The eclipse lasts an entire Agonian month, and its tidal forces pull mercilessly on the smaller Agon, flexing its crust and creating huge tides and displacements of waters both great and small. Agon is cast into a cold, dark, month-long isolation, suffering immense damage to life there.
Fortunately for those who live on Agon, the event occurs only once every two hundred orbits of Agon and once every orbit of Dor Akun. Where the two planets actually cross orbits, the larger planet, Dor Akun, is inclined by several million miles, and so the paths of the two planets never cross.
Some Earth-based scientists, if they could witness the odd but regular orbits of Agon and Akun, might conclude that the event will eventually decay the Agonian orbit to the point where it either degrades into Tau Ceti, in a spectacular but deadly spectacle of death, or, more likely, on one pass, it will be captured by Dor Akun and her orbit will take her into the deeper regions of Tau Ceti space, where it is cold and dark and eventually even silicon-based life would freeze to death.
This, however, isn’t the only thing that occurs during the transit event. On Earth, we are protected from radioactive particles by its magnetosphere. In Agon the sphere is weaker and charged particles rain down from Tau Ceti yearly, but during the transit event the great magnetosphere of Dor Akun acts much like a wing does on a modern-day airplane as it slices through the air; it funnels a steady stream of highly charged particles from the local star around itself and onto the surface of Claire Agon every two centuries. The phenomenon causes mutations in the silicon-based life forms of Claire Agon, and so evolution there takes place at a much more rapid pace than it does on Earth.
Such are the science of Claire Agon and its dance of death and change with its bigger mate, Dor Akun, all around a nondescript class G spectral star located not very far from our own sun. Thus magic is created and dragons are born.
Appendix B
The White Dragon Glossary
Agon, Short common name for this planet/world
Abrasos, Tavern owner in Ulsthor
Akun, Common name for Dor Akun
Alexi, Fist of Astor
Amora, Kesh Arch Mage, Leader of the Ulathan mountain attacks
Amtor, High Mage of Kesh (aka Ke-Tor in the ranger series)
Angora, Bounty hunter out of Ulsthor
Arabella, Demi god of Astor
Arella, Flower with leaves, known for its healing properties
Argos, Raider based out of Kesh
Arnen, Ancient Order of Druids
Artika, White Dragon
Askia, Wyvern drone, servant to Artika
Balaria, Island realm known for its assassins and thieves
Belost, Balarian raider
Blook Rock, Location in northern Ulatha, red rock landmark
Boris, Store owner in Razor Rock
Charm of Seeking, Kesh magic spell
Claire Agon, The planet/world
Cleo, Pseudonym for Zokar
Critir, Magic Orb used to communicate (Crystal Ball)
Diamedes, Tynirian historian, born in Ulatha
Dor Akun, Sixth and largest planet in 200 year orbit around Tau Ceti
Dour, Akun cleric and trading broker
Earlstyne Forest, Ancient Forest in Ulatha
Eric Bain, Leader of a mercenary company called The Hunt
Fangus, Alpha white wolf male, servant of the white dragon
Felsic Mountains, Mountain chain between Kesh and Ulatha
Forstag, Fighter and member of the mercenary group, The Hunt
Frankel, Owner of the Peak pub and inn located in Moartown
Gabrielle, Owner of an inn and tavern in Razor Rock. Former fighter, daughter to Lucius and ex-wife to Eric aka Gabby
Giles, Thug band leader in Ulsthor
Highstone Pass, Mountain pass located in Ulatha on the road between Utandra and Regis
Ice Crest, Location used by the minions of the white dragon near its lair
James Tolk, Deceased soldier of Moartown
Julie Tolk, Widow of James Tolk
Justiciar Corwin Bain, Ulathan judge
Kelee, Kesh wizard
Kesh, Realm ruled by wizards, east of Ulatha
Kirost, Kesh wizard
Keshtor, Capital of Kesh
Lucius “Lucky” Ewellyn, Cofounder of the mercenary group, The Hunt
Lunde, Jungle, far south in Agon
Magistrate Galen, Magistrate (judge) of Moartown
Mary, Servant at the Peak Pub and Inn
Milo, Ex-wizard apprentice from Kesh, member of the mercenary group, The Hunt
Moartown, Ulathan town located near the base of the Felsic Mountains
Onyx Tower, Seat of government for Kesh, seat of the High Mage
Owen, Ulathan officer of the Justiciar’s troops
Peak Pub and Inn, Establishment in Moartown, informal base of operations for The Hunt
Razor Rock, small trading town in northern Ulatha
Rigal, Capital of northern border realm loyal to Ulatha
Rigis, Duchy north of Ulatha
Roarwell, King of Tyniria
Rosterman, Chief servant at Gabby’s establishment
Safron, Realm, south of Ulatha, known for its tobacco and weed
Sara, Moon of Agon
Savage Lands, Lands on the northern frontiers
Staff of Alore, First magical staff of Agon
Tira, Moon of Agon
Titus, Justiciar’s aide
Trovis Mountains, Mountain range, west of Ulatha
Tyniria, Realm south of Kesh, First King of Agon
Ulan Utandra, Capital of Ulatha
Ulatha, Realm of Duke Uthor Tors
Ulsthor, Westernmost city in Kesh
Uthor Tors, Duke of Ulatha
Velvet Vest, Tavern in Ulsthor
Western Sea, Sea west of the central realms
Zashitor, Ancient name for a Ranger
Zeke, Fighter, member of The Hunt
Zokar, Balarian assassin
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