Claimed by Her Viking Wolf

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Claimed by Her Viking Wolf Page 7

by Doris O'Connor

  Susan and Richard knew his kona better than anyone. While Richard was understandably wary of the whole situation, and protective of Kim, he’d also given his blessing of sort, before Asger had followed Kim into the garden.

  Asger had no doubt the older man would follow through on his warning to run Asger through with his own sword, if he harmed Kimberly. In another time Richard would have made a fine warrior indeed.

  “She’s done this before though, right? Isn’t it supposed to get easier?” Kim asked. When he shook his head, she bit her lip, and tensed further. He had to touch her, to soothe her worry and his inner animal at the same time. A shiver went through her frame when he tucked her hair behind her ear and ran his index finger along her jaw. Their gazes locked, and the connection they’d already established pulsed between them almost like a living entity. Kim’s lips opened as she put her hands on his chest, scooting closer. A tiny frown pulled her eyebrows together when he didn’t meet her halfway. Asger held his breath as she seemed to debate her next move.

  After what seemed like a small eternity, she huffed out a breath, and bunching her hands in his t-shirt, yanked him closer until their lips met. His wolf howled in triumph. Asger knew she could hear him, when she hesitated, before she ran her tongue over his mouth, then firmed the pressure of her lips on his. When he didn’t respond other than to ball his hands into fists in a futile effort to stop himself from taking charge of this situation, she pulled away and shook him.

  “Dammit, kiss me back. This is not going to work without some cooperation from you, and you need to get back to her, so…” She yelped when Asger grasped her by her forearms. Pushing her away from him he held her at bay. It damn near killed him to do so, but he didn’t want her to do this just so that he could get back to his own time.

  “Ow, you’re hurting me.” Her whisper broke through, and he let her go with a muttered curse. Her eyes widened, when he got up abruptly and putting distance between them paced the space in front of the bench.

  “Why are you so damn angry?” she finally asked. Shooting to her own feet, she stopped his incessant pacing by getting right in his space. Her small hands connected with his chest, branding him with her heat and scent, and his beast chomped at the bit. Had he been able to shift, he would have done so already, to run off some of his frustration, before he claimed her here and then and fuck the consequences. However, he couldn’t shift in this damn time, so instead he shook his head and growled at her.

  His kona flinched, but she didn’t let go of him. Instead she stepped closer, so close that their thighs touched. The soft roundness of her breasts pressed into his chest, as she brought her hands up, clasped them around his neck, and getting on tiptoes, dropped a kiss on his nose, of all things.

  “You can growl all you want, but that doesn’t scare me.” She pulled back, and he marveled at the blush that spread across her cheekbones. Her inherent shyness around men was cute, and it made the possessive animal in him strut. Somehow he didn’t think his kona had been with very many men before him.

  “It should.” He grumbled the words, as he ran his hands slowly down her back until he reached the curve of her ass cheeks, and lifting her up, kissed her.

  A whimper escaped his girl. She brought her legs around his waist and clung to him like a vine, as he deepened the kiss. Asger marched them back up the path, until he could prop her up against the brick work of her family’s cottage.

  His cock ached with the need to sink into the wet heat of his mate. He ground his hips suggestively into her pussy, inwardly cursing against the layers of fabric between them. Asger’s grunt caused an answering set of mewls and feminine sighs of surrender from the woman in his arms. She grew pliant and soft against him, her reaction spurring him on to take this to its inevitable conclusion. He’d given his damn word, however. Besides their first time shouldn’t be a rough and frantic coupling against the wall like this.

  Repeated throat clearing from the side made him break the kiss, even as Kim followed him, seemingly intent on prolonging the contact. With her eyes shut, her pale face flushed and her lips swollen from his kisses, she looked good enough to eat. Asger slid her down his front with great reluctance until her feet touched the ground.

  “Dammit, Asger, you said you’d keep your fucking hands off of her. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here.”

  Chapter Eight

  Richard’s furious words, coupled with the sound of what could only be a shotgun being cocked, brought Kim out of the haze of lust and want Asger’s kisses had placed her under. She gasped when she opened her eyes to see they had an audience.

