The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1) Page 6

by Van Forson

  “So?” Brad asked in a deeper voice trying to regain his composure.

  “So how do we go back up and out of UC?” Max asked.

  Sal smirked knowingly. “You don’t find your way out of UC, the way out of UC finds you.”

  “What does that mean?” Brad whined.

  "You'll see," Sal said without further explanation.

  “For a Code Type, you’re really starting to sound like a Sap, they all speak in riddles,” Wain said.

  “What do you know about Saps?” I asked. “I've read about them but never actually seen one before.”

  “I’ve met a few in my time,” Wain said. “Sometimes the Saps come to Zero and bring us food. They’re really friendly people and wise too. Well, that’s if you can decipher the puzzles they speak in.”

  “Remember the project we did on the Saps in Social Studies Twinnies?” Philippe said, “Apparently Saps can't survive in the Upper World, so they live beyond the trees in that nature stuff.”

  “You’re like so knowledgeable.” Mindy gushed.

  Philippe suddenly felt embarrassed. He wasn’t used to having all of Mindy’s attention. The muscles on the side of his face lightly rippled.

  Max did not like being outdone in the intelligence stakes and chimed in eagerly, “That’s quite correct Philippe. I haven’t encountered any of the Sap population in person, although I have researched them extensively. The Saps have less genetic modifications than Code Types, therefore they are physically weak, unable to survive in our environment. Even breathing is a difficult task for them. So they must live in the trees, which provide them oxygen.

  “Their leader is Dr Stoneway, rumoured to be the oldest man on Earth. The mysterious land they inhabit is called Commania. As indigenous peoples, they have many customs and traditions including a belief that their dream state is as important as when they are awake and -”

  “Do you like totally know everything in the whole entire world?” Cindy cut Max off, as she stepped carefully down the stairs in her stiletto heels, which kept getting caught in the ridges of the slow moving escalator.

  “Yes well, I like to stay abreast of a range of social, cultural and philosophical theorems. It makes fine light reading when I'm not studying my scientific texts.” Max said pushing his spectacles up his nose. “In fact, I know a lot about this place,” he said enthusiastically shining his light around him. “Would you like to hear some fun facts?”

  A glaring silence greeted Max.

  “I’ll take that as a yes then.” He cleared his throat before he began his history lesson to a captive audience.

  “Underground City is a debauched district, which runs underneath the Upper Worlds.”

  “Ha! You don’t say, Plato!” Wain ribbed.

  “Even I know that.” Brad laughed, momentarily forgetting his dire situation.

  “If you’re going to do anything at all, you should do it properly, so I’m starting from the beginning,” Max said slightly disgruntled but continued his lecture anyway.

  “Two hundred and fifty years ago UC was a metropolis of prisons called Chesterton Workhouse. It was constructed underground as the prisons over ground were already bursting at the seams with petty criminals. That was before our current government and our brave leader; His Excellencey William Admiral restored law and order to the Upper Worlds.

  “All of the criminals kept at Chesterton were violent convicts, thought to be too dangerous to be rehabilitated, so they were sent underground for life.”

  “This is like worse than Mr Egan’s history lesson.” Mindy yawned.

  “Like totally B to the O to the R –I –N –G.” Cindy cheered.

  “Yeah, quit it, King Neek,” Brad called out. "If I wanted to know this I'd watch it in on a screen."

  I smiled to myself. Whether Max was doing it on purpose or not, his lecture was helping to calm nerves as we journeyed deep into the heart of darkness. I was thankful for this distraction.

  “Go on; I’m listening.” I encouraged him.

  “Me too. It's fascinating,” Sal mocked.

  “Me three,” Philippe called out. “I never pay attention in class, I’m too distracted by the perfection that is Mindy’s face,” he said charmingly. “And yours, of course, Cindy, since you’ve got the same one.”

  “Oh yeah?” Mindy giggled and batted her eyelashes. “Well, this face needs plenty of rest to look this good. And since we woke up so early I didn't get enough beauty sleep. Plus these shoes are so not made for walking.”

  “Well, why would you wear high heels to UC anyway?” Sal asked irritated.

