Spanish Nights

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Spanish Nights Page 9

by Valerie Twombly

  Kayla wiped her eyes. “How is this your fault?”

  “I knew Cyndel was using him for power and wealth. I'd hoped she would cure Armand of his womanizing. I never expected she was capable of cursing him. I though the worst would be he'd end up with a broken heart and learn a lesson.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “You must think I'm a terrible father.”

  She met his gaze. “Who am I to judge? I never told anyone that I knew, months before I confronted my ex-husband, that he was cheating. I'd hoped he would come to his senses.” She shook her head. “I was so stupid. He had the best of both worlds, why would he give it up?”

  His features softened. “We all make mistakes. It's only when we don't learn from them that we deserve whatever fate hands us. I can't ask you to sacrifice for my family, it's a choice only you can make. I will tell you that you have a home here and I will help you in any way I can.”

  Kayla was deeply touched. Granted, he wanted his son back, but she sensed he was sincere. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  “Also for what's its worth, I believe Armand cares for you or he wouldn't have insisted Crone bring you here.” He gave her a warm smile. “As for the vetemba. Don't take what Crone says to heart. Being Armand's other half is much more than bringing him power or children. It's a love and sharing like no other and it's a bit hard to explain. It has to be experienced.”

  There was so much to consider her head pounded. What would happen between her and Armand should she decide to save him? Did they have a future together? Did she want one? In her heart she knew she loved him, but discovering he was a prince and soon to be king made her wonder if she expected too much from him.

  “Tell me. Do Armand and I have a choice as far as being together?”

  Efrain closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking at her. “Yes. Either of you can choose to walk away. There have been cases of the vetemba and the Jinn not falling in love and therefore not making a good match. Usually the female will find a more suitable match.”

  Great. I can love him but not necessarily the other way around.

  “I have also discovered how your grandmother came to possess the amulet.”

  Excitement zinged through her. “Really? How? I mean how did you find out and how did she get it?” Finally, part of this mystery would be solved.

  “I went through some very old scrolls that are kept in my personal archive. I must admit I'm very excited that you came into our lives. Your great-grandmother, Ilsa, was once a Jinn.”

  Her jaw dropped. “I don't … I mean. How can that be?” She had not expected to hear those words at all. It had occurred to her Nana had somehow had contact with the immortals, but this?

  “Let me start from the beginning.” Efrain rubbed his jaw. “Your family were the real rulers of the House of Unaria: the house that Cyndel's father now rules. Ilsa was also a vetemba, and Alistair, who was Cyndel's great grandfather, fell in love with Ilsa. However, she refused him for she had fallen in love with a mortal.”


  He nodded. “That would be my guess. The story goes she feared Alistair, and as it turned out had good reason. He had a curse placed on her and turned her mortal.”

  Kayla could only stare at Efrain in disbelief. No words would form.

  “This, of course, created a war between the families. In the end, your ancestors were slaughtered by Alistair and your house overtaken.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “Oh my god. This is simply too much to believe.”

  He sighed. “I'm afraid there is more. Ilsa still had friends in the Jinn community and someone, though we still don't know who, made her the amulet. It was meant to protect her children and it worked until your parents' death.”

  Her bottom lip trembled and tears formed. “The plane crash. They were on their way to England. I was only three when they died.”

  He touched her hand. “I'm so sorry. It is suspected that Alistair had a hand in their death. I'm going to guess that Cyndel is aware of who you are, and that is the real reason she wants you dead. You are the rightful heir to the House of Unaria. The amulet is meant not only to protect you, but bring back your family's power.”

  She was stunned. So many emotions raced through her. Sadness for the family she had lost. Anger at the ones who stole their lives.

  Efrain brushed a tear from her cheek. “I'm afraid this really leaves you with no choice.”

  She pulled back her shoulders and shoved the pity deep into the back of her mind. “They took those I love. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I guess we better find that chant. I have a genie to fight.” Even if Armand abandoned her, she couldn't let him suffer any longer and she owed her family.

  Efrain slid off the couch to his knees, his head bowed. “I will be forever in your debt. You will also have the alliance of the House of Reviana.”

  She was horrified. “Oh don’t.” She reached to touch his shoulder. “Please, get up. You shouldn’t be kneeling.”

  He winked at her and pushed himself back to his feet. “You should get used to it. Your station in this world dictates it.” He held out his hand to help her up. “Besides, it also means Crone would have to drop to his knees in your presence.” He let out a hearty laugh and she couldn’t help but join in.

  “I really do like you.”

  He gave her a big grin. “The feeling is mutual. Come, let me show you what awaits you.”

  He led her through an open set of French doors and onto a balcony. He pointed to a vast body of water where turquois waves crashed onto a snow-white sandy beach. “The mountains you see on the horizon. They belong to you. The House of Unaria rests in the valley, as do your people.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. So many people were counting on her to succeed.


  Armand hadn't slept in weeks. Not since Crone had left with Kayla's broken body. Since he was unable to have contact with his family, he had no idea if she was even still alive. Cyndel had made sure that the curse even covered modern day technology. Guilt racked him. If not for him, Kayla would never have been hurt. He prayed every day for her recovery.