  Susan just looked amused and rather smug, whereas Richard had the shotgun he kept for warding off unwanted vermin, firmly trained on Asger.

  Pushing away from the wall, Kim got in front of her stoic looking Viking, only for him to pull her behind him with a muttered order in Norse, she couldn’t decipher. Kim rolled her eyes at the testosterone loaded display in front of her, even as her hormones sighed in submission at her warrior’s protectiveness. Richard’s, too, as misplaced and untimely as his intervention had been.

  “You gave me your word, dammit.” Richard raised his gun a notch, as Asger took a step toward him. Kim tried her best to pull Asger back, but it proved a useless exercise. The mountain of a man simply pulled her along. She swallowed frantically past the bile in her throat, when his chest touched the barrel of the shotgun, and he proceeded to stare Richard down.

  “Richard, come on, stop this. They were just kissing.” Kim threw her aunt a grateful glance, when Susan put her hand on her husband’s arm. “There is no need for this. Besides, Kim looked a more than willing participant there. Let it go, Rich.”

  Richard’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t drop the gun, and shook his wife’s hand off his biceps with a muttered curse.

  “He was practically eating her, woman, and that’s not the point. He said he would keep his hands off of her, and he hasn’t. How am I supposed to trust him after this stunt?”

  The most menacing growl yet erupted from Asger’s chest as he advanced on Richard, forcing the other man to take several steps back. Asger seemed to grow taller still, and the air shimmered around him. A charge of static electricity came off him in the process. Kim whimpered in pain as the sharp pain of that contact zinged up her arms. Before she could blink, she was in Asger’s arms, cradled against his chest, while he carried her past a worried looking Susan and a slightly less furious Richard, still clutching his shotgun, and into the warmth of the kitchen. Asger was muttering to himself in Norse the whole way. Kim closed her eyes and let that guttural sound wash over her senses. She really could listen to his voice all day. If the ache in her pussy was anything to by, he could probably talk her into an orgasm without even trying.

  Dammit, she so needed to get laid, and to hell with everything else. They could sort out any possible consequences afterward. Even as she thought that, she knew it wouldn’t happen, at least not right now, as her bum made contact with the kitchen table. Kim reluctantly opened her eyes, to find Asger examining her hands and arms with a frown, as though he was expecting injuries.

  In truth, she too, was expecting to see some sort of burn mark, but only unblemished flesh greeted her. The pain, sharp as it had been, had disappeared.

  “I’m okay, really. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  Asger’s head came up, and her heartbeat accelerated as their gazed connected. A wealth of emotion and concern greeted her in his expressive eyes. They bled from the dark molten chocolate of his human self to the softly glowing amber of his wolf’s, until she could almost see the big grey/brown animal pacing under his skin.

  “What do you mean, it doesn’t hurt? I’ll fucking kill him for real.”

  Kim ignored Richard’s ranting, her attention taken up by her Viking. She offered Asger a wobbly smile, and bringing her hands up, tentatively touched his face. No painful jolt this time, but heat, and a whiff of his virile scent that made her want to c
rawl into his skin and never let go. It was an odd sensation, for sure, but it also felt right, and Asger inhaled sharply.

  “You need to shift, don’t you?” she asked. Asger stiffened and nodded. He threw a wary glance at Richard, who had at long last dropped the shotgun and settled for glaring at them both.

  “Yes, that or fuck.” Asger’s reply meant Richard yanked that gun back up again. Susan shook her head and slapped her husband upside the head.

  “Give over, you big fool. Anyone can see these two belong together. Let’s give them some privacy, to—”

  “Neinn.” Asger’s growled reply stopped Susan. Kim held her breath when he turned his head to drop a kiss on the palm of her hand still curled around his face. It soothed away the leftover pain and caused tingles of an entirely different kind, as her clit clenched in need. Kim squeezed her thighs together, to simultaneously relieve that sweet ache and stop her knickers from getting completely soaked through with her need for this man. A futile exercise of course, as he would be able to smell her, especially this close to her. Sure enough his nostrils flared, and his harsh expression softened when he cupped the side of her face. The ghost of a smile kicked up his lips.

