Then, Again

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Then, Again Page 15

by Karen Stivali

  Her flight got in early, and there was surprisingly little traffic en route to the shore. Kay opened the door to the house and breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t wait to change into a pair of shorts, make a glass of iced tea and call James.

  As soon as she changed, she grabbed the phone. The tea can wait. She dialed his number, eager to hear his voice. His voice was all that she got. Her heart sank as she listened to his recorded message.

  “It’s me. I’m back. Give me a call.”

  She hung up and went to work making a pitcher of tea. She sat at her desk, checking emails, and found herself glancing at her phone. Stop it. He’ll call you when he’s got a minute. Sheesh.

  When three hours had passed without a call she was annoyed. She tried to remember if he’d made any mention of what he had planned for the day. Best she could recall he’d said he’d be at the restaurant. She debated the possibility that he hadn’t gotten her message. It was unlikely, but you never know. She dialed again. This time he picked up on the third ring.

  “Hey, when did you get back?” he asked.

  So he hadn’t gotten the message. The tension relaxed out of her as she sank into the couch. “A few hours ago, I left you a message.”

  “Didn’t get it. Cell reception is shit here.”

  It is? Wait… “Where are you?”

  “I’m in some town outside of Philly. They shipped the rest of the plates and they got the order completely wrong. The guy was arguing with me for hours about how that was what I ordered. I figured the only way to guarantee he sends me what I want was to go there in person. I’ve been here all damned day. Just got it all worked out.”

  Oh. “That sucks.”

  “It’s taken care of now. I’ll be home in a few hours if traffic’s not too bad.”


  “I can’t wait to see you.”

  She smiled. “Me too.”

  She hung up the phone, feeling relieved but unsettled. Making time to see each other was already getting more complicated and she hadn’t even taken a full assignment. Against her will her brain replayed her arrival home to Todd, when Gram died. She’d thought they were handling their time apart. And that had been a disaster. I can’t go through that again. But James isn’t Todd.

  She knew that was true. But the situation was similar. She’d be away. He’d be home. Alone. Always waiting for her. What if that’s too much to ask of anyone? She tried to think about it in reverse. She didn’t like the idea of waiting the few hours it was going to take for James to arrive from Pennsylvania. What would it be like if he was constantly away and she was the one home? I wouldn’t like that. No one would.

  The thought made her nauseous. She sipped her tea and closed her eyes, waiting to hear the sound of James’s car pulling up the drive, wondering if their days were numbered.

  James raised his hand to knock on Kay’s door but stopped before he made contact. He could see her, curled up on the sofa, fast asleep. She looked sweet and peaceful and he hated the thought of waking her. She must be exhausted. He tried the doorknob and found it unlocked.

  He approached the couch slowly, watching her sleep. He wished he could curl up alongside her and take a nap too. Sleep wasn’t something he’d had a lot of in the past week, and it didn’t seem like he had too much of it to look forward to in the weeks ahead either.

  He knelt next to the couch, leaning down to kiss her. She stirred but didn’t seem startled. He smoothed his hand over hair, realizing how much he’d missed the feel of her. “Hey, sleeping beauty, welcome home.”

  “Mmmm.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Her breasts grazed his chest, making him wish he had more time to spend with her.

  “I missed you.” His voice was thick, his body filling with heat. He stroked the strip of bare skin at the top of her shorts and she pressed harder against him. His erection rubbed up against the edge of the couch. Maybe I can be a little late. He climbed on top of her, easing himself down against her. So good.

  Kay stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside, her hands riding up his back, making him ache for her. Her long fingers busied themselves undoing his pants and shoving them down. She hooked her foot over them to hasten the process.

  James sat back on his haunches, unable to take his eyes off Kay. She shifted under his gaze, rolling her hips, tempting him when absolutely no further temptation was needed. He slipped her shorts off her shapely legs, loving the way she lifted her pelvis to help him. He couldn’t wait to be inside her.

  “You really did miss me.” She purred as she wrapped her hand around him, stroking with a slow, lingering touch that was driving him wild.

  “Did you have any doubts?”

  Something flickered past her eyes, but he was too distracted to focus on it. He rubbed his thumb along her wetness. He loved that she was ready for him. Wanting him as much as he wanted her.

  They moved together with magnetic force, bodies drawn together, synchronized. This was the longest they’d gone without making love since they’d first gotten together and it made everything more intense. The heat, the friction, the yearning, all heightened, creating a pull that was impossible to ignore and equally impossible to resist.

  “Jesus, Kay.”

  She tightened around him, hungry, demanding, her ankles locked behind his ass, her hard nipples rasping against his chest. The low rumble in her throat let him know she was almost there. She quivered beneath him, fingers clawing at his back. He couldn’t hold back. The wave of pure joy crested through him and he felt her coming with him. Strong, powerful contractions, causing them to freeze together for one awesome moment before the ripples of pleasure overtook them both.

  Kay lay panting beneath him, her skin slick with sweat. “Maybe I should go away more often.” She laughed but it came out odd, sounding hollow.

  “I’d rather have you here.” He kissed her, wishing he had time to stay with her.

