The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1) Page 10

by Van Forson

  “So what did The Res say? Did he tell you what Type you're going to be?” Max asked intrigued.

  “No, he said - ”

  “Silence is a virtue.” The Res spoke directly into my head. “Your friends do not know that you are Human. Be wise with whom you share your secrets.”

  I blinked. The crew were all looking at me, frozen mid sentence in silence.

  “Yes, please continue?” Max prompted.

  “Erm, he said that he's sure it'll kick in any day now.” I smiled feebly.

  “Alrighty then,” Max said, pushing his specs up his nose.

  “Aren’t you freaked out by this whole thing?” Sal asked, “Cos I sure am.”

  “I've never been more confused in my entire life.” I levelled.

  “All aboard, it's time to go,” Langston said.

  Philippe scooped up the giggling Twins and carried them into the cruiser.

  Jet took a pew next to Skye, and she linked his arm.

  “What went down in there?” She rasped.

  “I'll tell you later.” He whispered back.

  I turned to The Res, “You have put a lot of faith in me, but I don't think I can capture any three-eyed beast. I don't even know what it means.”

  “You are Human,” The Res said as softly as he could, “embodied within you are endless possibilities. You can do anything you want to. But you must truly believe it to achieve it. So, Keziah, the real challenge is not what you can do, but will you do it? And that my dear is an entirely different question.”

  I tried to understand what he was saying but feared I was just not getting it.

  “Here, take this.” The Res said dropping the broken pieces of the crystal ball into my hand. “Perhaps when you meet Zono, she'll be able to guide you better than I, and you can explain to her what happened to her property.”

  The Res gave me one last sharky grin and closed the door to the den.

  “Hey Kid, let's go,” Philippe called out.

  Feeling utterly dazed and confused, I climbed into the Torpedo, and the vehicle deftly glided away.

  A rare beauty.

  A true beauty.

  Does not settle on ones skin.

  A fine beauty.

  A deep beauty.

  Comes from within.

  Eight: Madeleine Stone

  “…So to conclude,” Miss Peach droned on, “think about the Youth Corps and where you would like to be stationed for National Service next year.”

  We were in class at FB, and I could hardly focus on anything my teacher was saying. My mind constantly raced since UC. I still couldn't make sense of what The Res had told me.

  The IM on my desk flashed. It was yet another message from Max, even though he was sitting right next to me.

  ‘I have deduced another logical explanation for the fascinating series of events at you-know-where.’

  Max was in denial about the whole Underground City experience and did not believe it to be real.

  ‘What now?’ Wain, who was the only one of my friends not in the class with me, messaged the group chat.

  Max texted hastily, ‘When we entered the portal, we stepped into the most realistic virtual reality simulation, which joined all of our brain waves together and created a group fantasy.’

  ‘In short Max.’ I texted back.

  ‘The whole you-know-where experience was an elaborate fictional illusion.’

  I could have proven it to be real by showing Max the one thing that had survived our time in UC, the shattered gemstone. I didn’t dare though. I hadn’t really shared anything that The Res had said with the rest of the crew. Especially not the bit about me being Human.

  ‘So we still can't tell Madeleine and the Pretties?’ Mindy texted.

  They had been bursting to boast to the Top Set that we were all underground superstars.

  ‘I would strongly advise against it. At least until I can get a conclusive argument formulated. You wouldn’t want egg on your face.’ Max warned.

  ‘Ok. Maxi.’ The Twins agreed.

  A few days ago Mindy and Cindy didn't even know Max existed. But since UC we had all bonded on a whole other level and now everywhere we went we rolled as a tight-knit team. Much to the sheer disgust of Madeleine Stone.

  “Five-minute stretch break.” Miss Peach announced, and the class became a hive of activity with everyone talking amongst themselves.

  “Explain to me again why they are sitting with us?” Madeleine asked the Twins.

  “They’re cool peeps.” Philippe jumped in defence of Max and Sal.

  A Brainiac and an Eee Cee sitting amongst the Top Set was unheard of.

  “Yeah.” the Twins chimed in unison, “Sal’s bohemian look is the ultimate in chic,” Mindy said.

