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Rose Page 1

by Conrad, Angela


  A Regency Historical Romance

  Angela J. Conrad

  Copyright 2014 © Angela J Conrad

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

  Trademarked names appear throughout this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  The information in this book is distributed on an “as is” basis, without warranty. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

  Rose is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Dedicated to my wonderful husband, who reads, edits and discusses my characters, as if they were known friends. My family, friends, past publishers, and especially my readers, for all their support and following over the years. I hope you enjoyed the Rayburn Park Series.

  Cover design by Carol’s Cover Design

  2014 Books by Angela J. Conrad


  Rogues of Rayburn Park

  Young Bucks of Rayburn Park



  Title Page


  Dedication & 2014 Book List

  Chapter One: Abandoned

  Chapter Two: Reunited

  Chapter Three: First Kiss

  Chapter Four: London

  Chapter Five: Lord Islay

  Chapter Six: Six Proposals

  Chapter Seven: Rose Panics

  Chapter Eight: Found

  Chapter Nine: True Love’s Test



  Lord Sandhurst Manor

  Residence of Viscount Sandhurst

  Suffolk, England

  Early spring 1814

  Lady Rose Sandhurst resembled her father, luckily the handsomest of men, though her mother was a beauty too. Only the viscount had abandoned Rose and her mother before she was born, leaving his daughter’s features as a constant reminder of the notorious, missing cad.

  Her father’s crime was perpetrated twenty years ago when he married Lady Lucy Jennings for her dowry, lived with her for one passionate month in his small manor house in Suffolk, then went to town and never returned.

  Lady Lucy took this desertion unkindly, and forever after little Rose would hear her missing father referred to as a blackguard, rogue, villain, rascal, or Lucy’s favorite, “that damn scoundrel.”

  In spite of this unpleasantness, Rose grew up happy. Sheltered on land beyond nowhere, she did not lament her father’s absence, having no concept of what a father offered. She liked her small manor house with its chintz chairs, silver wall sconces, Adam’s dining table, and china from Holland. It was simple by ton standards, but very comfortable compared to the neighbors. Rose rode religiously, becoming a superior horsewoman. She practiced her music and dancing, substituting her maid for a gentleman, and down-played her looks hoping to keep men away. Her mother was kind, but not loving. The potent wall of Rose’s gorgeous appearance, placed a coldness around the heart of the viscountess.

  Rose isolated her emotions, buried her longings deep, and broke society’s rules by befriending the servants. She played chess with Donald, the stable master every evening. She joked with their housekeeper, Madame Sinclair and treated her lady’s maid almost like a sister.

  Sometimes Janet, her companion and maid, would try to convince Rose to let her remake the young lady’s appearance. Finally, on Rose’s nineteenth birthday, after an hour of pleading, Rose agreed and the transformation began.

  A seamstress was called in, a local talent but very skillful, just arriving in a small wooden boat from France. She called herself Madame Laurent. She was ecstatic to be let free to dress this wonderful creature Lady Rose, a perfect model for her future establishment.

  Rose, tall and willowy, with a bosom too large for her frame, was easy to dress, for with the use of a corset she had the shape of every gentleman’s dreams. Her hair was a golden blonde, as if an artist’s paint brush had streaked shining light over a pale base. Her brows arched and her eyes, well they were Rose’s sparkling glory, she had, “that damn scoundrel’s” eyes. Silver grey like pewter, large and lashed with the blackest lashes, and always full of mirth.

  Previously Rose had covered her hair with a lace cap, like her mother, to everyone’s chagrin. Now unfurled, it stopped men walking in the stables and turned heads in the hallway. When her new gowns started arriving, along with stylish riding habits, previous acquaintances did not recognize her. The true essence of Rose had bloomed into the deep crimson red of womanhood.


  Lord Sandhurst Town House

  Residence of Viscount Sandhurst

  8 Mount Street

  London, England

  Viscount Sandhurst, “that damn scoundrel” though gone, still paid all the bills, maintained the manor and called himself married. He sometimes admitted to the title father, but felt silly doing it, for he’d never seen Rose, not once. After hearing his man of affairs mention the date, he recalled he did indeed have a daughter and she was now nineteen. He wondered what she looked like and if in marrying her off, he could improve his fortune and position. A plan began to take hold and once entertained, would not be discarded.

  “Simon, inform my valet and coachman I go to Sandhurst Manor in Suffolk tomorrow.”

  Simon Bainbridge, startled by this news, looked at his employer to make sure he’d heard right.

  “Suffolk?” he asked.

  “Yes, it’s been too long. I have a daughter and a wife. It’s time I see what they are about,” Viscount Sandhurst avowed.

  Simon, a younger son of a baron, Lord Bainbridge was also most curious, since his employer was noted for having the finest face and figure of any gentleman in London. What would the daughter be like?

