Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2)

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Alpha Awakening - Adam (La Patron's Den Book 2) Page 15

by Sydney Addae

  “Yeah. Here comes Leo and Brix, friends from back home. They’ll take us there.” He pointed to two tall men walking toward them. One tall and light, the other shorter with a tan and long dreads.

  If she hadn’t seen men fighting in the streets recently, she would’ve thought these two were athletes or bodybuilders. She wouldn’t notice the way they all but glided when they moved with purpose, or that they constantly inhaled, or the edginess about them. Less than a few hours with Adam and her eyes were wide open to their differences.

  “Congratulations, man.” The shorter of the two embraced Adam with one arm while the other stood nearby looking around.

  “Thanks, Leo.” Adam stepped back and took her hand. “This is Bella.” He placed a kiss on her cheek. “This is Leo and his mate, Brix.”

  “Nice to meet you Bella,” Leo said nodding in her direction but not making any attempt to move closer.

  Too nervous to talk, she nodded and looked everywhere but at the two hulking men.

  “Luggage?” Brix asked.

  “Just these.” Adam pointed to her bags and his. “Have you guys talked to Alpha Barticus?” He walked behind them after Brix grabbed their bags.

  “Not yet. We arrived first thing this morning, made sure security was online and staff in place. It’s a really cool joint with a pool and hot-tub out back if you don’t want to swim in the ocean,” Leo said.

  Bella stared at the lush vegetation on the sides of the walkway as they headed for the vehicle and was reminded of the forest back home. A pang of homesickness washed over her. Adam squeezed her hand. His gaze asked if she was okay and she appreciated him not speaking about anything in front of his friends. She shook her head, hoping he’d let it go for now.

  Conversation between Adam and Leo flowed, becoming background noise as she slid into the back seat next to Adam and gazed out the window. He kissed the back of her hand. When she looked up at him, he brushed his lips against hers.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, surprising her.

  Heat rushed to her face and neck as he pulled her closer as they pulled away from the dock in the jeep. Adam held her hand while placing kisses and nipping her neck during the drive. Lost in pleasure, she was disappointed when they stopped.

  “If you’re hungry, there’s some food in the kitchen. Your mom sent something that smells delicious. I won’t say no if you leave a corner in the pan,” Leo said.

  Adam laughed but didn’t commit. He wrapped his arm around Bella’s shoulder as they walked up the path to the house. “Alpha Barticus pulled another rabbit out of his hat. This place is serious,” Adam said looking around.

  Bella murmured her agreement but didn’t say much as they entered the foyer through large, thick glass doors. She had never seen anything like this. Green plants sat on tables, in corners, and in cornices. Rattan and cotton comfortable looking furniture in bright summer colors were placed throughout the first floor. This house was meant to be enjoyed with lovely, colorful abstract artwork and tile flooring.

  Tension eased from her shoulders as she and Adam strolled into the largest kitchen she had ever seen. “Smells good,” Adam said opening an oven and pulling out a large aluminum pan. Smiling, he looked at her over his shoulder. “Mom sent paella. It’s really good.”

  Her stomach grumbled at the mention of food. “Paella? Never heard of it but I’ll have some.” She took a seat near him and watched as he found dishes and scooped healthy portions onto their plates.

  He placed one in front of her and pulled out another pan. “Here’s some rolls.” He put one on her plate.

  She took a bite and moaned. “This is really good. Does your mom cook like this all the time?” She finished the buttery roll and took another.

  “No. Not really. She bakes when she’s upset or needs to think about something.”

  “She’s upset? About you? Me?” She stopped eating to look at him.

  Adam refused to go down that lane. Chances were pretty good his mom was concerned about him and Bella but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure. “Could be anything. She didn’t mention anything when we talked.” He grabbed two bottles of water from the refrigerator and placed one next to her plate. “Taste it.” He pointed to her food. “You’ll like it.” Watching her finger pick out a shrimp and pop it in her mouth was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen. The way her mouth sucked her fingers made his cock stiffen. Patience, everyone told him. So he kept silent as she ate a fork full of food.

