Forever and a Day (Seven Brides Seven Brothers Pelican Bay Book 5)

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Forever and a Day (Seven Brides Seven Brothers Pelican Bay Book 5) Page 10

by Belle Calhoune

  “No! You rode it?” Penelope asked, shock evident on her face. “You haven’t ridden the Ferris wheel since you were eight-years old.” She made a tutting sound. “I can’t believe it!” She swung her gaze toward Lorelei. “You must be very special to Daniel if he rode the Ferris wheel with you. His siblings have tried for years to get him back up there, to no avail.”

  Lorelei felt heat stain her cheeks at Penelope’s words. “He was really brave to do it. I’m super impressed.”

  Penelope shot Daniel a look full of hidden meaning. Lorelei might not pick up on it, but Daniel knew exactly what this particular look meant. Penelope approved of Lorelei and Daniel being together and the wheels were turning in her head. Daniel wasn’t sure exactly what his mother was thinking, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it involved a wedding and a house full of kids. He sent her a subtle warning look. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare Lorelei off.

  “Well, I should check in with the kitchen to make sure nothing has blown up,” Penelope said with a chuckle as she stood up from her seated position. “I think your food should be coming out any minute now. Enjoy it, Lorelei. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I’m sure I will. Daniel raves about the food all the time,” she said, grinning at Penelope, who patted her affectionately on the arm.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Daniel said, trying not to laugh at the way his mother was beaming with pride at the two of them. Thankfully, Lorelei didn’t seem to notice her over-the-top parental pride in them being together.

  “You really hit the jackpot in the parent department. Penelope is an amazing woman,” Lorelei gushed as Penelope walked away. Although she loved her own mother, she had no pretenses about her. Deandra James wasn’t a warm and fuzzy person, nor was she invested in her only child’s life. Lorelei often thought her mother regretted having a child. Clearly, she wasn’t emotionally available to nurture one. Her self-absorption was really sad. Sadly, Lorelei had been forced to come to terms with it. She no longer harbored illusions about her mother changing her ways or knocking on Lorelei’s door one day wanting to connect with her.

  And it was all right. Lorelei was rebuilding her life and surrounding herself with positive, supportive and kind people who made her feel good about herself. It was the reason she cared so much for Daniel. He was all of those things and so much more.

  When the waitresses brought their platters, Lorelei’s mouth practically fell to the floor. The servings were super-sized and Daniel had ordered way more food than she’d realized. There were French fries, gyros, mashed potatoes, salad, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, as well as other small bowls of veggies.

  “How are we going to eat all of this?” Lorelei asked, looking around a table that was suddenly crowded with food.

  Daniel’s grin was playful. “As my dad says, one bite at a time.”

  “I like his philosophy.” Lorelei shook her head and began to dig in to the food. As shocking as it was, she was hungry. The smells emanating from the kitchen had roused her appetite while they were waiting for their food. Daniel tucked into the food as well, pausing to heap more food on to her plate. Lorelei ate with gusto until she could no longer take another bite. She pushed her plate away from her and watched as Daniel continued to eat. It made her smile to see him so enthused about the food.

  After he was finished, Lorelei couldn’t help but point out the obvious. “Wow. You can really eat for someone who has such a lean frame. You must work out a lot.” She cast admiring eyes on him. There really wasn’t anything about this man she didn’t adore. That knowledge settled deep inside her. She was becoming more and more enamored of Daniel, to the point where she was falling over the edge with no safety net.

  Daniel shrugged, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Don’t forget. I grew up with six brothers who were fairly ravenous eaters.” He let out an easy laugh. “Even Shayla could eat the rest of us under the table from time to time. I learned at an early age to eat up if I wanted my fair share of the food.”

  Lorelei could imagine a pint-sized Daniel sitting at the large family table with his parents and siblings and chowing down on a meal. A part of her wished she could go back in time and meet that little boy, the one who had been years ahead of himself in intellect and ability. Would they have been friends? Would she have fit into his world?

  “Dessert?” Daniel asked from across the table, eliciting a loud groan from her.

  She held up her hand and said, “Absolutely not! If I eat another morsel, you’ll have to roll me out of here.”

