Spanish Nights

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Spanish Nights Page 3

by Valerie Twombly


  “I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long,” she asked, flashing a sexy smile. Good gods, the woman was testing his restraint. He needed to keep his cool and remind himself he was the seducer, not the other way around.

  “Not at all. Shall we?”

  “Yes. I'm looking forward to a stroll.” She walked toward the door, but he arrived before her to open it.

  “Allow me.”

  “Thank you.” Kayla crossed the threshold to the outside while he closed the door behind him and double-checked the lock. Crime wasn't common in his small community. On the rare occasion when outsiders had thought to take what didn't belong to them, he'd made sure they were dealt with swiftly. Still, he felt the need to keep this woman safe.

  Once outside, he offered his arm. She hesitated, as if unsure, but quickly regained composer and wrapped her fingers around his bicep. Her touch was cool and he was surprised he hadn't noticed it before. It soothed him like a refreshing balm.

  He escorted her down the brick walk and turned left. The cafe was only a block away. “We'll have coffee first. You can tell me more about yourself and why you decided to visit our village.”

  She smiled at him. “Deal, but only if you tell me more about your family. I find it interesting that your descendants are the founding fathers.”

  “I'd be happy to tell you all about my family.”

  They reached the door of the restaurant, and he opened it allowing her to enter first. “This way.” He led her across the small diner to a booth by the window. He waited for her to be seated before taking his own across from her then watched while she unfolded the napkin and placed it in her lap. Every move she made fascinated him. “Are you hungry?”

  “I wasn’t until the smell of those cinnamon rolls hit me on the way in.”

  “You will not be disappointed. Café con leche as well?”

  She smiled and nodded. “Yes, please.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and he resisted the temptation to reach out and help her. He imagined the dark mass would feel like the finest silk fisted in his hand as he took her from behind.

  Armand snapped his fingers. “Maria.”

  The woman quickly crossed the small café and Armand gave his order. In less than two minutes, she was back placing the rolls and coffee on the table. Before she could walk away, he touched her arm.

  “How is your mother?”

  “Much better.”

  “Good. You will let me know if she needs anything?”

  “Si´and Gracias.”

  Armand turned back to the delightful morsel across from him who was sipping her coffee. “Maria’s mother had a terrible fall a month ago and broke her leg.”

  “Oh that’s awful.”

  He reached for a napkin and laid it over his lap. “Yes. They have very little money so I took care of the medical expenses. Maria insisted on paying me back so I let her work here to repay the debt. I tried to talk her out of it, but her family is proud.” He leaned across the table. “Don’t tell, but I’m putting the money aside so she can go to college next fall.”

  She finished chewing her roll. “That’s so kind of you.”

  He lifted his shoulders. “They are good people and she deserves to go to school.” He shifted in his seat. “So. Earlier you mentioned you were an author? Tell me more. What do you write about?”

  Her cheeks turned a rosy pink and she chewed her bottom lip. He nearly groaned out loud, wanting to kiss and nip at the plump perfection before his tongue slid into her mouth and tasted every inch. He was positive she'd taste of strawberries. Plump, juicy and ripe for the picking.

  “I write romance. Well actually, it's called paranormal romance.” She took another quick sip of her coffee.

  “Ahh yes. Sex with vampires and other mythological creatures.” How perfect that his little vixen would be a master creator of such love stories. How would she take the news that he was one of them? Well a half-ass one at the moment, as he had no magic to back him up, but one nonetheless. Not that he would tell her even if he could prove it. He wondered why it even crossed his mind. Still … would she roll her eyes at him? For some reason, it pained him slightly that she might take him as a joke.

  She gave him a sheepish smile. “Yeah, that would be the kind of stuff I write about. Well, I used to anyway.” She cast her gaze into her lap. “I'm surprised you're familiar with it.”

  “You'd be surprised at the things I know. Why do you no longer write?” He made a mental note to Google her name when he got home. He had the urge to read every word she'd ever written.