  “Because fashion is life!” The Twins answered in unison.

  Sal rolled her eyes and cracked her knuckles.

  “Ha! You Types are crazy yo!” Wain laughed, thoroughly entertained. He’d never spent this amount of time with friendly Code Types, and although they were self-centred and weird, he was enjoying their company.

  “Such a precious beauty should never be tired.” Philippe said playing along with Mindy. “In fact, she shouldn’t have to walk at all.” And with one hand he playfully scooped Mindy up in his arms and carried her with ease down the steps.

  “Oh, my!” Mindy held onto Philippe beaming like a beacon.

  She enjoyed being held by him much more than she let on to anyone.

  Brad looked on annoyed by the blossoming friendship.

  Cindy clicked her fingers to get his attention. “Like, Hel-lo Brad, what about me?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Brad lacklustrely mirrored Philippe’s moves sweeping Cindy, the less sought after twin, off her feet.

  “This is so totally the way to travel.” Mindy and Cindy piped in unison.

  Sal rolled her eyes at the Twins’ helpless girly display, “Please continue Max,” she said through gritted teeth.

  Max cleared his throat again, happy to finally have everyone's attention.

  “Many moons ago, after several revolts, the Authorities pulled out of the city, leaving it a law unto itself. The portals were shut off fearing the Urbanites would rise and run amok in our world.

  “Over the decades UC became synonymous with the dregs of society. It's well documented that teenage misfits unable to achieve the high standard of Code Type living run here to hide and partake in activities outlawed on the Upper Worlds, such as Capsing.”

  "What's Capsing?" Cindy asked. She only ever spoke to cool kids and had never paid so much attention to a Brainiac.

  “Capsing is the process by which Tachions who are unhappy with their mutations, go into capsules and through a painful process, temporarily alter their DNA. They give themselves a regular appearance and pretend to have a Code Type identity so that they’ll be more accepted by society.”

  “Whoa! People do that here?” Brad said.

  “Yes, it is a commonly known fact.”

  “Jeez.” Brad loosened his collar, once again feeling the fear of the underground.

  Max continued, “Ganglords operate different factions, but the resident in charge of UC is a terrifying, unidentified man known only as The Res.”

  “The Res,” Philippe said in awe. “The name alone strikes fear into my hearts,” both beat wildly as he held Mindy close.

  “Yo! The Res is the ultimate villain. I heard he’s able to kill a man, just by thinking it.” Wain shuddered.

  “No way!” Brad gagged, “I'm not feeling so good.”

  “You know what’s going to make you feel even worse?” Sal said.

  “What!” Brad screamed, dropping Cindy to the floor.

  “Ouch!” She wailed.

  “We’re here,” Sal said as the rickety escalator stopped abruptly.

  A red neon light crudely signposted the unassuming entrance. The circuitry cut in and out and the sign flashed and buzzed cheaply, reading simply, UNDERGROUND CITY.

  In an unknown city, where no one knows the rules,

  It’s best to mind your P’s and Q’s.

  Six: Underground City

  Standing before
us was a darkened sprawling metropolis illuminated by artificial lights.

  “Wow. Is this it?” I asked.

  “Yup,” Sal confirmed.

  “Eewwwww!” The Twins cried out. “We thought it would be way cuter than this.”

  “What did you expect? It was once a sprawling prison!” Max was exasperated. His expert tuition was wasted on their fickle minds.

  The darkened city with its strange sounds, toxic smells and weird brick and iron buildings was extremely intimidating.

  “This is creepy yo,” Wain said.

  “Where are all the people?” I asked.

  “I don't know,” Sal said anxiously. “It's never usually this quiet.”

  “How will we even know which way to go?” Philippe said, the sight of UC stripping him of his earlier bravado.

  “We have to stick together,” Brad said nervously.

  “Logically we can’t,” Max answered flatly setting his backpack down and tapping furiously on his aero pad. “If we’re going to cover all dimensions of the city in our time limit, we need to split up.”

