My Defender

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My Defender Page 1

by Alanea Alder


  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  About the Author

  Coming Soon

  Other Books on Amazon



  Bewitched and Bewildered



  Copyright © 2017 Alanea Alder

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed "Attention: Permissions Coordinator," at the address below.


  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  P.O.Box 280

  Moyock, NC, 27958

  Digital ISBN- 978-1-941315-18-7

  Print ISBN- 978-1-941315-19-4

  Sacred Forest Publishing


  ~Omnia Vincit Amor- Love Conquers All~

  May all my peepers learn to love themselves as much as I do. Remember there are over 7 billion people in the world but only one of you, so how could any version of you be wrong?


  Grant woke with a start and immediately sat up in bed. He had dreamt of his mate again. At least, he believed her to be his mate. All he could see was creamy skin and terrified chocolate-brown eyes.

  The female stood in the center of a murky swirling mass of darkness. He called out to her, tried to wade through the inky waves, but could not reach her. The more he tried to push the blackness aside, the deeper he sank. Then, slowly, as she remained just out of reach, the ebony mist began to pull her under.

  He could taste his own fear as her gasping cries for help echoed in his mind. Within him, his wolf began to claw, trying to get free, enraged at their helplessness. In the end, she disappeared as the darkness took her, the pain in his chest the only confirmation she had not survived.

  How had Adriel and Declan faced these nightmares and remained sane?

  He looked at the clock; it wasn't quite midnight. He sighed. If he went back to sleep now, he risked having a second nightmare, but if he didn't, he'd be exhausted for patrols the next day.

  He lay back in his bed and brought his forearm up to cover his eyes, as if that could block out the images that haunted him.

  How could you fight something you couldn't touch?


  Grant felt like he'd only been asleep a few moments when he heard banging at his front door. Bleary-eyed, he got out of bed and stumbled down the stairs. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see his unit leader standing in front of him. "Adriel, what's wrong?" he asked.

  Adriel looked just as tired as he felt. Grant turned to look at the clock on the wall; it was just a little bit after three a.m.

  "Stefan just came to visit."

  "At three a.m.?" Grant asked.

  Adriel nodded. "A few of the children do not feel well and are asking for you on Level Six."

  Grant frowned in confusion. "Why me?"

  Adriel cocked his head to one side. "Good question. Are you able to come?" he asked, giving him a flat, exhausted look.

  Grant nodded absently. "Of course. Give me a few minutes to get dressed." He shut the door, went back upstairs, and pulled on the first things he came across. It would be a miracle if he matched; he could barely keep his eyes open. Satisfied he at least had his body covered, he went downstairs and left with Adriel. They walked in silence toward the tunnel. Adriel held out his arm, and together, they rose to Level Six. Once they reached the marketplace, Grant saw Stefan push away from the wall he had been leaning against. The young Alpha walked over to greet them.

  "Grant, thank you for coming. I have three children who aren't feeling well. One of them is Benji's foster sister Clara; the other two are the Hamilton boys, Ricardo and Matteo.

  Grant turned to Stefan. "They actually asked for me?"

  Stefan nodded. "Yes. They called out for Mr. Grant. Well..." he paused, "...except for Benji; he's not talking yet, but we all know he's taken with you. His foster mother, Susan, just can't get him to settle. Poor little guy is probably picking up on the stress in the house." Though young for an Alpha, Stefan took his position seriously. Grant had never seen an Alpha so closely involved with his pack members before. Stefan treated everyone as though they were family; it was this practice that had won him the respect and admiration of most of the warriors.

  They quickly made their way through the vendor stalls, which were closed for the night, to the wide opening that led to the refugee camp. What was supposed to be a simple housing project for the witches had turned into creating a tiny city carved out of the walls of the cavern. Stefan led them to the third house, and they veered to the left. He knocked on the door, and a worried looking shifter answered.

  Tobias and Susan Garcia were young parents with huge hearts. They had taken in Benji almost immediately when the poor child was orphaned. When the exhausted father saw who was on his doorstep, he looked relieved.

  "Grant, thank you for coming. Susan's been up with Benji for the past six hours while I've been sitting with Clara. She can't get him to settle for the night. Both of the Hamilton boys and Clara all are complaining they don't feel well. Personally, I think Benji is upset because Clara is crying." He led them through the neat and tidy home to the back door, opened it, and showed them to the open courtyard where both families and the three children waited. Grant was surprised to see that Dr. St. John was kneeling beside the makeshift beds, examining one of the children.

  "Hey, Doc," Grant called out.

  Dr. St. John's head popped up. "You're here. Good. You've been requested." He nodded his head to the three small children who were looking up at Grant, tear tracks on their faces. Grant winked at them and walked over to where Susan sat with a fussing Benji in her lap; she glanced at him, and he could almost see the relief flow through her.

