4 Waxing & Waning

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4 Waxing & Waning Page 23

by Amanda M. Lee

  “So, are you going to tell us what happened with Aric last week?” Paris asked.

  “Nothing happened,” I said. “I bandaged him up and that was it.”

  “He spent the night,” Kelsey scoffed. “Are you telling me nothing happened?”

  “We just slept,” I said. “It was … nice.”

  “You’re so getting back together,” Kelsey said. “I always knew you would.”

  “Maybe,” I hedged. “We have some things to work out.”


  “Like I’m not comfortable with the pack stuff,” I said. “It makes me nervous.”

  “I get that,” Paris said. “Nobody is perfect, though.”

  “Aric is pretty close to perfect,” Kelsey said. “What does he look like naked?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Oh, tell me,” Kelsey said. “He looks great with his clothes on. That means he looks even better with his clothes off.”

  “He looks … good with his clothes off,” I conceded. “He’s more than just a body, though.”

  “Yeah, he’s got those dimples, too,” Paris teased.

  “Why don’t you ask Paris what Seth looks like with his clothes off? I bet that’s even more impressive.”

  “She’s shown me pictures,” Kelsey said. “And, yes, it’s impressive.”

  “You took pictures?”

  Paris shrugged. “What? He was asleep. It’s not like I’m posting them to my Facebook page.”

  “You want to, don’t you?”

  “Totally,” Paris said. “If I didn’t think it would freak my mom out, I would.”

  I sipped from my margarita. “What about Kevin? How does he look with his clothes off?”

  “He looks good,” Kelsey said. “He doesn’t look Aric-and-Seth good, but I’m more interested in his mind than his body.”

  I snorted. “Whatever.”

  “Hey, I like a guy with brains.”

  “Aric has brains,” I said.

  “Seth kind of does,” Paris said. “I’m really attracted to the body. I can’t lie.”

  “Hey, he’s loyal and he dotes on you,” I said. “How can you find fault with that?”

  “It’s the doting that bothers me,” Paris admitted. “I like to argue. Not a lot, just a little. He doesn’t argue.”

  “That was your problem with Mark,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, Seth is so much better looking than Mark,” Kelsey said. “That makes up for a lot.”

  “That is really shallow,” I said.

  “I don’t care,” Kelsey said. “I’m shallow. I can live with it.”

  “Speaking of Mark, have you talked to him lately?” Paris asked.

  I shook my head. “I haven’t even seen him since I left the Academy.”

  “See, that worries me,” Paris said. “I would have thought he would try to talk you into returning. You know how into them he is.”

  The thought had occurred to me, too. “Maybe he’s just cutting his losses with us,” I said. “I mean, you broke his heart, and I crippled his monster hunting. He’s probably pretty pissed off.”

  “Still, when this is all over, you should try and talk to him,” Paris said. “Just to get a feel for where his head is at.”

  “Yeah, great, I’ll add it to my list of things to do,” I grumbled.

  “I’m sure that Mark is going to fall below Aric,” Kelsey said.

  “And Will. And Blake. And Caitlyn.” I made a face. I still hated her.

  “What about Rafael?” Paris asked.

  “We had a talk and came to an understanding,” I said. “We both agree it could never work between us. He finds me immature and tiresome.”

  “Then why is he here?”

  “What?” I glanced over my shoulder, my gaze meeting his from across the restaurant. “What is he doing here?”

  Rafael stalked toward the table, not caring how many odd stares he incurred as he made the trip. “I’ve been looking all over the place for you.”

  “Sit down,” I ordered. “You’re drawing too much attention.”

  Rafael glanced around, frowning. He settled in the chair between Kelsey and me and fixed me with a hard look. “We have a problem.”


  “One of Blake’s minions found me on campus,” he said.

  “Did he try to hurt you?”

  Rafael shook his head. “He was actually looking for you.”

  “Did he give you a name?”


  “Ah, numb nuts. What did he want?”

  “To give you a message.” Rafael’s face was unreadable.

  My mouth was suddenly dry. “What message?”

  “They know you have the stone,” he said. “I don’t know how they know, but they know. They want to make a trade.”

  “For what? What could they possibly have that I would want?”

  “How about your wolf?”

  Rafael’s words made my blood run cold. “What?”

  “They say if you don’t give them the stone, they’ll kill him,” Rafael said. “I believe them.”

  I glanced over at Paris. “Where do they want to meet?”

  “You can’t give them the stone,” Rafael said.

  “Where do they want to meet?”

  “Behind the library,” he said. “You still can’t give them the stone.”

  “I’m not going to let them kill him,” I said. “They can have the stone.”

  “Even if you give them the stone, that doesn’t mean that they won’t kill Aric,” he said.

  “I know.”

  “If you go there, they’re going to try and kill you, too.”

  “I know.”

  “You can’t go there,” Rafael said, banging his hands on the table for emphasis.

  “We destroyed the stone today,” I said, keeping my voice low. “Well, destroyed isn’t the right word. We released the magic. The necklace is still intact.”

  Rafael faltered. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. We were here celebrating.”

  “What if they know the stone is powerless?”

