Then, Again

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Then, Again Page 6

by Karen Stivali

  She paused when they reached her bed. This is really happening. The room was dusky, the deep shadows accenting every one of his exquisite features. His cheeks, his jaw, the prominent v-shaped muscles that pointed downward like an arrow, beckoning her to follow. She traced her fingertips over the rippling muscles of his taut stomach, her thumb grazing the downy trail of dark hair that disappeared below the low-slung waistband of his jeans.

  He breathed his appreciation against the side of her head, his breath sending tingling ripples down her spine. His fingers worked their way beneath the edge of her tank top and he caressed the sensitive skin at the small of her back. She raised her arms, allowing him to slip the shirt over her head. His eyes darkened as they raked over her. Lightning flashed, brightening the room with a hazy blue glow.

  She dipped a finger behind the button of his jeans. Her pulse raced as the breath hissed out of him. She popped the button open and slid the zipper down, brushing her lips against his dark flat nipples. His fingers made quick work of her bra clasp, causing the lacy garment to fall forward. He dipped his head, kissing her collarbone then sliding his lips lower, skimming along her breastbone as his fingers spread across her ribcage. Smooth thumbs found the raised beads of her nipples, stroking with gentle passes as his tongue trailed first to one then the other. He sucked gently, each pull tugging at her lower belly. She raked her fingers through his hair, urging his face back to hers.

  His mouth descended on hers and she ran her hand straight back to his open fly, slipping eager fingers into the opening. The soft cotton of his boxers strained against the hardened ridge of him. He moaned, inching her backward against the bed.

  She sat on the edge, mesmerized as he straightened to his full height then bent to remove his jeans. He stepped out of them, and she caught sight of the thick bulge beneath his boxer briefs. She lay back against the bed and he reached for her, feather light touches tickling her tummy as he looped his finger beneath her waistband and gave a gentle tug on her shorts. She raised her hips off the bed, delighted to see the flash of hunger in his eyes. His gaze ignited her like nothing she’d ever felt. He crept toward her, easing himself over her, his body firm and smooth as it curved in toward hers. He rolled to his side, aligning her with him, hitching her leg up over his hip.

  The sensation of their bodies pressed together, him hard against her stomach, was too much for her to take. She wanted all of him. She slipped her hand under his shorts, her fingers pressing into the solid muscles of his ass, then swooping over the deeply carved muscles that led to what she wanted most. The second she made contact he moaned. Her greedy fingers wrapped around him and with a flick of her wrist he was freed from the confines. Heat radiated against her palm as she stroked his steely length, memorizing each alluring ridge. Her thumb swept over the dewy tip, dragging a bead of moisture down along the crease, and he hissed her name.

  She answered with a kiss, drawing his tongue into her mouth and sucking. He pulsed beneath her fingers, his own hands eagerly exploring. Despite the temperature in the room, goose bumps prickled across Kay’s legs as James eased her panties down. She shifted, anxious for his touch.

  He cupped his hand against her and she arched her back, aching for release. He moved slowly, taunting her with each delicate swirl. His fingers grew slick with her moisture as he increased his pace. Breathing became impossible as the dizzying effect of his movements overtook her. The room shook with another rumble of thunder, and she echoed the sound with her own garbled cry as an orgasm tumbled through her.

  James slowed his hand, as she continued to vibrate beside him. He nuzzled her ear with his nose, his breath soft against her cheek. “I want to make love to you.”

  She nodded and managed to whisper the word, “Yes.”

  He kissed her, long and deep, erasing all thought from her mind until he backed away. “I don’t have a condom.” The disappointment in his voice was evident. “I didn’t know…I mean I didn’t think… I could run out to CVS…”

  Kay giggled, imaging him trying to put his jeans back on in his current condition. “That won’t be necessary, I’ve got some.”

  “Thank God.” He breathed a heavy sigh and flopped onto his back.

  “Give me two seconds.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her eyes passed over him, stretched out naked on her bed. The curves and lines of his body were incredible, deeply cut muscles, dark silky hair, all leading down to a stunningly impressive erection.

