved as much as we have. For the most part, changing humans is forbidden. But as the new laws stated, every rule has an exception. If you find your soul mate, and both parties are agreed, you may make the change. However, if that change brings about a true Cursed One - one that has lost their humanity - you must kill it. No exceptions. It’s a harsh rule, and changing someone you’re in love with is risky. But true love makes people take risks they never thought they would. Liam and Amanda did, much to Sam’s horror and delight. We just thank God that the change was as positive for Amanda as it was for Sam. And, I’m glad that I will have my best friend with me throughout this life. Amanda still writes the journals for the Society, as well as being a successful, best-selling author. She and Liam are the Leaders of their own chapter of the Society in Liam’s hometown of Exeter. It is now one of the areas Hunters flock to so that they can be trained and led by the best.

  I know you’re dying to hear about Jenna. She and Jeremy did end up together. They both went back to California, went to college - Jenna got her masters in computer science and Jeremy got his masters in business. Together they built an empire specializing in surveillance technology. Truthfully, they specialized in technology that could detect true Cursed Ones all over the world. Don’t ask me how, because algorithms are not my thing. They would visit us often, as well, and when they
got older, we would visit them. Their funerals, one year apart from each other with Jenna passing first, were difficult. Our only consolation was that they lived long, and happy lives well into their nineties. Their empire was handed down, generation to generation - yes, Jenna and Jeremy had children - and each of the generations know Sam and me, and Amanda and Liam, as aunts and uncles. We still see the family as they grow… and change.

  Eric stayed with Abby after he finally realized he was in love, and helped her put the Society back in order. His political career, however, took precedence and he left to pursue his future in the States. His charisma, and ability to actually give people what he promised, made him a popular candidate. He used his stature as a US Senator to help bring about much needed positive changes. Of course, we would visit from whatever part of the world we were at the moment. As he aged, he would tell me that his one regret was letting Abby go. He never found another love after that, focusing instead on the greater good, rather than his own happiness. He died not long after finding out that Abby had been killed in a car accident. He was sixty-three.

  Emily traveled the world on the trust I set up for her. When she wasn’t sightseeing, she was spending her time training Hunters in hand-to-hand combat and, of course, swordsmanship. She became known as the best trainer, and was soon sought after from every chapter of the Society. There were even more chapters than I ever imagined, so Emily certainly stayed busy. Sam and I would meet up with Emily whenever she traveled through places we happened to be. She would tell us how she and Eric were still close, but since his political career took up most of his time, they rarely saw each other. Emily was with us when Eric passed away, and we knew the moment it happened. She explained to us later that the moment Eric had died of a heart aneurysm, she felt half of her soul had died as well. Emily withdrew into herself after that, rarely coming out of her self-induced seclusion. We received word that Emily passed away at the age of sixty-five. We’ll never know what really happened in that remote cabin located just a few miles from where my childhood home once stood. All we’ll know is that Emily was found days after her death, lying peacefully in her bed.


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