  God, how she wanted to feel those firm lips trail all over her body. Damn their audience. Having made up her mind, Kim didn’t want to wait. With that in mind, she scrambled to pull her phone out of her trouser pocket. Asger frowned when he saw her swipe it open. Smiling up at him she dialed the local taxi firm.

  Susan shook her head in amusement, whereas Richard’s glare tuned into bewilderment, when he heard her ask for a taxi. With a small grin up at the males in her life who stood watching her with almost identical frowns on their faces, she winked at Susan, gave Asger a shove to move him out of the way, and hopped off the table.

  “The taxi will be here in half an hour, so you can stop frowning, Richard. You, too, Asger.” She looked up at him, and smiled when he raised an eyebrow. The way Asger regarded her mobile phone with a healthy dose of mistrust made her chest feel tight with affection.

  He was doing so very well in adapting to her time, but he didn’t belong here. Now that she knew how to help him get back home, wild horses wouldn’t stop her from making sure he got there, and certainly not two overprotective males.

  “It’s a car that will take us home to my place, Asger,” she said. “You pay the driver for the journey. I’ve just called one, and he’ll be here within half an hour.”

  Asger’s frown deepened even as his eyes registered his understanding of her plan, and he shook his head.

  “Yes, we will, fuck that is.”

  Susan choked back a laugh as Kim turned to address Richard, who looked about ready to pop a blood vessel.

  “Don’t start, Richard. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself. You never should have made Asger utter that promise, not knowing what he has to do to get back to his time.”

  Richard grunted his annoyance, and Asger’s disapproval hit her square between the shoulder blades. She could almost feel it like a physical ache. A small part of her did marvel at the strength of the connection. They’d only kissed, yet she could feel his emotions as keenly as her own. Heaven only knew how much stronger that pull would be after they’d had sex, or heaven forbid he actually bit her. Assuming that worked the same as she’d always imagined it would in her books. That thought should scare her witless, but it had the opposite effect on her now. When Asger pulled her back into his frame, she went willingly.

  He nuzzled into her neck, and her knees went to mush. Had it not been for him holding her up, she was pretty damn sure she’d have just slid to the floor in a big puddle of goo.

  “He was right to make me promise, minn kona.” The deep timbre of Asger’s voice trembled through her. It left goosebumps in its wake, as she shut her eyes and gave herself up to the sensation overload she was being subjected to. The hard ridge of his erect cock digging into her lower back left her in no doubt that he wanted her. Needed her even, perhaps with the same all-consuming intensity that coursed through her veins, made her want to turn in his arms, and climb his huge frame like a tree, cling on and never let go again.

  “Listen to him, girl. This is just your hormones talking, dammit. If this was only a case of you getting your rocks off and be done with it, I’d say go for it, but there is so much more at stake here. I know you. He goes back without you, he’ll break your heart. If you go with him, and we never see you again … then…”

  Richard’s voice trailed off. He sounded so lost that Kim yanked her eyes open and pushed away from Asger. He let her go with only a moment’s hesitation, murmuring his approval when she wrapped her arms around Richard and hugged him.

  Moisture coated her cheeks. When she pulled back, she found tears running down Richard’s cheeks. It made her blink them away, too, and when Susan stepped up behind her to join in the hug, she lost the fight to stop them. By the time they broke apart to a loud toot from the front of the cottage, they were all misty eyed, while Asger was a stony presence in the room.

  “That’s the taxi. Please let me go. Know that I love you, always, no matter where I am.”

  Susan nodded and kissed her forehead, before she whispered into her ear.

  “You’re doing the right thing. Follow your heart, and don’t let your Viking wiggle out of it. He looks all set to cut off his nose to spite his face.” She winked at her. Sure enough when Kim angled her head to glance at Asger, he looked all brooding and tense, muttering to himself in Norse. Kim grinned and hugging Susan back whispered her reply.