  Kay rooted through her suitcase, searching for the box of condoms. She’d grabbed them out of Todd’s nightstand solely to piss him off and now she was extra glad she had. She flicked the box open and drew out a strand of packets then crawled back into bed.

  James jumped when she ran her hand up his thigh, pausing to stroke the smooth dark skin of his balls. He twitched in response. She placed a kiss on his belly debating if she should work her way north or south. He decided for her, drawing her up, his mouth searching for hers. She pressed a condom into his hand, not wanting to wait any longer to have him inside her.

  He wasted no time ripping the package open and rolling on the condom. Firm hands guided her back onto the mattress, smoothing her hair off her face. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Her heart fluttered. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He chuckled, his lips skimming along her neck, driving her wild. She urged him closer, hooking her foot over his calf and drawing him toward her. He braced himself with one strong arm as he eased on top her, guiding himself until he was pressed against her. She quivered in anticipation, yielding gratefully to the insistent pressure. He slid in slowly, inch by delicious inch, as her body stretched to accommodate him.

  She clenched her muscles tight, eliciting a low growl of appreciation as he began to move inside her. Kay dug her feet into the pillowy softness of the bed, raising her hips to match his strokes. He swiveled as he dipped in and out, plunging Kay into a dreamlike state. Liquid heat swirled in her belly, concentrating into an ever-expanding need for release. Ripples of pleasure became stronger waves. Faster. Unstoppable. She arched her neck, calling out as the sensations overtook her.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her neck as the pulsations tore through her.

  She sank her fingers into his hair, pulling his mouth toward hers, needing to taste him. Slow deep kisses plunged her further into bliss as he continued to move above her. Kay locked her legs around his, lifting herself with each thrust, her fingers holding tight to the enticing dimples that curved above his ass.

  She could feel him straining harder, his body expanding inside her. Concentration was nearly impossible but she focused all her energy, clamping her muscles around him, sucking harder on his tongue. The rumble in his chest was accompanied by another flash of lightning, and she felt him give way, throbbing inside her.

  His breath was hot and sweet against her neck, his hair tickling her cheek, as he slid off her. “Jesus, Kay.”

  They lay twined together, silent except for their ragged breathing, as the rain continued to pelt the windows with its soothing rhythmic beat.

  James nuzzled her ear, his lips moving over her hair. “I think you’ve created a new sense-memory for me. Now every time I hear rain I’m gonna get a hard-on.”

  Laughter shook out of her. “I guess it’s a good thing you don’t live in Seattle. You’d never be able to leave the house.”

  He pulled her into another sweet kiss, his hands massaging the base of her skull. “I think we forgot all about dinner.”

  “Mmmm. Something tells me the pizza is cold and the beer is warm.”

  “A few minutes in the oven and freezer can fix that.” His fingers traced down her spine and she wondered if it was entirely necessary that they eat at all.

  “Why don’t you go do that while I throw your clothes in the drier?”

  “I don’t know. Naked cooking? Sounds dangerous.”

  “You know where the aprons are.” She pushed him back against th
e pillows with a playful shove and hopped off the bed.

  James rolled onto his side, watching Kay in the dim light of the room. Shadows played across her bare back as she lifted her arms and slipped on a short white summer dress. She bent and picked up his jeans, tossing him the sexiest playful grin, then sauntered out of the room.

  He lay back, staring up at her ceiling fan, her scent still heavy in the humid air. Is this crazy? He already knew the answer. Yes. She was grieving and fresh out of a relationship, and he was supposed to be focused on work, no complications. This was completely insane, for both of them. Images of her flashed through his mind. One thought about what it had felt like to be inside her convinced him it was worth the risk.

  His brother’s voice sounded in his head. “You’re thinkin’ with your dick, Jimmy.” He knew it was partly true. But there was more to it than that. Kay meant more to him. There was nothing simple about what had just happened between them. It was years’ worth of desire, on both parts, wrapped up in the enticing heat that had simmered between them the past few days. He was drawn to her with a force that made his head hurt if he tried to think about it. She pulled him in like the ocean, soothing, exciting and terrifying all at once.