  “This is so good. The flavors…” she held her hand up to her mouth while she chewed. Finished, she smiled at him. “Sorry, shouldn’t talk with a mouth full.”

  Pleased, she was eating, he dug into his plate while scenting the air. Pheromones. Earlier when they woke he hadn’t been sure but now he was positive. Having sex, a lot of good, messy, sex wasn’t the switch to shut it down.

  “Dad? “Adam continued eating while waiting for an answer.

  “Is everything alright?” his father asked a few moments later.

  Adam gave him a brief overview of what happened. “She’s still releasing the pheromones.” He took a long drink of water as Bella scooped more food onto her plate.

  “Your mom said it wasn’t until I gave her my seed that she was content. Obviously, that’s not the issue with your mate. There’s something she needs from you, something only you can give her that will shut it down.”

  “What?” he had no idea and doubted Bella did either.

  “I don’t know, Son. You’ll need to find out if there’s something troubling her, something that she wants or needs. Each person is so different. Talk to her. Once she’s comfortable, maybe she’ll open up and share.” Silas paused. “Sorry, I wish we could help more.”

  “Thanks. You and Mom have been great. This is something I, no we, have to work out on our own. Tell Mom Bella loves the paella and rolls. This is the most I’ve seen her eat since we’ve met.”

  “That’ll make her happy. Be careful. I know you’re tired of hearing the word patience.”

  Adam smiled. “I never knew how difficult that one word could be until I met Bella.” He thought about her sexual response to him and how sated he’d been. The song she sung just before they fell asleep centered and comforted him at the same time.

  She’d rocked his core and reeled him in with every gasp and sigh of pleasure. Knowing he’d been the only one to ever bring her that level of pleasure, skyrocketed his satisfaction.

  The tables had been turned.

  His experience didn’t save him from being ensnared by her innocence. “But she’s worth it, Daddy. I had no idea I could connect with anyone like this.”

  “I know, son. Mates have a way of turning your world upside down. And breeders… just knowing the little we do about them makes us work harder to keep them tethered to our side. But I will share this. Once Bella gives you her loyalty and her heart, it’s for keeps. Although I have no proof, I think it’s stronger than the bond between full-bloods. Which is why I can turn over the running of the Nation to my Sweet Bitch freely. I know she’ll never betray me or my heart, which I gave to her for safe keeping. She’s my match in every way. There’s nothing about her I would change.”

  Adam glanced at Bella and wondered if she’d ever see him in that manner. At the moment, it didn’t seem likely.

  “But our beginning was rocky. I was an arrogant ass, which your mother had no problem pointing out on numerous occasions. I discounted her advice, violated her moral compass and paid a high price when she shut me out. Discover what makes your mate genuinely happy and pile it on. I’m not talking sexual. You need to get inside her mind, make room for yourself there and camp for a while. Plant seeds of love, safety, family, contentment, loyalty, whatever you can give her so that she looks to you for the things she recently got from others or the group.”

  Adam thought about what his dad said. “I’ve scored with her body, now score with her mind?”

  Silas chuckled “Only you’d think in sports terms.” He
sighed. “We’ll go with that. You need to win over her mind and body, her heart will follow. Winning her heart is the prize and is a lot harder as you know.”

  Adam understood. “No matter how hard I practice, I play best when my mind is totally in the game, and everything else is blocked out.” How to do that with Bella? As his father mentioned, he tended to think sports. “I’ve never done anything like this… I mean work at getting to know someone on a deep level. It’s kind of freaking me out a little. What if… what if she doesn’t let me in? How will I know if I’m there? She loves music. How can I pile that on?” He took another long pull from the water bottle and watched Bella rummage through the food bag. His gaze roamed over her face, her neck, her high rounded breasts, trim waist, firm ass, every part of flesh he had touched last night. She was perfection.

