Eli (Alpha Team Six, book 1)

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Eli (Alpha Team Six, book 1) Page 8

by Rhonda Lott

  Eli watched Erin's eyes widen, but other than that, she was the picture of calm. The muscles in her face tightened for an instant, then in a flash she used both her hands to grab hold of the big asshole's knife hand, quickly pinned it to her chest. Twisting, she slammed her fist into his crouch with lightning fast, hard punches. The huge asshole, doubled over, howling in agony. Erin wasted no pity or time, she clasped both her hands together and brought them down like a hammer on the neck, and a foot to his face. Big guy fell like a mighty oak, hitting the kitchen floor with a thud.

  Eli's mouth was stuck on open. Erin simply tilted her head and grinned. "Our dad taught his girls self-defense from birth."

  She flew into his arms. Reality came crashing in when she squeezed him like her life depended on his touch, then pulled back just enough to gaze into his eyes.

  "Pope has my parents doesn't he?"


  The old fart was losing it. His once smartly pressed suit pants and starched white shirt were a crumpled mess. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, red rimmed his murky blue eyes. Yep, former Deputy Director Pope was losing his shit. He paced the space between the double beds in the old hotel room. The air was thick with fear, the Talley's and Andrew's.

  He couldn't blame the fool, his men were ending up dead or close to it by Alpha Team Six. With Erin's parents in their possession it was only a matter of time before Pope would end up dead as well. Oh, Andrew thought he knew Sessions and his team inside and out, but no one knew them better than him.

  The meet was to take place on a small island in the middle of Enoch Lake. The jutting mound of earth was the perfect spot. It was thickly wooded with a raised rock formation right dab in its center that they would use as a lookout point. The island was the perfect setting for an ambush.

  Pope raked his fingers once again through his salt and pepper hair.

  "What made you do this?" He waved his hand at the bound and gagged couple.

  "It had to be done."

  "I'm not going down for kidnapping or for murder. I didn't hook up with you to do any of this. I wanted revenge on that self-righteous ass Sessions, not all this." Andrew ranted.

  "You wanted my help. I know them, know what makes them tick. If we don't eliminate them, we will never be safe again. We have to prove to the Freedom Guardians we can be trusted to keep their identities secure. No Loose Ends. Don’t forget it."

  Pope dropped down on the empty bed. The man had the look of a spooked animal with nowhere to run.

  He turned away from Pope to gaze out the window. The sun was down and the little hotel was quiet. This one horse town shut up tight as soon as the sun set, but that was fine with him. He could use some rest. Morning couldn't get there quick enough. By the end of the day Sessions would know just who it was that stripping everything away from him, including his life. Yes, he was going to reveal himself as the life was draining out of Eli, let the fucker experience an eye for an eye, Sessions' life for his.


  The five males crowded around Eli's dining room table. Tension was palatable. They had their heads together each in his own state of pissed the fuck off. Oh, she knew they didn't really know her or her family, but the men were angry that Pope had involved innocent civilians.

  Brandy had been on her way home from the mountains when Erin phoned her the horrible news. Her sister was enraged and was presently pacing the floor. One minute she was swiping away tears and the next, threatening everyone present. Blake Jackson took it upon himself to try and calm her down. He was the only man in the room that could. He was well over six feet with a body like a Mac Truck, even Brandy wasn't mad enough to take him on. With all his muscle and dark blue brooding eyes, he was gentle with Brandy, who was blowing up like a volcano. He talked to her in soothing tones. Her sister was a tall athletic woman. Standing next to Blake she looked small in comparison.

  Her sister steadily glared daggers at Eli. She half blamed him for their parent's abduction and the other half 0f the blame she placed on Erin for keeping what was happening a secret.

  Erin didn't take offense. Brandy was two years younger than her and was the willful one. They rarely fought, but when they did it was a brawl from hell. Then, before the day was over they would usually find a way to make up. Erin felt the fear that her sister was feeling. She was weighed down with guilt. Her parents were in the hands of killers. She would do anything to get them home safe.

