Promise Me Forever

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Promise Me Forever Page 4

by Jules Bennett

  Katie reached up and gripped his wrist, but she didn’t pull his hand away. Her head tipped to the side, her eyes fluttered closed.

  Curling his fingers in, Roman gathered her shirt and gently tugged upward. The tips of his fingertips brushed against her silky skin, her stomach muscles clenched beneath his touch.

  Unable to resist—not that he’d tried—Roman leaned down and slid his lips over the exposed column of her neck.

  Katie’s fingers dug into his arm, her nails biting into his skin. A low, sultry moan escaped her. She smelled too good, felt even better, and the fine line of his control was about to snap. Roman didn’t know how much longer he could hold out before he jerked away the flowy tank and little shorts and hoisted her up onto this table.

  Before he could delve too far into that particular fantasy, he spun her around. He needed to taste more of her.

  Katie gripped his shoulders as his mouth came crashing onto hers. Whether she opened for him out of surprise or because she wanted him just as much, he wasn’t sure. But she wasn’t pushing him away. No, his sweet Katie had arched that luscious body against him and let out a moan that encouraged him even more.

  Roman’s hands reached back, covering her backside and pulling her flush with his body. From lips to hips they connected and Roman was about to make his fantasy of the table and Katie a reality.

  “Wait,” she murmured against his mouth. “Roman. Wait.”

  Barely suppressing a groan, he pulled back, taking in her swollen lips, the worry lines between her brows. A shaky hand went to her mouth as she closed her eyes and seemed to be gathering her thoughts.

  “I hope you don’t want me to apologize.”

  “No.” She dropped her hand and eased from between him and the table to walk away. “But this is the problem.”

  Problem? There hadn’t been a problem seconds ago. There had been desire, lust, a need he couldn’t describe, but definitely no problem.

  “We can’t act on old feelings,” she explained.

  Roman turned to see her standing at the base of the steps, gripping the post and completely avoiding looking directly at him.

  No way was she running from this—he wasn’t about to let her. Did she honestly think she could deny the chemistry between them? This had nothing to do with the past and everything to do with their current attraction. The past just happened to be their bond. She’d wanted him just as much as he’d wanted her.

  “Who said these were old feelings?” Roman countered. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the table, respecting her enough to give her space. “I’m attracted to you, Katie. The Katie right now in front of me.”

  She shook her head. “No. You’re remembering and that’s dangerous.”

  Dangerous? Yes this was dangerous because he didn’t want to get mixed up with his ex-wife again, but hell if he could stop the emotions or the desire. She’d run from him once before. Like hell if he let her do it again.

  “Of course I remember.” No need to deny the truth. “I remember nearly every single day and that was before I saw you. You’re always there, Katie.”

  Now her eyes did jerk to his. “Don’t say things like that.”

  “What? That I thought of you over the years? Are you going to stand there and tell me you haven’t thought of me? Or that the kiss we just shared meant nothing?”

  “Of course I’ve thought of you,” she retorted. “When our anniversary comes and goes, when your birthday rolls around. The day our baby was due.”

  And there it was. The crux of their entire relationship had just been thrown down, settling heavy between them. The miscarriage had been the driving force that ultimately tore them apart. Though they’d married for entirely the wrong reasons and thought they could make the picture perfect life.

  He’d been wrong. And by the time he realized he loved her more than anything or anyone, she was gone. No, he didn’t love her now, not like he had. Too much time had passed, life happened, feelings changed. But she still resided in his heart and he’d tried like hell to exorcise her out and save himself the pain and grief. The idea of what they could’ve been had he fought harder or…hell, he didn’t know.

  Yes, they’d married fast, but there had been a kernel of love there between them. From his side, that kernel had grown. But once Katie had miscarried, she’d pushed him away, claiming he was free to go. When he attempted to fight for their marriage, she ultimately left.

  Like a young, naïve fool, Roman had watched her walk away. He wasn’t that man anymore.

  “I know I’m here to work and you’d rather anyone else in my place.” He took a step closer, then another, until he stood inches from her and her head tipped back to meet his gaze. “I’m not sorry that kiss happened. I’m not sorry I made you feel and you were clinging to me. And I’m sure as hell not sorry that we’re going to see each other every single day for the next month. You better get used to that because that kiss wasn’t a one-time thing.”

  Before she could say anything, and before he lost his mind and kissed her again, Roman needed to remove himself from the situation. He headed down the hallway and out the back door, cursed himself for not holding onto that control a little tighter.

  Chapter Six

  Katie stepped in her front door and came to an abrupt stop. The overwhelming scent of something fabulous hit her. Food? Yes, definitely food. Mouthwatering, for sure. But, how? The kitchen wasn’t exactly in working order.

  She set her things on the table inside the foyer. She couldn’t look at that table…not after last night. She’d gotten up and out early. There was no way she could be in the same space as Roman. The raw intensity the last time she’d been with him still consumed her.

  Katie slid out of her sandals and followed the aroma. She headed down the hallway toward the kitchen. A couple of sawhorses with a piece of plywood served as a makeshift table. She recognized the white and red takeout bags and her stomach instantly growled in appreciation.

