Werewolf Phenomenon: N.A.V.S.A. Series Book Two (The North American Vampire Secret Agency)

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Werewolf Phenomenon: N.A.V.S.A. Series Book Two (The North American Vampire Secret Agency) Page 22

by Claudia Silva

Once the door closed behind her, she stood in the hallway motionless knowing what she had to do. On her left, Will’s scent was calling to her. He was there. Waiting. He was expecting her. What would she say to him? How would she start? All they had was that night in the woods to go on. She really didn’t know him and he didn’t know her.

  But, she had saved him. She had put his heart back in his chest because she really wanted him to keep on breathing. If she had done that for him, then why not this?

  “Hi.” She heard his voice and jumped. She had been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard him open his door, peeking his head out into the hall. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “You didn’t,” she told him. For a while they stared at each other, thinking of something to say. “How are you?”

  The werewolf came out of his room, closing the door behind him.

  “Alone,” was his reply.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” Will was quick to say, “I wanted to come. Part one of the plan was a success.”

  “You almost died.”

  “But, I didn’t.”

  She smiled. “And part two?”

  Will sighed, “Part two is still in the works. You know how it is, the odd kid has trouble making friends in the new school.”

  She had forgotten how easy it was to talk to him. “I know how that feels.”

  Finally, Will risked closing the distance. Slowly, he walked down the hall until he was only a few feet away. Rebecca stayed where she was; nervous, but calm.

  After a while, Will spoke. “You know, I don’t have a car.”

  This made Rebecca laugh. “Where do you want to go?”

  “A cup of coffee would be a good start.”

  “Sure,” she said, guiding the way to the garage. “I know I little place a few minutes away. We can start there.”


  TURNING HER OLD key, Oralia Paz locked the door after a long day at the bookstore. Her family had owned the business for three decades now and she proudly continued managing it. She loved books, after all, and was happy find them a home with someone who deserved them. Her mother, who had also been a witch, had taught her many things, and the love for the written word bound by a cover had been one of them. Her mother had passed away when Oralia was still in her twenties, only a few years after she had accepted a position in a coven. She was glad she had been able to see her taking on the responsibilities of a witch before she had passed. The bookstore was more than a business, it was a treasure she would never give up, no matter how much work the coven requested of her.

  The small store was only a few blocks from her apartment. Not that distances mattered to someone who could teleport anywhere in the world with just a thought, but knowing she could simply walk there was a welcome pleasure.

  Besides, teleporting took her too-precious energy. Every time she traveled, she felt her body aging faster; her stamina slowly sucked away. Even with new limitations that came with age, she had still managed to reach the age of sixty-two feeling competent in the use of her magics to keep being an active member of her coven. Having used her power to help humanity in protecting them from supernatural dangers had always been an honor to her.

  She had worked with the vampires ever since she could remember; the immortals who looked just like they did back when she, too, had been young and beautiful. Part of her envied their youth and stamina, all their power and magnificence; it couldn’t be avoided. Although the Creator had not completely forgotten her when He had given her family their power. Her mother had used the ability to become invisible, while she had chosen the ability to go anywhere in the world.

  Being a witch had allowed her to join and known other witches who fought for good, others who shared her power and passion. Through the covens, she had met amazing and powerful women, just like herself; women she now called good friends. Truly, life had given her everything she had ever wanted.

  Oralia reached her building. It wasn’t dark yet and the streets were busy and loud, which was why she welcomed the quietness of the landing. Slowly, she began climbing the stairs to the third floor. There, her heaven awaited. One day, when she was old enough, she would teleport directly to her bedroom, but for now, walking gave her pleasure and a moment of reflexion. She would walk as long as her body felt comfortable with the physical demand of reaching the third floor.

  Her apartment was what every single woman her age could want. Oralia had never married. She had never even met the love of her life. If she hadn’t seen it in others, she would have believed love wasn’t real. Love had just never shown up on her doorstep, that was all. At her old age, she had come to terms with the fact she would live and die alone with no children to carry on her legacy.

  Her big, bulky purse ended on the old chair in the living room.

  It was all as it should be. Except it wasn’t. When she had taken off her shoes and was about to undress she had heard an unfamiliar noise.

  Her head jerked to one side, her heart skipped a beat.

  “Who’s there?”

  A shadow coming from her bedroom introduced the intruder.

  “You?” Oralia exclaimed. “What are you doing in my house? We have rules. Besides, Victoria was very clear, the meeting is tomorrow. What can be so urgent that-?” From the back of the intruder came a sharp, shiny knife; the handle carefully carved out of ivory. “What are you doing?” Oralia demanded, terrified. Suddenly, a realization came to her eyes. “You? You are the traitor? But, I don’t understand, you-you shouldn’t be able to-”

  The intruder smiled, raising her free hand in Oralia’s direction, her fingers spread out before her as if she were writing or drawing in the air. A spell, she was casting a spell!

  In her panic, the Oralia thought of her bookstore, of the office behind every bookshelf where she could go and hide until she could let the others know. She knew her bookstores like the palm of her hand and would be easy to teleport to; she had done it many times in the past.

  Except, as much as she willed it, her body did not move; it did not materialize where she wanted it to go. Instead, her two feet stayed fixed on the carpet under her feet like drowned in cement. It was the intruder’s spell! She was somehow preventing her teleportation to work, but how? All witches were only allowed to keep one gift and her attacker hadn’t kept her shield abilities.

  “Wait-” Oralia began as she saw with fear in her eyes as the knife drew closer.

  Completely trapped and unable to act, the last thing Oralia felt was the knife touching her throat with its sharp blade as it slowly ended her life.

  Her hands went to her neck, but the blood poured out violently. As her vision blurred, the last thing she saw was the woman who would end them all.

  She would not be the last to die.

  To be continued in “The Fall of Witchcraft”, book three of the N.A.V.S.A. Series

  Coming 2019


  THERE ARE A few people I would like to thank that have made this journey of publishing my works fun and positive.

  First, I would like to thank my husband because he is patient and has always given me the time I need to write and do all the little things I need to do to turn my stories into published works. He knows how important this is to me and I know he loves me for it.

  I would like to thank my brother for all his support and for being my number one fan, beta reader, and reviewer. He knows I need encouragement and an honest opinion and he gives me both all the time.

  I would also like to thank my other two wonderful beta readers and friends. Without your support, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. I appreciate that even when mine may not be your favorite genre, you are still there for me. Thank you for hearing me out and talking to me about my books.

  Finally, I want to thank my family. My mom who reads my stories even if she is afraid of vampires, and my dad, because I know he’s not a reader and he still reads what I publish. I want to thank my in-laws, as well
, because they are always there for me if I need anything.

  I feel very blessed to be able to publish my stories and I hope there are many more to come.

  Claudia Silva



  I wanted to take a little space to thank you for reading my story.

  I have been writing about this world for almost twenty years and it means the world to me to get it out there for you to discover.

  As you may imagine, I am an independent author just starting out. I try to read my stories many times, but I know I still need to hire an editor. And I will! I just need to save for a few (many) months before I can give you better quality as you read… but, it’s coming, I promise!

  In the meantime, enjoy the stories and leave a happy review if you can.

  Thanks again for giving me a chance!





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