  Daniel leaned across the table. His expression was playful. “Come on. We make the best dessert in Pelican Bay. Give it a try. Live a little!”

  “You make a great argument,” Lorelei quipped. “You almost had me convinced to order something. Almost,” she said with a wink.

  Suddenly, Jude appeared at their table, his face appearing ashen. Lorelei knew immediately that something was very wrong. Clearly, Daniel did as well.

  “Dad. What is it? What’s wrong?” Daniel asked, his features creased with worry.

  Jude’s breathing was ragged as he spoke. “Cadence just called. It’s Parker. There’s been a terrible accident. Someone ran a red light and hit his motorcycle head on. He’s been med- flighted to Pelican Bay Hospital.” Jude’s voice cracked. “I need to tell your mother, Daniel. Cadence said he’s in critical condition. He might not make it.”

  “Time and again life shows us that there’s nothing more important than family. Not fame or riches or pride. When everything else fades away, love remains.”

  Jason Donahue

  Chapter Eight

  Life changed on a dime. One moment you were sitting with your girl at your family’s diner, when in the very next moment your world was falling apart. Time went in fast motion as he, Lorelei and his father took his mother aside and told her about Parker’s motorcycle accident. Daniel died a little inside as he watched Penelope fall to her knees. He had never seen his mother so overcome with emotion. Honestly, he wanted to fall apart, but he didn’t have that luxury. He knew his family needed him.

  Daniel drove them over to the hospital, where they quickly made their way to the ICU where Parker had been transported. They found Cadence in the waiting room, looking like a shell of her normally radiant self. Her eyes were red-rimmed and she was shaking with fear. Bella and Heath had made their way over to the hospital, as well as Caleb and Addie. Thankfully, they were there at Cadence’s side, providing her with support and love.

  “Cadence!” Jude pulled her against his chest and began patting her on the back.

  “Jude!” she cried out, letting out a sob and clinging to him for all she was worth.

  Cadence got them up to speed on things. Parker was in critical condition and had been taken to the operating room for emergency surgery. In order to save his life, Cadence has signed papers and agreed to the emergency surgery. Thankfully, he had been wearing his helmet at the time of the crash. If not, he wouldn’t have survived the crash according to the doctors. As it was, he was fighting for his life due to life threatening injuries. Little Logan was at Parker and Cadence’s house sound asleep with a babysitter watching him, oblivious to the drama unfolding at the hospital.

  “I-I don’t think I’ve ever been this scared,” Cadence sobbed. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose him. I won’t know how to live without him.” Jude rocked his daughter-in-law back and forth, all the while murmuring comforting words as she vented to him. It didn’t seem fair, Daniel thought. Cadence and Parker had already been through the fire and they had come out on the other side with their son, Logan. They had it all—the love, the marriage, the past struggles, the beautiful son—and it could all disappear within moments.

  Cadence’s voice was filled with so much heartache and despair, as well as fear. They all knew that none of them was in control. It was in God’s hands, as well as the surgeons. Lorelei stood by Daniel’s side holding his hand the entire time. She was supportive by her very presence and the
way in which she was checking in on everyone. At one point he watched as she went over to Cadence and hugged her, then asked if she could get anything for her.

  Jason burst in through the doors of the waiting room, looking wild-eyed and distraught. Jason and Parker’s tight bond was known by all the members of the family. They were like two peas in a pod, forever joined at the hip. Although they were all siblings, it sometimes seemed as if Parker and Jason were one and the same person. That’s how tightly connected they were and always had been ever since Jason had been adopted by Jude and Penelope.

  “Where is he? What are they saying? Is he going to make it?” Jason began blurting out questions one after the other. It was as if his mind was on overdrive, no doubt due to fear.

  “Shh, honey. Slow down,” Penelope said, taking Jason into her arms and holding him as he began to cry. “Just breathe. Your brother is in surgery now and all we can do is pray.”

  “I know. I’ve been praying ever since Cadence called me,” Jason said, wiping tears away from his face. “It’s just so scary. Parker always seems so invincible. He’s the oldest. He’s my best friend.” His shoulders sagged and Daniel walked over and embraced him. He could feel Jason’s entire body trembling with emotion.

