by Van Forson
Others backed away and ran from me.
“You fools!” The man in red shrieked. “I should have dealt with this myself a long time ago.”
His body ghosted towards me. His eyes flashed red beams, “Kneel before me and surrender!”
My knees buckled. I was scared, but I stood my ground.
“Never!” I yelled back.
“I said KNEEL!”
“I said NEVER!” My heart thumped, “You’ll never win. As long as there are people like me who refuse to be frightened by you and your kind, you’ve lost!”
“Aaaahhhhhrrrrghhhhh!” The man in red lunged at me and grabbed me with his long talons.
I opened my eyes and sharply inhaled a lungful of clean fresh air. I whizzed to look around, but the man in red and the White Coats were gone. It was just another bad dream. I was alone under the Kapok tree. I touched it and felt the rough bark on my palm. I grabbed handfuls of real green grass growing out of the actual brown soil. The squelch got underneath my fingernails. I smelled the grass and rubbed it to my face in joy. I was back in the real Commania. The one where people sang at the tops of their voices and laughed when nothing was even funny. It was a place of real nature and was muddy and mucky and oh so wonderful! I hadn’t appreciated its beauty until now.
I must have been asleep for a long time as daylight had faded and fires burned to keep camp warm and bright. There weren’t any digital displays to check the time, but I was beginning to realise which part of the day it was just by the colour of the sky and the activities of the Saps. I pulled myself to my feet. The sweet aroma of the Sap food filled my nostrils and an unspeakable joy filled my heart.
The dream had made me realise how truly adorable Commania was. How heartbreaking it would be if it were ever destroyed. That was something I would never let happen. With a new positive attitude, I skipped towards the clearing and the communal dining table.
Like clockwork, the Saps were seated together at the huge oak table ready to eat. I sheepishly sat in my usual seat opposite Jet and Skye, and next to Mrs Winterbottom, a hardy, plump Sap. Her eyes shone as soon as I sat down.
“Glad you’re joining us. Have some of this.”
She ladled a delicious smelling sweet potatoe stew in a bowl and placed it in front of me.
“Thank you,” I replied ravenously and now embarrassed about my previous bad behaviour. “You’re too kind.”
“Hey.” Jet nodded.
“Hey.” I nodded back.
“Are we cool?” He asked.
Skye fidgeted beside him looking anxiously from one of us to the other.
“Icy.” I replied.
No more words needed to be spoken. He was right. I had been moping. I would apologise to Dr Stoneway and Sal and everyone else affected by the way I had been acting.
A fluorescent green Tachion with flaming hair took a seat next to me. I gasped between a spoonful of stew. This Tachion stood out vastly amongst all of the Saps but somehow didn’t look at all out of place. She was easily the most unusual Tachion I had ever seen.
“Please don’t be afraid.” She said.
I wasn’t afraid at all. In fact, I was in awe of how spectacular she looked.
“Do I know you?” I said.
The green Tachion cracked her knuckles, “Yes. I told you I was changing.”
Plates, set on the great oak table, were filled with stews, pulses, and vegetables. Most of the Sap diners were eating heartily. But our four meals had gotten cold. Jet, Skye and I couldn't take our eyes off the green skinned and flame haired Sal.
Dr Stoneway looked on from the head of the table satisfied that all was unfolding as it should.
Sal spoke timidly, “For me to be born perfect was my parents only wish. They are both Type Pn, genetically modified solely to parent.
“And they had an ideal family with their first daughter, Sal - mark one. She was bright, cute, their own little ray of sunshine. When she was six, she began to get sick, due to an oversight in her molecular structure, a heart defect that couldn’t be repaired. Sal died aged seven. Their ray of light obliterated.
“Two years later, cloned from my sister’s DNA, I was born. Sal - mark two. My parents were delighted, they had their perfect little family back. That was until they realised something was different about me. The DNA that they tampered with to correct the heart defect made my genes mutate. When I cried, I glowed green.
“Mum was inconsolable. I was not her precious child reborn. I was a defective version of the real thing. They tried to make me normal by covering my skin with makeup and sending me to school in the Upper Worlds. No one need know I wasn’t a Code Type as long as they could fake it and let me pass as one.
“They loved me the best they could, but I would never replace the first Sal, the daughter they had loved and lost. It's not their fault they rejected me, it's just their Type.”
Sal stopped talking and looked around pensively. She had finally mustered the courage to be her real self and assume her true identity, which was a very brave thing to do.
“Please don’t be afraid, you’re safe with us.” I said gently.
She took a deep breath and continued to relay her story.
“My parents would never look me in the eyes, but that was okay because when they did I could read their minds and it hurt too much to know what they thought about me. So I hid my special power away. It’s hard when you know what people are thinking. What I didn’t know then was that I also had the power to corrupt a brain wave, in essence, change someone’s mind, to influence what they think. If I knew that then I would have probably used it on my parents - ”
“So you can read minds!” Jet said excitedly. “What am I thinking right now?”
“Jet! It's not a party trick.” I said.
“It's ok.” Sal smiled. “Jet's thinking I look way cooler green.”
“Wow! You do. So much better!”