  “Will I be going too your lordship?” Simon asked, hope in his eyes.

  “Whatever for? I thought to take your brother Stanley,” Viscount Sandhurst replied.

  “I would make use of the trip. I could check the account books, the running of the manor, assess spending, and review livestock production.”

  “Yes alright, don’t bore me with nonsense, I know what you’re after, want to see the daughter too, do you?”

  Simon laughed and smiled at this most handsome of men.

  “Wouldn’t mind it. Why, what is she like?”

  “Never seen her,” the scoundrel replied.

  “What? Never? Not even as a baby?”

  “No. I married per father’s instructions, young and wild, full of myself and my good looks, I had sport with Lady Lucy, quite a beauty and then in a show of temper I came to London. I stayed and sulked, passed time like a bachelor, went back to my old ways and embarrassed, I never went back. The longer I was gone, the odder it seemed. I haven’t see Lady Lucy since.”

  “Gads. Have you written at least?”

  “Once, but she never answered. I’m sure she doesn’t think charitably of me and how could I blame her? I hope my daughter did not grow up bitter.”

  “Do you even know her name?”
br />   “Of course, it’s Rose.”

  “So, will I be going too?” Simon pressed.

  “If you want. In fact you could be an impartial judge. Tell me truly what you think of Rose and perhaps two young gentlemen would be better than one. She’s nineteen and marriageable. I could gain much, if Rose is somewhat attractive.”

  “That sounds cold. No feelings at all for either of the ladies?”

  “Not really, perhaps when I see them. Don’t get any ideas in your head about having her yourself. If Rose is splendid, I’ll be looking for strong connections and large fortune. Sadly, though you are from a fine family, I know your pockets are not flush.”

  “Maybe my pockets are not as lean as you think them, for recently I’ve had luck on several investments.”

  “Have you? Well, we’ll see. Your brother Stanley might prove difficult, he can be strong headed. You’ll both come, I want male companionship if I’m to stay in that manor. A masculine barricade against the cold shoulder Lady Lucy will offer. Oh and Simon, no forewarning them, I want it to be a surprise.”

  “Oh, it will be that.”

  Viscount Sandhurst sat back in his deep leather chair, rubbed his perfectly manicured hands together and smiled. He took parchment and pen and sent a note to an old acquaintance. This idea might be just the thing.


  Lord Sandhurst Manor

  Residence of Viscount Sandhurst

  Suffolk, England

  It just so happened the day of the surprise visit, Rose was wearing her best riding habit of grass green, with gold trimmed ribbon and cord. She especially admired her new dark green half boots, and jaunty, feathered hat. She had only a few pieces of jewelry her mother had shared and now she wore the pearl earrings Janet insisted she wear. Rose felt like a doll other women liked to dress for amusement. After looking in the mirror that morning, Rose had to agree she was almost impressive. She carefully pulled on her soft kid riding gloves and went outside to a wonderful day of sunlight and a cloudless blue sky. There was no foreboding of what was to come.

  Rose waved to Donald and mounted. She raced the hills and circled the grounds, joy in her heart with the strong legs of her horse under her.

  Her mare Snowflake, pure white and spirited, danced about the pasture, as Rose pulled her back, preparing to attempt her newest goal, to clear the high fence separating the south fields. Snowflake stood still, her horseflesh quivering and her nose held high.

  The noise of a great carriage coming from the remote, seldom traveled highroad, attracted both horse and rider to turn and stare.

  It had side riders, four of them, and chests piled high at the top. The team of horses magnificent, all matched chestnuts with white stocking feet and swooshing long tails.

  “My,” Rose sighed. “It looks like royalty. I wonder who is inside and where they are going.”

  Rose watched them, they seemed not to see her however and as they proceeded, Rose returned to her quest and turned her mount for the jump. She was a young lady who always made herself face new challenges, fight her worst fears, and wish for nothing as much as a brave heart. She leaned down and stroked her mount’s sides, whispering encouraging words and loving jokes.

  “You know you can do it my girl, I would never direct you to that fence, if there was any danger. I’ve ridden you higher and faster, trust me now.”

  As she circled again and straightened Snowflake towards the objective, a voice rang out behind her and she turned in the saddle to see two riders approaching. Both tall, dark, and male.

  “Hold up!” one of them called, waving at Rose in a too familiar fashion.

  “Bossy, aren’t they Snowflake? Whatever do they want? Probably directions, for they must be on the wrong roadway,” Rose spoke to her horse.

  She turned and stopped as they came closer. Rose noticed they were both tall in the saddle, strongly built, in their mid to late twenties, dressed in more fashion than she’d ever seen, and quite skilled riders. They slowed, and as they approached her, their faces lit into grins.

  “Pardon me Miss, but you were not thinking of trying to jump that fence ahead?” One of the men asked.