  She pulled out another covered dish and opened it. “Pastries!” She grinned at him, pulled one out and bit into it.

  “Ask her. Encourage her in whatever way she needs. Be her champion on every level. As your brothers say, “have her back” in anything she does. Let her know you’re interested in her totally, not just in bed. She’s lost her family and may feel lost. Step up and build a new den, a new family with her. Not to replace what she had. That’s impossible. But a fresh new start with you and your family. When the time’s right, bring her home. We’ll be here to welcome her.”

  “Yes, Sir. And thank you. I didn’t know what to think but now I have some direction. Tell mom I love her and will call later.” Adam disconnected and intercepted the second danish from Bella. “Save some for me.” He bit into the fruit tart and moaned.

  “I know, right?” Bella said before taking another danish and moving out of reach. “I’ve never tasted anything this good.” Eyes twinkling at him, she took a bite and moaned. “You’ve been quiet.”

  He nodded. “Just thinking about you, about us.”

  She finished the danish and grabbed her water bottle. “Us?” She took a long drink while watching him.

  He walked over to her and pulled her into a loose hug. “Yeah, us. You’re all I can think about.” Which was true and his hardening cock agreed. Should he mention their pheromone problem? How could he get closer? Win her mind? He had no clue.

  Her hands cradled his cheeks. She tiptoed slightly and pressed her lips against his in a soft and playful kiss. Surprised, he stood still without responding for a few seconds, and got lost in the wonderful sensation of her kissing him.

  Was she accepting him as her mate? Or did she want sex? His hardness pulsed wildly at the thought. He relished in the plushness of her body and closed his eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed small, shy kisses on his face.

  “What do you think when you think about me?” she whispered near his ear. The words shot straight to his cock.

  Adam cleared his throat, pushed down his rising lust and fought like crazy to say something that made sense. “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  She smiled. It wasn’t the insecure, doubtful smile she’d worn the first time he’d called her beautiful. No. This smile held a hint of mystery and sexy confidence that robbed his thoughts.

  “Yeah?” She placed a kiss on his chest near his nipple and the thought that she might touch the taut nub made him hold his breath.

  “Um hmm.” He nodded and angled to the side to assist if she was inclined to kiss his nipple. Seconds passed. Neither spoke or moved.

  Disappointed she hadn’t gone further, he thought of his mission to get her to open up. While thinking how to approach the topic, he stroked her soft cheek with his thumb, loving the feel of her skin.

  Her eyes fluttered closed at the sensation. She leaned forward and rested against his chest. He nuzzled her neck and inhaled deeply. His cock twitched in approval of her smell and her small sigh. Pecking her neck, he pulled her tighter. “I can give you the five-dollar tour now… or later,” he said against her hair.

  She smiled against his chest, leaned back and threaded her fingers with his. “Later.”


  Bella sensed Adam’s surprise at her response and bit back a smile. During her meal in this remarkable kitchen in this fabulous house, she had an epiphany. Either she could drag her feet through life, bemoaning what was or could have been, or she could shape it to suit her. Wasn’t that the gift her mom left her? The reason she’d been in Rome training? Maybe Adam’s mom put something extra in the food. Bella wasn’t sure, but it hit the right spots and fueled her imagination.

  First, Bella loved music. All kinds of music. Music stayed in her mind all the time, even when she and Adam hit high notes in bed. The idea of performing in front of others, or changing her lyrics to appeal to masses held no appeal. She’d never be that type of musician. But she loved creating melodies, songs and harmonies. When she returned to the Order, she would talk to her father about pursuing that avenue. If it meant she had to leave the Order… she swallowed hard on this point because she would be leaving everything she knew, then she would leave.

  But hadn’t she done that already? Not once, but twice, and survived.