  He paced the kitchen not knowing what to do with himself. He tried calling Cyndel, but she continued to ignore his summons. He still didn't understand why she had attacked Kayla. He'd slept with other woman, hundreds of them during his time on earth, and never had she harmed them. So what was different this time? The only conclusion was that Kayla had returned his magic.

  A knock interrupted his thoughts. He jerked his head up and glared at the door. It was eleven at night, who the hell would be banging at this hour? With the stealth of a cat, he eased to the front of the house. The porch light had come on so he looked through the peephole. In seconds, he unbolted the locks and flung open the door.

  “By the gods, you're all right.” He grabbed Kayla by the hand and pulled her past the entryway and into his arms. He touched his nose to her hair and inhaled her scent. Nothing in his entire existence ever felt as good as she did pressed against him. He leaned back and looked down into her eyes. “Querida, I have been worried sick about you. I tried not to fear the worst, but it was impossible.”

  She flashed that warm smile he loved so much. “I'm so sorry. I wish I could have gotten word to you sooner. There just wasn't any way.”

  He shook his head. “No. It's I who should apologize. It's because of me that you were hurt in the first place.” He peered over her head as if expecting to see his enemies outside, then pulled her the rest of the way into the house and shut the door.

  “How is it that you're here? It's not time for Crone to come back yet. It has only been–”

  “Three weeks. I hounded him to bring me home until he couldn't stand my nagging. He dropped me off as close as he could get and I took a bus the rest of the way.” She placed her palm on his cheek. “I needed to let you know I was okay.”

  He released her and paced again. “You could have called me instead o
f coming here. I would have packed your things for you and shipped them to any address of your choosing.” He stopped. “It is not safe here. You must leave.”

  “I'm not safe anywhere, Armand. At least, not according to your brother and father. They tell me Cyndel will come after me no matter where I go.”

  “No. I will negotiate your safety. If you promise to leave and never come back, I believe I can get her to leave you alone.” If he could only get the genie to answer his call, he was sure he could get her to agree.

  “Has she been back since I left?”

  “No. She ignores me.”

  “Then how can you guarantee my safety?”

  I will make the ultimate sacrifice. I will marry Cyndel. “I need you to trust me. I know I'm asking a lot of you, but please.”

  She crossed her arms over her breasts. Breasts he wanted so badly to release from their confinement and shower with affection. He wanted to declare his feelings, but it would benefit no one.

  “Well, truth is, I'm here to save my ass and break your curse.”

  “Excuse me?”

  She reached for a chain around her neck and pulled it out from under her tee.

  He ground his teeth. “Where did you get that?” This had to be a sick joke. No way in hell did she have a real amulet. It was a Jinn fable read to the children at bedtime. No one, not even the elders, had ever seen one and certainly no one believed they really existed.

  “Long story short, my nana gave it to me.” She moved to the couch and took a seat. Worry wore on her face and he hated the fact he'd put it there.

  “You think you're going to use that against Cyndel?” He stood there gaping at her, not knowing what else to do. He couldn't get too close to her again or he'd have her undressed and beneath him screaming his name. Damn, he needed her.

  “Between Crone, Efrain and myself we managed to find the text with the chant. It took us four days of tossing books to find that damn thing.” She leaned back and pinched the bridge of her nose.

  “No. I forbid this.”

  She looked over at him like he was insane. “Well, your father needs you to come home and I'm not ready to die at the hands of some crazed bitch.”

  He couldn't stand it anymore. He moved to sit next to her and took her hand in his. Somehow he had to make her understand. “You're no match for her and I am powerless to help. If she were to show up right now, I could do nothing. I've tried to no avail to call my power again.” He stared at the pendant. “There is no guarantee this will work. I'm sure my father told you that.”

  She flicked out her tongue and moistened her lips. Do not kiss her. She had to believe there was nothing between them. It was the only way to save her.

  “Yes, but he was confident it would if done correctly. What about the fact that I am your vetemba?”

  “That's not possible,” he whispered. Yet he knew he lied. After she had left, he realized what she was and that made his decision even more difficult. Her safety, however, was more important than anything else. “Even if you were, it is apparent to me that we are not a match.”

  He watched her bite her lip and knew the words had stung. He needed to keep up his attack and make her hate him. “Let us say you succeeded in killing Cyndel. Then what? You will have lost your mortality and gained who knows what kind of power. You will be clueless on how to handle it. Where will you go?”

  “Your father promised to help me.”

  He tossed his head back and laughed. “I don't think you fully understand the ramifications of your actions. You will never see your family and friends again. Humans can never know we exist.”

  “I have no family and while I love my friend, Nikki … I understand.”

  “You cannot forfeit your life. Stay here and find a man who will love you and be happy. Raise your children together, grow old and watch your grandchildren be born.” He couldn't miss the hurt in her eyes and it was killing him, but he couldn't stop now. “You didn't think that you and I … ? I mean we had fun, but that's all it was.” He schooled his features. “I could never love a human. It is beneath me.”