  Kayla lifted her gaze to meet his and straightened her back, but she still looked as if the weight of the world sat on her shoulders. “I've been unable to write a word since my divorce two years ago.”

  The sadness he detected in her voice bothered him. “I'm sorry to hear that. Divorce is never easy.” He had no idea how to comfort her. What did he know of divorce other than what he'd witnessed during his time on earth?

  She stared out the window as if looking at something distasteful. “I caught him cheating and when we divorced I found I couldn't write. I've tried, but it's gone.” She turned back to flash her brown eyes at him. The pain he saw there made him want to find her ex and rip his heart out. “My friend suggested this place. She thought getting away would help. I really need to get my shit together before my publisher dumps me.”

  Armand slid his hand across the table and touched hers. He had to push down the inferno that threatened to erupt. His Jinn clawed and scratched to reach the surface. He wanted this woman, here and now. “I think you will find our small community inspiring. I will do whatever I can to assist.” Soon little one, you will be mine.


  Kayla couldn't decide if she wanted to jerk her hand back or entwine her fingers in his. The heat that came off him seared her, yet she craved more. And what exactly did he mean by his comment? Maybe she was reading too much into the situation. He was here to simply show her the sites not seduce her. Though the latter would definitely be a bonus. She had learned before coming to the small village that the Spanish people were not only friendly but also flirtatious, so she was sure Armand meant nothing by his gestures. If he had, would she welcome his advances? Even go so far as to sleep with him? If she left her body in charge, there was no doubt she would go to his bed willingly. However, her mind was still grappling with the idea. She worried she'd never be good enough.


  She jerked back to reality at the sound of her name rolling off his tongue. “Oh I'm so sorry. You must think me rude.” She was sure her face was ten shades of red. God why can't I get my shit together?

  “Not at all. I understand how one’s past can come back to haunt them. I only asked if you were ready to take a walk.”

  Was there a mischievous glint in his eyes? “Yes, I'm very much looking forward to learning about the culture here.”

  Armand stood and held his hand out to her. She accepted and scooted across the bench to stand. He tucked her hand under his arm as he escorted her to the door. “First, I'd like to take you to a small park. I think you'll find the view astounding.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Kayla enjoyed the hardness of his muscles under her fingers and the contrasting softness of his shirt. He was several inches taller than her so she had to look up to stare into those blue depths.

  They strolled down the brick walk lined with merchants, stopping in front of a small shop where a gentleman sat at a table outside. He worked with tiny pieces of gold that he painstakingly fashioned into a filigree bracelet.

  “That’s beautiful,” Kayla commented.

  Armand translated to the shopkeeper who smiled at Kayla and nodded.

  “He thanks you. His family have been jewelers here for generations. Father teaching son and passing the tradition down the line.”

  “I’m definitely coming back to do some shopping later.”

  Next door, under a vibrant orange canopy, a man
stood in the front window painting a scene of majestic mountains. He waved to them and Armand waved back.

  Kayla watched in amazement as each stroke of his brush brought new depth to the landscape.

  Moving along they passed shops filled with baked goods, their sweet smell wafting into the street, and merchants whose windows displayed colorful, hand-embroidered skirts and blouses.

  As they approached the west end of town, the street disappeared and she found herself on a narrow path that weaved between stone buildings. Iron balconies dotted the structures and a few even had laundry hanging out to dry. Tenants waved from above as they walked passed.


  Armand stopped. “Pedro, old man.” He pulled the older gentleman into an embrace. “How have you been?”

  “Good, amigo. I see you are giving the grand tour of our beautiful village.” The elderly man beamed with pride.

  “Yes. Pedro, this is Makayla. She is here for a brief vacation.”

  Pedro showed a toothy grin and extended his hand. Kayla accepted and as was the custom he planted a kiss on her knuckles. “Has Armand told you how his forefathers arrived here and built the first cabin?”