  Erin sat on the love seat across from the men. A coldness surrounded her. One after the other the men asked her if they could do anything for her.

  She shook her head in response, words wouldn't come. Erin wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. Crying wasn't going to get her folks back so she focused on Eli.

  Eli stood and pointed at the map spread across the table. "Colton Island rests in the center of Enoch Lake. This is where we're going to exchange ourselves for the Talley's"

  "360 degree view of the lake and heavily wooded ten plus miles of ambush. Pope will have all the bases covered and we don't exactly have the benefit of time. The meet is set for seven A.M." Romero stated. His dark eyes studding the map.

  Brandy stomped to the table and placed her palms down as she stared at Eli. "You did this, sorry, but I don't care what you do as long as you get my family back home. You're supposed to be FBI. Don't you have procedures for situations like this?"

  Erin went to her sister and hugged her tight. "Please Bran. Give Eli a break. He had no way of knowing what Pope would do. These men are willing to walk into the face of danger to get mom and dad home. I've seen what they can do and I trust them."

  Brandy shoved out of Erin's arms. "Look at what you're trusting has cost us. I don't want to sound like a bitch, but why the fuck did you ever go with him in the first place. Jesus, wasn't it apparent from the dead man at the diner that this guy was trouble?"

  "You don't know shit. Eli is an honorable man and yes, I do trust him. So if you don't want to be helpful in this process, you can do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up." Erin shot back. Damn Brandy and her accusations. It was all true and hurt like hell to hear, but she had no idea her parents would pay the price.

  Brandy's mouth opened and closed, but she thankfully remained silent.

  "Thank you love, but she is right on one part. It is my fault that your parents were taken. It is however not my men's fault and I will not think any less of anyone that decides not to go with me to retrieve them." Eli assured his team.

  Each man gave him "have you lost your mind" glares. Erin fell in love with each one of them. They wouldn't leave Eli or her to face certain death. Strong men who stood up when others wouldn't.

  Erin moved to stand beside Eli at the head of the table. "I have an idea. There is an underwater entrance to a tunnel that leads to a cave on the island. Brandy and I use to explore it when we were kids. I'm sure that Pope doesn't know about it. If Brennan can sneak out tonight, use the tunnel, he would be able to take some of Popes centuries out and at the very least even out the playing field."

  Eli was studying the map, he turned to gaze into her eyes a frown cut across his brow. "That is a great idea, the only problem is that would be that there would be four of us on the boat when Pope is expecting five men. He might get spooked and take off with your folks before we can even come ashore."

  "Not if I take Brennan's place on the boat. I could pad my clothing, wear a ball cap and shades. They wouldn't be able to tell the difference from a distance." Erin offered.

  Eli's frown deepened. "Not happening. We can fake something to look like a body. You are not going to that island, end of discussion."

  "Hold up there. What do you mean end of discussion? I am going, those are my parents you're talking about. I have just as much right to go as anyone else." Erin couldn't help that her voice rose as she spoke. Between him and Brandy her patience was at the snapping point.

  "It's bad enough that Pope has his hands on your parents, I can't allow him to do anything to you. Don't you under
stand that, Erin?" Eli grabbed her shoulders, a pleading look in his eyes.

  She blew out a long breath. "You don't get to tell me what to do, no matter how much I care for you and you care for me. You are not the Lead Agent of the FBI on this one. It is a solid plan, I think we all should vote on it."

  They stood there glaring at one another. A cough, had them jerking their heads towards the men. Every hand went in the air except for Eli's and Brandy's. Tears swam in Brandy's eyes as she watched from the sitting area, but she didn't say a word.

  Eli closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. When he gazed back down at her, Erin could see he was torn. "B, you're going to have to go old school. I have a row boat and scuba gear in the shed." He addressed the sharp shooter, then turned to Brandy. "Guess bedroom is the third door at the top of the stairs. Erin, you follow me." He spun and walked away without another word.

  Eli took the stairs and she followed slowly behind him. She had won the war, but at what cost. Eli was pissed. He would just have to stay pissed, because she wasn't backing down on this one. She wasn't that quiet little diner owner any longer. Tomorrow she would help rescue her parents and she would be a member of Alpha Team Six.


