Werewolf Consort

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Werewolf Consort Page 7

by Girl, Breukelen

  “This night is about us B,” He says softly using his nickname for me, an abbreviation of my pack name.

  The name that carries weight, reputation and ferocity with it and I am the only one who can use it in the manner it was always designed to be used. As the warrior of the pack, the champion of the cause, a fighter.

  “I’m Breukelen Girl.” I mumble softly back at him as if sharing my thought stream with him silently.

  “My Breukelen Girl, my wolf, my love, my wife, always.” Paris replies back at me assuredly

  “Altjid.” I reply as the last conscious thought slips out of my head and I sleep deep in his embrace.


  I awake back in our apartment, wondering if it was all some deliciously erotic werewolf dream I made up. “Good morning, my beautiful wife.” Paris says as I turn to face him, smiling sheepishly.

  “Good morning, why aren’t we starting newly married life after pack by you making love to me?” I ask groggily. I haven’t slept so damn deeply in years. It’s like awaking from a haze. Most mornings we wake up together, Paris is already inside me, making love to me. It’s somewhat of a ritual for us and one I rather like.

  I look over at his handsome smiling face. Paris’s dark blue eyes study me and they widen in surprise as he says “I didn’t want to over do it, given how frantic we were last night.” He replies watching me as I slowly wake up.

  My eyes open and I look down at the sheet covering me, why would a sheet be thrown over me in a forest setting? Twist and turn looking widely around me. We’re back in our Tribeca apartment again. How the hell? Was any of it real?

  “Oh,” I groan feeling the movement through my body and know instantly that it was all very real, that my body is telling me it has been fucked royally by my Alpha.

  “Hey, relax B,” Paris says quickly reaching for me and pulling me into him again. “Take it easy.” He says putting a light hand on my lower stomach. “It’s okay, we’re at home.” He says as I let out a breath and deflate into his arms.

  “I don’t remember getting back here.” I say as I glance around our bedroom more aware of our surroundings.

  “Sweetheart, you were somewhat out of it last night after the initial run.” Paris says as I slide back down amongst the pillows and he turns, rolling on his side to be half over me. Looking down at me.


  “Yeah.” He smiles back at me somewhat proudly.

  “Did I do okay my Alpha?” I ask curiously.

  He slides down to meet my lips and those dark pools of night flick up to look into my brown eyes.

  “Better than okay, okay?”

  His lips sear themselves to mine and it’s like setting of a flame that was only ever on simmer throughout my entire body. “My wolf.” He mutters before delving into my mouth with a commanding tongue that demands entrance and delights in its demands I feel his own hand against his hardening cock, brushing against the side of my leg.

  We are husband and wife, Pack mates, soul mates and a team. But when it comes to the bedroom stuff, that is Paris’s real domain. He is my alpha to my beta wolf. Dominate to his bones, all I could ever do was submit to that much dominance. And it’s been to my benefit to do so. Paris starts to masturbate right up against me and the kiss goes on as he does so. We are lost to one another and its only the start of the day.

  “Touch me.” He instructs me.

  My hand eagerly finds its way to his heavy hanging balls, fondling them as he continues to slide his hand up and down the thick length of his cock. Paris’s breathing changes as he gets closer to his own climax and I wish somewhat selfishly that I could again climax for him. Like I did last night, every single time he loved me.

  “B,” He pants shifting quickly as my hand drops away and he pulls me down the bed, spreading my legs wide apart. I try not to wince with the movement. Paris’s fingers rub me gently and I am wet in mere seconds, watching him. He pushes the fat head of his cock slowly into me.

  “Bg, look at me,” Paris says in a serious tone of voice and my eyes snap to his handsome face. “Relax, breathe.” I do as I am told and feel the head of his cock slip into me. “Too much?” He asks suddenly concerned as I drop my head back into our pillows heavily letting out a sharp breath. I want to say no. But I am sore, it would show if he moved with me, I’m not that good a liar at hiding things. “Bg, look at me.” Paris orders me and I drag my eyes back to his as he stills, staying exactly where he is. “Answer your alpha Bg.”

  “It hurts.” I blurt out fast unhappy with myself. Paris withdraws slowly, but immediately. I hate myself silently. There has never been a time when I haven’t been able to have sex with Paris. When I haven’t wanted to have sex with him. The chemistry between us is like a constant seduction that I am addicted to.

  “I’m sorry Sweetheart, I just want you so bad.” He grunts masturbating himself over me again, climaxing over me instead of inside me. Covering me in his seed as he exhausts himself from his own release. I dip my finger into some of the sticky stuff on my skin and bring it to my mouth, sucking its saltiness off my finger tip. My erotic action elicits a groan of appreciation and lust from Paris.

