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Obsessed Page 23

by Ashton Blackthorne

  My cock stiffened as I peered down her dress. I could see she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her tits were about the size of a small grapefruit. They would fit right into my hands.

  I grabbed her hand pulling it from my cock. Dragging her toward the restrooms, they were locked.

  “Do it right here.” She moaned as I spun her around and pushed her against the wall in the darkened corridor. The kitchen was right next to us and I could smell the aroma of greasy burgers being fried. The air was thick with cigarette smoke which hung in the air like a fog.

  The place was dingy, dirty, and disgusting, but I wanted her right here right now. There was something irresistibly sexy about a woman who knew exactly what she wanted.

  And I was going to give it to her better than she’d ever had it before.

  I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her to me. Her hand reached back to grip my wrist digging her nails into my skin. Thrusting her skirt up, I pushed my hand against her soaking wet panties. My fingers found her throbbing clit and I stroked it roughly.

  She moaned loudly as she suddenly spun around and dropped to her knees. She licked her lips as she gripped my cock inside her fist. I took a fistful of her hair and guided her mouth to my hard cock.

  Kimber began running her tongue up and down my shaft before taking it into her mouth. She swallowed my cock down and my eyes closed in bliss. I could still hear the clanking of pots and pans in the kitchen next to us, but all I could focus on was my pleasure.

  She attempted to take me all the way down to the base of my cock, a feat few women have been able to successfully pull off. With a few short gags and a tilt of her head, she managed to take my entire cock down. I sucked in my breath as my head fell back.

  I felt her hands caressing my balls nearly sending me over the edge. But I wanted to feel her hot, wet pussy on my cock. I wanted to fuck her good and hard, right here, just like she wanted.

  “Stand up.” I commanded.

  She complied and I pushed her against the wall. I ripped her panties down to her ankles. Quickly, she kicked them off. I pulled the top of her dress down to bare her delicious tits. Her nipples were pink and hard. Taking them into my mouth, I sucked on them until she groaned loudly.

  “Fuck me.” She whispered.

  Spinning her around, I took her hands and placed them against the wall. Her ass was waiting for me to smack it. Quickly, I brought my hand down on her flesh relishing the smacking sound.

  Startled, she attempted to turn around.

  “No.” I commanded as pressed her hands to the wall. Rubbing my cock against her tight wet pussy, I eased myself into her. She cried out as my cock was stretching her to the limit. She became wetter and I began slamming my cock in and out of her. With each stroke, I could hear a wet smacking noise as my balls slapped against her pussy.

  Her tits bounced as I continued to fuck her hard from behind. Suddenly, a slightly built Hispanic man came across us.

  “Oh, excuse me, senor.” He blushed and quickly hurried away.

  She barely noticed him as her head was thrown back her full lips parted. I wanted to hear her scream with delight.

  “Oh my God!” She did scream. I felt her pussy contracting around my cock. She began furiously rubbing her clit as she came. My own orgasm began to build and then explode as I realized she was rubbing herself.

  Sliding myself out of her, she wasted no time yanking her panties back on.

  I pulled my pants back up and smiled at her.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered falling against me. “That’s exactly what I needed.”

  “It’s my business doing pleasure with you.” I winked at her. She was completely disheveled. Her long hair was knotted, her eye makeup smudged, and her lipstick worn away. There were blotches on her wrists where I’d held her against the wall.

  Kissing her deeply, I bid her farewell. I watched her hop into her car and we both went our separate ways.

  This had turned into a fabulous night.


  “How was it?” Amber greeted me as I arrived at the office. She was holding my typical cup of coffee.

  “With Ronnie? About what you’d think.” I took the cup from her taking a small sip. It was hot and sweet exactly the way I like it.

  “Still upset with you, huh? You’d think after all these years she would have let it go.” Amber sank down into the chair across from my desk.

  I began sifting through the pile of papers on my desk.

  “No, she hasn’t. Our prior relationship isn’t my concern at this moment though. How to get her to sell me back those shares-that’s what I need to figure out.”

  Amber leaned over on the chair arm resting on her elbow thoughtfully.

  “Ash, I don’t want to overstep my bounds. Your past with Veronica isn’t any of my business, but I hate to see you upset. Maybe you could attempt a reconciliation of sorts with Veronica.”

  I looked up.

  “What do you mean? I’m not getting back together with her.”

  “No, no. Ash, I’m not suggesting that. But maybe all Veronica wants is to know you missed her-truly missed her that she meant something to you and still does.”

  I sighed.

  “How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

  Amber leaned back in her chair sighing.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t really know what happened between the two of you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I decided to give her a brief glimpse into my personal past something I never do with anyone.

  “To make a long story short, Veronica and I were together for two years in graduate school. I enjoyed her company. She was and still is a beautiful, smart woman. But she wanted more than I was willing to give at the time.”

  “So, she wanted a commitment from you?”

  I nodded sipping my coffee.

  “Yes. She continually professed her love for me, but I couldn’t return the sentiment.”

  Amber nodded knowingly.

  “It’s simple then. Tell her that.”

  “You want me to lie to her? I’m not going to do that not even for a deal like this.”