  The hot shower didn't help. Eli's body felt like one big throbbing muscle. He was in a state of disbelief at Erin and her plan for getting her parents back. The thought of her in danger was caused a massive headache to take up residence right behind his eyes. She was standing at the bathroom mirror, finger combing out the thick black waves of her hair. Down from its braid, her hair fell to her shoulders. Eli was so used to seeing it up that when she let it down, she almost looked like a different person. A temptress, sultry, sexy as sin little woman. She cast him a worried glance, before moving out of the bathroom.

  Eli wished he could have told her he wasn't upset, at the very least, not upset with her, but he couldn't. It felt like she didn't trust him to get this done. Granted, her plan was a good one. The only drawback was her accompanying them. She had a point the team wasn't under his command and if they all agreed to this option, then he would abide by their decision. That didn't mean he wouldn't try his hardest to change Erin's mind before morning.

  Back in his room, Erin was sitting up in bed waiting for him. Eli crawled in and pulled her into his arms. His love for the woman wouldn't allow for the cold shoulder. They were going to be together for a very long time, hopefully a lifetime. They had to start this relationship off with strong communication, talking things out was the best way he knew to go forward.

  "Love, you do trust me don't you?" Eli, placed her hand on his chest and rubbed up and down her arms.

  Erin pushed up to face him. "This isn't about not trusting you. It's about my complete trust in you. Do you think that I would have volunteered to do this if you weren't there? Not a chance. I'm depending on you to keep me and my folks safe and bring us home. You beat yourself up about the decisions you've made in the past, about what it cost the team. Have you ever sat them down and asked them how they felt about what happened. I for one don't see them heading for the hills, not trusting you to lead them. Each one of them look to you, trust you. I trust you."

  Eli felt her words fill him with joy and pride, and heart wrenching fear. "Erin, I'm terrified you'll be hurt. I can't live with that."

  Eli thanked the powers that be for Erin. He wasn't a praying man, but tonight he prayed that she would change her mind.

  "I believe in this plan, I'll be fine with all of you around me." Erin assured him with a kiss.

  Eli pulled her in close and breathed in her sweet aroma. His time to make love Erin was limited, a few short hours. His need to have her bloomed within. Snatching her roughly onto his chest, Eli devoured her lips, trying to show with his actions how his feelings for her.

  Erin would have none of that, physical expression was fine, but she wasn't afraid to say the words. She pulled away.

  "I love you." She panted.

  Three words and night became day, his chest constricted then expanded, his world compressed to only Erin. His heart swelled and if by the look on her face, his love for her was reflected right back at her. She smiled.

  "I've loved you from the moment I walked into your diner. I will love you always believe that Erin Talley."

  Erin's smile, the one that was so sweet and alluring, was now gloriously beautiful, turning his insides to mush. She placed soft hands on his shoulders and kissed his lips, gently like soft rain on flower petals. Straightening, she removed her top, revealing her lush breast capped with pebbled nipples, Eli's mouth watered. Erin climbed off of him to remove her shorts and his. She then threw her legs back across his hips. Tenderness fled, and hunger ruled his lover. Erin ate at his lips moaning and rocking on his pulsing erection. She was hot and wet and the sensation of her pussy gliding along his shaft forced his hip to rock in tandem with hers and his palms to take hold of her ass and grind her down hard.

  His little southern bell was a demon between the sheets. She groaned and panted, made sexy as hell grunts that blazed heat through every nerve ending in his body. She loved being in control. She stroked him from chest to cock with a look of pure ownership in her shimmering brown eyes. Her lips followed her hands as she shimmied down until she reached his erection. One last sultry look that warned, don't you dare move, and she was running the flat of her tongue up and down his cock. She gobbled up the head and pleasure unparalleled wrapped around Eli. On their own accord his hands, both of them fisted her soft, thick curls, holding her gently as his hips instinctively pumped and a groan unlike any he'd ever made ripped from his throat.