  "I just can't get him to sleep." Her voice cracked as she gave him a shaky smile. Without saying a word, he lifted Benji into his arms; almost instantly, the child quieted, laid his head on Grant's chest, and promptly fell asleep.

  Susan's jaw dropped. "That's impossible. How did you do that?" she demanded.

  He shrugged. Adriel pointed to the inflated mattress on the ground, grinning wickedly. "Get comfortable," he ordered.

  Grant rolled his eyes but was actually grateful for a c
hance to lie back down. He climbed into the bed and settled Benji on his chest. Very gently, both shifter fathers placed the two boys on either side of Grant.

  Stefan kicked back in a recliner someone had dragged out of one of the houses with little Clara in his lap. Within moments, the whimpering and tears slowly faded, and the sounds of even breathing filled the air. All four children were asleep. The parents looked on in amazement. Clara's father shook his head. "I don't want to know how; she's asleep. Benji is asleep so we're going to turn in. Grant, call us if you need anything; there's a baby monitor by the bed."

  He yawned. "Sure thing." The Hamiltons whispered their thanks and headed into one of the houses. Adriel covered Stefan and Clara with a blanket. "Sweet dreams, you two. Grant, swing by Level One in the morning for a briefing." Grant barely heard Adriel and Dr. St. John leave; he was already drifting off to sleep.


  The next morning, Grant woke up to an empty bed. Slightly panicked, he looked around, making sure that he hadn't accidentally rolled over and squished Benji or one of the Hamilton boys in his sleep. When he heard voices coming from one of the houses, he went to where he knew Benji lived with his foster family. Feeling a bit awkward, he knocked on the back door. Tobias opened the door wide, smiling brightly. "Good morning, sunshine."

  Grant nodded without comment, walked into the house, and headed to the kitchen. Tobias followed behind him. "We picked up Benji and Clara first thing this morning. The Hamiltons picked up the boys about an hour later. We're finishing up breakfast. What can I get you?"

  Grant shook his head. "I could use your bathroom."

  Laughing, Tobias pointed the way. After Grant splashed some water on his face and used the facilities, he looked in the mirror. He didn't look any different than the other shifters. Why did the kids want him? Shrugging, he walked back to the kitchen.

  Clara was kicking up a fuss in her highchair, refusing any more food, and throwing pieces of egg off the highchair's tray. Susan, despite the previous night's rest, already looked worn out. Grant turned to Benji, who was sitting quietly in his own highchair, watching the entire scene with wide eyes. When he saw Grant, he raised his hands. Grant moved almost subconsciously toward the child and lifted Benji into his arms. "How about I take this little guy for a few hours to give you break," he offered. Susan looked up surprised. "Are you sure? We wouldn't want you to miss patrols."

  Grant looked down at Benji. "He's no trouble."

  Tobias looked grateful. "Thank you. We will spend some extra time with Clara. Maybe she needs to have mom and dad to herself for little while." Grant bounced Benji on his arm while Tobias packed a baby bag. Both parents thanked him again as he left. Once clear of the houses and into the bustling atmosphere of the marketplace, Grant looked down at Benji. "Well, it's just you and me now kiddo. Think we'll be okay?"

  Benji blew spit bubbles happily and clapped his tiny hands.

  "I'll take that as a yes." Balancing the baby on his arm, he made his way toward the transport tunnel. He really hated flagging down transport escorts; they always seemed to have some sort of snarky remark to make, but as luck would have it, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Micah running toward them.

  "Cute kid." Micah tickled Benji under his chin. "I expected you earlier; you must've been really tired. But I guess that's what happens when you get woken up at three o'clock in the morning." Micah placed a hand on Grant's arm.

  "Meeting still going?" Grant asked.

  "Just started actually, so you haven't missed much."

  Micah floated them down and dropped them off at Level One before heading back up to start his own patrols. Grant had only been to the Royal level a few times with Adriel, and he was just as nervous now as he had been then. He knocked on the door and waited. Moments later, the door opened and Sebastian, Prince Magnus' squire, stood smiling at them. "And who is this little gentleman?" he asked, reaching out a hand for Benji to grasp.

  "This is Benji. I'm kinda babysitting," Grant replied.

  Sebastian held out his arms, practically vibrating with excitement. Grant handed the toddler over to Sebastian, who cooed and generally made a big fuss over the tiny child as he carried him to the dining room.

  Grant collapsed into a chair and blinked down at the table, willing his mind to function. He hated mornings. He looked around for some coffee.

  "Are you our own Mary Poppins?" Bethy teased.

  He grunted, still looking for the coffee. "Allow me," a voice said from behind him. Ryuu, Meryn's squire, turned the white coffee cup right side up on the saucer and poured him a cup of steaming fresh coffee.

  "Thank you," Grant said and picked up the cup. He sipped it slowly, feeling his reality realign after having been out of sync from the odd night.