  “I’ll have to deal with that when it comes to it,” I said, getting to my feet. “I have to go.”

  “I can’t help you on this,” he said. “They can’t either.” He gestured to Kelsey and Paris.

  “I know that. I’m on my own.”

  “You have the strength to do this,” Rafael said. “Just believe in yourself – and believe in the wolf.”

  “If something happens … if I die … make sure these guys are okay,” I said. “Promise me that.”

  Rafael sighed. “I promise.” I started to move away from the table but he stopped me with a hand on my arm. “You have to promise me something in return.”


  “You have to promise me that you’re going to win.”

  “Oh, I’m going to win,” I said grimly. “I’m going to win – and I’m not taking any prisoners.”

  Rafael searched my face for a second and then let go of my hand. “Give them hell.”

  “I plan to.”


  The trip to the library was long – and torturous. I stopped at the house long enough to retrieve the necklace, shoving it into my pocket as I glanced at myself in the mirror.

  I didn’t like what I saw staring back at me.

  My face was pale, drawn. My eyes were bright with fury. A quick flash of anger coursed through me, and the mirror cracked at the same instant. I realized now what made me tap into my powers. In fact, I’d known for a while now – even though I didn’t want to admit it.

  It was rage, and I had plenty of that rushing through me now.

  I should have known better. I realized that now. Professor Blake wasn’t just going to let me make a fool of him. Now Aric would be the one paying the price unless I could somehow figure a way to get us both out of this.

  I would not let him die. If I had to sacrifice myself, so be it.

  I par
ked behind the dorm on the north side of the library. I knew Blake wouldn’t be alone, that he would have people watching for my arrival. I didn’t have to make it too easy. Making life easy for Sam Blake was the last thing I wanted.

  When I approached the library, I slowed my pace. I could see people milling about in the shadows. I was still too far away to make out exactly what was happening. I knew it couldn’t be good.

  A figure detached from the dismal dark offered by a nearby tree. I barely acknowledged Nick as he approached.

  “You’re not so special now, are you?” He looked a little too pleased with himself.

  “If you believe that, why are you so worried?”

  Nick faltered. “I’m not worried.”

  I raised an eyebrow, but I didn’t stop moving forward. “You should be, Nick.”

  “How do you figure?”

  I didn’t bother looking at him. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he had any power over me.

  “Because you’re on the list of people I’m going to take out tonight,” I replied. “The good news for you is that you’re not at the top. That might give you time to get away, you know, get a head start.”

  Nick snorted. “You have no idea what’s about to happen to you.”

  “I know more than you think, Nick,” I said. “I certainly know more than you do.”

  “I can’t wait to see you taken down a peg or two.”

  I ignored him as I closed in on the group, scanning the crowd. The first thing I saw was Aric. He’d been beaten, his face a mass of bruises and blood. His shirt was torn, and even though he was on his knees facing me, I knew that vengeance had been meted out across his strong shoulders.

  He lifted his face when he heard me approach, his face twisting in agony. “You shouldn’t have come.”

  I didn’t answer, instead shifting my attention to Professor Blake. He was standing in the middle of the amassed group, a triumphant smile on his face. “How did I know that sending you a message through the vampire would be the smartest way to go?”

  “You had no idea where I was,” I countered. “You couldn’t find me, so you needed someone supernatural to do it for you. That doesn’t seem like some great victory to me.”

  Blake chuckled. “I have to give you credit, Zoe,” he said. “Even when you’re outnumbered and outsmarted, you still think you’re in charge. You still have that … mouth.”

  “Maybe someone should show her how to use it,” Paul said, shooting me a scorching look from his spot behind Blake.

  “I don’t think you’re up to that challenge, marbles,” I said.

  “Marbles?” Paul raised an eyebrow. “That’s not much of an insult. You must really be worried.”

  “Well, that’s what Tally said you had in your pants,” I said. “Marbles and a toothpick. She was a little disappointed.”

  Paul scowled. “She did not say that.”

  “Paul, let me explain something to you,” I said. “Tally has slept with half this campus over the past eight months. You didn’t even make her top fifty.”

  Paul took a step toward me, causing Aric to growl out a warning. He could barely move, and yet he was still trying to find a way to fight. You had to admire him.

  “Down, dog,” Blake said. “You’re in no position to help her. Isn’t that right, Caitlyn?”

  I snapped my head up. How had I missed her? Now that I focused more closely, I could see her standing a few feet behind Aric – and she had something in her hand.

  “I told you to stay away from my boyfriend,” Caitlyn said, lashing out with her hand. As soon as I heard the sound, I knew what it was she was holding. Aric didn’t scream when the whip lashed him, but his body jerked.

  “Don’t do that again,” I snarled.

  Caitlyn sneered. “He’s my toy. I can play with him any way that I want.” She moved forward, leaning her face in close to Aric. “Isn’t that right, baby?”

  Aric jerked his head away when she tried to kiss him.

  “Oh, don’t play hard to get,” Caitlyn said, miffed. “If you’re lucky, I’ll give you exactly what you’ve wanted since you met me.”

  “You’re going to kill yourself?” Aric asked.

  Caitlyn yanked his hair viciously. “Don’t mess with me!”

