by Ben Russell
techniques 162
tools 162–3
Watt’s interest in 159–61
workshops, nature of 161–2
coffee houses 30–31, 31
Collins, Edward 7–8, 231
Combrune, Michael 101
consumer goods/consumption 13, 16, 17, 37, 86–7, 87, 88
Cornwall 75, 122, 130, 132, 133–4, 142, 149, 167
industry 144–5, 157
products 145
output 147
fashion 145, 146
machinery 147
Craig, John
partnership with Watt 70–71, 72
Creighton, William 177, 181–2, 190
Cullen, William 81, 84, 101
‘curious’ machines 118
Davy, Humphry 18, 177–8
Defoe, Daniel 19, 22–3, 31–2, 34–5, 36, 38, 79
Delftfield Pottery 92–7
creamware, manufacture of 93
dividing engine 57, 59
dividing screw 63
drop stamp 117, 118, 120
Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel 100, 106
Fairbairn, William 157, 158, 169
Farey, John 123, 155, 185–6, 189, 190, 206
Treatise on the Steam Engine (1827) 123, 185
‘First View of Practical Chymistry’, 1747 80
Fischer, Jabez Maud 36, 42, 148, 155
Fischer, Johann Conrad 20, 170–71, 193, 227
fly-press 118
Fox, Celina 11
furnace, chemical uses of 98
Gin Lane, William Hogarth 24
Glasgow 29
Broomielaw Quay 79
population of 84
civility in 30
Glasgow College 46–7
Gothic design
in architecture 194
government, role of 33–4
Grand Tour 211
Greenock, Scotland 7, 27, 29, 33
Gwilt, Joseph 184–5, 191
Hadley’s quadrant 53, 55
Handsworth, Birmingham 170
Heathfield 203
Hawkins, John Isaac 213, 215, 216
applied to metalworking 162
as applied to pottery 99
concepts of applied to Watt’s
engine 103, 139
latent heat 105
specific heat 106
Watt’s conception of it inside the steam engine 80–81
Hewes, Thomas 155
Hindley, Henry 163
Hogarth, William, Four Times of the Day: Noon 35
Hornblower, Jonathan 167
Hume, David 47
Huntsman, Benjamin 163
Hutton, James 47, 83
‘Industrial Enlightenment’ 9
Industrial Revolution 9, 20
artefacts of, and their survival 10, 68, 198, 225
importance of artisans 11–15
knowledge economy 9
mobility of population 27
population growth during 26
in Scotland 84
instrument making
A. Mackenzie, shop 87
workshop, illustration of, 1849 61
iron, cast see cast iron
‘Iron Founder, The’, from The Book of Trades 126
An Iron Foundery, Coalbrook Dale 140
iron, wrought see wrought iron
Kay, John 49, 164
Keir, James 12, 84, 115
kilns, used in pottery 96, 97–8
Kinneil 88, 89, 114, 124, 132
Knollet, Jean-Antoine 198
La Roche, Sophie von 20, 86
La Rochefoucauld, François de 23, 32, 35, 41
lathe 55–6
lecturers 50
lectures in science 50
letter-copying press 135–6, 136
letters of introduction 42–4
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph 22, 36
London 22–3, 35, 43–5, 86, 212
engineers of 63
longitude 53, 164
Mackenzie, A., instrument maker 87
Manchester 36, 143, 156–7
artefacts of 10, 76
organization of 13, 57, 119–21
‘path dependency’ of 14, 19
techniques of 12–14, 59–62, 93, 116, 118–19, 125–7
markets 12, 51–2, 81, 107, 148, 173–4
Martine, George 106
‘Mathematical Instrument Maker, The’, from The Book of Trades (1824) 40
used in ceramics 92–5
used in instrument making 59–60
Maudslay, Henry 194, 195–8, 200
mechanization 205, 220
metal-planing machine 141
metalworking, minimizing effort used in 140
micrometer 137
mill time 164
materials 158–9
millwrights 157–8, 159
Morgan, John 41, 44
mould-making, plaster 208, 212
Moxon, Joseph 11, 12, 62
Mechanick Exercises (1703) 11, 60, 62
Murdoch, William 27, 134–5, 151
Murray, Matthew 155, 169, 193
Mushet, David 82
Nasmyth, James 189, 196, 220
Navigation 44, 51, 57
Newcomen, Thomas 73–5, 120, 154
‘North Mill at Belper, Derbyshire’, from Rees, Cyclopedia 165
Palladio, Andrea 179
Patent Office Museum, London 225
pattern making 125, 192
perspective drawing machine 53, 54
Pickard, James 150
Pierotti, John 208
Piranesi, Giovanni 181, 182
politeness 38–9, 113–14
Portsmouth block-making machinery 197
precision 16–17, 63
Ramsden, Jesse 44, 56–8, 59
Rees, Abraham, Cyclopedia 165, 186
road transport 31–2
Roberts, Richard 56
Robison, John 46, 75, 76
friendship with Watt 75
Roebuck, John 84, 88–90, 114–15
‘scaling up’ to making industrial machines 76–8
use by practitioners 50–51
scientific instruments
‘curious’ tools used for making 60–61