  Amber shook her head.

  “No. I mean tell her how you feel.”

  “I did ten years ago. I told her I cared a lot for her, but that I didn’t love her.”

  Amber rolled her eyes at me.

  “No wonder she was mad. Look, I know you’re fantastic with women from what I’ve heard and seen, but I know how she feels.”

  “And that is--?”

  “That when a woman loves a man and he refuses to commit it says to her she isn’t worthy of his time, his trouble. A woman will think that maybe if she’d done something differently or was more attractive…”

  I held my hand up.

  “No, that’s not it at all. Veronica was everything I’d ever wanted. At that time though, but I couldn’t profess a feeling that I didn’t have.”

  She sighed.

  “Okay, Ash. If she was everything you wanted at the time, you cared a lot about her then something must’ve been preventing you from loving her.”

  I thought for a moment. All of a sudden, a queasy feeling started building in my stomach.

  Not now.

  Not her.

  I closed my eyes briefly and my mother’s beautiful face was looking back at me. I could see how she looked the day she left in that green coat. I remembered finding her in bed with “Uncle Mike.”

  “Maybe so.”

  “Then figure out what it was and tell her. Explain to her why you couldn’t feel that way. Maybe then she will feel that she’s regained some of her self-respect and confidence back. Basically, if you couldn’t love her and it wasn’t anything to do with her then tell her that.”

  “You really think that will work?”

  Amber nodded.

  “I do. At this point, what’s the harm? You need to get her to sell you her shares or you can kiss Vitalife goodbye.”

  “But she bought those shares to spite me,

  “I know. So you have to make her feelings for vengeance unnecessary. Diffuse the situation.”

  I remembered seeing the anger flashing in Veronica’s eyes. But behind them there was something more…

  Hurt, desire, need.

  I slapped my hands on the desk.

  “Amber, you’re a genius. I know just what to do.”

  “I’m not a genius. I’m Amber.” She winked at me.

  Yes, she was.

  The freezing night air whipped through the streets of Manhattan causing me to grip my long black coat tightly as I walked into the bar at the Plaza Hotel.

  It wasn’t as crowded as usual, but I figured that had something to do with the weather. New Yorkers are accustomed to the cold in wintertime, but tonight was colder than normal.

  Removing my coat and handing it to the coat check girl, I gazed around looking for her familiar blonde hair.

  Just when I thought she may have gone home for the evening, I spied Veronica sitting at a corner booth sipping a glass of wine. There was a huge piece of their famous vanilla torte on the table beside her. She had her glasses on as she poured over documents.

  Grabbing a glass of Macallan from the bar, I casually sauntered over to her.

  I stopped at her table and waited for her to look up at me.

  Finally, she tore her eyes away from her papers and saw me standing directly in front of her smiling.

  “Ash! You scared me! What the hell are you doing here?”

  I smirked and eased into the booth next to her.

  “Having a drink. I thought I’d come over and say hi.”

  Annoyed, she shoved her papers into a folder.

  “I was working. Look, if this is about getting me to sell you the shares, forget it.”

  I waved my hand at her.

  “Not at all, Ronnie. I was just being friendly.”

  She took her glasses off and stared at me. Her full lips turned down.

  “You expect me to believe that you don’t want those shares anymore, Ash? I know you. It’s all you can think about.”

  “Oh, I didn’t say I didn’t want them, but I heard you loud and clear. You said you can’t sell. I’ll find another way to get Vitalife.”

  She leaned back folding her arms beneath her luscious breasts.

  “Really? How are you going to do that when we are the majority shareholders?”

  I shrugged.

  “Look, I don’t want to talk business. I came by here to talk about us.”

  “There is no us anymore.”

  “And that’s my fault.” I finished my glass of scotch reaching for her hand.

  Surprised, she snatched her hand away. I could smell the sweet scent of her perfume.

  “Ash, what the hell is going on with you? Years ago you said you didn’t love me. You insisted we were over. Now you waltz in here claiming there is an ‘us’ after all.” Veronica’s eyes blazed with fury.

  I leaned back my eyes drinking in her beauty. I studied her eyes looking for any sign that what I was saying was beginning to resonate with her.

  I didn’t see any.

  I was going to have to delve deep into myself, open old wounds in order to get her to realize that keeping those shares from me was a mistake. I needed her to know that I was sincere when I said I couldn’t love her not because I didn’t want to, but because of…

  “Ash! Haven’t you heard a thing I’ve said?” Veronica smacked her hands on the table. The scotch sloshed in my glass.

  “Yes, Ronnie. I’m sorry.”

  “Look, I’ve got a lot of work to do. Unless you have something to say, I’d appreciate you giving me back my privacy.”

  My hand drifted towards hers.

  “You know I care a lot about you. There’s never been any question about that and I know I hurt you when I told you I didn’t love you. But what you didn’t understand was it wasn’t because I didn’t have those feelings it’s because I couldn’t have them.”

  Veronica’s eyes began to soften. She kept her hand on the table as I covered it with my own.

  “Go on.” She whispered.

  I took a deep breath. I loathed talking about feelings. I’d managed to avoid this very situation most of my life.