  One by one, the members of the family filed in—Nash, Faith and Micah, then Shayla. Shayla looked incredibly vulnerable. Micah was holding her close to his side and Faith was holding her hand. It broke Daniel’s heart so see Shayla so shattered. She put on a good act of being a tough girl, but she was a marshmallow on the inside.

  Rafferty Fitzgerald, Micah’s best friend and an honorary member of the Donahue clan, came rushing in. As a firefighter, he was used to emergencies and being at the hospital. He was a great asset in a crisis.

  Lorelei appeared at Daniel’s side and held on to his arm. “How are you holding up, Daniel?” she asked, her features showing her deep concern.

  He let out a sigh. “I’m trying to hold it together. I need to stay strong for my family.”

  “It’s okay to fall apart, Daniel. I’m here for you. I promise I’ll pick you up if you fall.”

  Daniel took Lorelei in his arms and kissed her forehead. “Thank you,” he murmured. “Having you here is wonderful. You make me feel so much calmer and more centered.”

  “I’m so glad I can be here for you and your family,” Lorelei said. “We have to believe that Parker is going to pull through with flying colors. This too shall pass.”

  All of a sudden, Penelope began to sob and the sound of it was heart wrenching. Daniel turned toward his mother, wanting to go to her, but realizing his father already had the situation firmly in hand.

  “We’ve got to have faith, Penelope. Pray, sweetheart. Believe.” Jude cradled Penelope in his arms and whispered words of encouragement.

  It felt like old times seeing his parents holding each other and seeking strength from one another. To have it happening due to Parker’s crisis felt surreal.

  “I think we should pray,” Daniel said, looking around at his family members. “Let’s join hands and offer up prayers for Parker.”

  Everyone began to nod and gather around in a large circle as they reached out to hold hands with the person on either side of them. Once everyone was gathered, Daniel began to speak. “Dear Lord. Our beloved Parker is in serious trouble. He needs you, Lord. He needs Your healing touch. We need your divine intervention. He’s the very center of our family and we can’t imagine being without him. We need Your comfort and strength, Heavenly Father to sustain us during this difficult time. We ask this in Your name. Amen.”

  Calm descended over the group. It felt as if God was with them in the waiting room. He was there, lifting them up and giving them strength. This was the part of his faith that Daniel couldn’t ever put into words. It was a feeling, a deep knowledge that you weren’t alone on your journey. Faith. Belief. They weren’t alone. He was with them.

  In the wee hours of the morning the surgeon came into the waiting room with a shuttered expression on his face. It felt as if they were all holding their breaths awaiting his announcement. Daniel gripped Lorelei’s hand. The room was eerily silent.

  “I’m Dr. Hanson,” he said, looking around the room. “Parker just came out of surgery. He’s incredibly fortunate. His injuries were severe. He sustained two broken ribs, a lacerated liver, a collapsed lung and a fractured leg. According to the police, the person who ran the red light was drunk. Parker must have had an angel sitting on his shoulder because he’s going to pull through. His recovery might be lengthy, but he seems like a tough customer.”

  “Oh, Hallelujah!” Cadence cried out, rushing to hug the surgeon. He looked at her with surprise, as if he wasn’t used to receiving hugs from the wives of his patients.

  The room suddenly erupted into cheers and shouts of triumph. The joy floating in the air was palpable. Daniel felt tears pooling in his eyes. Parker was going to pull through!

  “Well,” Dr. Hanson said in a brisk tone, “I’ll let you know when you can visit. He’s still coming out from the anesthesia, but he can have a few visitors in about a half hour or so.”

  “I can’t wait to see him!” Cadence said. “I plan to tell him if he ever rides a motorcycle again he’ll be doing it as a single man.”

  “Amen!” Penelope said in a raised voice. “He better never think about riding one again, not after this close call.”

  “Let’s just be happy he’s going to make it,” Caleb said. “This was way too close for comfort.”

  “Truth,” Jason said, shaking his head as if trying to shrug off the last few nightmarish hours. “God has been good to the Donahue clan tonight.”

  Nash clapped him on the shoulder. “He sure has, Jason. And we’ll be here for Parker throughout his recovery.”