domestic users of 70
lens making 55
machine tools 76
market for 48, 70
materials 59–60
organization of the trade in 57–8
retail of 57
chemical industry in 84
economic instability in 107
Scottish Enlightenment 47–8, 81
screw threads 56–7, 63
and the Grand Tour 211
market for 210–11
plaster copies of 205–6, 210, 212
trade 212
sculpture-copying machines
Cheverton 213, 214, 216
Collas 217
Hawkins 213–15
Watt 205–8, 210, 217, 220
in chemistry 101–2
in metalworking 139
in pottery 102
use of by craftsmen 13–14
separate condenser 76, 89, 97, 106, 115, 167
Simond, Louis 27, 93, 165–6
Smeaton, John 50, 134, 154–5, 163
Smiles, Samuel 223, 224, 231–2
Smith, Adam 47, 65
Smith, Francis Pettit 225–6, 227, 228
acquisitiveness 37
consumption of goods 37
finance systems 42–3
hierarchy 34–5, 35
mobility 36
networks 41, 42
property 37–8
respectability 30, 41
Soho Foundry 172–4, 193, 227
organization of 172–3
product innovation 173
Soho Manufac
tory 13, 110, 110, 113–14, 153, 170, 172, 227
Southern, John 58, 188
Southey, Robert 27, 111, 143, 228
steam engine 73
aesthetic approaches to 179, 191
‘affective revolution’ in designing 171, 177, 178
atmospheric 73–5, 154, 155–6
beauty of 200–201
bellcrank 173, 175
Boulton & Watt see Boulton & Watt steam engine
Boulton & Watt’s influence on post-1800 168–7, 189
cast iron, use in manufacture of 191
Egyptian design applied to 194
experience of using 154
Gothic design applied to 194
iconic value of 220
inspired by antiquity 179, 181–2, 186–7, 193, 201
marine 197
new ‘machine aesthetic’ of 193, 197
of paddle ship Comet 173, 227, 229
practical embodiment of post-1800 201
as a product 191
Thomas Tredgold, The Steam Engine 186
vernacular approaches to 198–200
Strutt, Jedediah 165
Stuart, James, and Nicholas Revett, The Antiquities of Athens (1762) 179, 182
Svedenstierna, Eric 156
Swainson Birley 159
Tangye, Sir George 230
temperature measurement
by eye 14, 99–100
in metalworking 127, 139
in pottery 98–100
pyrometer 100, 101
thermometers 69, 100, 101
Tickle, John 178
‘toy’ trade 113
antique influences on 183
Tredgold, Thomas, The Steam Engine 186
Wapping, London 22–3
Ware, Isaac 179
Wasborough, Matthew 149–50
‘Watchmaker, The’, from The Book of Trades 160
water transport 32
waterwheels 154–5, 221
Watt, Annie 133
Watt, Gregory 178–9
Watt, James
artistic representations of 28
birth and early life 27–30
business as an instrument maker 51–3
chemical projects 90, 94–7, 204
continuing links to London 58
death 218
death of Peggy 108
early work on Anderson’s model engine 73–6
employees of 58, 134
family life 133
instrument maker to Glasgow College 46–7, 47, 51–2
marries second wife, Annie McGrigor 133
memorialization of 204–5, 218
musical instrument making 65–9
personality of 18, 29, 141, 221
philosopher or craftsman? 222–3
portrait busts of 218–19, 219
relationship with Margaret Miller (Peggy) 87–8, 107–8
sculpture, interest in 205–8
shops in Glasgow 69, 70–73
training in London 38–39, 41, 44–5
Watt, James Jnr 174–9, 176
‘affective’ education 177, 182
relationship with father 174–6
revolutionary interests 177
Watt’s First Experiment, after Marcus Stone, 1879 28
Watt’s rotative engine 151
Watt’s single-acting pumping engine 123
Watt’s workshop 6, 90, 91, 203–6, 204, 224–33
beam compass 61, 62
circular saw 68
chemical apparatus 91
chemical substances 90, 91
dividing wheel 62
‘experimentalising’ steam kettle 226
flute-making tools 65–6, 66, 67
Gahagan bust of Watt 219, 219
Gregory Watt’s hair chest 178, 180
as ‘industrial shrine’ 224
object wrappers in 90, 135
and the Pemberton family 205, 230
plans to preserve 225–6, 230–33
plaster casts and moulds 203, 208, 218
printing plates for barometers 61
rotary engine, 1782 150
sculpture collection 205–12, 209, 210, 217
sculpture-copying machines 205–6, 212–13, 217
tools and materials for making scientific instruments 103
violin fingerboards 68
Wedgwood, Josiah 94
Etruria works 118–19, 153
pyrometer see temperature measurement
Useful Wares 103
Whitbread Brewery, London 167
White, Gilbert 69, 211–12
Wilkinson, John 171
mill for boring cylinders, 1775 129
Woodcroft, Bennet 224–30
wrought iron 13, 124, 162