  Roman stepped in from the sunroom and instantly smiled when he saw her.

  “Perfect timing. I just set up dinner on the patio.”

  After grabbing the bags, he headed back out, not leaving her a chance to comment.

  This dinner was for them? Like…a date?

  Pulling in a deep breath, Katie knew she was going to have to get firm. He couldn’t touch her, kiss her, have dinner ready when she came home in the evenings. All of that was too intimate, too much like playing house.

  They were nothing more than strangers…a fact she had to keep repeating to herself and reminding Roman. He was getting caught up in a time that didn’t exist anymore.

  She stepped out back and blinked at the setup. Roman had pulled the table and chairs closer to the in-ground pool. He’d sat them up right next to the wall of windows overlooking the ocean and the sunset. Way, way too romantic.

  Katie didn’t move. She crossed her arms over her chest and watched as he busied himself setting food out on Tilly’s bright yellow plates. A wine bottle sat in the middle of the table and one glass was full. A beer sat next to the other plate. The same brand of beer she recalled him drinking and the same wine she’d always said was her favorite.

  “I don’t know what you’re up to, but—”

  “Dinner.” Roman turned to face her, hooking his thumbs through his belt loops. “Consider it a peace offering.”

  Katie narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. “You’re up to something.”

  “Yeah. I’m about to eat my weight in chips and salsa from that Mexican place down the street.”

  She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. “Fine,” she said, throwing her hands up and crossing the enclosed patio. “I’m starving and this is better than any snacks I have up in my room.”

  “I hope you still like chicken enchiladas.”

  Her stomach growled at the sight of them on her plate. “I love them. Please, tell me you asked for—”

  “Extra sour cream?”

  After eight year
s the man recalled her favorite wine and how she liked her Mexican. If he kept those minute details in his memory bank, what else had he stored up there about their life together?

  “Looks like you got everything gutted in the kitchen,” Katie commented as she took her seat. The best thing for both of them would be to focus on the job and leave anything personal out of the conversation.

  Granted they hadn’t necessarily been talking when he’d kissed her last night, but still. No more kissing. She’d been awake all night replaying that moment, wondering what would’ve happened had she given into her need, to his silent invitation.

  “It’s coming along quicker than I thought,” Roman stated as he took the other seat at the round table. “But, I always plan for problems. They’re inevitable, especially with older homes.”

  Katie dipped a chip in the salsa bowl between them. “Tilly has texted me four times just today asking if you’d run into any issues. I just told her no even though I wasn’t here. I’d rather she enjoy herself and not worry, but she’s not wired that way.”

  Roman took a long pull of his beer. Katie turned away, unable to watch those lips. She grabbed more chips, knowing she’d pay for all of this salt come morning when she woke up puffy and bloated. Mexican was so worth it, though.

  “You and your aunt are close.” He sat his bottle down and reached for a chip. “I don’t recall her when we were together before.”

  There hadn’t been a lot of time to introduce extended family. Parents were one thing, but outside of that, Katie and Roman had opted to just be alone, basking in the glory of the happiness they’d found and sharing the baby news with extended family once she was further along. That day obviously never came.

  “I’m her only niece,” Katie told him. “I visit her when I need a break from reality and recently, I decided to take a rather lengthy break from my day job.”

  Roman rested his forearms on the table. “How lengthy?”

  Katie wrinkled her nose and shot him a glance. “Forever.”

  “No kidding? Miss Work and Study All the Time up and quit her job?” Roman laughed as he picked up his fork and dug into his Mexican rice. “I suppose you had good reason and a backup plan.”

  “Oh, I had good reason.” She doused her enchilada with sour cream. “The backup plan isn’t as solid as I’d like, but I was going mad in that damn cubicle all day. Staring at a computer screen, watching all those numbers, I couldn’t take another minute.”

  “You spent all that time studying and looking for a job when we were together. You were ready to take on the world of business. What happened?”

  Life. Life had happened and it had taken her a long time to give in and push fear aside. Who said your passion and career couldn’t be the same? So what if she didn’t make much money? She didn’t have anyone relying on her, so she didn’t need much. But she needed her sanity and happiness and neither of those were happening at Wallace, Wallace, and Wallace.

  “I’m hoping to open my own dance school.” Katie cut into her dinner and decided more sour cream was a must.

  “Like Allegro?”

  “I want to teach children,” she stated, scooping up another bite. “I put an offer in on a building. I have some savings for a down payment, but I’m still waiting to hear back about my loan for the rest of the asking price and the renovations.”

  The wait was absolutely grueling. She wanted her money now. She wanted her studio open now. She wanted to be her own boss, do her own thing, and be surrounded by precious, eager kids all day doing what she loved. Patience had never been her thing.

  “Owning your own business is both rewarding and exhausting, but I wouldn’t want to do anything else.”

  Katie dropped her fork to her plate. “Wait. You own this construction company?”

  Roman shot her a wink that had her stomach curling with arousal. “I worked for a guy named Steve Stevens until he decided to sell and I was quick to take it over. Best decision I ever made.”