  Surprised by his question, Rose studied both of their expressions. She saw smugness, pride, humor, and touches of arrogance mixed with appreciation for her face and form. Having no experience of gentlemen, or wanting any after mother’s experience, she took offence at their judgment and careless enquiry.

  Was this stranger implying she could not clear the fence? Believing her riding skills untested and inferior to a man’s?

  “Don’t think I can?” Rose quipped, her surprisingly sweet voice causing them both to add astonishment to their expressions.

  “Don’t want you to try,” the taller man ordered.

  “Why would I care what you want?” Rose asked, puzzled.

  “It’s not just me that doesn’t want it, your father said to stop you.”

  That nonplused her. Rose licked her lips and glanced back at the now stopped chaise.

  “Are you saying my father is inside there?”

  “Yes. You are Rose then? Lady Rose Sandhurst?”

  “Yes. Do I look like him?” she had to ask.

  “Very, but even better,” the other one declared, smiling larger and running his green eyes down her long legs and over her bosom, as if she were a cake and he hungered for a slice.

  “And after nineteen years, he’s arrived back to the manor and his first action is to give me an order?” Rose asked, looking at both strangers with a little temper.

  An uneasiness came over the two men and they came closer. Rose thought they meant to grab her reins, so she kicked Snowflake into a blistering gallop, heading right for the fence.

  “Damn it!” the taller man yelled. “Come back here.”

  Rose leaned down, tightened her gloved hands on the reins and whispered, “Show them Snowflake we are free and can do anything.”

  Simon pulled up, realizing he could not stop her in time and not wanting to spook her horse.

  “I have just seen the most beautiful woman of my life and lost my heart. Hope I haven’t lost my position too. She’d better clear that fence, or I’ll regret this day’s work for the rest of my life,” Simon uttered.

  “Gads, she’s a magnificent creature, grander than I’d imagined,” Stanley Bainbridge commented, stilling his mount and watching with worried eyes.

  Rose cleared the fence cleanly and held up her right hand in a salute.

  “Take that darling father. You’re not the only one that lives without rules,” she shouted in her head.


  Viscount Sandhurst was standing outside of his traveling chaise, his heart in his throat. He could not see her clearly from this distance, but he felt sure the daring young woman was his Rose. Tall, blonde, the Sandhurst look about her. She sat a horse like a gypsy. He experienced something new, a pride for someone not himself. His daughter had courage and panache, traits he valued. As she cleared the fence, he could not help feeling gratified, though he had nothing to do with her skill. He was excited and pleased that he’d finally come home.




  Lord Sandhurst Manor

  Residence of Viscount Sandhurst

  Suffolk, England

  Rose rode back to the two waiting gentlemen and passed them with the same interest she would have shown sheep. If there was one thing in this world Rose wanted no part of, it was a gentleman. She did not notice the two were brothers, handsome, both with dark brown hair and light eyes, that they had fine features, wide chests or flat stomachs. She only saw these two outriders as future scoundrels who would boss a lady and abandon her after having their fun. Rose had no desire for family, or children, or to manage an estate. All that involved the hated necessary ingredient, a rogue.

  “I’ll run away with the gypsies before I get caught under that gentleman’s thumb,” Rose whispered to Snowflake, thinking of her father

  She galloped down to the coach where her so called father stood, like a hibernated bear finally dug free from his den.

  “We’ve made a conquest,” Simon’s brother Stanley laughed. “I’d say she hates us both equally.”

  “I’ll just have to change her mind,” Simon replied, turning his horse.

  “Not if I get there first.”

  Rose rode up to the striking gentleman standing outside the elaborate coach, watching her approach. His tall blonde features identified him as a relative of hers. She got very close, almost rudely and stared into his face. She wasn’t dazzled by his looks, for she possessed them herself.

  Viscount Sandhurst looked back at a beautiful, young, female version of his glorious self and smiled. I’d have been a wonderful woman, he considered, gads, but she’s fine.

  Rose leaned down from her horse and whispered, “I do look like you. No wonder mother dislikes me. You missed my first nineteen years, I hope you’ll not bother me now. I’ve been fatherless my whole life and I’m used to it.”

  He felt strangely hurt, surprised he went to speak, but she heeled her horse around and rode like thunder back to the stables.

  “Looks as if she’s also an admirer of yours,” Simon laughed sarcastically, riding up in time to notice the viscount’s frown.

  “I should have expected it. She is a beauty though, more than I anticipated. Just enough of her mother to make her superior even to me.”

  “More than I dreamed,” Simon concurred.

  “Back off, I saw her first,” Stanley declared, pushing his brother’s horse over and dismounting.

  The viscount grinned. This was a good sign. Two young gentlemen fighting over his daughter already. She was sure to bring him a significant fortune.


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