“What am I thinking?” Skye rasped.
She was used to other Tachions having a certain level of psychic ability but didn't know any who could change someone's mind.
“That you wish I had come out as Tachion sooner.”
Skye nodded.
“What am I thinking?” I asked nervously.
I wasn't even sure myself. Today's events had my mind completely blown.
“I don't know Kid. I truthfully have never been able to read your thoughts. And as a rule, I try not to read anyone’s, unless I want to change it.” Sal stopped nervously. She didn’t want her friends to judge her.
“It’s an awesome talent. Please continue with what you were saying.” I nodded encouragingly.
“Ok. My parents had another child, my little brother, Solzeberg. He's so academically gifted, and he makes them so proud and happy. Everything was right in their world, apart from one small problem. Me.
“My parents decided their family was complete without me. So, I struck out on my own and ever since I've fended for myself. I had my router destroyed and, all my ID's are fake. I got myself a top of the range Auto Nan. It's a good cover; everyone thinks she's my actual mum. My parents never see me or call. I’m the genetic mistake which could have spoiled their happiness, and they would rather forget I existed.”
The whole campsite was now listening as Sal talked. She was so brave and speaking so openly. I spotted Deschanel with his family. He listened intently, hanging on Sal’s every word.
“I had all the freedom in the world, so I took my Auto Nan, programmed it myself and went anywhere I wanted. It’s quite easy to convince people you’re allowed to be in places you shouldn’t be when you have a grown-up with you. Adults don’t like to question the rules; they just go along with them. That’s how I got to UC for the first time. I went to UC in search of the pills and makeup that my dad had given me to keep me looking ‘normal.’ That’s where it started and ever since I’ve been Capsing to maintain this Code Type identity of Sal. It’s extremely painful to Cap
s, and I have to do it so often. I’m tired of pretending and lying to everyone.”
I bit down hard on my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. I felt so stupid about my moodiness. I had been so self-absorbed since we got to Commania that I had forgotten The Res’ wise words of The Prophecy being a journey for all of us. Sal had been going through all of this pain since I’ve known her, and I had never even noticed.
Sal slowly looked up at all the sets of eyes looking at her.
“This is the first place that I have experienced what it feels like to be loved, so much so that I want you all to meet the real me,” she took a deep breath, “so please let me introduce myself. My name is Dai. I am Tachion. I look a little bit different, but I am a very nice person.” Tears rolled from her eyes and splashed onto her luminous cheeks.
I jumped up from my seat and led the charge as all of the Saps flocked to Dai.
“You’re incredible and brave. I wouldn’t want you any other way,” I whispered, hugging her tightly.
Others joined our embrace holding onto her until we were a big circle of love with Dai in the centre.
The clickety-clack of ceramic and wooden plates being cleared away echoed throughout Commania as the Saps went about their evening chores. Some washed dishes; some read bedtime stories to the children and others napped before Kimetic.
A small group remained gathered at the table. I sat with them and scoffed chocolate. I looked on as Dai talked with Deschanel in hushed tones further along the table. She smiled coyly and smoothed down her hair as he spoke to her. I smiled at them. Dai deserved this happiness.
I heard the scrape of his cane before Dr Stoneway appeared before me.
“I'm proud of you.” He said.
“Me? For what?” I asked. It should be Dai he was proud of, certainly not me. I had been acting like a petulant child.
“For Kimetic. The young uns told me you had an experience.
“Yes, yes. I did actually.” With everything that had happened this evening I had almost forgotten all about it.
“Dai has set an excellent example. Perhaps you’d like to share a little too?”
“Well,” I felt shy, “I'm not sure I know what to say.”
“Just speak from your heart.” Dr Stoneway said.
“Ok, erm well Kimetic itself was phenomenal. I’m not really sure how to explain it, but I felt a connection to all life, the flowers, the trees, the roaring seas and all people. Does that sound crazy?”
“Not at all Keziah, not at all.” Dr Stoneway did a happy jig, throwing his hip to the side like a young man.
“That’s why in Commania we practice Kimetic every day. Whether in a group or alone. It guides us. Allows us to experience Oneness. In that I mean I am you, you are me, and we are one. If every being on the planet actually, I mean truly, I mean profoundly realised this, we would have none of the problems we currently face.”
I nodded in agreement.
“But after Kimetic I had one of my dreams.”
Some Saps gathered around and sat on the ground by Dr Stoneway, intrigued by what I had to say.
“Aha. What did you see?”
“A very different Commania,” I said gravely, “One where the trees and houses were burnt out and replaced by rubbish simulations.”
Frightened murmurs came from the Saps as they whispered amongst themselves.
Dr Stoneway nodded his head, “We’ve kept a stronghold here for so long. This is our home, and we will never flee from it. But we know Zyclon is coming for us. Doom and destruction await us unless The Prophecy is fulfilled.”
Dr Stoneway drew closer, “So with that being said, what did you learn today?”
“Well, I realised that I’ve been terribly self-centred, not only here in Commania but back home as well. You see I’ve been so insecure for so long about not having a Code Type that it has clouded everything I do.”
