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VirtuaScape Page 34

by Kelvin Kelley

She had not taken her medication since the night before. Not because of Mason’s threat that she had better arrive sober, but once she had decided that she had no alternative but to follow this course of action, she had not felt that she needed them. Nor had she drank any wine. She was, for the first time in weeks, completely and absolutely free of any drugs or alcohol. When Grace reached up to knock on her front door, her hand was rock steady. There was no hint of a tremor. On the third knock, the keylock blinked green, and Agent Waters opened the door.

  “Are you ready, Mam?” He asked.

  “Yes. We should go.” She said as she stepped into the corridor. He nodded, and then led her towards the elevators. Once inside, he pressed the button that would take them to the lobby. “Why the lobby?” She asked, suddenly concerned.

  “The lobby? So we can get to the limo.” Waters replied.

  “Limo? I thought the debate was being broadcast from here?” She stepped away from him.

  “Here? No, Mam. It’s just a few blocks away. We’ll be there in no time.”

  “But why? They could do the holographic broadcast from here.”

  “Holographic?” He asked as the elevator door opened into the lobby. “This is a live debate, mam. I haven’t heard anything about it being holographic.” He stepped out of the elevator, scanned the room, and then turned back to her. “This way, please.” She hesitated at first, but then followed. She could not help but be suspicious of Agent Waters’ intentions, he was Mason’s man after all. Maybe there had been a change of plans, she thought. Maybe the venue was changed at the last minute. But it didn’t make sense, not after the most recent bomb threat on Bazir. As they crossed the lobby, she veered towards the front desk.

  “Mrs. Alexander, you look lovely tonight!” Exclaimed the young man from behind the desk. She smiled.

  “Thank you...Sakir.” She said, reading his name tag. “I thought the debate was being held here tonight. Is that not true?”

  “Why, no, mam. It is just down the street at the convention center.”

  “When did this change?” Her question puzzled him.

  “Change, mam? It has not changed. That is where it was always scheduled.” She nodded. Still this confused her, but now at least she had confirmation that Agent Waters was telling the truth, and that made her feel better. It made it less likely that he was about to drive her off to a secluded area, and put an end to her. Waters had noticed that she had stopped, and walked over to her.

  “Mrs. Alexander. We should go.” He said. She nodded and followed him to the exit. He hesitated at the door, waiting for the driver to open the door of the limo. The driver opened the door, and then took a protective stance near the rear of the vehicle. Waters scanned the sidewalk carefully, before he let Grace exit the building. Satisfied that it was safe, he rushed her to the car, and gently urged her inside. He slipped in beside her, just as the driver closed the door. Moments later, they were under way.

  The drive over was uneventful, and unlike the last time she had made this journey, for the first debate, traffic was relatively light. In only five minutes they arrived at the convention center, and once gain Agent Waters escorted her safely from the car into the building. He quickly guided her through a series of corridors until they came to a set of double doors. Two men in black suites stood guard. Agent Waters produced his credentials, and after a brief review they opened one of the doors and let Grace pass inside. Waters followed, and then stepped to the side of doorway, and stood guard. Grace could hear Mason speaking. His voice boomed through the PA system. The debate was still ongoing. As she tried to orient herself, she realized she had been delivered back stage. And as she stepped forward, she could see through a gap in the backdrop curtains. She could see Mason and Bazir onstage, each at their podiums. As her eyes adjusted to the dimness back stage, she made out two figures on the other side. Two men in suits. Two Secret Service agents. Mason’s detail.

  Once the debate was over, they would step in and have him surrounded. There would be no way for her to get to him. And especially no way for her to get to him before he sent the message that would kill Bradlie. She was a good shot, she knew, but in the dim light back stage, and her target spotlighted on stage, at a distance of fifty yards, with a hand gun? That would be a tough shot for anyone. And she could not take a chance that she might miss. But if she rushed the stage now, would she be able to get to him, before he reacted. Or before his protection detail reacted. There was certainly no plan for her to just rush up on stage during the debate. They would all know something was amiss. She would have to wait. Wait until the very moment when she would be called to go on stage. She would have to do it then.

  The debate continued for another ten minutes, and then each candidate made their closing remarks. Grace did not listen to either. It was too late to listen. Their words no longer mattered. In just a few moments, Bazir’s win of the Presidency would be sealed, and Mason Alexander would be dead. Bradlie and Sarah would be safe. Millions of Muslims would be spared. And Grace Alexander’s life as she knew it would be over. But just as she had felt in the shower earlier, she felt now. She felt at peace with the action she was about to take. There was no other solution. Every path she had tried had led her to this final act, and though she regretted that she had been placed in this circumstance, she did not feel that her sacrifice would be in vain.

  In these last few moments, she knew that when she pulled her gun, Mason’s detail would react. It was likely that she would be shot even as she pulled the trigger. It was likely that she would die, even before Mason would succumb to the wounds she inflicted. But she did not fear death. She did not fear the pain she may feel. She no longer feared anything this life had to offer. She would move on, into the kingdom of Heaven. There, she would watch over Bradlie and Sarah, until one day they joined her in life everlasting. In the eyes of the Lord. She began to pray, as the final words were being spoken on stage. The Lord is my shepherd. The stage manager approached her. I shall not want.

  “Ten seconds, Mrs. Alexander.” The man whispered to her. She nodded. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. She stepped closer to the mark on the floor the stage manager had indicated. He leadeth me beside the still waters. The stage manager nodded that she was in the correct position. He restoreth my soul. She felt the weight of the gun against her thigh. He leadeth me in the Paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. The stage manager used his fingers to count the final five seconds. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Three seconds. I will fear no evil. Two seconds. For thou art with me. One second. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

  The stage manage gave her a thumbs up, indicating she should approach the stage. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. She picked up her right foot, and took the first step. Thou anointest my head with oil. Her left foot followed. My cup runneth over. Step by step she walked towards Mason. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. She was half way to his podium. All the days of my life. She reached under her dress, and wrapped her hand around the butt of her pistol. It slid freely from the improvised holster. As Mason began to turn towards her, there was huge smile on his face. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord. She brought her hand up, leveling the weapon at his chest. For ever. Confusion exploded in his face. Amen.

  Chapter 35


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