  “You wicked werewolf.” He smirks back at me. “Stay there.” He points at me and slides off the bed disappearing into the bathroom. returning with damp but warm washcloth. Paris pulls the bed sheet back. Completely exposing me. I watch as his eyes delight in what he sees before him.

  “Damn, only have myself to blame for going so hard on you last night.” Paris says sitting at the end of the bed and picking up one of my feet. He runs the wash cloth under it and over the top of it as I point my toes towards him. “Nice.” He murmurs noticing the shape of them as they remain in point at him. The wash cloth makes it way up to my ankle and he slides it up along the length of my leg, over my thigh, slowly touching the freshly waxed sensitive skin he pounded so generously and enthusiastically last night.

  I gasp with each feather light touch. Paris backs off and goes back to the bathroom to clean and heat the wash cloth again. He returns to start again, starting from where he left off. All of my skin receives this delicate treatment until he has cleaned away all of his scent and seed off of me. And whilst I am no longer sticky and covered in his semen, I am also not happy about not having that bit of him to myself.

  “There’s plenty of time for more later.” Paris says at me with a smirk, as if reading my mind. Which I know for certain he can not do.

  “How’d you know that was what I was thinking?”

  “You were pouting.” He chuckles. “Now, I’m going to carry you to the shower and we’ll clean you up good and proper.” He says back at me.

  “Good and proper?” I question him. “That is not a phrase I’d associate with us.”

  He waggles his eyebrows in response. Playful Paris is rare. Although lately he has been a little more relaxed than normal.

  “Oh that kind of good and proper.”

  He tilts his head to the side. “Well, normally yes, but uh, not today young lady.”

  I pout again, obviously at him. “No honeymoon, no sex, but just married, what’s wrong with this picture again?” Paris reaches for me and drags me to the edge of the bed.

  “First of all,” He says putting is arms under me. “We were married in secret. So not just married as it were.” He lifts me up and I slide my arms around his neck. “Secondly, I promised you we’d go on a real honeymoon when we could afford to be away from the pack. And I intend to keep that promise. You need to pick the destination.” He says walking and carrying me to the bathroom. “Thirdly, we had sex, serious sex again and again, last night at the pack run.” Paris says turning sideways to walk me through the bathroom door. “Which is why we can’t have sex now, cause I wore you out.”

  “Cause I’m not werewolf enough to freak’n heal myself or hold a shift.” I pout as he gently places me down on the bathroom floor. Holding on to me as I stand tentatively.

  “You’re all werewolf sweetheart. A
nd we know why you can’t just hold a shift through tiredness. We know what works for you and what doesn’t.”

  “Right,” I say watching him lean into the shower to turn the taps on. “And what normally works for me is my pack mate, now my Husband, having sex with me until I orgasm so intensely it brings on my shape shift. Are you seeing what’s wrong with this scenario?”

  Paris bends down and kiss my lips firmly. “Shhh. You’re aggravating my wife.” I smile back up at him and gingerly step into the shower’s spray as he leads me in by the hand.


  And so married life goes on as normal life for us would. I have the usual argument with Paris about being allowed anywhere, this time with my regular protective detail. The protective detail I’ve had ever since I started dating him that was since become a non negotiable factor in my life.

  “Look I can walk just fine.” I say standing still. Paris is staring at me silently. “Really, its not you know, that bad.” He keeps staring at me trying to crack me. “I’ll be fine, I’ll have you know, who ever is on my detail today.”

  “It’s supposed to be Jules.” Paris mutters back at me still not seemingly convinced of my fine health despite our earlier experience in bed.

  “I’ll be fine with Jules.”

  “I might switch him out with Bhom.” I roll my eyes dramatically.

  “Not Bhom. Jesus if you’re going to give me someone who’s going to be a pain in the ass all day long then at least put my brother on it.”

  Paris frowns back at me. “I thought you were okay with Bhom. That you know you two had bonded.”

  “He’s just, uh, I don’t know. Not my first preference. I’d prefer to be annoyed by Phelan all day long.”

  Paris puts his hands on his hips. “He’s not on the detail.”

  “Not yet.” I say waving a finger at Paris. “But he could be. It would make sense right?”

  “No, it wouldn’t Bg. Having someone who is invested in you personally leads to easy distraction and relaxation around situations when I need him to be alert as if he were my presence there with you.”

  “You’re just saying that because we haven’t seen each other in twenty nine years,” I say trying to make a joke of my long lost twin’s appearance in my life. But it comes out far more serious. Paris nails me with another serious stare.

  “Look Jules will be fin with me. I promise if can’t handle you know, walking I will come straight home. Like a good little werewolf.”

  His eyebrow arches up. “You are many things sweetheart but a good little werewolf isn’t one of them.” I sigh because I’m beginning to get frustrated with his over protectiveness that knows no bounds when it comes to me.