  Kay had a distant look on her face that he couldn’t decipher.

  “You okay?” He stroked her hair.

  She nodded. “Just tired.”

  “You can go back to sleep if you want. I actually have to get going.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Going where?”

  James grabbed his clothes off the floor. “The wait staff is coming by tonight for a training. If you’re not too tired I was going to ask if you wanted to come. They need practice serving and describing the menu.”

  Kay pulled her T-shirt back on. “I can do that, if you want.”

  “There’ll be food. You know how much you like that.” He leaned down to kiss her, still sensing that something was up.

  “I do like your food.” She stood and reached for her shorts.

  “You mind if I grab a quick shower before I get dressed?” He wished he could figure out what was bothering her.

  “Of course not. I love it when you’re in my shower.”

  “You could join me, if we can go quick. Then I could give you a ride to the restaurant.”

  Kay nodded. “Sounds good.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The place looked fantastic. Almost all the tables were set up, the new framed photos were on the wall, several of them Kay’s. The lighting was completely done, soft and moody, making the wood and brass gleam. It was beautiful.

  A cluster of people sat around the bar. Kay couldn’t help but notice that the majority of the wait staff was female. Young. Tan. Gorgeous. Her stomach clenched. Great. While I’m away this is who he’s going to be spending all his time with. She hated feeling jealous but she couldn’t help it. Temptation would literally be staring him in the face every day, with big doe-y eyes.

  “James.” Several of the co-eds called his name in unison the second they saw him.


  “Hey, folks. I’d like you to meet Kay. Kay, this is everyone.”

  Kay smiled, trying to fight the feelings percolating inside her. A particularly young-looking blonde with a seemingly perf
ect body headed straight for James, holding a large chalkboard. “Is this what you wanted the specials to look like?”

  James threw her a smile. “That’s great, Susie. Thanks. Just remember to change all three of them every night before we close so they’re up and ready the next day.”

  “Oh, I will.” She nodded, her long ponytail bobbing along with her head. Kay recognized the look in her eyes. Lust. For James. She knew exactly what it was like to hope to catch his attention. To try to seem important. She’d done it for years. It turned her stomach to think about how many women must feel that way when they were around him. Like maybe today would be the day he noticed them.

  James turned toward Kay. “Why don’t you take a seat at one of the four tops? Dave and Judy should be here any minute. You guys can sit together and be waited on like you’re royalty.”

  Kay forced a big smile. “Sounds great.”

  A petite redhead arrived at her table minutes later, asking to take her drink order and giggling as she tried to recite the specials.

  Holy God. She listened politely and ordered a caipirinha, sugar, muddled limes and Brazilian cachaca, a rum-like liquor James had introduced her to. She hoped the drink would be large and strong. She was insanely grateful when she saw Dave and Judy come through the door.

  The meal was delicious. She’d tried most of the dishes before, but it was even better to have them plated and served with the full ambience of music and candlelight. Butternut squash ravioli with asparagus in a delicate cream sauce. Wild mushroom ragout over creamy polenta. Seared duck breast finished with brandy and mixed berry compote alongside a timbale of wild rice. Each course was better than the last.

  Dave was clearly enjoying the experience. He made so many loud groans Judy had told him to stop making sex noises and just eat like a normal person. Their bickering reminded her of Rosalie and Trixie. She wondered if they had a happy marriage. It was something she’d never been able to tell. Judy was always sarcastic and therefore difficult to read and Dave was, by nature, both flirty and obnoxious. James had never mentioned any serious trouble between them, but she couldn’t help but think about the possibility. All relationships seemed fragile to her in her current state of mind.

  Kay was happy that Judy no longer gave her the cold shoulder. They joked together throughout the meal, and Judy even mentioned that Kay should go shopping with her. She seemed to have thoroughly warmed to the idea of Kay being a part of James’s life. It felt nice to be included in plans instead of compared to Patricia.

  James joined them for dessert. They split the “chef’s choice” platter, a huge tray with a combination of desserts, classic crème brule, a layered mango-and-vanilla mousse, chocolate torte with raspberry sauce and white chocolate truffles, and an assortment of fruits, cheeses and nuts, with a tiny pitcher of local honey.

  Kay dipped an almond into the honey and popped it in her mouth. The sweet honey coated her tongue. The entire meal had been a sensory experience and this was no exception. The sweetness lingered as the perfumy almond flavor filled her mouth.

  “So, what’d you think?” James asked.

  “I think you should clarify your policy on whether or not family eats for free.” Dave tossed a truffle in his mouth and Judy elbowed him in the ribs.

  “It’s amazing, James,” Judy said. “This place is going to be a huge hit. There’s nothing else quite like it.”

  Kay agreed. “She’s right. There are other good restaurants, but you’ve really hit on something special. It’s going to be great.” She could see his future. Awesome reviews. Wait lists for tables. Weekend rushes. She just couldn’t see if she fit into all that.

  “Thanks, guys.” James looked pleased but still tense. She knew he had a lot on his mind. “I better go have a closing meeting with all of them so they can head home. You guys will stay to help me clear, right?” He glared at Dave on the last word.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Dave said. “No such thing as a free meal. I know.”

