Safe Zone

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Safe Zone Page 7

by Chesla, Gary

  They decided they would try to make it to Ligonier and start a new life for their family, someplace where they wouldn’t have to be afraid all the time.

  The group was finally at the edge of the woods beside the dam. Shaun instructed the group to fill the water jugs while he helped Fred get his car started.

  The group went to work on their task as Shaun walked over to the car with the Fred.

  Fred poured the gas in the tank and hopped in the car.

  After cranking the little car’s engine for a few minutes, the engine sprang to life. Fred was so excited.

  He let the car run and stepped out. Shaun helped Fred unhitch the bloody trailer from the car. There was no reason to keep pulling that thing anymore. When the trailer was unhooked, Fred called out to his family.

  They came running out of the woods and quickly got in the car.

  Fred walked up to Shaun. “I don’t know how I can ever repay you. I wish there was something I could do?”

  Shaun grabbed his hand and gave it a firm shake. “Just being able to help a good man is enough thanks. I hope you and your family have a safe trip. You should go before you idle away all your gas.” Shaun laughed.

  The man’s eyes lit up. “I don’t know what it is like around here for you, but why don’t you come with us? I’m sure the fort group could use a good man like you.” Fred looked sincerely at Shaun.

  “It is starting to get rough around here. You just might see us there in a week or so. We have been thinking about moving on ourselves. Knowing about someplace like the fort is mighty comforting. Consider that information your payment for the gas.”

  “We hope to see you again soon.” Fred smiled. “It’s on Route 30 about fifteen miles or so down the road. You think about it. Thanks again friend.”

  They shook hands again and Fred got in the car with his family. He turned the car around in the clearing and started to slowly drive back up towards the road.

  Shaun turned and walked back to the corner of the woods where the group was filling the water jugs.

  “I’m glad we were able to help them.” Megan said. “Those poor people. I feel bad for them.”

  “People like them are the lucky ones. I can only imagine what most of the people out there are going through.” Shaun said sadly. “How many more jugs do you have to fill up yet?”

  “We’re on the last two.” Doug called out.

  “That’s good. I just want to get our water and get out of here.” Shaun said.

  Then he stood rigid. “Quiet!” He shouted.

  Shaun tilted his head and listened. The others saw him and stood still and listened.

  “Grab the jugs and get in the woods!” Shaun shouted. “He grabbed two jugs and started running for the corner of the woods.

  “This one isn’t full yet.” Lisa started to say.

  “Just bring it now!” Shaun yelled back at her.

  They group ran following Shaun into the woods. As they got into the woods and out of sight, the sound of motorcycles could be heard coming down Route 30 from the direction of Latrobe.

  They struggled to run up through the woods carrying the heavy five gallon water jugs. Half way to the top, they stopped and looked down at the dam and Route 30.

  They saw the little Corolla stopped on the far side lane on Route 30, surrounded by motorcycles.

  Shaun turned his head in despair. “Come on, we have to move, fast.”

  “What’s going to happen to those people?” Lisa asked sadly.

  “I don’t think you want to know.” Megan answered.

  “Come on, we have to move fast.” Shaun said again and started to push himself up through the woods.

  “Why do we have to run? They can’t see us back here.” Lisa pleaded as she strained to carry her jug using both hands.

  Megan looked at her. “Those people know we are here and where the van is parked.”

  “Surely those people wouldn’t say anything?” Doug said.

  Shaun turned and looked at Doug. “Doug. If I grabbed Lisa and ripped off her jacket. I threw her to the ground while three guys held you back. I grabbed her by the hair while I sat on her chest. I pulled out a knife and said I was going to pop her eyes out. What information would you give me to not do that?”

  Lisa stood looking terrified.

  “I got you. Let’s run.” Doug said as he picked up the two jugs he was carrying.

  Shaun looked back at Lisa struggling to keep up with her jug. “Lisa, if you can’t keep up, just leave it. It’s more important that we get back to the van. One jug won’t make that much of a difference.”

  “I can do it.” Lisa replied as she picked up her jug.

  They strained and struggled, but made it back to the van ten minutes later.

  Shaun opened the van and they loaded their jugs into the back of the van.

  “Shaun. We left all our pipes down at the dam.” Megan said sounding worried.

  “You want to go back and get them?” Shaun glanced at her.

  “No!” Megan answered.

  “I have more at home. I only have one of you. Get in the van!” Shaun smiled.

  When everyone had packed into the van, Shaun started the engine and pulled up to the road. After making sure all was clear, he pulled out onto Route 217 and headed home.

  “Do you really think those people would have told about us?” Lisa asked.

  “I don’t know. That scum probably just killed them. But you have to consider every possibility. Those scumbags in the gangs do whatever they want. What can anyone do? You can’t call the police. There are no police. They can do anything they want to whoever they want to do it to. All we can do is make sure to avoid putting ourselves into a situation where we can’t protect ourselves. In this case, the best we could do is just make sure we wouldn’t be where they could find us.” Shaun said.