  Katie had no idea he’d owned the place. No wonder he was so comfortable with the renovations and working on his own.

  “And here you thought I was just some random construction worker,” he joked as he picked up his beer.

  Insulted, Katie flattened her palms on the arms of her metal patio chair. “I never thought that,” she corrected. “Your work is hard and rewarding. I’m surprised you’re the owner, but I’m actually really impressed and proud of you.”

  He licked his lips after a long drink and flashed that smile. Why did he have to be so…so Roman? That grin had lured her in, followed by the dark eyes and carefree persona.

  Some upbeat, loud music from the neighbors broke the moment. The interruption only lasted a minute before they either turned the music off or down. They must’ve really had it cranked to hear through the patio windows.

  Roman settled back in his chair, curled those long fingers around his beer bottle resting on the arm, and studied her. “You still like old music?”

  Katie nodded. “It’s the best. I incorporate it into every routine I’m able to.”

  She’d always been a fan of Sinatra, Martin, Nat King Cole. The easy rhythm made dancing and counting beats so easy, yet so elegant and timeless.

  Roman pulled his phone from his pocket and sat it on the table. He rested his bottle next to his plate and tapped a few things onto his screen. Then he shocked her when he pushed his chair back, came to his feet, and extended his hand.

  “Dance with me.”

  The moment he said that, Sinatra’s “Strangers In The Night” filtered through the space, practically wrapping them in the moment.

  Katie laughed. “That’s the song you chose?”

  Still with his arm stretched toward her, Roman shrugged. “Seemed appropriate.”

  They’d been married, yet they were absolutely strangers. Roman may be just as amazing as he’d been eight years ago, but she was learning so much about the man he’d grown into.

  Katie stared at his hand and started to deny him, but she couldn’t actually justify the rejection. Why should she turn down dance? They were adults, they were having a nice evening and he’d gone out of his way to have something prepared for her. So what if her attraction was only growing by the second? Denying him now would be rude.

  Katie slid her hand into his, trying not to let those memories roll through her head of all the times she’d held his hand. But no matter what she told herself, that time in her life just kept pushing through all the red flags and coming to the forefront for her to relive.

  Roman pulled her against his body, banding one arm around her back, while keeping a firm, yet gentle hold on her other hand.

  “Shouldn’t I be leading?” she asked, trying to lighten the moment.

  Those dark eyes met hers a second before dropping to her lips. “Not tonight. I’m in charge here.”

  Why did that sound like both a threat and a promise? And why did the idea of him in charge of everything appeal so damn much?

  “You’re not married.”

  She didn’t ask. There was no way he’d be dancing with her like this and he sure as hell wouldn’t have kissed her so passionately the other night or let Jasper set him up.

  “Who says I’m not?” he countered as he turned her in a circle.

  Katie let him take control of the dance, more than a little impressed how well he was doing. “I could list several reasons.”

  His lips kicked up in a grin. “Maybe I’m married and when I go from site to site, I look for a lover.”

  Katie’s entire body heated. This was one dangerous game they were playing, yet she couldn’t stop now. She wanted to know about him, wanted to keep feeling this…whatever the hell he was doing to her. It had been too long since she’d let herself get consumed by lust and need.

  “That’s not the type of man you are.”

  Roman curled their joined hands in toward his chest as he brought them to an abrupt stop. He leaned down, a whisper away from her mouth. “You don’t k
now the kind of man I am now.”

  “Show me,” she murmured.

  Where had that breathy tone come from? Why was she dancing around this fire that would surely burn her? She had nothing to offer Roman. They’d done their thing, had failed miserably at it. Correction, she had failed miserably. He’d been wonderful and she, well she’d been terrified and set him free.

  His lips slid over hers. There was no warning, no movement other than the feather-light touch which he was firmly in charge of as well. Roman coaxed her lips apart and released her hand. When he slid that those strong fingers over the nape of her neck and up through her hair, Katie tipped her head and groaned as he devoured her. There was no other way to describe how he consumed her.

  When was the last time she’d pulled this need from a man? She honestly couldn’t recall. Nor could she recall when she’d wanted someone with such a violent need.

  No, she actually could recall and it was eight years ago with her husband. The husband she’d set free so he could reach his goals and live his dreams.

  Katie pulled away. “This isn’t a good idea.”

  “That’s the past talking. Right now, this is a great idea.”

  She glanced down to her bare feet only inches from his scuffed work boots. They were totally different people. How could the passion be just as strong as before?

  “So, what?” she asked, pulling her focus back up to him. “We take what we want and worry about the consequences later?”

  “We don’t have to worry about anything later,” he retorted. “We want each other. It’s that simple and there’s nothing stopping us. We can go into this with our eyes wide open.”

  “Into this?” Katie threw her arms out. “You just want to have casual sex and move on?”

  Roman closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her, jerking her against his body. “Nothing about us was ever casual, so don’t cheapen it now.”

  Katie swallowed. The intensity of his gaze, the thump of his heart against her chest, the command he’d just delivered…she was losing her grip on this rope of control.


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