Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2) Page 7

by Sydney Addae

  Turning, she looked out the side window at buildings, stores and public areas they passed. Would she have time for a little sightseeing before she went home? It’d be nice to tell Mona and the others she’d seen places they’d studied and read about like the Vatican, the Colosseum, or the Pantheon, as well as other places of interest. Unfortunately, Astrid kept her so busy, this was only the third time she had left the woman’s flat in five weeks and doubted she’d find the time to see anything before she left.

  They pulled in front of a restaurant. Astrid paid and they slid out the back seat. Just as they were walking inside, Astrid received a text.

  “Crikey, he wants us to come to his office,” Astrid muttered and then stepped to the corner searching for another cab.

  Seconds passed with Astrid clucking her frustration at the lack of success while Bella stood beside her watching traffic.

  The hair on the back of Bella’s neck rose. Turning slowly, she looked across the street. A tall and big man, dressed in black, with dark hair and sunglasses stared in her direction. Bella glanced behind her to see who or what caught his attention, saw no one and looked at him again. Chest heaving, he took several deep breaths as he continued to stare.

  Uncomfortable, she turned away from him and noticed another tall man, maybe not as wide, but his eyes were dark and unblinking as he walked in her direction taking deep breaths. A low rumbling sound made her jump, and cover her mouth as the man from across the street ran so fast he knocked the man heading in her direction down.

  Bella flinched at the boom from the collision and grabbed Astrid’s arm, pulling her back from the curb. An odd chill rippled over her skin over the brutality, like it wasn't real.

  “What’s going on?” Astrid murmured as she stepped close to Bella while watching the men battle on the ground.

  Another growl from another man jogging in her direction, coupled with the way he stared at her, sent her scrambling backward, pulling Astrid with her. Before this one reached Bella, another man came out of nowhere and slammed into him.

  Four men were fighting in the street.

  The sounds of their grunts and body hits seemed like something out of a horror movie. Throat tight, Bella fought to keep her breakfast down. Hand on her stomach, heart racing, she turned and walked into the restaurant. “We need a table,” Bella said shaking. Astrid came up behind her and placed her arm around her as they followed the hostess to a table.

  “Water please,” Bella whispered, praying to Mother Mary that she would be able to swallow.

  “Of course.” The hostess left and returned with a bottle of water.

  Bella couldn’t stop shaking. The fights had been so brutal, she thought someone would die. Why? What made them do that?


  Adam, Barticus and Jarcee left the hotel and were heading into town to see the sights, when Adam lifted his nose. A scent so divinely unique, his beast recognized it immediately. He almost shifted right then. “Mine.” He growled low in his belly and took off running, following her scent. “Mine. Mine. Mine.” His beast repeated the word over and over as his human side tried without success to proceed with caution.

  Something was wrong. The idea that something or someone caused his mate distress flipped a switch in Adam’s mind. Nothing mattered other than protecting her. His teeth lengthened in his mouth, as he ran with blurred speed. He couldn’t, wouldn’t stop until the threat was neutralized.

  Turning the corner, the flashing lights of the police car and the onlookers crowding the street and sidewalk made him slow down. Eager to find and protect his mate, he pressed forward until he arrived at a restaurant. Inhaling deeply, he shook as her fertile, rich scent ricocheted through him. His knees buckled in gratitude that her fear had eased somewhat. Head bent, he forced his teeth to normalize.

  His gaze sharpened. Full-bloods and half-breeds fought over her in the street. A few stood nearby inhaling, searching. Human police tried to stop the fights, but had no idea of the powerful force that seized these men. This was what Alpha Barticus had warned him about, the purity of the mating call rendered them helpless against her potent pheromones. They could not ignore her.

  Adam took a deep breath, scented her fragrance and shuddered with the need to take her deep and hard. To hear her yell his name. To take all of him, scratching, biting and claiming him.

  Torn, his beast eyed those who wanted his mate and glanced at the door of the eatery. Should he go inside to offer comfort? Or remain here to neutralize any threats to her.