  "No cream or sugar?" Meryn asked.

  Grant shook his head. "No need."

  "Have you tried it?"


  "Then how do you know there's no need?"

  Grant thought about it for a moment. "Good point. I'll try some in my next cup. I usually drink it black because it's easy."

  "Not everyone drinks cream and sugar with a bit of coffee like you do, love," Aiden said, kissing the top of his mate's head.

  "Sugar plus coffee equals brain fuel." Meryn yawned and sipped her own cup.

  "Grant, what can I get you for breakfast?" Sebastian asked, rocking back and forth with Benji on his hip.

  "Whatever is the quickest," Grant replied, rubbing his stomach.

  "Of course. I will get something for this little one while we are back there," Sebastian said. But when he went to walk into the kitchen, Benji began to cry. Everyone looked at Benji. Sebastian's face revealed a hurt expression.

  Grant spoke up. "It isn't you. Trust me. He wouldn't even quiet for his foster mother last night."

  Sebastian's smile returned. "In that case, I think it best he wait with you." He placed Benji on Grant's lap, and instantly, the child brightened. Sebastian's eyebrows rose. "How peculiar." Shaking his head, he made his way back to the kitchen to start Grant's breakfast.

  To his left, Magnus began sticking out his tongue and making faces at Benji, who, in return, was blowing raspberries back at Magnus, making the Prince of the Vampires laugh. Bethy watched the interaction with a smile on her face.

  Magnus looked up from playing with Benji. "How are the children?"

  "Clara and Benji are both doing better, though Clara was starting to get fussy when we left."

  Dr. St. John cleared his throat. "I can't make heads or tails of it. They weren't running much of a fever, low-grade if anything. I can't find or determine a reason why they would be acting this way. Unlike the other three, Benji isn't glassy eyed or sluggish. I think he was reacting to the tension around him and just wanted Grant."

  Sebastian walked out of the kitchen and set a tiny bowl of dry Cheerios on the table in front of them for Benji and a plate of toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon for Grant. Benji's tiny hands immediately attacked the bowl, and he was stuffing dry cereal into his mouth faster than Grant could keep track of. Dr. St. John watched the entire interaction, tapping his lips with his finger. "You have no idea why they'd ask for you?"

  Grant shook his head. "Maybe it's because I'm a wolf."

  Eva turned in her chair toward him. "Are you Mexican gray wolf?" she asked.

  "No, a timber wolf. I was born into a pack whose territory sits on the border between Montana and Wyoming."

  "I didn't know that." Declan frowned.

  Grant shrugged. "No need to know."

  "He's quiet, like me." Meryn piped up from across the table. Grant shared a knowing smile with the small human. Out of everyone at the table, he identified with Meryn the most. Neither of them really liked people but did the best they could. Benji turned on his charm and flashed Meryn a little one-tooth grin.

  She laughed. "Look at him: Super Fang!"

  Bethy rolled her eyes. "You can't call him Super Fang."

  Meryn shrugged, and everyone kne
w she would ignore Bethy and call Benji whatever she wanted. "He's cute."

  Dr. St. John slumped back in his chair. "I'm not ashamed to admit I feel out of my depth. I have no idea how to treat children. In fact, I'm not quite sure how to treat adult shifters either; they don't get sick. Broken bones and stitching up wounds I can handle, but I can't tell if the children have fevers or are just running warm. I'm not even sure of the correct dosage or even what medications to give them."

  Kari turned to Magnus. "I have a friend in the city where I used to live before setting up my business. She is a pediatrician. I met her when we worked with the director of her hospital getting him set up with an assistant. She is brilliant. I could call her and see if she knows someone who could help."

  Magnus nodded. "See if she is able to come. I am willing to pay all her expenses, whatever she needs."

  Kari stood, cell phone in hand. "I will give her a call. She is an early riser so I know she will be awake." She left the dining room, walking toward the antechamber. Grant ate his toast with one hand while keeping an eye on Benji. He looked up and caught Adriel watching him closely.

  "What?" he asked.

  "Nothing, you look very natural doing that."

  Grant shrugged and handed Benji his little sippy cup from the baby bag.

  Declan chuckled. "Are you going to do patrols with him?"

  Grant nodded. "His foster mom needs a break. It's not like he's hard to care for; he's a good baby."

  Meryn chuckled wickedly. "Those sound like famous last words."


  Ellie wiped her hands down her slacks nervously. Her palms were sweaty and her heart was beating out of control. It wasn't often that she was called into her boss' office. He mostly left her alone to treat her patients and do her research. Almost all of the executives at the hospital were paranormals. Vampires, shifters, and witches worked together to help human children fight their illnesses and diseases. To her, it was unfair that humans were so fragile and their children even more so. It seemed like every disease could kill them so quickly. She was surprised they had grown to the numbers they had. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


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