  Sal and Mindy smiled at each other. Their time in UC had cemented their friendship.

  “Ewwww! No way. Run along little neek and take your spooky looking friend with you.” Madeline demanded.

  “Very well,” Max stood up to dismiss himself.

  “Sit down Max,” Sal said cracking her knuckles and glaring at Madeleine.

  Sal was usually ready with a witty comeback, but everyone knew it was lunacy to go against Madeleine Stone. Madeleine ran FB. If you challenged her, she would fix it so your social life at school and beyond would be over. Her father was some big shot, billionaire, music exec, so she threw the best parties, wore the latest designer clothes and had met every famous person under the sun. No one disrespected Madeleine Stone, ever. Well, at least not to her face.

  “C’mon Madeleine they’re my friends, and I asked them to join us,” I said protectively, but not wanting to upset her.

  Madeleine's eyes narrowed, “Since when did you, like, get a say about who sits with the Top Set? I don't even know what you're doing here. You and your friends should find a pew in the front with the other losers.”

  “Who? These guys?” Brad said throwing his arms across Max and Sal’s shoulders. “These guys are legends!” He said flashing a dazzler.

  “Oh, Ok Braddy.” Madeleine backed down immediately.

  It was no secret she had a massive crush on Brad, half the school did. With his endorsement, Sal and Max had gained themselves an official place with the Top Set.

  “But Braddy, you don't have a space.” Madeleine said saccharine sweetly.

  “I’m cool right here thanks,” Brad said pulling up a chair and wedging himself between Mindy and Philippe.

  “Bro!” Philippe exclaimed as he was barged out of the way.

  “What did I do?” Brad dazzled back.

  “So let's resume class,” Miss Peach brought us all to order, “Without further ado, I have the results of your work placements.”

  It was compulsory that all year eleven students completed a week-long employment to experience what it was like to be an adult citizen of the Upper Worlds. In the real world, your job was determined by your genetics. You had to fit in with what society had predetermined your life would be. But on work placement, it was a potluck, and you could be stationed anywhere. The entire class waited for the announcement with bated breath.

  “Cindy Lush will be placed with Philippe Christopher at the extinction zoo.”

  "Yay! I love those fluffy, furry and feathered things." Cindy squeaked.

  Philippe’s face muscles flexed, he loved seeing the cloned animals that once roamed the earth but no longer existed too, but would much rather it be Mindy then Cindy he'd be spending one on one time with.

  “Maxwell Schneider and Boris Davies will work at the state run Techno Corp.” Miss Peach continued.

  That’s where my dad worked. I couldn’t imagine a more hideous work experience. My dad’s job at the governmental scientific institute had to be the most boring on the planet. Max turned to me and did a mini fist pump. His workplace suited his Type to a tee.

  “Brad Windsor and Jefferson Anderson will assist Captain Tate from the National Triple Ball team.”

  “Yeah! Woo hoo!! In your face!!!” Br
ad yelled out amidst a round of high-fives. “It’ll be good to check out the competition. I’ll be taking that old timers job as soon as I leave FB.”

  A few more placements were read out, and I was trying to quiet my racing mind to listen out for my name.

  “Madeleine Stone and Sal Mackinte will be placed at the Centrale Music Emporium.”

  “Oh great. Me and my new BFF can get extra cosy.” Sal whispered sarcastically.

  Mindy giggled.

  “And finally the most coveted work placement at T.E.N, The Eye Network…”

  TEN was the state-run multimedia company that provided everyone on the Upper Worlds with information, gaming and entertainment. It broadcast everything from new music, the latest fashion trends, sports and the news. TEN transmitted on every screen in every home, every street and institution, non-stop twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It was the coolest. Anyone who got a work placement there would receive kudos ratings forever.

  “Yay!” Mindy squealed excitedly, clapping her hands.

  I clapped too. It was only right Mindy got such a coveted spot.

  “We did it Kid!” Mindy beamed.

  “Did what?” I asked.

  “Didn't you just hear Miss Peach? We've been selected to work at TEN.”