  A full-blood, dressed in a suit holding a briefcase tried to enter the restaurant. Even though the full-blood was mated, Adam growled low in his throat in a challenge. “No.”

  The full-blood met his gaze, looked at the crowd, the human cops, nodded and turned away. Adam knew other full-bloods would attempt to take his mate, just as he knew he would die to stop that from happening.

  Jarcee approached slowly with his hands held out. “Easy. Easy.”

  A low rumbling sound escaped Adam’s throat. “Mine.”

  “I know. But we’re in public. You can’t shift now. Ease up a bit so you can go inside and meet her. You can’t meet her like this.”

  Adam heard the words. On one level, they made sense. But he couldn’t restrain his beast until he was sure the threat to her was gone. There were too many dual-natureds hanging around.

  Barticus stood in the middle of the road. A few moments later the fighting stopped. The local Alpha appeared, talked to the police and slapped them on their backs as they returned to their cars. The Alpha walked the fighters toward a large van and drove off.

  The remaining dual-natureds walked away slowly but constantly looked over their shoulders toward the restaurant.


  He fought back tears of relief. This never happened before and he didn’t know what to do. “Daddy. I…I can’t control my beast.”

  A cold blast hit and rolled through him. “Breathe, Son. Breathe. I’ve got you.”

  Trembling, Adam sipped air as Jarcee stood in front of him providing a level of privacy. Adam took a gulp of the cold air to clear his thoughts through the red haze. He continued breathing until he could think. “What was that?”

  “From what Alpha Barticus and Jarcee have told me, you’ve just gotten a whiff of a pure unmated breeder in heat.”

  “What?” Adam’s eyes widened. Yesterday he had smelled a foul-smelling breeder and had been repulsed. His beast did not respond like it had just now. This compulsion, for lack of a better word, overrode everything. He could not stop or control his beast. Even now, with his father, the top Alpha in the world linked with him, his beast tried to break free. That was unheard of.

  “Yes. I had to work on Jarcee first so he wouldn’t be affected. He said you claimed her as yours. Is that true?”

  “I may have. Something came over me and my beast took off. I couldn’t control it.” Adam ran his hand through his hair and looked at Jarcee.

  “If she’s your mate, you can’t control the need to protect and serve her. It’s innate. Listen, you’ll need to go meet and talk to her. Jarcee is unmated and cannot go with you. Your beast will not allow anyone unmated around her. Alpha Barticus is well known in the area and will go with you to help ease things.” His dad paused. “If she’s a breeder like your mother, things can get complicated really fast. You’re going to need patience like you’ve never had before. Son, she’s not like the others you’ve dated or used for sex. She can walk away from you without a backward glance. You won’t make it far. This is not half-breed to half-breed. The rules are different for breeders.”

  Adam wasn’t sure he understood exactly what his father meant, but he wanted, no needed to go to her. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Adam, she’s human. She has no knowledge of our world or kind. Seriously, this is not a game. Your future hangs in the balance. You must be patient,” his father stressed.

  “Yes, Sir. I heard you. I’ll be patient with her.” Adam turned to walk inside. A hand
laid on his shoulder. He growled and shook it off. No one would stand between him and his mate.

  Adam blinked and looked over his shoulder at Barticus. “She’s my mate.”

  Barticus inhaled and exhaled slowly. “We do this together. Follow me.


  Bella sat at the table nibbling on bread dipped in olive oil and spices. It was all her stomach could take. Astrid hadn’t said much other than Roarke pushed the meeting back to accommodate their delay. Bella no longer cared about Roarke or the music contract or anything else in this violent city. Home. She wanted the peace and quiet of home where people didn’t try to kill themselves in the middle of the road. As soon as she finished this business with Roarke, she’d make arrangements to return to the Order. City living where men fought in the streets unprovoked wasn’t for her.

  How could Astrid eat salad and pizza? The aroma alone made her queasy. She rubbed her stomach and tried to relax. At least no one stared at her in here. Or fought. Or snarled. What was that about? She’d never heard anyone make those sounds. She took a long pull of water from her glass and closed her eyes.