  “I won’t.”

  He would hear her of course. Sure enough when she glanced his way again the intensity in his gaze made her stumble as she hugged Richard. He pulled her close, and then released her with obvious reluctance.

  “By God, I hope you know what you’re doing,” Richard said and added, “And you, Viking, I mean it. You look after our girl, or so help me, I’ll find you.”

  Asger nodded just once, held his hand to his chest, and bowed his head. Another, longer toot sounded this time, and Kim jumped.

  “That’s our cue. I guess I’ll be seeing you soon. Or maybe not?”

  “You do not have to do this, kona, not if you’re only—”

  “Oh, do shut up, Asger.” Kim rather enjoyed the way his mouth fell open, before he caught himself. Grasping her elbow he marched her out of the house, and to the waiting taxi. Kim turned to wave at Richard and Susan before she allowed herself to be bundled into the back of the taxi, and gave the grinning man her address. Asger slid into the middle seat next to her. Kim hid her smile at the possessive way he placed one hand on her thigh and pulled her snug against him with the other arm. The driver’s smile slipped slightly at his warning growl. Clearly taking the hint, he sped off. Kim probably ought to be annoyed at this obvious display of ownership. Had it been any other man and in different circumstances she probably would be, but right here and now, it just made her wetter for the man holding her. So she shut her eyes, rested her head on his big shoulder, and let his far too intoxicating scent pull her under.


  Asger didn’t even try to suppress the incessant growl of his wolf. It served nicely to keep the human male driving off balance. He hadn’t appreciated the look of lust the other man had thrown his kona’s way. Not that she appeared to have noticed, but Asger had, and it pissed him off no end. The sooner he got her back to his time, and she bore his mark, the better, as far as he was concerned. The trusting way she leaned into him as he looked back at the cottage, which was fast disappearing from view, made him tighten his hold on her. She snuggled in closer with a small sigh, and he sent a silent prayer up to Odin.

  When they’d arrived at her family’s house he never would have anticipated the evening ending like it had. Regardless of what the other female seemed to think, he had no intention of cutting off his nose. This was clearly some form of expression, because no one in their right mind would actually cut
off their nose. Far too messy for starters. He assumed she meant this to say, he would not be claiming her, but Asger was no saint. The Christians were fond of them, he knew, but surely even one of those would be hard pushed to keep his hands off Kimberly now. Released from his promise Asger had every intention to give his wolf free rein. He couldn’t have stopped the animal had he wanted to. Not after weeks of being confined and with the promise of home and freedom in his nostrils.

  The ride seemed to take forever; even though it couldn’t have taken more than fifteen minutes before the gravel crunching under the tires of the car signaled their arrival at Kim’s cottage. The bright torch, which lit up as if by magic when anyone approached, filled the interior of the car, and Kim handed the driver some money. Asger got out and breathed in the fresh air, relieved to be away from the cloying body odor of the other male. His kona’s scent wrapped itself around him, and his skin itched with the need to shift.

  Kim hurried past him. She inserted the key to unlock the entrance to her house with trembling fingers. When she managed to get it open, turned and smiled up at him, he lost what semblance of control he’d been holding onto.

  His wolf’s almost menacing growls made her blanch and step back and away from him. Her breathing sped up, and the fast beats of her heart called him to taste, to sink his teeth into the rapidly beating pulse at the base of her neck, to irrevocably make her his.

  His kona jumped when he kicked the door shut behind him. Not taking his eyes off of her, he yanked his t-shirt over his head. His boots followed, and then his jeans. He hadn’t bothered with underwear. Kim’s little mewl of need when he stood naked in front of her, made him grind his teeth together. His jaw ached, and he shook his head, closed his eyes, and willed his animal to stand down.


  He wrenched his eyes open at her hesitant question. Kim’s eyes widened when he grasped his aching dick in a firm grip that brought some relief, as the sexual tension pulsed between them. When she sank to her knees in front of him, and wrapped her small hands over his while she looked up at him, Asger groaned.


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