  “Me?” I gasped. I couldn’t believe my ears.

  “Bravo,” Madeline Stone slow clapped bitterly, “I see TEN went for the cosmetically and genetically challenged by employing you two.”

  “I thought I looked good today.” Mindy blinked upset.

  Cindy jumped up and started preening her sister's immaculate hair. None of the AEs could take on Madeleine. They didn’t even know how to. They weren't engineered that way.

  But I wasn't an AE or any other Type, and I’d had enough playing nice to her.

  “Oh get off your high horse Madeleine. We got the best work experience, and you didn’t. Deal with it.”

  “Settle down girls.” Miss Peach said.

  Madeleine shot her a sharp smiley glare. Miss Peach sat down at her desk. In the hierarchy of life, Gold Star status Code Type Madeleine by far outranked the basic educating Type Miss Peach, and our teacher knew not to upset her.

  Madeleine drew her attention back to me.

  “Ooo. Mmm. Gee! I would think very carefully before you speak to me again freak,” she sneered. “One word from my daddy and he'll have your daddy regen you into a proper Code Type, you weirdo."

  “Oooooh! You got burned!” Porsha, Madeleine's third best friend, laughed in my face.

  Madeleine tossed her luscious, silky hair over her shoulder triumphantly.

  “Chill out Pretties,” Philippe tried to play peacemaker.

  “Leave them. This is fun.” Brad dazzled, his teammates high-fived him in agreement.

  “It’s not worth it. Just leave it, Kid.” Sal said.

  Usually, I would have sat down embarrassed and taken the loss. I wouldn’t have wanted to draw any negative attention to myself. But now I knew my worth. I am Keziah Monrova, a legend underground. The Soul Survivor. Pure Human. I wasn’t going to let this beautiful bully take me down.

  “Mad,” I shortened her name knowing full well Madeleine hated being called that. “Why do you have to be so mean all the time? Doesn't it get tiring being so bitter and in competition with every other girl for attention?"

  Madeleine would have looked shocked; if her face could pull that expression. She certainly was not expecting my comeback.

  I twiddled my hair around my fingers, batted my eyelashes and smiled inanely like an airhead, imitating her.

  “So like duh, OMG, like, no way, like Ewww! Yes, I might be different but I embrace that. And yes, your father may well be some relic in the music industry, and you've met all of the cool bands by riding on his coat tails, but that isn't something to boast about. It just confirms how utterly talentless you are.

  “Next week, Mindy and I will have the greatest work experience at the coolest television station, where we get to meet the hottest people on the planet. And guess what? We got there on our own merits, not because of who our daddy knows.”

  “OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!” Rang out from the entire classroom.

  Madeleine gasped, clutching her chest in sheer indignation. No one had ever spoken to her like that before.

  “Mad, you've just been burned, boiled, toasted, baked and fried!” Sal chuckled.


  The beeps signalled the end of the class, but nobody moved. Everyone waited for what would surely be Madeleine’s killer comeback.

  “A–A-A,” She squirmed, “Yeah… Well… Like. Aaahhhh. I’m going to tell my daddy about you!” Madeleine squealed, storming out of the class with the Prees following shamefaced after her.

  “Yes, Kid.” My friends and the rest of the class high fived me because someone had finally been brave enough to stand up to Madeleine.

  “What you just did was like so-oo cool,” Mindy giggled in my ear. “Madeleine went like one hundred places down in the cool stakes, and we got work experience at TEN, all in one day. Yay!”

  “Yeah, that is pretty cool,” I giggled too as the excitement of my life set in.


  The TEN studios were located slap bang in the middle of Centrale, the trendiest part of town.

  “Wow.” Mindy squeezed my hand as a beefy Code Type security guard took our eye scan and led us through the outer sanctum of the building.

  “The entrance is through there.” The security pointed to a waterfall.

  “But my hair will get wet,” Mindy said aghast.

  “It won’t.” He replied gruffly.

  Mindy noticed his bad temper and changed her voice into a more sugary tone, “Kind sir, I spent two hours styling my hair this morning, I can’t risk it frizzing.” She smiled sweetly.