  “Excuse me.”

  Bella looked up at a tall blond giant and a slightly shorter one with wavy, jet black hair standing next to him but close to her.

  “Yes?” Astrid said, her gaze flicked from the men to Bella.

  “I’m Barticus. May I have a moment of your time?” he asked Astrid.

  Bella continued looking at the black-haired Adonis. He reminded her of a picture of a dimpled pirate she’d seen in a book once. Broad-shouldered with a handsome angular face and reddish-brown eyes, he waited quietly until Astrid nodded.

  “Barticus? The Barticus who owns…” Astrid asked, sounding surprised.

  He nodded. “Yes. I apologize. I do not know your name.”

  Bella watched color rise on Astrid’s face. “No reason you should. Astrid.” She extended her hand. He took it and kissed the back of it. “This is Bella Gibson, my protégé,” Astrid introduced her.

  Instead of Barticus taking her hand, the good-looking one standing with him took it. Staring into her eyes, he smiled. “Adam Knight.” He kissed the back of her hand. The look he gave made her belly quiver. She looked up, her eyes searched his for a trace of deceit and, after what she’d seen outside, insanity.

  Astrid frowned. “If you’re Barticus, then…” She looked at Adam. “Then what happened outside…” She looked at Bella who waited to hear what Astrid had to say.

  “Most unfortunate.” He looked down at Bella. “I hope you weren’t harmed or too upset by that.”

  Bella released a long breath. Finally, someone to get an explanation from. “No, I’m fine, thank you. But I don’t understand why they started fighting. It was crazy! I’ve never seen anything like it and I hope I never do again. Do you know what made them act like that?” She shook her head. “I’m going home soon so it doesn’t matter.”

  “Please join us,” Astrid said, waving to the two empty chairs.

  Barticus sat next to Astrid.

  Adam sat next to Bella.

  “Your English is very good. I’m surprised to hear it in Rome,” Barticus said with a gentle smile at Bella.

  “My mother and our school taught and spoke English. I think it’s to keep others guessing about what we’re saying,” she returned his smile.

  “Indeed, I can see the wisdom in that,” Barticus said.

  “Are you eating anything?” Adam asked her.

  “No. Seeing that… I couldn’t eat.” She waved her hand and lapsed into silence. He smelled good, like a fresh meadow after rain.

  “How do you feel now? Would you like to share a pizza? Or a sandwich?”

  Listening to his voice, the idea of food didn’t seem so repulsive. “Sure.”

  “Which do you prefer?” He asked staring into her eyes.

  “Pizza would be fine,” she said breaking his gaze.

  The waiter returned and took their orders.

  Astrid glanced at Adam again and then spoke to Barticus. “Roarke is expecting us in his office after our meal. Have you seen him lately?”

  “Ah… no I haven’t. Perhaps we can accompany you.” Barticus looked at Bella. “To prevent any unfortunate recurrences from happening.”

  “Do you have a car or should Roarke send one for us?” Astrid asked sounding concerned.

  “It’s taken care of. Don’t worry.” He leaned back as two pizzas were placed on the table and the waiter removed the empty dishes.

  “That was fast,” Bella murmured as Adam placed a slice of pizza on a plate in front of her and refilled her glass of water.

  “Would you like anything else?” Adam asked Bella.

  Surprised, she looked at the steam rising from her food and shook her head. “No.” She paused. “Thank you.”

  He placed a slice on his plate and ate. By the time she finished her first slice, Adam had eaten three. Barticus had eaten most of his whole pie. They didn’t rush, they simply took large bites.

  The waiter removed empty dishes and placed another bottle of water on the table.

  Adam’s cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and smiled as he answered. “Mama.”

  He sensed Bella’s attention and smiled wider.

  “Your Dad told me you’ve been side-swiped,” his mom said.

  He moved the phone to his other ear, away from Bella. “Alpha Barticus and I are sharing a meal with the lovely Bella and Astrid. It’s been an interesting day so far.”

