Unexpected Allies

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Unexpected Allies Page 5

by Peyton Banks

  “Let’s go, Papa,” she murmured, pulling her father in the direction of their table. She caught the sight of Nikolai and waved a hand. Tonight, they would relax and enjoy the party, and tomorrow, they could continue their pursuit of the Belotov gang. She glanced behind her and found Kole’s eyes locked on her. She sent him a wink and put a little more effort in the sway of her hips. Let him look all he wants, she thought as she flung her hair over her shoulder. She wouldn’t mind being a star in one of his fantasies because that would be closest he could get to her as long as he had blondie on his arm.

  “Up next we have a silver chalice and communion plate that belonged to Queen Anne in the early 1700’s. We are starting the bid at twenty-five thousand dollars. Do we have any bids?” the auctioneer announced as the crowd reacted in awe. Kole sipped on his drink as he sat back in his chair. His eyes wandered around the room as the bidding began, and a particular bidder caught his attention.


  She raised her numbered bidding card to place a bid of thirty thousand dollars on the set. He was actually shocked that she would bid on an old silver plate and cup. It must have some meaning to her because aside from it being old as shit, he didn’t see the reasoning for it to be priced so high. His table wasn’t far from hers, and it gave him a chance to study her. She was a woman he wanted to get to know. He scowled and took another sip of his drink as he noticed other men eyeing her. He caught the eye of some of them and sent them a deadly glare, staking his claim without even having to say a word.

  Meg was engrossed in the auction, having bid and won a few of the lower-priced items. His cell phone beeped from inside his coat jacket. He pulled it out and found a text from Denis.

  Keep your eyes open. Something’s off.

  Kole looked around for his bodyguard but didn’t see him.

  What’s going on? he texted back.

  Not sure. Going to find out. Hotel security is scrambling.

  Stay close, Kole replied.

  He didn’t trust anyone else but Denis right now. He quickly screen shot the conversation and forwarded it to Corneal’s phone. They would need to keep their eyes out in order to keep the girls safe. He watched as Corneal reached for his phone. His captain looked up at him and nodded his head to confirm he got the message. He turned his attention back to the auction, finding the bidding reaching sixty thousand dollars. He shook his head at the amount. He could think of plenty of things he could buy for that amount of money.

  The sound of glass crashing filled the air, followed by screams. Masked men dashed into the room with guns in the air. The lights in the room went out, leaving them in darkness. People in the crowd began coughing as white smoke raised from the steel cans that were thrown onto the floor. The men’s faces were covered with gas masks to protect them from the smoke filling the room.

  Tear gas.

  “Get on the floor!” Kole shouted to Meg and grabbed her by her arm, throwing her down to the floor. He reached up on the table and grabbed the cloth napkins and held one to Meg’s face as she coughed. She took it from him and held it on her own as her body was racked with coughing. He did the same to his face as he tried to look over their table. His lungs burned from the smoke and chemicals, leaving him to cough like everyone else.

  The sounds of gunshots and screams filled the air. He couldn’t see who or what they were going after. Corneal and Cassidy crawled over next to him with napkins over their faces, and Corneal pointed to the broken windows near them. They were on the first floor of the hotel and they could easily get the women out the windows to safety.

  He pulled his phone out of his jacket and sent a quick text to Denis.

  Windows. Cause a distraction.

  He didn’t wait for a response, knowing that Denis would take care of the request. Meg gripped his jacket as she stayed close and waited for instructions. In the dark, he could see that she was scared, and he had promised his longtime friend that she would be safe. He wouldn’t renege on his promise.

  He heard shouting from the masked men as they stalked the room. They were yelling in Russian, and he picked up a few words, but the one name that he was sure he heard made a chill go down his spine.


  They were after Mila. Whoever organized this ambush would pay dearly. The Black Society was strict when it came to their rules. Not that they had many since it was a council for the crime organizations of the world. But this was a direct insult to the council, and Kole knew that once it was found out who the organizers were, they would be dealt with in the most painful way possible.