  “Changing the subject to a more pleasant topic.” Megan interrupted. “What was Fred saying about Ligonier?”

  “It sounded like people are getting together at Fort Ligonier. They use the fort for protection while they work together to secure other areas in Ligonier. It sounds like they have made some kind of safe zone.” Shaun answered.

  “It might be worth thinking about.”

  “It sounds like it could be nice.” Megan added.

  “Maybe after we get a good night’s sleep we can talk about it. Right now I just feel drained. I’m too tired to think.” Shaun added.

  “Me too!” Megan admitted.

  They drove back into Derry and up their street. They finally made it up to their houses. The area was clear, so Shaun pulled into his driveway, instead of Doug’s.

  As he was unlocking the bars over the garage door he looked at Doug. “You guys want to come over for lunch tomorrow? We can discuss that Ligonier idea and see what everyone thinks. It might be worth thinking about.”

  “Ok. I’ll send you a pulley gram tomorrow morning.” Doug laughed.

  “See you guys later.” Shaun smiled. Then hopped in and pulled the van in the garage.

  “I’ll help you with the water jugs.” Megan said as she stood by the inside door.

  “You go sit down and take a break. I’ll take them down to the basement. They’re too heavy. You did your share today.” Shaun replied.

  Megan smiled and went inside.

  Shaun carried all the jugs down to the storage room, except for one. He carried the last jug into the kitchen and filled a pot with water and lit the hibachi. He carried the remaining water in the jug upstairs to the bathroom.

  When he came back downstairs, Megan was stretched out on the couch.

  He went over and sat down next to her.

  “I took some clean water up stairs. Why don’t you go upstairs and get cleaned up. When you come back down, I’ll have dinner ready for you.” He smiled.

  “You are going to make me dinner too?” Megan smiled.

  “Of course. I have another surprise for you, since you were a good girl and didn’t come home stin
ky today.” Shaun laughed.

  Megan looked at him. “What are you up to, Shaun? “

  She stared at him for a minute. “Are you seeing someone else?”

  Shaun laughed. “You got me. And believe me she is drop DEAD Gorgeous. I’m afraid it didn’t work out though. I tried acting like a caveman. I thought she was that type. But when I hit her over the head with my club, her head splattered all over the place.”

  “Oh Gross. You expect me to eat dinner after that!” Megan laughed.

  “Hey, you asked.” Shaun joked.

  “I guess it’s better than your stinky Megan jokes.” Megan laughed again.

  “Go get cleaned up. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes.” Shaun said as he pulled Megan up from the couch.

  “OK, but it better be good. I was getting comfortable.” Megan said as she turned and started upstairs.

  Megan came down stairs twenty-five minutes later. She was wearing her comfortable red shorts and yellow t-shirt. Shaun had the living room drapes closed and the fireplace crackled as the flames shot up towards the chimney. The glow throughout the living room was soft and relaxing.

  “Go sit down on the couch. I’ll bring your dinner in.” Shaun smiled.

  Megan walked over to the couch and curled her legs underneath her body as she made herself comfortable against the corner of the big couch.

  Shaun came in carrying two plates and handed her one as he sat down beside her.

  She looked at her plate and then back up at Shaun. He had handed her a plate of little twisty pasta in tomato sauce.

  “Twisties in tomato sauce! Wow. Where did the tomato sauce come from?” Megan asked excitedly.

  “I took those cans of tomatoes you got and made tomato sauce. Added a little of the sugar I found. What do you think?” Shaun asked.

  Megan took a bite and a big smile stretched across her face. “This is good! You know, a few more surprises like this and I might start to think about forgiving you for all your stinky Meg jokes.”

  “It’s that good?” Shaun smiled.

  “No, but you’re getting close.” Megan giggled.

  After having seconds, Megan and Shaun snuggled on the couch watching the fire until it began to die out.

  They went upstairs and quickly fell into a deep comfortable sleep.

  Chapter 4

  5:00 AM

  Shaun was sound asleep as a loud thumping sound started to awaken him. He started to become aware that he was lying in his bed. He felt the comforting warmth coming from Megan snuggled up to his side. It was comforting to remember sitting by the fire with Meg before they came to bed last night. He started to drift back off, but jerked back awake as he remembered he had heard a sound and that was the reason he started to get awake.

  Then he recalled the thumping sound. It must have been the box in the other room by the pulley.

  Shaun began to open his eyes to see how bright it was outside. For a moment he thought maybe he had slept in. If he did he was glad he did. He had been through a number of stressful situations the last week and he needed the rest.

  Shaun slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to see how dark it was. Why would Doug be sending him a pulley-gram in the middle of the night?

  Shaun’s other senses were starting to come alive. The first sense to register was his hearing. The low groaning sound began to drum against his ears, then the faint smell.

  Shaun jerked up straight in bed. “Meg wake up!” he called quietly as he shook Megan. “Meg wake up!”

  “Not now Shaun. “ Megan whispered.

  “Meg wake up. There is something wrong!” Shaun shook her harder.