  “As you know, my mother left when I was very young. It was devastating to me. I loved her deeply as most children love their mothers, but my love wasn’t enough to keep her with me.”

  Veronica seemed to melt before my eyes. Her rigid, angry posture softened and her eyes were limpid pools of desire. All the love she’d felt for me years ago was beginning to resurface I could see it.

  Maybe I don’t have to dig any deeper. The pain was already threatening to overtake me like a dam about to burst.

  “Ash, I’m so sorry. Yes, of course, I remember you telling me you lost your mother when you were young. But what does that have to do with me?”

  I swallowed hard and reached for the rest of my scotch.

  “Everything. You see, what you don’t know is that before my mother left me I found her with my “Uncle” Mike. He was a friend of my dad’s. One day I went to her room hoping to get her to play with me as she was always promising she’d do, when “Uncle Mike” stepped out of the bathroom and kissed her. I was little and didn’t really understand what they were doing. But after she left I put two and two together.”

  Tears began to well up in her eyes. Her hand moved over mine.

  “She was cheating on your father.” Veronica whispered.

  I nodded feeling the deep pit in my stomach growing ever larger.

  “After I discovered the two of them together, she tried to bribe me not to tell my dad. Can you imagine? She actually went out and bought a vintage train set I’d always wanted and gave it to me with the promise I’d never mention “Uncle” Mike being in her room.” I spat the words out with disgust. I motioned the waitress to bring the entire bottle of Macallan to our table.

  “Oh my God.” Veronica shook her head.

  I sighed as I poured another glass of scotch.

  “So, maybe now you can understand how love is a difficult concept for me. Trust is another one. I’ve never discussed this with anyone before, nor do I particularly want to, but I thought you should understand why I couldn’t love you then.”

  Veronica sipped her scotch.

  “I’m so sorry you were hurt. I wish you would’ve told me years ago, Ash. I could’ve helped you through it. I appreciate your honesty, but I need to know one thing.”

  I finished my scotch and helped myself to another. I was going to need to call a cab tonight. Before this conversation ended, I was sure my head would be spinning.

  “What’s that?”

  “Are you telling me this because something’s changed for you? Have you been able to move past all the hurt your mother caused you? Are you telling me you are free to love me now?” Hope lit up her eyes.

  I knew she’d ask that question. I bit my lip before answering. I had to tell her the truth.

  “Yes, a few things have changed, but not enough. Not yet. I can’t tell you when or if they ever will. I do know that my feelings for you have grown, but I’m not sure what I’d call them. You know me, Ronnie. You know how much I hate having conversations like this. That alone should tell you what you mean to me.”

  Veronica leaned back. Her lovely blonde hair began to fall out of the clip she’d pinned it back with spilling onto her delicious cleavage.

  “Did you tell me all this to get me to sell those shares to you, Ash? Or do you really want to start something with me again?”

  Fuck this, I thought. I was tired of talking about my past and about my feelings. I was sick of everything.

  All I wanted right now was to fuck the shit out of her.

  Reaching out, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me. I ran my hand right up her dress and placed it on her silky panties. I felt the heat from her pussy beneath my hand.

  She sucked in her breath. Immediately, I felt he
r panties get wet and her body tense up.

  Working my fingers inside her panties, I rubbed her juicy clit. My cock hardened as she parted her legs slightly. Slowly, I slid my finger deep inside her right there at the table, in the crowded restaurant. All the noise seemed to fade away as I pumped my finger in and out of her tight pussy.

  “Oh my God, Ash.” She whispered. Desperately, she tried to keep a straight face.

  “You like that?” I whispered into her ear.

  She nodded her hand pushed down on mine as her hips moved slightly. She was going to come, I could feel it.

  Just as her pussy began to tighten on my finger, I looked up to see a portly older man standing beside our table.

  “Veronica! What are you doing here?” It was her father.

  Veronica’s face froze. With my finger still inserted deeply into her pussy, she tried to speak.

  “Hi, Dad. Um…you remember Ash, right?” She stammered. Veronica’s face flushed bright red and I fought to keep from laughing.

  “Obviously, I do, Veronica. We just met the other day about the Vitalife shares. I would hope you’d recall that Veronica, since you were there.”

  Veronica managed to nod. I kept sliding my finger in and out ever so slowly. She crossed her legs trying to keep me from moving inside her.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were meeting with Tom Schwarz.”

  “I was. In fact, I just finished with him. I was stopping by the bar to get one last drink when I noticed you sitting here with Ash.”

  “Hello, Mr. James. Fine evening isn’t it?” I smiled at him.

  “Hello, Ash.” He gazed down at us quizzically. He could tell something was going on, but he probably wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  I pressed my finger against her pussy, trying to push my way back inside. Veronica squirmed in her seat.

  “Is there something wrong, Veronica? Your face is so red. You really should be getting home. It’s late and we have an 8:00am meeting.” He looked down at his phone.

  Veronica nodded biting her lip. Her legs parted slightly and my finger slid back inside her. I really started working on her sweet pussy. Vigorously sliding my finger all the way inside her I found her G spot. Her pussy was so wet it coated my fingers.


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