  A loud explosion rocked the building, which must have been their distraction. Only Denis would know how to create a perfect diversion that would send everyone scrambling. The room erupted in confusion and more gunfire as the security teams took action and fought back.

  “Let’s go,” Corneal shouted. Grabbing Cassidy, he stood from their crouched position.

  “Take Meg with you,” Kole yelled over the noise.

  “What?” Meg turned to him and shook her head frantically. “No, you’re coming too.”

  “Don’t argue with me. Corneal will see you to safety. I’ll be fine,” he promised, pushing her with Corneal and Cassidy. She finally relented and nodded before turning to head toward the windows.

  Kole crouched down near his table and glanced over at Mila’s table, and found her as he could only imagine, with a gun in her hand, calmly taking aim and firing. One by one, each of her targets hit the ground. He remained low and rushed over to their table. She glanced in his direction and didn’t even budge. Thankfully, the large ballroom gave them time to escape before anyone took notice of where she was.

  “Now is not the time, Kole,” she growled as he arrived by her side. Mascara stained tears flowed down her face from the tear gas but that didn’t stop the mafia soldier.

  “You need to go!” he shouted. “They’re after you.”

  “What?” Both Mila and Salagin shouted simultaneously.

  Salagin looked to Mila and turned back to Kole. “Take her. I know you can move any and everything.”

  “Hell no, I’m not running. They want me, they can come—”

  “Mila!” her father snapped, cutting her off. She turned to him in disbelief. “Go with Kole. Let us figure this out. That is an order.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” Mila stated, shaking her head.

  “Go! Your brother and cousin will protect me. Now go!” her father commanded.

  Mila nodded her head before turning back to Kole. It was true. In his line of work, he could move any and everything, and no one would be the wiser. She would be safe with him. He held out his hand for her and waited. Would the mafia mistress trust him and let him get her to safety?

  Her smaller hand settled in his.

  “Let’s get you out of here.”

  Chapter 8

  Kole assisted Mila out of the window without them being seen. She let loose a curse as she stepped on her dress. She breathed, bringing in clean air. The gas from the ballroom burned her lungs and the fresh air was a relief. She broke into a string of coughs, trying to breathe in deeply as she assessed the area.

  The street was dark and currently empty, aside from the cars parked along it. Kole silently dropped down beside her and grabbed her arm.

  “This way.” He pointed down the street, away from where the police sirens echoed through the air. Red and blue lights could be seen flashing at the corner of the street.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she walked quickly alongside him. She looked around, ensuring no one was following them. Her glock rested in her hand, locked and loaded. She was comforted by the feel of it and was ready to shoot at anyone who may jump out at them.

  Who the fuck wanted her so badly that they would risk the wrath of the Black Society and storm into their event? Whoever this was better run. The Black Society would be the least of their worries. She would go after them, and she didn’t care how long it took, she would rip them apart with h
er bare hands.

  “Getting you to safety,” he replied, pulling his phone from his pocket. The echoes of the sirens could be heard down the street. Kole spoke briefly to someone on the phone, giving them their location.

  He turned to her and his eyes dropped to her weapon. “Put that away. We don’t want to draw attention to anyone.”

  She stared at him and met his hard gaze. She reached down and pulled up her dress, exposing her thigh-high stockings. She strapped her weapon into her holster and dropped her dress, concealing it.

  “Nice,” he murmured. His eyes caressed her body before meeting her glare. Her breath caught in her throat from the heat of his gaze.

  “Thanks,” she replied. “It comes in handy for occasions such as these.”

  Her body tensed as a dark sedan pulled up alongside them. Kole grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him as he led her to the vehicle.

  “It wasn’t your gun I was referring to,” he murmured in her ear as he opened the back door and waved her in. She muttered a curse as she felt her cheeks grow warm.