  I made a puking face at Mindy’s girly act. But it seemed to work a treat as the security guard's stern face cracked into a grin.

  “My daughter’s the same. Don’t worry about your hair; it will be fine. All is not as it seems at TEN. Now go ahead, they’re expecting you.”

  “Thank you ever so much.” Mindy smiled reassured.

  The security guard smiled back, happy to have been of assistance.

  I smiled too, Mindy could charm anyone.

  As Mindy and I stepped in front of the wall of water, it parted to reveal a long white corridor decorated with chic oxyinomum, the most precious metal on earth. Underneath our feet was a glass floor with all manner of exotic brightly coloured fish. As quick as a flash a raven haired mermaid swam to the surface. With her iridescent aqua marine and fuchsia fins, she was the most beautiful being I had ever seen.

  “Wow wee!” Mindy and I gasped.

  The mermaid waved at us before disappearing into the dense coral.

  “This is unreal,” I said, trying to take in all of the sights.

  “It's, like, the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.” Mindy marvelled.

  Further along the brilliant white corridor, which led to the main TEN building, the tech was state of the art. Life-sized holograms of all our favourite celebrities lined the walkway.

  “Good morning and welcome to TEN.” Viv Reen, the teen heartthrob presenter of the Twins favourite show Fashion Focus greeted us.

  Rouge burned my cheeks and Mindy fluttered her eyelashes wildly, smiling coyly at him.

  “Good morning Viv.” We chimed.

  Viv gave us a mini salute and ushered us on down the corridor.

  “Nice to see you lay-deez.” DJ Dan of The Allstars said.

  He was mine and Mindy’s favourite celebrity; all our screens saved his image. Mindy stopped in her tracks and dramatically clutched her heart.

  “Kiddie-girl, I think I’m going to die right here of happiness.” She whispered.

  “Remember Minds; they’re just Vir Sims, they’re not real.” I reminded giving her a reality check. But she was totally awestruck.

  I had to admit the Vir Sims – Virtual
Simulations – at TEN were incredibly life like. Their density and movements made them seem like real living beings.

  “Hi Dan, how are you?” Mindy fluttered her eyelashes and gave her brightest dimpled smile.

  The Dan simulation smiled and repeated his programmed words, “Nice to see you lay-deez.”

  Ross of The Allstars joined Dan, “Hey, do you want to take your picture with us?”

  “Sure! We’d love to,” Mindy squealed enthusiastically as if being asked on a date.

  Her response fit the automatic speech decoder and Vir Sims of the entire Allstars band, Dan, Ross, Kyle and Gio gathered around Mindy.

  “Does my hair look ok?” Mindy asked nervously running her hand through her perfect mane.

  “Prestigious as always Minds.”

  “Yay me!” Mindy clapped for herself before thrusting her IM at me.

  She stood in the middle of the group next to Dan and smiled more perfectly and broadly than I thought was possible.

  I snapped the image and then projected it for Mindy to see.

  “Wow, it's like uber realistic.” Mindy was amazed.

  I gave her back her IM, “Yes, everything is fake here, but it all seems so real.”

  “But like no one needs to know that.” Mindy said. “I’m going to post the pic right now and pretend that I actually met the Allstars. Madeleine Stone is going to have a cow when she sees this. Yay!”

  “Have a nice day now lay-deez.” DJ Dan said.

  Mindy blew him a kiss. I laughed and dragged her away.

  “Let’s go; our contact will be waiting for us. We’ll be late if we stop to speak to all of the stars.”

  “Kay.” Mindy reluctantly agreed.

  We quick stepped up the long white corridor and passed more celebrities. Mindy squealed in delight whenever she saw someone she liked.

  “Just one more pic,” she said several times snapping photos constantly and posting them immediately.

  I spotted Tainted Stone. They were musicians from many moons ago, and old folks still listened to their music now. It was the only band Jet liked because they played the same string instrument thing he did. Jet despised all of the music I liked. I snapped a quick image of them; Jet wasn’t impressed with much, but perhaps a picture with Tainted Stone would please him.


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