  Kayla shook her head. “No. He hasn't.”

  The old man tucked her hand under his and led her to a nearby bench where he sat her down and regaled her with stories. She learned Pedro's great-great-grandfather had come here and started the first general store. Everyone admired Armand and his family. They just wished his brother Crone would visit more often.

  “We should be going, Kayla,” Armand murmured.

  She hadn't realized they'd been sitting there for over an hour, but she had so enjoyed learning more about the sexy Spaniard. “Yes, of course.” She rose and turned to Pedro. “Thank you so much. I really enjoyed the stories. Maybe we can chat again?”

  The old man's eyes sparkled. “It would be my pleasure. Stop by here anytime, chica bella.” He flashed a smile then glanced at Armand. “You take good care of this one, amigo.”

  Armand tipped his head then led Kayla down the path.

  “The people here seem to love you. You must be very proud of what your family has created,” Kayla said.

  “I am very proud and the people here … well, they are like my family,” he replied.

  “Pedro said you have a brother?”

  “I do. Crone only visits a couple of times a year. He is very busy.”

  She thought she detected sadness in his voice. Maybe the brothers didn't get along or perhaps he simply missed him.

  “Do you have any other family?” She studied his reaction and noted how his body tensed. Maybe it wasn't a good topic of conversation.

  “I do, but they all live far away from here.”

  His tone led her to believe a change of conversation was in order, but before she could think of anything else they rounded a corner. The path widened, changing to grass and all the buildings faded away. Armand led her into a thicket of trees where the strong scent of evergreen filled the air. God, it had been forever since she'd been able to take a deep breath and fill her lungs with fresh clean air.

  “It smells so good.” Then she noticed the clearing in front of them. “Oh my god!” She released Armand's arm and raced ahead.

  “I did not lie when I said it was beautiful.” He came up beside her, but she couldn't take her eyes off the view. In front of her lay a vast lake. Water shimmered like a mirror in the sun’s reflection. As spectacular as it was, the majestic snow-capped mountains that rose from the waters edge on the other side and reached for the heavens stole her breath.

  Kayla plopped down in the grass and stared. “I've never in my life seen anything so stunning. I cannot even begin to find the words to describe it.”

  Armand sat beside her. His heat warmed her. “It's one of my favorite places. I can sit here for hours and watch the world go by.”

  She tipped her head and looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Damn, his rugged looks fit perfect into the setting. Was it the way his messy waves fell into his eyes? Or maybe the facial hair she wanted to touch so badly. Would it be coarse or soft? She pulled her thoughts back and returned to admiring Mother Nature. “I can certainly understand why. I think I could sit here for hours as well.”

  “I have an idea if you're up for it.”

  “What's that?”

  “I know of a secluded spot that's great for swimming. We could go there tomorrow and I'll bring a picnic lunch.”

  She tore her gaze away from the view to look at him once again. Spending another day with this gorgeous man, alone, was worth saying yes. But to see him half dressed? To catch a glimpse of the muscle lurking beneath his shirt could bring back her muse. Besides, she enjoyed his company and wanted to learn more about the Spaniard.

  “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  Chapter Five

  Kayla leaned her forehead against the cool tile of the shower while the hot water sluiced down her back. She'd had a fitful night of sleep thanks to the sexy Spaniard. He'd had the audacity to show up in her dreams and make sexual advances, leaving her with a painful throb between her legs that she simply refused to address herself.

  She was sick of 'taking care of business' as her friend Nikki put it. It only took one drop-dead gorgeous, Spanish-speaking man to make her realize what she'd been missing the past two years. Nikki had been right, she needed to get laid and the sooner the better.