  “Get your hands off of him,” I said. “I’m not joking with you.” I turned to Blake. “Do you want me to fry her?”

  Blake tilted his head to the side, clearly trying to decide if it was an empty threat or a promise. “Caitlyn, leave the dog alone. You can collar him and take him for a walk later.”

  Caitlyn giggled. “Do you promise?”


  I rolled my eyes. “You two are sick.”

  “Zoe, I don’t think you want to get off on the wrong foot here,” Blake said. “We’re the ones with the power tonight. Not you. You’re just going to have to get used to being the subservient one. I’m not playing your game anymore.”

  “You were never playing my game, Blake,” I said. “You weren’t even picked for a team.”

  “And yet you’re the one who rushed here to save your beloved dog,” Blake said. “Which team is winning now?”

  He thought he had me over a barrel. He was wrong. “Your files and computer made for some interesting reading,” I said, changing the subject. “Some of it made me laugh out loud.”

  “I knew you were the one who stole it,” Blake said. “I do have to say, casting suspicion on Laura and Caitlyn was a brilliant tactic. I really was torn for a day or two. You seemed so … earnest.”

  “I’m a great liar,” I agreed. “Better than you and your mutant sister.”

  “Shut your mouth,” Caitlyn ordered, brandishing the whip in a taunting fashion. “I’d hate to hurt poor Aric – at least until he’s begging for me to do it to him in bed later.”

  She was baiting me. It took a monumental effort, but I didn’t rise to the challenge. “My favorite part of your files was the letter from Will,” I said.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Blake lied.

  “Oh, I’m talking about the letter where he offered to give you access to the Alpha Chis so you could wipe them out with your vampire army,” I said.

  Blake’s eyes narrowed. “That’s ridiculous.”

  I ignored his protest. “I knew you weren’t killing the vampires,” I said. “It did take me a while to figure out exactly why you were collecting them. When I found out about the resurrection stone and what it was capable of, that’s when things fell into place for me.”

  “What is she talking about, professor?”

  I recognized the voice. I peered around Blake, searching the faces until I found the one I was looking for.

  “I can’t say I’m not disappointed, Mark,” I said. “I thought you, at least, were better than this. Do you still think you’re doing God’s work? Because I don’t think God was big on whippings and mass annihilation.”

  “She’s just making things up, Mark,” Blake said. “She’s trying to divide us.”

  “Yeah, that’s my big plan,” I said. “Divide and conquer.”

  “What is your plan, Zoe? I know you didn’t come here without one.”

  “Well, I thought I would insult you guys for a few minutes,” I said. “Then I figured I’d just kill you all and be done with it.”

  “That doesn’t seem like much of a plan,” Caitlyn scoffed.

  “You guys aren’t much of an enemy,” I countered. “It’s all the plan I’ll need.”



  Caitlyn flicked her wrist, the whip lashing out at Aric again. I felt the power move through me and toward her, slamming her into the tree behind her, before I realized exactly what I was doing.

  Blake jumped. “How … ?”

  I ignored him, striding over to Aric with a pronounced sway to my hips. As I approached, the three cadets standing behind him scattered backwards worriedly. Once I got closer to him, I could s
ee what a mess his back was. He had at least eight long gashes across it, each seeping with a combination of blood and sweat.

  Well, if I wasn’t pissed off before … .

  I touched his shoulder lightly. “Are you all right?”

  “I’ve been better.”

  “It’s going to be okay,” I said. “I promise. I’ll get you out of here.”

  Aric smiled despite the pain I knew was wracking his body. “So, you’re riding to the rescue this time?”

  “That’s me, the deadliest mage in the Midwest.”

  “Zoe, they’re going to kill us,” he said, his face sobering. “You know that’s their plan, right?”

  I brushed a clump of his sweaty hair off his forehead. “They can try.”

  “And what makes you think you can stop them?”

  “I have faith.”

  Aric’s eyes softened. “Now you have faith?”

  “I always had faith,” I said. “I just didn’t want to admit it.”

  Blake broke out in scattered and sarcastic applause. “This is touching. Really. Can we get out of the chick flick and focus on the problem at hand?”

  I ignored him, a voice in my mind pushing me to try something new. I carefully reached my fingers out toward Aric’s back. He screwed his eyes shut, but he didn’t pull away from me. When the tips of my fingers made contact, there was a brief flash of light. The energy flowing out from me wasn’t warm this time. It was cool, soothing.

  After a few seconds, Aric opened his eyes. He got to his feet slowly, rotating his arms and testing his back. I could see the previously marred skin through the shreds of his shirt. It was smooth now. There was still a little redness, but the wounds were gone. He lifted his shirt, showing me the dark bruise on his ribs. He touched the area tenderly, shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Better?” I asked hopefully.

  Aric nodded. “You have anything else up your sleeve?”

  “I guess we’ll see.”

  Blake took a step forward, his face a mask of anger and recrimination. “Well, Zoe, I see you have been holding out on me.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You have no idea.”

  “What else have you been hiding?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Now is the time for truth, isn’t it? You’ve already put your power on display to heal your boyfriend. What have you got to lose?”


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