  "Fuck yeah, baby. I need to taste your pussy, right now." Eli pulled her up his body as he positioned her on his lips.

  Erin flipped herself around, with that luscious ass of hers in view, she wrapped her lips around his dick once again. He growled into her folds. She tasted so damn good and her hot mouth had him on the edge. Eli used his tongue on her clit as he fingered her pussy in time with her stroking his cock. The sound of suction and muffled moans grew, filling the room. Eli felt his balls tighten. He didn't want to end this way. With a grunt, he pulled himself from Erin and reversed her position.

  Lightning fast he got a condom from the night stand and rolled it on. She grinned and with one deft movement was seated on him. His cock twitched within her tight hot pussy. All coherent thought left him. Erin threw her head back as ecstasy caught hold of her. She screamed his name, her body jerking with pleasure.

  Eli held her hips in a death grip as he exploded. His body jerked then went hard from head to toe. He came harder than he ever had in his life. Pulling Erin to his chest, he kissed her where ever his lips could reach, her shoulder, neck, and check. God, she was sweaty and sticky and tasted like him, smelled like them intermingled to where he couldn't tell their scents apart.

  He wrapped the covers around them. Their bodies still throbbing and stuck together. Morning would be there before either of them wanted. He held her a little closer, a little tighter


  Erin came awake slowly. It was early and the room was cast in Simi-darkness, but there was just enough light to see Eli's arm wrapped protectively around her. His big body was a warm blanket knocking back the early morning chill. How could this one man come into her life and change everything? Fear for her parents trumped all of her other emotions at the moment, even the love that was growing in her heart for Eli.

  Brandy didn't make her guilt for having been the reason for the abduction any easier to bear. If she had only stayed home that day and not delivered Eli his laptop. She would be at work right then. In her normal world, none the wiser. She would not have gotten involved with Eli and the crazy Alpha Team Six.

  Sliding away from Eli, Erin threw on a robe and left in search of coffee. The rest of the team, minus Brennan, would be up soon. The need to steal a few moments for herself was more important than a few more minutes of sleep.

  The butterflies in her belly had butterflies fro
m the stress. At the bottom of the stairs, she heard the soft sound of hushed conversation coming from the kitchen area.

  Big, Tech Specialist, Blake was perched on a stool with a cup in his hand talking to Brandy. Her sister was leaning so far across the counter that their faces were inches apart, showcasing the striking contrast of her velvet, black curls and Blake's honey blond tresses. Brandy was the first to notice Erin and gave her a tentative smile.

  "So. I'm not the only early bird?" Erin joked. She headed around the counter and snatched a cup, intending to pour some coffee quickly then get out of there.

  Blake nodded as a greeting, his bright, intelligent blue eyes appeared sad as he looked between the two sisters. "Think I'll let you two talk." He said, swinging his stare back to Brandy. Something unspoken passed between the two of them. Erin sat down on the stool Blake had vacated. What the hell was up with Brandy and Blake?

  Brandy's eyes followed his back as he strolled out the room. "Why can't every guy look that good in cargo pants and combat boots?"

  Erin took a sip of the steaming black liquid remaining quiet. Brandy could have her say right here and now. She could rant and throw around accusations all morning if she wanted, but Erin was determined to keep her cool. She knew her sister better than anyone, knew her quick temper, and her tendency to hold a grudge. Erin lived with the woman long enough to know that most of it was bluster, underneath it all her sister was a kind and loving woman. Brandy was scared to death and lashing out in her fear. Understanding that, Erin was willing to pay her pound of flesh and if things got too out of hand, she would have to put the hurt on her little pain, but she didn't want it to come to that.

  Brandy came around the center island, stood behind Erin, and hugged her from behind. She placed her cheek alongside Erin's. Skin to skin, sister to sister, the bond that was built through years of heated fights and late night confessions, of secrets shared and never revealed, of love and loss, that beaten and battered bond, tied them together from heart beat to heart beat. Warm tears, her tears and Brandy's fell in a slow trickle down her face to drip onto the front of her robe.


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