  She looked away. “What about you and the curse. Don't you want to go home?”

  Even after he just dealt her that blow, she was still thinking of him. He closed his eyes and inhaled. Time to twist the knife. “I'm going to marry Cyndel and all this will end.”

  She whipped her head around, her eyes wide. “I thought you hated her? From what your family said, she tricked you. Why would you marry her?”

  “I can think of several reasons. One, I'm tired of being stuck here, and as you say, my family needs me. Two, I need a queen. Cyndel will not only fill the role but also provide me with strong sons. It's also the right thing to do. Just as putting you on a bus to the airport, first thing in the morning, is also the right thing to do. You will rest here tonight, then at day break we will gather your things and get you out of here.”

  She looked away. “I see. You're right, of course. It's probably for the best, but I still don't understand how marrying her will keep her from killing me later. You're giving her everything she wants so there will be nothing to stop her.”

  Why the hell couldn't things be simple for once in his fucking life? Sure he screwed up, but how long should he be held accountable? He'd done so many good things since then, giving back to his small part of this world. He jumped up from his seat next to Kayla before he forgot all common sense and took her right there.

  “Just believe I have my ways to guarantee your safety.” He really didn't have a plan, but if he had to marry Cyndel then keep her locked up to protect Kayla, then that's exactly what he'd do.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Makayla tossed and turned lying in the same bed she and Armand had slept in not long ago. Fury stirred in her that he would put her up in his room. A house of this size had to have guest rooms, but he'd insisted and against her better judgment she'd stayed. Part of her hoped he would change his mind. She also knew that Cyndel would come looking for her no matter what. She chose to keep the information she'd learned about her family to herself. She had wanted to tell Armand, but she also needed him to desire her for who he thought she was and not who she could become.

  She'd learned that if her and Armand were to marry, their houses would join and make both of them very powerful. She had to know he loved her for all the right reasons. Either way she had decided to fight Cyndel and take back what belonged to her.

  She sensed Armand lingered just outside the door, guarding her, listening for any sign of distress. Trouble was, he had caused her current discomfort. She didn't know what to expect when she came back. The look of relief on his face, when he had greeted her at the door and pulled her into his arms, would make one think he cared about her in a way a husband cares for his wife. But she had been dead wrong.

  She punched her pillow wishing it were his head. In reality, it wasn't his fault. She knew when she'd slept with him it was only a fling, a good time. But tell that to her heart. Somehow, he'd broken past the barrier she'd held in place to keep others from hurting her and showed her how to live again. Now she remembered why she'd stayed out of relationships, she always ended up broken.

  “Why can't I simply use a guy for sex without my heart getting in the damn way?” It was going to be a long, sleepless night. Tomorrow she had no doubt her life would change drastically.

  For now, she'd lie in Armand's bed, take in his scent for the last time and try not to remember what it felt like to be his. To feel his lips pressed against her breasts, her thighs, her ….

  “Damn it!” Kayla threw back the covers and leapt from the bed. Her heart raced and her sex ached. She needed air so she headed for the door and flung it open, intent on going to the patio. She walked right into strong, muscular flesh.

  He stood in her way wearing only a pair of faded jeans. She stared at his naked chest then dragged her gaze upward until she met his eyes. Sapphire blue, filled with heat, stared back at her. He'd tied his hair back, only adding
to his rugged look.

  She whimpered.

  He grabbed her by the arms and walked her backwards until the back of her legs hit the bed. When she could go no further, he kissed her. Hard. Desperate. Not what you'd give a woman who meant nothing to you.

  Her body responded. Need spread like wildfire through her, and she was beyond caring about anything except the moment and how badly she wanted him.

  He pushed her back on the bed, his body covering her. He grabbed the neckline of her tee and ripped it open, exposing her nakedness underneath. Hot lips latched onto a nipple and she arched into him. She touched his biceps and the strength beneath her fingertips heated her core.

  When he moved his attention to the other nipple, he jerked her shorts off and slid two fingers through her folds and into her sex.

  She moaned. Her desire for him was going to make her combust. “I need you,” she whispered.

  He pulled his fingers free and locked onto her gaze while he pulled off his jeans. The tip of his cock pressed into her then slid home. His eyes never left hers as he shifted his hips and moved in and out. He was looking into her soul, searching for something.

  She clawed at his back and met each thrust, unable to get enough of him. Still his gaze never wavered until his lips crashed against hers. He kissed her with a hunger she'd never felt before and her heart shattered. She wanted this moment to last forever, but something inside warned he was saying goodbye. One last moment of rapture before they parted ways.

  Her orgasm started deep, as a slow spark, then grew until she was pulling the sheets between her fingers. Her breath caught as her whole body went flush from the heat. Never had an orgasm been so intense. She rode the roller coaster, cresting at the top then spiraling downward with no ending in sight until Armand broke the kiss. He arched his back, his own orgasm filling her.

  “Te amo, querida.” He pulled her close to him and nuzzled her neck. Their heartbeats synced in rhythm. “You should have stopped me.”


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