  Jason ran a hand over his face. “Yes. Whatever he needs! I’ll have to rearrange his work schedule until he’s able to come back.”

  “I’m so glad the two of you are working together now,” Cadence said. “You know Parker. He’s going to be so upset about being MIA from work.”

  Jason let out a groan. “We’ll never hear the end of it.”

  Cadence let loose with a ragged sigh. “I’m thankful that he’ll be up and complaining soon. Things could have been so much worse.”

  Parker thoroughly enjoyed being a PI, as did Jason. It was yet another thing that served to bond the brothers. Parker had been Jason’s mentor in the PI business, and now the tables would be turned since Jason would be holding down the fort at Donahue Investigations.

  “Let me get you home, Lorelei. It’s almost four o’clock in the morning,” Daniel said. “I know you must be exhausted.”

  “No worries at all. I’m really happy I could be here with your family as a support system. And if you want to stay I can call an Uber to take me home.”

  “I’d feel better taking you myself. And I can do a coffee and donuts run for my family on the way back. Now that we got the news about Parker I think everyone can relax a bit and stop fearing the worst.” He let out a deep sigh. “I know I feel a lot better now that the surgeon gave us the good news. For a while there I felt as if there was this massive weight sitting on my chest.’

  Lorelei looped her arm through Daniel’s. “You love him. Your whole family adores Parker. Losing him would have been catastrophic. I’m so happy for all of you, especially for Cadence and Logan. That little boy needs his daddy.”

  Daniel nodded. “We’re truly blessed.” He turned toward his family. “I’m going to take Lorelei home, guys. I’ll be back with coffee and donuts.”

  On their way out, Lorelei received a lot of hugs and kisses. Cadence clung to both of them for longer than usual and uttered words of gratitude for being by her side throughout the night and early morning. When Daniel dropped Lorelei off at her door he truly didn’t want to say goodnight. More and more he was finding himself out of sorts when they weren’t together.

  This was love. A love supreme. The type of love he’d been longing to exp
erience. It was too late to put the reins on. And it was a little bit scary because he wanted Lorelei to fall in love with him. He wanted the happy ending. He wanted it so much it unnerved him, because Daniel knew he wasn’t in control of Lorelei’s feelings.

  But he knew one thing for certain. There was nothing he could do to change the course of their destiny. It was already written in the stars and her feelings for him would be revealed in time.

  Please, Lord, he prayed. Let her fall in love with me. They say there’s someone for everyone. Lorelei is my other half, the one who I want to grow old with. I want to be like Parker and Cadence. I want our love to be so deep and true that we can’t imagine walking through life without each other.


  Over the course of the next few weeks, Lorelei continued to work at DD Studios on the Rhiannon video game project. It was pretty thrilling to see the very first images of herself coming to life as a video game character. Everyone involved in the project was incredibly creative. There was a wonderful vibe on set and Lorelei couldn’t believe her good fortune in being hired for this cool job. Most gratifying of all, it had led her to Daniel. Not a day went by when Lorelei didn’t thank God for bringing him into her life.

  The entire Donahue family had rallied around Parker during his convalescence. They had cooked and cleaned and babysat Logan. They had prayed and visited him and showered him with gifts at the hospital. Parker had been released from the hospital and was resting comfortably at home. Everyone had pitched in to bring them meals. Daniel and Lorelei had brought over take-out from the Grotto and eaten with Parker, Cadence and Logan. According to Cadence, Parker was itching to get back to work, which wasn’t going to be possible for a while, much to Parker’s chagrin.

  When she wasn’t out of town on modeling assignments, Lorelei was getting together with Daniel most nights of the week. Their relationship was deepening and becoming richer and more intense. Lorelei had the sense that Daniel was in love with her, even though he hadn’t said those three little words as of yet. That knowledge made Lorelei happy, yet apprehensive at the same time. The only dark cloud on the horizon was the parole hearing and several letters she’d received in the mail that she suspected were from James Ellis. None of the letters said anything to reveal his identity, but the threats were clear. He was letting her know he was still out there. And there really wasn’t anything she could do about it. She had no definitive proof it was him.


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