  “You’re right Max,” I agreed. “Sal, you’ve been here before, you take Philippe, Mindy and - ”

  “Me!” Brad volunteered, not wanting to leave Mindy and Philippe alone with each other.

  “Okay,” I said shooting a look. Brad was acting weird, but I was far too worried about Jet to be concerned by it.

  “Sal, you guys head to the parts of town you know. Max, Cindy, Wain and I will head in the opposite direction.”

  “Fine, I’m going to head towards the Main Square. It’s the hub of activity.”

  “Party over here!” Mindy beamed forgetting the predicament we were all in.

  Sal gave her a scornful look.

  Max typed into his space keys before announcing, “According to my coordinates that’s due East, so we'll head West.”

  “Keep in radio contact,” I said waving my IM.

  “They don’t work down here.” Sal said, “No transmitters.”

  “Great! How are we going to call for help?” Brad whinged.

  Sal gave him a dirty look. Mindy smiled at him, as that’s the only face she could pull, but Brad's lack of bravery was getting on her nerves.

  “I have come prepared, as always,” Max said sticking homemade tracking patches on everyone. “This way I’ll be able to trace you on my aero pad.”

  “And we’ll keep in touch with each other in our mind,” Wain said to Philippe.

  “Erm. Ok.” Philippe nodded unsure of his ability to use the Tachion power of telepathy. “I haven’t ever tried ESP before, with it being outlawed on the Upper Worlds and all. It might not work.”

  “It doesn't matter where you grew up my Tachion brother; our skills never leave us,” Wain assured him.

  “Time restrictions guys,” Sal said impatiently.

  “Let’s get busy,” Philippe said scoping the area.

  “Whatever happens we meet back at this spot at four in the PM.” I urged.

  “Not a millisecond later,” Max added setting his watch.

  “Hopefully someone will be around by then to show us out,” Sal said cracking her knuckles.

  “Right, let’s do this,” I said.

  The Twins hugged each other tightly, “I’ll miss you Twinny!” They cried in unison.

  I couldn’t believe they had agreed to split up; they were never apart.

  We all formed a circle and high-fived before separating into our respective groups. Sal, Mindy, Philippe and Brad headed east. Max, Cindy, Wain and I go west.


  Main Square was grimy. The dirty concrete floors were stained with sticky splatters and trash was strewn all over the ground. Here the most incredible looking people roamed the streets. Pole thin, barrel fat, one-eyed, four-legged. Some of the more spectacular looking Tachions made Wain look as aesthetically pleasing as the Twins. These types of people were usually banned from the Upper Worlds and hidden away in Sub Zero.

  “Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Brad whined, shaken up by the unfamiliar sights and loud sounds.

  If she could, Mindy would have rolled her eyes the way Sal did. But the best she could muster was to bat her eyelashes in disapproval of Brad.

  “If I have to tell you one more time to shut it, Brad, you’re going to taste my fist in the shape of this knuckle sandwich.” Sal huffed.

  Although she had a tough exterior, she was also afraid in UC.

  “Relax everyone, enjoy the scenery.” Philippe joked to lighten the mood.

  The displays of the glass-fronted shop windows were obstructed by crudely erected wooden beams or corrugated iron bars indicating that the stores were regularly looted. When the crew did get to glance at the goods inside, they couldn’t identify what most items were. Bizarre food substances and knick-knacks that held no discernible value were on sale. Nothing like this was available on the Upper Worlds.

  People hung around street corners talking in peculiar accents. Music blared from every orifice, and there were so many darkened nooks and crannies that led off into even more dank and secret places. There wasn't a surveillance Orb, Guardian or trace of a pop con missile in sight. There was no way to keep control of this city.

  Mindy concentrated extremely hard trying to digest the atmosphere in order to relay every detail back to the Top Set at school. But UC was something you couldn't explain. It had to be seen to be believed.

  “Like, what are those eggy shaped things?” Mindy said pointing to the well-worn, boulder-sized silver pods that lined the pavement.

  “Capsules.” Sal answered shortly.

  “Why are they everywhere? What do they do?” Philippe asked.

  “Just watch this,” Sal said. “It’s easier than me explaining.”

