A Billionaire In Barcelona

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A Billionaire In Barcelona Page 23

by Cherry Kay

  “I’m fine Kelsey…what’s up?” I ask, growing a little impatient.

  “So I heard you’ve somehow gotten in touch with Ali’s parents…” Kelsey is talking as if we’re spies who may or may not be on the same team.

  “Have you just spoken to Ali? Is she mad at me?” I ask quickly and Kelsey urges me to calm down.

  “She’s not mad, a little annoyed, but really she’s just trying to deal with the hurt of her mom and dad turning their backs on her. She’s been trying to ignore it, but honestly I’m glad she’s dealing with it now. Repressed stress and heartache can’t be good for the baby. Especially in the first trimester.” I start to pace again, feeling anxious for Ali. I should just knock on her door and let her yell at me, then hold her so she knows she’s not alone.

  “Can we get to the point a little quicker, Kelsey, please?” I try to temper my tone so that I don’t sound as worked up as I feel.

  “I’d like to help you. Whether you want to kick her parent’s asses or what, I’ll help you fix their relationship.” A sliver of hope needles its way into my chest and I smile.

  “You’re an angel Kelsey, an absolute angel.” Kelsey laughs and says something about how everyone else knows this. I don’t really pay attention, instead I wonder if Kelsey might have a way to contact Ali’s brothers. “Kelsey do you have the number to either brother’s cell phones? Ali’s brothers.” I clarify and smile when she says she has both. I quickly jot down both Tristan and Trenton’s phone numbers.

  “So are you going to call them? What will you say? You need to have a game plan you know, so nothing blows up in your face like before.” Kelsey is right. I do need a game plan.

  “What do you suggest?” Kelsey pauses for a moment and I roll my eyes. Must she drag this out?

  “Well, Ali and her brothers get along well enough, but she secretly resents them because they are clearly the favorites. On Tristan and Trenton’s end, they adore their little sister, they are just a bit oblivious when it comes to Ali and her relationship with Shatrice and Shawn. So call Trenton, because his job isn’t as demanding as Tristan’s and he’s actually flying in tomorrow. Trent and Tristan don’t yet know about what happened, they don’t even know that Ali is pregnant.”

  “How do you think Trenton will react when the guy that got his little sister pregnant calls to tell him the ‘good news’?” If I had a little sister who I loved on any level and her professor called me to tell me that she’s pregnant with his baby, and subsequently disowned by her parents, I’d fly in early just to kick his ass.

  “Well I never said this would be easy, Adam, but we have to try something. Ali and the baby can’t live a life without an entire half of their family who’s out there breathing the same air.” Kelsey is right, and what the hell am I doing doubting myself? I have to try everything before I give in to doubt.

  “Thank you, Kelsey, I’ll call you later with an update…actually why don’t you come over and keep Ali company?” I offer, knowing Ali might ignore me for the rest of the day.

  “Actually, she invited me over already and I’m leaving my apartment now, I just wanted to have this conversation before I got there, so she wouldn’t overhear us.” I’m beginning to see why this Kelsey girl is Ali’s closest friend.

  “Alright Kelsey, I’ll see you soon then.” I let her go and pull on some boots and a belt. I’ll go pick up some take-out for the girls so it gives me an excuse to make this call. I take a deep breath; I hope this works for Ali’s sake.

  I’m just about to step out of the bedroom when Ali knocks on the door before gently pushing it open to peek inside. “Hi.” She says softly and I pull her inside, she surprises me by giving me a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her and inhale. She smells like caramel, the scent is quickly becoming my favorite. “I know you mean well, Adam, but please don’t waste your time on my parents. I’ve come to terms with it and…it’s okay if they’re not in our lives.”

  A very vivid image takes form in my head of me one day marrying Ali, who will walk her down the aisle? I blink away the thought, confused by it. More confused by the wealth of yearning attached to it. I want Ali to be my wife, dammit; I want us to be a family. “I can’t help it Ali, I just…I want to make things right for you.” My voice is full of emotion and she pulls away slightly, her gaze locking onto mine, searching.

  “Adam really, it’s okay.” She says finally and I sigh, nodding.