  With a new plan in mind, she exited the shower and toweled dry. Originally, she'd been going to wear her one-piece suit but change of plans. She decided on a bikini. Tossing the towel wrapped around her body into a laundry basket, she grabbed the suit bottom and pulled it up to settle low on her hips. Next came the top. She did a spin in front of the full-length mirror and gave a nod of approval. Kayla wasn't the type of woman who thought herself beautiful, though Nikki had always said she too could have been a model. Today, staring at her reflection in the ruby red suit did something for her ego. She'd always taken care of her body and had the curves to prove it. Armand wouldn't know what hit him.

  Kayla topped off her ensemble with shorts and a tee then slipped on a pair of flip-flops. She glanced at the clock. Armand would be here in twenty minutes to pick her up. He'd assured her he would take care of everything. She only needed to dress for the occasion.

  With nothing to do but wait, she sat on the couch and watched the clock tick. Bad move. Her nerves were beginning to get the better of her. Maybe I should change. I mean what the hell am I thinking trying to seduce him? What if he turns me down? She was being silly. If her intention was to get laid and she would only be in Spain for a few months, why not live it up? It wasn't like she was planning on marrying the man, and he'd be crazy to turn her down. Her intuition told her he was already interested.

  She didn't have time to change her mind or her clothes before a knock came. Swallowing down her fear, she pulled up her courage before she flung open the door. Armand flashed a smile that would seduce her grandmother. Seeing him dressed in cut-offs and a white tee that hugged every muscle, she lost her voice.

  “Are you ready?” His smooth accent caressed her. She could listen to him talk for hours and never grow tired of it. Matter of fact, she'd feel foolish admitting he made her wet between the thighs with every word he spoke. God, her mind briefly went back to her dreams of him telling her all the naughty things he was going to do to her. Some in Spanish and some in heavy accented English. She'd had no idea what he'd said, but it had been fun anyway.


  “Yes. Are you sure I don't need to bring anything?”

  “No, I have towels and a picnic lunch all ready for us.” He held out his hand. “Shall we?”

  She slipped her hand into his and like before he tucked it under his arm. This time however, she gave his bicep a slight squeeze as they walked along the brick path and headed toward the park. Kayla couldn't help noticing again how his touch cocooned her in warmth. Once more she dug for Nana's words. Someth
ing about meeting a man whose fire … Damn, she couldn't remember.

  Within minutes, they arrived at the lake’s marina and he escorted her down a wooden dock to a boat. Kayla stopped mid-stride. For some reason, she'd expected a small craft. Instead, she found a cruiser with a cabin, and she couldn't help wondering if there were sleeping quarters below.

  “Wait here and I'll help you.”

  Armand stepped aboard the vessel, grabbed her by the waist and picked her up. He slid her down the front of his hard muscles in the most intimate manner. Her nipples puckered and moisture flooded her apex before her feet hit the deck. If she questioned her earlier intentions of wanting this man to devour her, she didn't after the surge of arousal he stirred within her. Her body was on fire. Never had she experienced such intense heat.

  “Ah, thanks.” How she had managed to get the words out without stammering surprised her.

  She followed Armand to the helm and took a seat. He pulled the rope free of the dock then slowly maneuvered the boat to open water. Once past the confines of the marina, he throttled up and they moved along at a nice clip. Kayla enjoyed the wind blowing across her skin. For once, she tried to cool herself rather then the other way around.

  The view was even more breathtaking from the boat than it had been on land. White tufts in a blue sky floated by and majestic mountains reflected in the crystal water. She looked over the edge of the boat and spotted large boulders looming up toward them. She'd never seen water so clear.

  “How deep is this?”

  “One hundred sixty-five feet. Give or take.”

  He glanced her way, but his eyes were hidden behind mirrored glasses so she couldn't read him. She hoped he took them off because she loved looking into the gorgeous blue depths. She could drown in them. Besides, for this whole seduction thing to work she needed to gauge her progress, and that would be more of a challenge if he were wearing sunglasses.

  Whatever. For the moment she leaned back in the seat and tipped her face to the sun. She'd deal with seducing him later.


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