  “I don’t have any real plans other than to catch up with Tatum today.” This seems to make Paris frown even harder at the name of his younger brother’s fiancé. It’s not that he doesn’t get along with her except that maybe he doesn’t get along with her.

  “Where?” He never usually requires a full run down of my schedule. Because Paris trusts me and allows me freedom with body guard werewolf in tow. “I’ll give you Jules as long as you two are in Manhattan, not the Bronx, not today.”

  “Fine, we’ll meet in the Village, happy Mr Control freak?” Paris walks over to me and puts his hands on my arms.

  “I’m just trying to do my job B, in looking after you. Especially since I clearly should’ve held back last night.”

  “Hey,” I shake out of his hold. “Being the submissive in this relationship does not mean I’m made of glass and need to be wrapped in cotton. Okay? We had rough sex, I liked it and I have no regrets about being claimed in front of the pack, I wanted it as much as you did, so get over the guilt trip.”

  “Manhattan,” He says back at me as our intercom buzzes and he moves towards the receiver in the apartment. Glances at the video screen and He presses a button “Come on in Jules.” Paris says releasing a button with a click.

  Jules Teehlan, one of my favorite social werewolves walks into our apartment smiling at us.

  “Take care of her. She’s not to do too much walking or anything strenuous,” Paris instructs him. Causing Jules to look from Paris to me. I sigh and our life goes on its usual way in werewolf world.


  Tatum is wearing layers of fashionable clothes that do a good job of hiding any swollen belly that she has. She has a loose fitting sweater on, and a stylish scarf draped down the front of her dress and she’s got a jacket on over that.

  “How are you?” I ask as she slides her hand bag over her head and shoulder to sit aside her.

  “Oh this wedding stuff with Wiatt’s mum, it’s just ugh!” Tatum says screwing up her face and running a hand through her brown hair. “She’s just pretty much taking over everything and I feel like the wedding is getting bigger and bigger by the second and that’s not really me. But Wiatt sees nothing wrong with what is mum is doing and I don’t want to upset either of them, so I just keep letting her take control of it all.”

  I laugh at Tatum and pick up a menu from the café as Jules sits at a table opposite us. “You can not let Marion take control. Otherwise she will. You’ve got to wrestle it back from her and very, very firmly let her know she can help you out, but on your terms. It won’t work out any other way. Trust me, I know my mother in law, well.” I smile.

  “It’s not fair Bg!” Tatum whines at me. “You didn’t have to go through any of this monster of the bride business! Why do I? I keep telling Wiatt I just want him and I to do the town hall thing or elope like you and Paris did.” She says lowering her voice, because it’s not completely common knowledge yet that Paris and I are married and we’re down playing that for now, for purely political pack reasons.

  “I still had to do my part.” I reply pursuing the menu absently.

  “What part? You guys up and did the whole thing in secret and then told everyone afterwards, I was there at the after party, so to speak.” Tatum replies quickly. I put the menu down and smooth it back on the table before looking up at Tatum.

  “Allow me as one who has gone before you both into the D’arenberg family and the Manhattan Maen werewolf pack, to shed some insight into what is expected of you Tay and why.” Tatum blinks and sits back, looking at me in somber silence.

  “Yes, Paris and I wed in secret. But he had given his parents a heads up before hand, Paris and I have been dating a lot longer than you and Wiatt. And I’ve clashed with Marion on many occasions, but she respects you a hell of a lot more when you take her on, rather than when you back down or let her take over. After he told his parents, his mother did indeed try to guilt him into a proper formal, wedding ceremony. Because she wanted to do with me, exactly what she is doing with you and Wiatt now. The whole ceremony thing, the dress, the audience, the lavishness, all of it.” I pause, noting her eyes have not left my face once since I started talking. “But Paris and I weren’t having any of that and we told her so. However, she did point out to us, that in the case of our relationship coming from two very distinctly different packs in New York, that we needed to do something, for not only our own werewolf packs, but for the greater werewolf community too. After all, it’s not just our family names that carry weight in our world. It’s the pack and the leadership of the pack and that includes, the alpha leader’s partner slash wife. There are, implications.” I say trying to keep the conversation from being too dramatic. “There were two options for us to choose from to let it be known in the greater werewolf community that Paris and my union was now complete. Either we do the full white wedding ceremony and invite dignitaries and certain pack members along from each of the New York packs. Or we do a pack run with the Manhattan Maen and the Breukelen and let the gossip mongers do the rest.”

  “You choose the pack run right?” Tatum asked me. “I’m not sure I get how that is the same equivalency as the full blown white wedding but anyway, go on.”

  I lean slightly forward. “We did the pack run last night. That was where Wiatt was. He was with
us.” Tatum nods her head. “He didn’t tell me what it was he was going to other than to say he had important pack business to attend that I wasn’t allowed to attend.”


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