  Fine, I’ll let her think I was giving up, but I’m still making that call. Ali pulls away and glances out of the window while pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “My friend Kelsey is coming over, I hope that’s okay?” I nod and smile teasingly at her.

  “This is your place too, remember…roomie.” I wink at her and she laughs.

  “Right…” As if on cue, Kelsey pulls into the driveway and hurries out of the car and up onto the porch. Ali and I head downstairs and she lets Kelsey in. Kelsey is an attractive girl, I noticed it the first time I met her when Ali and I went by her apartment to pack up Ali’s things. Seeing them together again reminds me how much Ali has her beat. Kelsey knows it, I know it…Ali is the only oblivious one and that’s what makes her so noticeable.

  “Hey Adam, how’s it goin’?” After hugging Ali in greeting, Kelsey notices me by the coat closet and puts on the perfect act. As if we didn’t just have a covert conversation over the phone less than ten minutes ago.

  “Good to see you again, Kelsey. So what are you girls gonna be up to?” I ask while the two walk through to the family room.

  “We’re just hanging out, might watch a couple of movies, the usual,” Ali answers and I follow them, heading into the kitchen for a bottle of water.

  “Alright, how about I go pick up some pizza or Chinese or maybe…” I wonder what other take-out places are around here.

  “Oh there’s this really great Caribbean spot by Ali’s…old place, that’s really good.” Kelsey stumbles a little at the mention of the apartment Ali’s parent’s kicked her out of.

  “Actually I’ve been craving some Ox Tail with rice and beans.” Ali says dreamily, as if she’s imagining the food already.

  I get the directions to the place from Kelsey and they tell me what they want and recommend something I should try from the restaurant. I’ve heard of Jerk Chicken but never actually tried it. There’s a first time for everything. I head to the car and pull out my phone to dial Trenton. If he’s in California, then it’s only one thirty there. Once I’m in the car and halfway to the restaurant, I dial Trenton’s number.

  “Hello, this is Trenton speaking.” Trent’s voice fills the car speakers and he sounds so much like his intimidating father I almost take pause.

  “Trenton, this is Adam Gwozdek…I have to talk to you about Ali.” There’s no need to bring up the whole professor detail so soon.

  “As in my sister, Alicia?” Trenton’s voice loses the professional clip and becomes a little more familiar. If he’s anything like his parents, oh how that will change.

  “Yes. Can I ask that you listen with an open mind and not hang up on me until I’m through explaining everything?” There’s a pause, I hear a door open and close.

  “Alright Adam…go ahead.” Trenton sighs and I launch ahead with the story, telling him everything truthfully and as I see it.

  “You got my baby sister pregnant?” Is the first question he asks, his voice filled with incredulity. By now, I’m simply parked outside of the restaurant’s building and wondering how the rest of this conversation will go.

  “Yeah…she’s close to seven weeks along now.”

  Trenton curses, his tone still in shocked disbelief. “So she’s staying at your place because my parents, who have yet to tell either my brother or me about this, by the way, cut her off and won’t have anything to do with her.” Trenton verifies, trying to get all the facts together.

  “Yeah man, exactly. I mean of course I would’ve moved her in with me even if she did still have her apartment, but yeah that�
�s correct.” I rub my hands against my jeans. He hasn’t hung up on me yet, which is good.

  “I can’t believe this…I just can’t believe I was so blind to their relationship. That it was so fickle. I’m going to talk to my brother and we’ll figure something out with our parents. Just don’t call them again is all I’d advise…and take care of my sister, man.”

  I promise Trenton that Ali’s my top priority and he says he’ll give me a call when he’s flown in so he can visit Ali. Once the call is ended, I release a deep sigh of relief and finally head into the restaurant to get the food.

  I walk into the house with two bags of food and a small grin. I can’t help but feel that I’m getting somewhere with Ali’s family. Which feels really good. I’m surprised to see my mother and aunt sitting in the family room with Ali and Kelsey. I didn’t even see their cars in the driveway.

  “Ma, Aunt Ania, what are you two doing here?” I put the food down on the island bar and step into the family room to kiss both women.