  Megan quickly sat up straight, now fully awake. “What’s wrong Shaun?”

  Megan began to hear the low constant groaning sound that seemed to surround her. Then the smell, that smell she knew all too well.

  “Shaun, what’s going on?” Megan asked.

  “I don’t know. I heard the box fall in the pulley room. As I started to wake up I heard the groaning and then that smell hit me. I don’t know what is happening yet. Just get up and get dressed. Don’t light any candles yet, just get dressed. I’m going to check the pulley room and see if Doug sent a message. Just stay in the room so I know where you are. I’ll be right back, then we will check out the house.” Shaun whispered as he crawled out of bed and slid into his jeans.

  “OK. Just be careful.” Megan whispered back.

  Shaun walked to the bedroom door and leaned his ear against it to listen for any sounds that might be right on the other side.

  It was quiet. He slowly opened the door and waited to see if he sensed any motions or sounds. When he felt there was nothing there, he began to slide through the door out into the hall, keeping his back against the wall as he moved.

  The pulley room door was only a few feet down the hall on the same side as the bedroom door. He found the door knob and turned the knob and began to open the door.

  The groaning became much louder as the sound flooded in through the open window where the pulley ropes came into the room. The smell hit him as he began to slide into the room.

  He shuffled his feet on the floor working his way towards the window. After three short steps his foot kicked the box that had sat on the stand by the pulley system and was designed to fall on the floor to alert him when Doug sent a message. He had definitely received a message.

  He shuffled his way over to the window and the pulley. When he arrived at the window, before searching for the message, he looked out the window. It was pitch black outside. It must have been overcast as there were no stars shinning in the sky. It was too dark to see much of anything, except for the light coming from Doug’s upstairs window where the ropes led back to Doug’s house.

  The smell was overwhelming here at the window and the groaning coming through the window was deafening.

  Shaun couldn’t see well enough to see how many of the dead were outside, but the ground between his house and Doug’s seemed like a black wavy blanket of constantly shifting black shadows on a black background.

  “Why the hell does Doug have that light on with the curtains open?” Shaun thought to himself. A light at night was like a beacon. The dead flowed to a light at night like moths to an open flame.

  Shaun felt around the pulley until he found the note attached to the rope. He removed the note and retraced his steps back to the door and left the room.

  He worked his way back to the bedroom. He slowly opened the door as he called out. “Meg, it’s me. I’m coming in.”

  “OK!” Megan replied.

  Shaun came in the room and closed the door.

  “What’s going on Shaun?” Megan asked in a low voice.

  “It looks like the area is flooded with the dead.” Shaun replied.

  “Crap!” Megan said. “Did we get a message from Doug and Lisa?”

  “Yea, I brought it back here to read it.” Shaun said. “I’m going to make sure the curtains are closed, then we can read it by the bed.”

  Shaun worked his way to the window and double checked that the curtains were closed. Then he felt his way to the bed and walked around the bottom and over to Megan’s side. He slid to the floor and rested his back against the side of the mattress and struck a match for light.

  Megan came over and sat down next to him as he held up the paper with the message Doug had sent.

  Shaun began to read out loud. “Shaun. The area is flooded with the dead. They have been pounding against the house for the last hour. We forgot to bar the back garage door last night. The dead are in our garage. They have been trying to get inside the house. I slid the refrigerator against the kitchen door, but the door is starting to break apart. I’m afraid they are going to get in the house. Do you have any ideas? It is scary as hell over here.”

  “Oh No!” Megan sighed. “What if those dead things get in their house?”

  Shaun tore off the page with the message and began to write. “Doug. Pile as much as you can against the door.r />
  If the door starts to give way. Run upstairs and barricade yourself into the pulley room. Blow out the candle in the pulley room. The light is attracting them towards your house. Keep me informed. Good Luck. Shaun.”

  “Wait here. I’m going to send this back to Doug. When I was over getting the message, I looked out towards their house. They must have a candle lit in their pulley room. It looked like a damn lighthouse beacon. They should know better than do something like that.” Shaun said.

  “Lisa is probably scared to death. She probably lit the candle so she wouldn’t have to be in the dark.” Megan answered.

  “She could have at least closed the curtain.” Shaun said. “Wait here. I’ll send the message, then you and I are going to check out our house.”

  “Do you think it is OK to light a candle in here if I keep it on the floor here in the back of the room?” Megan asked.

  “I think it is OK. The curtains are pulled tight in here. Just keep it behind something to be sure. I’ll be right back.” Shaun said as he made his way back out the door.

  Megan fumbled around on her night stand to find her candle and matches. She sat the candle on the floor by the night stand and struck a match to light the candle.

  As she was blowing out the match she heard the squeak from the pulley in the next room as Shaun worked the ropes to make the ropes take the message over to Doug’s.

  While she waited for Shaun to return she went over to her closet and pulled a sweatshirt over her head and put on her old tennis shoes. She pulled one of Shaun’s sweatshirts off his shelf and picked up a pair of his tennis shoes off the closet floor and went back over to the side of the bed to sit down and wait.


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