  Once she’d made a decision regarding music, she’d watched Adam as she ate. He seemed deep in thought. It was strange to see him so quiet, almost reflective instead of his normally animated self. Ironically, seeing this side of him appealed to her. Knowing there was probably a lot more to him than the sexy, jock with the smooth, and totally effective lines, turned her on.

  She bit back a laugh at the idea of being turned on. In the past 24 hours, she learned so much about herself. She liked sex. Or she liked sex with Adam. Thinking of them together caused a melting sensation in her chest. If his screaming, hollering and yes, growling was any indication, she wasn’t half bad at it either. Pride rose in her chest as she hugged the knowledge of what she’d done to and for him.

  “Good, they put our bags in here,” Adam said opening the door to a room that seemed larger than her entire home with the Order. A large bed with a leather white and black checkered headboard with metal hoops on the corners, dominated the middle of the room. He took her hand as they moved forward, stopping just shy of the bed.

  He reached around, deftly lifted the shirt over her head, popped her bra open and slid it from her arms so fast, she stood dazed.

  “Adam,” she got out when he didn’t say anything, and instead stared down at her exposed breasts.

  "Fucking beautiful." He dipped his head to capture the right nipple in his mouth. A jolt of sensation ripped through her. But he wasn’t done. She cried out, grasped at his hair and arched her back as he dragged his teeth along the taut buds of her nipples. Shards of intense pleasure shot through her.

  Her core throbbed in three-part harmony for him.

  “Mine.” The guttural proclamation sent sizzling heat through her body, stealing her thoughts and inflaming her need. His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her pants. Her hands joined his mission and within seconds she was naked.

  Cool air brushed against her fevered skin as he lifted her, moved a few feet to the head of the bed and lowered her onto it. Bella scooted over, eager for him to join her. Instead of removing his clothes as she wished, he stared at her breasts and lowered his gaze.

  “Adam.” She hadn’t meant to sound so needy but seeing his eyes change to that shade of brown, more gold than sherry, did something to her. Chest heaving, he continued staring at the juncture of her thighs.

  “So wet for me.” He bent forward and swiped his finger between her legs.

  The movement had been so sudden, Bella jerked in surprise and then awe as he sucked the dewy moisture from his fingers.

  “Damn you taste good. I’ve never…” He pulled his shirt over his head and shoved his pants down. Seconds later he pulled her legs further apart and lay between them. “I wanted to do this last night but, we got sidetracked.”

  “Sidetracked?” She squeaked as his tongue touched her down there. “Adam!?” She tried to scoot up and away from his mouth. “What are
you doing?”

  “I’m hungry,” he murmured holding onto her thighs, keeping her firmly in place.

  “Hungry?” she tried to make sense of what he meant, but her body shuddered beneath his mouth. Her hips lifted and even moved as unimaginable pleasure rose within her. This couldn’t be right. People didn’t do these kinds of things to each other her mind protested. Images of the Priestess and friends she knew from the Order flew across her mind.

  What would they think? Or say? This is unnatural. Shame warred with pleasure. She shouldn’t enjoy this. It was too carnal, and lewd. Again, she tried to pull away.

  His hold tightened.

  “Mine,” he said against her. Gently, he licked her tender folds. She gasped as her interior walls clapped in anticipation, drowning her concerns.

  “You like that? Good,” he said without waiting for her to answer as he continued licking, drawing out more of her juices before he twirled his tongue on her clit. She would’ve shot off the bed if he hadn’t been holding her in place. She screamed when his lips latched onto her, and gave a hard suck. Her orgasm ripped through her so suddenly, it robbed her of breath as she came shaking and holding his head in place against her. When her heart slowed, she released his head and fought back the rising shame over her actions. She tried to close her legs, but Adam remained firmly planted between them licking and God help her, humming against her pussy.

  “Adam,” she said weakly. Initially, she’d thought to turn the tables on him. To prove she could please him as much or as easily, as he’d pleased her. She’d miscalculated badly. Never in her wildest imagination would she have thought he’d kiss her down there. Or that she would enjoy it as much as she had.


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