  “Mama Lina called to ask if she could come over. They were bored at their house.” Ali answers before my mother could. I notice her arm firmly around Ali’s shoulders and I wonder what bonding went down in here. Kelsey looks dewy eyed, and the same for my aunt.

  “Yes and I brought some pictures for you to put in frames around the house. Now that you have done all your additions and renovations it’s time to make this place a home.” My mom informs me pointedly and I glance around. The place is kind of like a model home, in that there aren’t any real personal touches.

  “So I guess it’s good that I got extra food, I didn’t know if I wanted the Jerk Chicken, the fish that looked too good to pass up, or something called Roti that smelled amazing.” Both Ali and Kelsey laugh at me.

  “You should try all of them and see what you like more.” Ali suggests while all the women get up to come fix plates for themselves.

  “That’s the plan.” I wink at her and she smiles, giggling softly. I glance up from the food over at my mom who tastes everything before she settles on the fish. I want to ask her what was up with all the crying that must have been going on while I was gone. “So mama, where are the pictures you said you brought?” I ask casually, she knows me well enough to know I want to talk to her alone.

  “Oh, I'll show you where I left them.” Lina leads me upstairs to my room. I notice a photo album has been placed on my bed. “Please tell me you are the son I raised and trying your hardest to make sure Alicia’s mother will be in her life.” Is the first thing my mother asks me once the door is closed.

  “Of course, mom.” Lina nods and sits down on the bed, taking up the photo album.

  “Good, the poor girl looked so sad when Ania and I arrived, just about ready to burst into tears. When I finally pulled the story out of her and her friend, I was simply appalled. The words her mother said to her aren’t words a mother should utter to their child. Ever.” My eyebrows furrow and I wonder how bad it could be…based on the conversation I had with Shatrice I can’t imagine it would be any better, and that’s bad enough.

  “Adam, you do intend to marry Ali don’t you?” I knew that question was coming sooner or later.

  I smile at my mom and answer without hesitation. “I do mom, I just have to get her to want me just as much.” Lina nods, satisfied with my reply.

  “I am always proud of you my son, never forget this.” She stands up and takes me into a motherly hug.

  “I love you, mama.” With a kiss on her cheek we both head back downstairs.

  Chapter 8

  I stare sightlessly at the calendar on the side of Adam’s fridge. Two weeks until Christmas and that’s usually when Trist and Trent come home for the holidays. I wonder if they’ve gotten the Christmas tree already. Usually mom and dad wait until the boys were home from college, internships, or work, to get the Christmas tree and decorate it. It was a tradition that we all pick out the tree together and decorate it together. I guess there wouldn’t be any ‘together’ including me anymore.

  “Hey you, what are you doing up so early?” Adam walks into the kitchen, shirtless and sleepy, his hair flopping into his face while he rubs his eyes.

  “I thought I’d make you some coffee and get breakfast going.” I rid myself of all thoughts surrounding my parents and smile up at Adam who is now standing directly in front of me, studying me closely.

  “Sure, but we’re going out today. I hope you know how to ice skate.” Adam smiles at me lopsidedly and I grin.

  “Oh please, I can skate circles around pretty much anyone.” I say haughtily and Adam lets out a surprised laugh.

  “I think that’s a challenge I have to meet.”

  I grin saucily at him and turn around to get some coffee going for him. I think I just miss coffee in general. I’ll take a nice Cuban Coffee over tea any day.

  “So what were you going to make for breakfast?” Adam’s voice is surprisingly close to my ear, his breath tickles my neck and I tense. Every time he gets close to me like this, it’s dangerous. I don’t know if it’s my living with him or the pregnancy, but I’ve been more sensitive lately. Adam is everywhere, even in my dreams and he’s wearing on my resolve to distance myself from him a little.

  “Um…I was going to make some bacon, eggs and biscuits.” Adam presses up behind me and places his hand on my waist. He reaches over me for a coffee mug as an excuse to touch me I’m sure. But he achieves his desired effect on me and I have to hold my breath until he moves away to open the fridge.

  “I’ll help you.” He pulls out the eggs, bacon, and biscuit dough before brushing behind me once more. There’s enough space in the kitchen so he doesn’t have to do that, but obviously he’s trying to achieve something and it’s working perfectly…though he doesn’t know that. Yet.