  “Great, she’s sitting with you. When you have time, call me so I can share information on breeders, sweetie.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’ll call you later tonight. How’s everyone doing? Rese? Rone? Asia, Hawke? My nieces and nephews?” He added when he realized Bella listened intently. Maybe family was important to her, he hoped so because he had a large extended one.

  “Everybody’s good. Jackie and Quinn are thinking about setting a date for their mating ceremony.”

  Adam laughed. “After a year of traveling around the world, it’s about time. Tell them to do it in the off season.”

  “Will do. Take care honey and be careful. Love you,” Jasmine said.

  “Love you too, Mama.” Adam disconnected and met Bella’s sad gaze. “Sorry, my mom. I haven’t talked to her in a few days.”

  “You’re close?” Bella asked in a soft voice.

  “Yes. There are six of us, we’re all close.” Something in her gaze prevented him from asking about her family.

  “That’s a blessing.”

  Adam met her gaze, trying to read what she meant. “Yes, it is.”

  “If you’re done, we can leave,” Barticus said. “The car is parked in the rear.” He stood, and stepped back so Astrid and Bella could exit. Adam went first with the women in the middle.

  The ride to Roarke’s office was mercifully brief. Adam thought he’d explode with the need to touch Bella, but his father’s warnings of patience kept his hands clasped tightly in his lap while looking out the window. His beast settled to low simmering growls.

  Roarke met the car and escorted them up to his office while glancing at Bella periodically. Several full-bloods turned and stared at her as they walked down the hall. Barticus placed his hand on Adam’s shoulder to help keep his beast under control.

  “Sorry, I sent everyone out. These may not have gotten the memo or returned early. Give me a few minutes to take care of this,” Roarke told Barticus.

  “Appreciated.” Barticus led the small group into a large conference room. “Please have a seat. Roarke will return in a minute.” Once Adam and Bella sat next to each other at the table, a video played on the large screen. Dressed in navy jogging pants, t-shirt, and sneakers, Bella sat on a sofa singing a song Barticus never heard before but was positive he’d never forget. The perfect pitch of her voice sent tingles down his spine. The Goddess’ hand was strong on this one. He hoped Adam was up to the task of caring for such a gift.

  Astrid waved Barticus to her side.
“I’ve been sworn to secrecy and don’t need to know pack business. But Bella just lost her mother earlier this year and has been sent to me for six weeks of voice coaching and training. If her life’s going to be turned upside down, I need to know so I can help prepare her. She knows nothing of your world.” Astrid took a deep breath. “She lives in a commune. A religious order that does not allow outsiders. She’s pure, you can hear it in her voice.”

  Barticus closed his eyes and shook his head. “This couldn’t just be easy, could it? One second.” Barticus contacted Silas and shared what he’d just learned.


  “She’s from where?” Jasmine asked Silas while sitting on their bed with her hands held tightly in her lap. Of all her children, Adam had been the most free-spirited and by that she meant he would be considered a lady’s man or a man-whore in some circles. For his mate to be a virginal member of a Christian cult-commune or whatever they called it, was unbelievable.

  “Some commune, a religious cult from somewhere in the mountains.” Silas paused. “Her mother died recently.”

  Thoughts on Adam, Jasmine waved away the girl’s recent misfortune. “This means his charm offense probably won’t work.”

  “Charm offense?”

  “Yeah, he smiles, winks that dimple, talks soft, pays attention, you taught him the game, you and the twins,” Jasmine snapped, her concern for her son’s future rising incrementally. “He’s never been patient and he’ll need to be.” She looked at Silas. “Are you sure she’s throwing off the mating heat?”

  “Jarcee and Barticus confirmed it. There was fighting in the streets,” Silas added.

  Jasmine stood. Her long braids brushed against her back as she walked in a small circle. “This is dangerous for them both. Who’s handling security?” She bit her bottom lip, wishing she were closer to Adam and his mate to help them through this difficult time. But a breeder? For Adam? When Barticus asked for information on breeders she never imagined her son would be mated to one. So many things could go wrong that would destroy Adam’s future.


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