  She couldn’t understand the affect he had on her. She entered the car and settled into her seat. Kole followed behind and shut the door, enclosing them away from the rest of the world. Their bodies swayed as the car pulled off.

  “I’m sorry your date was ruined with Meghan,” she said, breaking the silence. “You can drop me off at a friend’s house.”

  He shook his head as he gazed out the window.

  “It’s not a problem. Meg will understand, and as for me dropping you off at a friend’s, not happening. Your acquaintances will be the first place they look for you,” he said, turning his dark eyes to her.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked, finding herself unable to look away from his heated gaze.

  What was the matter with her? Around him, she found herself unable to control herself.

  “For tonight, my place.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened at the thought. His place? Oh no, bad idea.

  “Look, my organization is the rival to the Tokhan. No one will suspect that you’re with me. My place is safe, and in the morning, I’ll make the arrangements to move you.”

  Excitement filled her as he spoke. She knew that he was right. No one would suspect that a Petrovna would be hiding in the house of a Bozovic. The thought of spending the night with him had her core clenching. But then the blonde’s face came to mind, snuffing her excitement. She nodded her head and turned and watched the city skyline pass. Silence filled the vehicle again as she got lost in her thoughts.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble with you and your girlfriend by spending the night at your place,” she admitted, breaking the silence in the car.

  “You won’t,” he replied, turning to her.


  Just what she needed, to be forced to spend the night with the object of her desires. This was going to be a long night.

  Kole glanced at Mila as Andre pulled the car into the back driveway of his home.

  Andre Barber was an African-American man in his mid-thirties. He was one of Kole’s most trusted men who had worked for him for years. Andre started out at working in the shipping yard of Belotov Shipping. He had a great work ethic and was someone who stood out to Kole.

  Kole opened the arms of the brotherhood to Andre, who eagerly accepted. Andre didn’t know it yet, but Kole had every intention of making a made man. This was a high honor and Andre had earned it.

  Mila’s gasp filled the air as Andre drove them down the tree-lined driveway. His home away from the city, was deep in the suburbs, but offered the convenience of working in the city. It was an escape away from the life of crime and gave him peace of mind. This was his sanctuary. Only those close to him had the privilege of being inviting to his home. He kept an apartment in the city when he was unable to get home.

  Mila’s face was plastered to the window as his home came into view.

  “I wouldn’t have expected something like this for you,” she murmured.

  His heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice. Her accent did something to him, and he loved every time she said his name. Only tonight, he had plans to have her scream it.

  “What is that supposed to mean? I can’t have a beautiful home?” It was hard to keep his face straight as he joked with her.

  “What? No, I mean—” she stammered. Her eyes cut to him, and even inside the dark car, he could see her embarrassment.

  Hmm, he thought to himself, intrigued even more by her. She’s not just a hardened mafia mistress.

  His eyes dropped to her dress again, and looking at her curves, he knew that she was all woman. One he couldn’t wait to peel out of the white lace dress.

  “I’m just kidding with you.” He laughed to put her out of her misery, just as Andre pulled the car up to the garage.

  “Well, it’s beautiful,” she claimed.

  “I’ll give you a tour of it. It’s my pride and joy.”

  Andre opened the door for Mila and assisted her out. Kole, not wanting to wait, exited the car on his side. The garage spotlight shined down on Mila, showcasing her beauty. His breathe caught in his throat as he watched her walk around the car and came to his side.

  “Do you want me to put the car up?” Andre’s deep, baritone voice broke through his thoughts.

  “Please.” Kole nodded. “We’re not going anywhere tonight. When Denis and the others arrive, I want this place on lockdown.”

  “Yes, sir.” Andre nodded as he jogged back to the driver’s door. Kole knew that Andre would patrol the perimeter of the property before settling in to wait for the others.

  “Shall we?” Kole offered his arm to Mila. Her smaller hand wrapped around his arm as a small smile played on her lips.