  He could hear her humming down the hall, near the laundry closet, and the sound of her voice was enough to toss him straight back into wanting her, regardless of the consequences.

  James made his way to the kitchen, acutely aware of the stormy sea breeze that blew through the open windows. By the time she made her way into the room James had the beer in the freezer and the oven preheating. He was placing slices of pizza onto a baking sheet when he heard her behind him.

  “You really do look surprisingly good in an apron.” Her voice purred, stirring him from head to toe.

  He glanced over his shoulder, watching her catlike approach. “Well, I didn’t want to break house rules or anything. I didn’t know your policy on nude dining.”

  “Generally speaking I’d say no shirt, no shoes, no service, but I’m willing to make an exception.”

  She brushed up against his bare back, the silky cotton of her dress caressing his skin like a whisper. His doubts evaporated. He turned to face her. Her eyes had a playful, sleepy look to them that sent his heart racing. She rocked her hips forward, grazing against him. He slipped his hands behind her, running his fingers up the gentle arch of her spine. “Interesting, your clothes have a front and a back. I’m not sure I like that.”

  Laughter vibrated through her, straight into him, like he was feeling her right down to his soul. God, help me. “You know,” she said, “the pizza will heat up faster if you actually put it in the oven.”

  “I’ve heard that.” Such a wiseass. He tucked her hair behind her ear, his thumb sweeping over her lightly freckled cheek. Their mouths fit together perfectly as he leaned in for another kiss. Her body curved in toward his, warm and welcoming. He didn’t care if he never ate pizza again, all he wanted to taste was her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kay watched from the window above the kitchen sink as James backed out of her driveway. Her heart flipped when he glanced up and caught her eye, giving a quick nod goodbye. The morning sun was bright, all traces of last night’s storm blown out to sea, leaving behind nothing but sparkling clear skies.

  Waking up next to James had been surreal. She’d lain in bed, silent and still, studying his profile as he slept. Even though she’d long ago memorized his features, he looked different. The curve of his lip now had a flavor, the ridge of his nose evoked the sensation of it trailing against her skin, his eyelashes, thick and dark against his cheekbones, reminded her of his intense concentration while they made love.

  We made love. The words still shocked her. Twice. She smiled, warm tingles passing through her. Incessant rapping on the screen door brought her out of her reverie. She leaned into the hallway and saw Rosalie and Trixie out on the porch, squinting to peer through the screen door.

  Rosalie didn’t even wait until she was inside to start with the questions. “We saw his car leave and came right over. Tell us, what happened? Are you two dating?”

  “Of course they’re dating,” Trixie interrupted, muscling past Rosalie and steering Kay to a seat on the couch. She cozied up next to her, eyes excited. “Tell us the important stuff. Was it good?”

  Kay couldn’t contain her laughter. She tried to imagine how Gram would have fit into this conversation and realized she wouldn’t. Gram would have given her a silent knowing look and maybe a simple warning. “Follow your heart but don’t get hurt.”

  Rosalie pulled the end chair closer. “So? What’s going on?”

  Kay toyed with the fringe on the edge of one of the burgundy and gold throw pillows. “I don’t know.”

  “See? You got too personal, you made her blush.”

  “I did not,” Trixie said. “Come on, Kay. We’re thrilled for you. Everyone loves James and he’s certainly a looker. We just want to hear the good stuff.”

  “Okay.” Kay hugged the pillow to her chest, feeling like she was sitting with her girlfriends on the beach describing her first kiss. Except her girlfriends were in their eighties and smelled faintly of menthol and gingersnaps. “He took me out to dinner the other night and kissed me good night.”


  “Old-fashioned, I like that. Some things never go out of style.”

  “Like you’d know.” Rosalie smacked at Trixie’s arm. “Now shush up so she can continue. Go on…”

  “Last night we were just going to have pizza, but he got caught in the rain and he got all wet and had to take his clothes off.” I can’t believe I’m telling them this.