  “I’m glad you know how to use the oven…I’ve always been scared of that thing since I was small.” Adam admits to me and I can’t help but laugh at him. “Seriously, I have a vivid memory of my mother opening the oven while I was right next to it, the heat that came out just shocked me. I thought I was set on fire.”

  I laugh again, harder this time and Adam smiles at me. “I’m sorry, it’s obvious you were badly scarred by this. But it’s really funny. So you won’t even make frozen pizza?”

  Adam shakes his head, his eyes wide. “Nope. I won’t get near a hot oven.” I giggle and he smiles at me boyishly. “I love the sound of your laugh.” I bite my lip, not expecting him to say that. Really he says the sweetest things at the oddest times.

  “Well we might have to work on that fear.” I tease.

  Adam quirks his eyebrow at me, “Good luck with that, my mom has tried ever since I was three and it hasn’t worked.”

  I chuckle while popping the biscuits out of the packaging and laying them on a baking sheet. “Well I’m going to preheat it now so…just a warning.” Adam gives the oven a wide birth when I set it to pre-heat. He starts on the eggs and I watch him crack a few into a bowl. The unhindered view of his well-defined chest and arms are extremely distracting.

  “You like what you see?” Adam catches me watching and smirks, his eyes roaming from my lips down to my chest, hips, and back. I feel the heat of his gaze like a tangible caress and I shiver.

  “Well obviously. Little Bean is an answer to that.” I place my hand on my still flat stomach and Adam stops what he’s doing.

  He walks over to me and gets down on his knees in front of me. The last time he was like this was in his classroom, I was half-naked and blind with need for him. Adam encircles my waist with his arms, pulling me closer to him and he kisses just under my belly button. I shiver again and he glances up at me. His eyes hot on mine.

  My breathing hitches and Adam lifts my shirt to press another kiss on the same spot, this time, against my sensitive skin. I sway towards him, my eyes closing at the sensations that take over, spreading through my veins in waves.

  “What do you want, Ali?” Adam asks huskily and I open my eyes to look down at him.
All I can think about is his mouth on me, sliding down to even more sensitive areas. Adam kisses me again, this time lower and I can’t help the shiver that works its way up my spine. “Answer me, Ali.” Adam murmurs and I inhale sharply when he nips at my skin with his teeth.

  “Adam…I…” I can’t get my thoughts together and I swear my vision is tunneling to Adam solely.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He asks this time and I shake my head.

  I don’t have the faculties to think rationally at the moment. Adam picks me up and sits me on the counter. He pulls off my pajama bottoms and panties in one swift motion. I gasp when his mouth goes directly to my already wet folds. I brace myself against the counter and cry out when his tongue flicks out against my clitoris, swiping up and down in swift licks. Adam moans in pleasure, the sound reverberating against me and I can’t help but call out his name. Adam slows his pace, as if savoring me. He sucks on my sensitive skin and nibbles on my clit. I arch against his wonderful mouth, wanting more. Adam thrusts his tongue into me over and over and I rub myself against his mouth, my orgasm building impossibly high. Just when I’m about to tip over the edge Adam pulls away and I cry out in shock. How dare he stop when I’m so close? Adam blows on my clitoris and slips his finger into me.

  “Adam!” I nearly scream as the orgasm crushes me, an avalanche of heightened sensation and pleasure. Before I can fully come down from my climax Adam is pushing his thick length into me, his pace deliciously slow. Adam pulls my hands from their death grip on the counter to his broad shoulders.

  My fingers dig into his skin and he hisses, pushing into me harder and deeper. “Adam,” His name is a prayer on my lips. Adam isn’t rushed or hurried. He takes his time with me. His lips are seemingly everywhere all at once as he pushes into me and withdraws with agonizing slowness.

  “You’re so beautiful baby, I’ve wanted inside this tight piece of heaven ever since I saw you at the coffee house.” Adam whispers hoarsely in my ear just as he slams into me, touching so deep that I feel something at my very core quiver, sending waves of indescribable pleasure through me. I gasp Adam’s name and he does it again. Adam holds me firmly and pushes deep once more.


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