  “Such the gentleman,” she murmured as they walked toward the enclosed porch. He opened the door and allowed her to pass in front of him.

  “I’ve been called many things, but I’m not sure gentleman has been one of them,” he stated.

  “Oh?” She turned around with a raised eyebrow.

  He brushed past her, making sure that his body connected with hers. He knew she was attracted to him, just by the way her eyes darkened as she looked at him. He knew he’d been elusive with her every time she mentioned Meg. He would torture her a little while longer and let her think that Meg and he were an item.

  This woman had morals. Imagine that, a mafia soldier who had morals. He could tell as long as she thought that he and Meg where an item, she wouldn’t act on what was between them. He could respect that.

  He entered the keyless entry code to the house and opened the door for her.

  “Ladies first,” he murmured.

  “See, you can be a gentleman.” She smiled as she walked past him into the kitchen. She brushed past him, her shoulder connecting with his chest, and he held back a growl. The seductive scent of her perfume lingered in the air.

  His phone rang, breaking the spell that Mila had cast him in.

  “What?” he snapped as he answered.

  “It’s me. Just wanted to make sure you made it safe,” Corneal’s concerned voice answered.

  “Yeah, we’re good.” He waved Mila to follow him. He led her into the family room, needing a drink. A tall, stiff one. She entered the room and brushed past him, going straight for the wet bar.

  The woman read his mind.

  She waved him off to his chair as she grabbed glasses and went to making them drinks.

  “What the hell happened in there?” Corneal growled. “Those motherfuckers put my wife in danger. They need to pay.” Kole knew that his captain would be pissed off, and he had every right to be.

  “I’m waiting for Denis to get here so that we can find out. But I do know one thing, they were after Mila Petrovna,” he answered. Mila walked over to him and handed him a glass. He eyed her ass as she sashayed away from him. It was perfectly filled out and round. Just what a man needed to grab onto when he pulled his woman against him.
/>   Bourbon and his favorite brand, Wild Turkey.

  “You have Mila with you now?” Corneal asked quietly. Kole immediately knew something was wrong with his captain by the hitch in his voice.

  “Yeah, I do.” His eyes followed her as she walked around the room, studying it. His eyes dropped down and he noticed that she had kicked her heels off. “Is that a problem?”

  “Why would you help the Petrovna’s? They’re the enemy. We just met with them, where they demanded for us to bow down to them.”

  “There are things that you still need to learn,” Kole murmured as Mila turned to him. She leaned against the wall and lifted her glass to her lips. Just the way she sipped her drink had his imagination off and running. She pushed off the wall and walked to the leather loveseat that sat in front of the windows. The sensual way she moved had his cock begging for release.

  “Well, you’ll have to explain it to me sometime,” Corneal snapped. “And by the way, we were able to get Meg home safe.”

  “Thanks, I owe you one. I’ll have to call her in the morning,” he said. Mila’s eyebrow rose as she blatantly listened in on the conversation. He knew that her imagination was running off at the mention of Meg.

  “Whose keeping score? Do you need me to come by tonight?”

  “Not sure. Depends on what Denis is able to find out. Salagin asked for me to take his daughter and move her, and that, I will.” He paused and took a healthy sip of his drink.

  “Salagin Petrovna is the one that asked you to move his daughter?” Shock lined his captain’s voice.

  “Yeah,” he answered dryly.

  “So, one of the most powerful pakhans in all of Russia now owes you a favor?”

  Kole’s eyes cut back to Mila and knew where his captain was going. If the Tokhan pakhan owed him a favor, that was their way to avoid a takeover. He would definitely have to be smart on how he used the favor.

  “Something like that.”

  Mila crossed her legs, causing the slit of her dress to put her creamy thighs on display. His cock pushed against his pants, gaining his attention. He needed to have release, and that form of release would be Mila seated on his cock as he thrust deep inside of her.


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