  “Oooo, I like this story.” Trixie grabbed a catalogue out of the magazine rack and fanned herself.

  “So you like him?” Rosalie asked, her eyes narrowed as she waited for an answer.

  Kay could feel the blush spreading across her cheeks. “Yes, I like him.”

  “Of course she likes him. What’s not to like? When are you seeing him again?” Trixie looked so excited and breathless Kay wondered if she should make her lie down or get her a glass of water.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Oh.” Rosalie and Trixie exchanged worried glances.

  Kay felt a trickle of panic. “What?” Her eyes darted between them.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing.” Rosalie patted her leg. “He’s clearly got eyes for you, he’ll call.”

  “Absolutely,” Trixie said. “He’d have to be an idiot not to. Look at her? Gorgeous.”

  “So what was with that look?” An uneasy feeling settled in her stomach, making her wish she’d had more than coffee for breakfast.

  “Jimmy’s had a rough time the past six months, since he broke off with that Patricia woman. They’d been together a long time. From what I hear it’s been all one-night stands since then. But I’m sure you’re different.” Rosalie shot daggers at Trixie with a steely glare.

  “You’re totally different. The girls I saw him with were meant for one night only. You’re a keeper.”

  Oh God. Kay’s heart sank so low she felt like she was being dragged down beneath the couch cushions. Was I a one off? Her mind raced over the details of the past few days. Was I too flirty? Too forward? He probably knew I was a sure thing. Oh, Jesus. Maybe he thinks I only wanted one hot night too. He did say we both need fun. Is that all this was to him? Fun? Tears threatened to roll down her cheeks but she blinked them back.

  “You know what you need? A nice walk to the farmer’s market. Come, that’s where we were heading. Some good Jersey tomatoes, fresh blueberries, sweet corn. We’ll get your kitchen all stocked up.”

  Kay nodded. “Let me jump in the shower and I’ll be ready in twenty minutes. There’s coffee in the kitchen.”

  She could hear Rosalie and Trixie murmuring together as she closed the bathroom door. The whir of the shower blocked out their voices but not the doubts sounding in Kay’s head. Please tell me I haven’t made a huge mistake. What
if I never hear from him again? I can’t believe I may have fucked this up. It seemed so perfect. Perfect. That’s the problem. Nothing in real life is ever perfect. You’d think I’d have learned that by now.

  She spent the rest of the morning shopping with Rosalie and Trixie and arrived home arms overflowing with fresh produce and a box of Italian cookies from DeLucci’s Bakery. Given the way she was feeling, she was fairly certain the two-pound box wouldn’t live to see the evening. The gravel crunched under her feet as she made her way around to the back porch. The multicolored bouquet of flowers propped against the door was almost enough to make her drop her packages.

  Her heart beat double time as she reached for the card. They might be condolence flowers. Someone who couldn’t make it to the funeral or just heard about Gram. Her fingers shook with anticipation as she extracted the tiny slip of cardstock. Please let it be from him. “The pizza was good, but how about a real meal tonight? My restaurant? Six o’clock? Say yes. –J”

  She read the card three more times, her smile growing wider to the point that her cheeks stung. He wants to see me again. Tonight. He wasn’t even trying for the pretense of being cool and waiting a few days, which was great because if she hadn’t heard from him for a few days she very well might have gone insane. No games. She scooped up the flowers, inhaling their sweet perfumy scent. Maybe we can keep this simple and real. And hot…what should I wear?

  James diced shallots and tossed them into a smoking pan of olive oil then headed to the walk-in in search of mushrooms. He came out to find Dave cracking the top off a beer. “Hey, bro. What’s cooking? I’m starved.”

  “Get your own food, private party tonight.” James was hopped up enough about his dinner with Kay without having Dave hanging around bugging him.

  Dave hoisted himself up onto the counter, clearly not about to leave. “Who’s on the menu? And what are you cooking me to make sure I leave before she gets here?”

  “Doesn’t your wife feed you?”


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