  “Can you hang out or are you too tired?” James leaned in and kissed Kay on the side of her head.

  She wanted to spend time with him, but he had a few more hours of work to do and she was completely exhausted. “I think I’m heading home. I have to throw in laundry, and I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open.”

  “I can drive her home,” Judy said, tossing Kay a quick wink. “You bring Dave back whenever you’re done with him.”

  James laughed. “Will do.”

  Kay stood and he pulled her closer, away from the table. “You okay?” His eyes searched hers.

  “I’m fine. It’s been a long week, that’s all.”

  “Do you want me to come by later? It won’t be until really late, I’ve got stuff I have to do in the office. I wasn’t counting on losing the whole day today to that stupid Pennsylvania run. And I’ve got to be back here first thing because they’re hooking up the new stove hoods.”

  “You can come if you want. I missed having you in my bed.” That was certainly true.

  “I’ll try not to wake you.” He ran his hand down her back, sending a prickle of want through her.

  “I don’t mind if you wake me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Kay awoke the next morning, disappointed to find her bed empty. Why didn’t he come? Her heart felt like it was weighted down with rocks. She raked her hands through her hair, trying to untangle it, and decided a shower was necessary to accomplish that.

  The hot water did little to relax her, the knots in her stomach and back remaining in place. She dried her hair and got dressed before she noticed the flashing message light on her phone. She slid it open to read the message.

  It’s 5am and I’m just finishing up so I’m going to head home and grab a shower then I have to be back here by 8. Sorry I didn’t make it over. Nothing I’d like better than to be in bed with you. Hope you slept well. Will be over in the afternoon. Love you.

  She read it twice. He wanted to come over. She knew he did. He was just busy.

  Kay spent the morning answering emails and going through the snail mail she’d missed while she was away. She’d just finished paying the last of the bills when her phone rang. Her heart stopped when she saw it was Damon. She wasn’t expecting to hear from him for another few days. They must have decided to go with the other photographer. She braced herself for the news.

  “Kay, glad I caught you. You’re in.”

  She thought she must have heard wrong. “What?”

  “They want you. Said you’ve got exactly the eye they were hoping to find. They want to sign papers next week, to seal the deal, but there’s some extra stuff they need shot for the work you just wrapped so I need you back here ASAP.”

  Her mind tumbled over itself as she tried to comprehend what this meant. “How soon do they want them?”

  “Yesterday.” Devon chuckled but she knew he was serious. “Can you fly up tomorrow? We can go over your itinerary after you finish up the missing shots. They’re starting you out in British Columbia.”

  That figures. As far away from here as possible. Great. “I guess I can be up there tomorrow. If I can even get a flight.”

  “I’ll handle that. If this is a yes. Is it a yes?”

  “It’s definitely a yes on the reshoot. Can I think about the rest?”

  “Don’t think for long, Kay. This is a great opportunity. You should grab it while you can.”

  She felt like the phone weighed a hundred pounds. “I’ll call you later.”

  James sat at his desk, exhausted. He’d grabbed a nap on the couch, awakening with a stiff neck, wishing like hell he’d gone over to Kay’s. He closed his eyes, wishing he was at her apartment, curled around her in bed.

  It was early and he imagined she was still asleep. The pile of invoices on his desk looked even higher than he remembered. He picked up the top one, trying to concentrate, when he heard a knock on the back door. Figuring it was one of the delivery guys, he was in no rush. They always let themselves in after t
he initial knock then came to the office when they needed his signature.

  Instead of heavy footsteps he heard the light click of high heels approaching his office. His pen rolled onto the floor when he stood up. He was shocked to see Patricia. She leaned against the doorway, looking ridiculously overdressed in a crisp white suit that fit her like a glove. “It went under the desk.” A wry smile tugged at her lips.

  James bent to retrieve it. What the hell is she doing here? “You lost?” he asked, watching as she sidled across the room and perched on the edge of his desk.

  “No, my sister was renegotiating the lease agreement she has with her tenants and I came down to play lawyer for her. I figured I’d stop by to see how your place is coming along?”

  “It’s getting there. Three weeks to the grand opening.”

  She wagged her foot, and he knew she was trying to flirt. It wasn’t working. Sure, she looked hot, that was never her problem, he just wasn’t buying whatever it was she was selling. “Can I have a private tour?”

  “Sure.” He motioned for her to head toward the dining area. What is she up to?

  She moved slowly, running her hand along the edge of the bar, the sides of the upholstered chairs, giving approving nods as she surveyed the room. “You’ve done a fantastic job. Not that I’m surprised. You always did have good taste.”

  She climbed into one of the high bar stools. “How about we drink a toast? To your new place.”

  “It’s not even eight a.m..”

  “So put some orange juice in whatever you make us.”

  I can do that. He stepped behind the bar, taking down the bottle of Grey Goose. “Still your drink?”


  He poured the clear liquid into two rocks glasses and added some OJ. He held one out to her.

  She took it, leaving her arm raised. “To success.”

  “Success.” He clinked his glass with hers, swallowing the beverage in three rounded gulps.


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