“Yes, when the go rears it’s head it can colour everything one does.” Dr Stoneway encouraged me.
“I guess my ego ran wild, and my emotions spiralled out of control when I heard about The Prophecy from The Res.”
The Saps gasped at my mention of The Res. He was as feared in Commania as he was on the Upper Worlds.
“Now, Now.” Dr Stoneway reassured the Saps with a smile. “The Res is, shall we say, rather direct but he wants The Prophecy fulfilled as much as you and I. Please continue, Keziah.”
More Saps flocked to the table to listen to me speak. Usually, in such public circumstances, I would rather cease to breathe than talk openly about myself. But this warm environment, with kind people, took away my fears.
“I’m sorry I didn’t give any of you a chance to get to know me. I’ve kept to myself because things didn’t happen how I expected them to. And when things don’t go my way I become moody and shut myself off. My brother Jet taught me that.”
I looked up and the whole table, including Jet, was staring at me.
“So I’m just realising right now, that my over sensitive emotions are one of my greatest flaws.”
“There is nothing wrong, we all continuously unfold. Even I learn something new about myself all of the time. And I’ve been around forever!
So now you’ve identified these things about yourself what are you going to do about it?” Dr Stoneway asked.
I thought for a while.
“Work on them, conquer my self-defeating thoughts. I don’t have to give in to them. As you said, Dr Stoneway I can control my negative emotions.”
Dr Stoneway broke into laughter, “Aha. I see congratulations are in order.”
“For what?” I asked. I didn’t see my failings as a cause to celebrate.
“For opening your mind's eye. By mastering this, you now have the ability of Knowingness.
“This Knowingness is beyond the mind and its trickery of vanity, jealousy, anger and greed. Your Knowingness, call it intuition if you may, will give you access to all wisdom, knowledge and truth, which is already buried deep inside of you.
“In this high state, you will be guided by the universe illuminating every step of the way. You will never have to walk alone. And it is here that you access your Inner Greatness. Your Inner G.
“Inner G comes when you truly know yourself, and no one and no thing can influence you or affect the way you think, act and be. It takes practice but once you get to grips with your Inner G and live it every day, then guess what?”
“What?” I asked.
“You become the best version of you that you can be, your highest self, your True Self. And guess what happens when you are your True Self?”
“What?” the crowd of Saps sang in a chorus along with me.
“Then you will impact positively on all of those around you, which will impact those around them and those around them until you have positively affected the entire planet, solar system and the cosmos.” Dr Stoneway clapped his hands gleefully.
The Saps clapped along with him.
Dr Stoneway whispered in my ear, “That’s how we all win in this game called life if we all choose to be the best player. Realise yourself as Great and Great you will be.”
He turned and addressed the excited crowd.
“So three cheers for Keziah. You’ve done it. You’ve completed your mission!”
“What?” I was shocked. “I didn’t think you were giving me a mission.”
“I didn’t. You have captured the second eye by opening your third eye, your mind's eye.” Dr Stoneway tapped his finger to his forehead.
“Trust in it. Believe in yourself. You are the source of all things in your life. What you have learned from Kimetic, keep connected, and the universe will guide you.”
I nodded trying to retain all of the information. Dr Stoneway was a wise man and this time I wanted his advice.
“So the mission is completed?” Dai asked. “I’m not ready to go home yet.”
“I don't want to leave either.” Jet said.
“Yes, you’ve
done it! Done it indeed. You have all grown in consciousness. And now you must continue along your way. When the time is right, it will be our honour to host you again, Dai, Skye and Jetsir.”
Dr Stoneway turned to face the Saps.
“My land of Commania. Tonight we dance and sing merrily in honour of the Soul Survivor.”
I blushed as The Saps cheered jubilantly.
“The dawning of a new day, a great day, one filled with hope is upon us.”
Two steps forward,
Three steps back.
When fear is triggered,
Prepare for an attack.
Thirteen: No Retreat, No Surrender
Brad stepped out of his cruiser when he saw us pull up outside my house on the aero bikes. I hopped off The Speedster and ran to greet him.
“It’s so good to see you!” I hugged him, burying my face into his broad chest.
I was full of high spirits since completing the second mission in Commania, and I had learned a lot from my time spent with the Saps. But coming home and being able to see my parents and all of my friends, including this sweet doofus, gave me a joy that filled my whole heart.
“Good to have you home Kiddie-Girl.” Brad hugged me strongly lifting me off my feet.
I looked back at Sal in her full Tachion form as Dai.
“I’ve got something to tell you - ” Brad, and I said at the same time.
“Look at us acting like the Twins.” Brad guffawed.
“For real!” I laughed beckoning Dai over.
“Who’s that?” Brad said without trying to hide his disgust at the fluorescent green Tachion in front of him.
“I’ll let her explain,” I noted his frosty attitude, which immediately turned our sweet reunion sour.
“We haven’t got time for intros. What I’ve got to say is private, for your ears only.” Brad said, totally ignoring Dai.
“Whatever you have to say you can say in front of Dai, who this is by the way,” I said pulling her closer.
Brad turned to look at Dai for a moment then turned back to face me.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He said.