  The crew stopped walking and observed as a blubberlicious, red, Tachion squeezed its jelly-like form into one of the metal capsules in front of them.

  “Don’t stare so much,” Sal whispered harshly noting the disgruntled look on the red Tachion’s face because of the small audience it had drawn.

  The capsule door closed and it begun to shake rapidly turning 360 degrees and vibrating violently. The blob inside was screaming for dear life.

  “Is it some new form of extreme sport? Can I have a go?” Brad asked upbeat that he may have found one thing he liked about UC.

  Sal rolled her eyes, “No Brad, It's not a game. Just watch.”

  The capsule reopened with a steaming fizz. Through the haze, an attractive woman stepped out of the pod. She smoothed down her hair and straightened out her clothes before vehemently sneering at the teen quartet, “You didn’t see a thing.”

  “Like, oh, my, gosh! What in the world was that?” Mindy squealed.

  “Yeah, where did that massive blob go and where did that hottie come from?” Brad asked just not getting it.

  “That blob and that hottie are the same person. That’s what you call Capsing.” Sal said. “She’s a Lappion, a Tachion that passes as a Code Type. That effect won’t last forever, it’ll wear off, and she’ll need another fix.”

  “Whoa! A Lappion?” Brad said.

  “Like, oh, my, like, gosh!” Mindy spluttered again, her vocabulary going into under drive. “I mean I’ve never seen a real life Lappion before. I thought they were like folklore, made up or something.”

  “No Lappions are real alright,” Philippe said trying to sound knowledgeable, but he too had never witnessed anything like that with his own eyes.

  “Well, I wouldn’t know a Lappion if I saw one,” Brad said.

  “Well duh,” Sal snapped. “The whole reason that they’re Lappions is because they Caps and transform in secret. They’re ashamed of themselves and don’t want the whole world to know what they truly are.”

  “How come you know so much about Capsing?” Brad asked Sal.

  “Forget about it,” Sal said eyeballing Brad, and he did.

  “Like it must be so-oo hard to be a Tachion and wanting to change yours
elf so badly that you’d put yourself through that,” Mindy said trying to be sympathetic but sounding like she was giving a pep talk to one of her poodles.

  “It’s cool. I’m fine being a Tachion.” Philippe said all too aware of his bulky, oversized muscles that he had unsuccessfully tried to hide under a baggy baseball shirt.

  “Good for you,” Sal said earnestly. The corners of her mouth slightly turned up in her attempt at a genuine smile.

  Mindy fluttered her super-curly eyelashes, “Yeah, you’re like so-oo perfect as you are Philly, I wouldn’t want you to change a hair on your head.”

  Mindy and Philippe shared a secret smile, the muscles in his face twitched.

  “Yeah good for you Big P,” Brad said playfully punching Philippe’s arm in a macho show of affection. “But I’m sure happy to be a bonafide Code Type, aren’t you girls?”

  Sal narrowed her eyes, and Mindy fluttered her eyelashes, both trying to warn Brad from making a tactless comment. But he didn’t get the hint.

  “I mean, I’d hate to be as gross as that creature that entered the capsule.”

  “Shut up, Brad.” Sal pushed past him signalling the end of the conversation.

  “Yeah, just like zip it,” Mindy added tottering after Sal.

  “What did I say?” Brad smiled chasing after Mindy, totally unaware of his insensitivity.

  Philippe was left standing alone. He looked wistfully back at the dented silver pod and caught a glimpse of his cumbersome frame in its dull reflective surface. He stared at himself wondering as he often did what he would have looked like if he had been born a Code Type.

  “I am what I am, and I'm proud of me,” Philippe whispered his personal mantra before turning to catch up with the rest of the group.


  Max, Cindy, Wain and I had walked away from the bright lights of the downtown district, and found ourselves in a dilapidated shantytown. Dirt roads sprouted crudely constructed plastic houses, which had broken glass windows and sticky tape holding doorframes together. The houses were empty, and there was no one to be seen.

  “This is so eerie, yo. It’s so quiet here,” Wain gulped shining his torchlight in front of him.


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