Unexpected Allies

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Unexpected Allies Page 15

by Peyton Banks

  “Who, me? I can handle pain medication. If I needed to, I could march right out this room and kick some ass,” she drawled.

  “You don’t have to prove anything,” he chuckled, but soon his joking disappeared. Her getting shot was a close one. Thankfully, they had all worn vests, knowing that this was going to be a dangerous mission. Everyone had bruises, but she was the only one shot. His men were good, and only the Slokavich men were killed.

  “Remind me that I need to thank Denis again,” she murmured, snuggling down into her blankets.

  “For what?” he asked, stroking her head.

  “Before you came in the room, Vlad said there were cameras all throughout the house. With him blowing it up, the video of me should be erased.”

  His hand paused in mid-air at her words. He had been pissed at Denis for breaking out that type of artillery because he definitely drew attention of the local law enforcement agencies.

  It had been plastered all over the news that morning. Of course, the police weren’t letting it out that one of the most infamous crime family bosses was killed in a battle between mafias, ending with his home being blown to Timbuktu. They instead, spun the story as a gas leak had exploded, killing the local resident who happened to be home, and there were no survivors.

  But Kole knew that every mafia boss, captain, and down to the lowly soldiers, would know what happened that night. But if what Vlad told Mila was true, thanks to Denis, there would be no record of her being there. No one to try to extract revenge on her or her family.

  “Get some rest, Mila,” he murmured, pressing his lips to her forehead. “I’m sure your brother will be calling soon.”

  “He’ll be okay. Because of me, he’ll now be the true king of New York.”

  Kole bit back a retort at her show of loyalty toward her brother. He never wanted her to have to choose between him and her family. So he bit his tongue and laid another kiss on her forehead. He let out a deep sigh as he took in her words.

  She was right.

  With the patriarch member of the Tokhan’s biggest rival out of the way, Pasha would be able to wipe out the rest of their organization. They would be in a state of panic and disarray. What better time to eliminate one’s enemy?

  When they’re stuck on the shitter with their pants around their ankles.

  Chapter 24

  Mila marched into her brother’s establishment with her head held high. It had been two days since she received a call from him, demanding that she bring her ass back to New York. The bouncer immediately opened the door for her as she, Oleg, and Davor approached him.

  Cherry Blossom was packed with drunken partiers, but they weren’t too drunk to know to move out her way as she made her way through the club.

  “You sure you’re up to this?” Davor asked her as he pushed someone out of his way.

  “I don’t have a choice; he’s my brother,” she replied. Her body was still sore, but the last few days she had rested. She knew it would take time for her body to heal to one hundred percent. She would not be able to hide from her brother for long.

  Word had made its way to him that Vlad was killed, and of course he naturally assumed she had something to do with it. Well, she put on her big girl panties today and would graciously accept this ass chewing.

  Davor and Oleg had caught her up on the events that had occurred while she was on the run. According to them, the Black Society had taken out their revenge on the lowlife wannabe gangs that thought they would collect the bounty on her head. The thugs had thought they would fight back, but the Black Society’s pockets ran deep. There wasn’t a law enforcement agency that wasn’t in the pocket of the Black Society.

  The charity auction had been rescheduled in the next couple of months. The true charities that the organizations raised money for shouldn’t have to suffer.

  They arrived at the VIP section of the club. Oleg opened the door for her and she walked in, wearing a halter top with leather leggings and a favorite pair of heels. She almost felt sexy, if it wasn’t for the large bruises that she had collected. The private balcony was booming with the VIP patrons, as usual for a Friday night.

  As in normal fashion, her brother sat at his favorite table in the corner of the private balcony. He was not alone. Boris and two skanks dressed in bikinis were draped over the both of them. She tried not to roll her eyes at the whore who was trying to get her brother’s attention.

  She pushed her flowing hair from her face as she stalked toward her brother, stopping in front of his table. Oleg and Davor stood off to the side as she faced her brother.

  “Boris.” She nodded a greeting to her brother’s other captain.

  “Mila, it’s good to see you in one piece,” he chuckled as he leaned back in the chair, as if waiting to watch a show between siblings.

  She glowered at the bimbos who dismissed her.

  “Get the fuck out of here, skanks,” she demanded. She refused to talk family business in front of two bimbos.

  “You heard my sister. Leave,” Pasha said, dismissing them. He had yet to take his eyes off of Mila. Mila raised her chin, refusing to falter. She handled herself well and didn’t get herself killed while doing it.

  “Jora,” her brother called out to the head of security. He motioned for him to clear the balcony. A sense of déjà vu settled over her as Jora and security cleared the pool and the patrons sitting at the poolside tables.


  “You have got to have the biggest fucking balls to waltz your ass in here with your head held high, as if you owned this fucking place,” Pasha snapped.

  “Just let me explain—”

  “You were given a direct order to stand down, Mila.” Pasha cut her off as he leaned on the table. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as she waited to for him to finish. “An order.” He slammed his fist down on the table.

  The music playing from the DJ booth cut out, leaving them in silence.

  “Am I allowed to respond now?” she asked, settling her hands on her hips. He gave her a death stare, but he forgot one thing. He was her older brother and he couldn’t intimidate her in the way that he did his men.

  “Please do.” He motioned for her to go ahead.

  “Yes, you gave me a direct order and I tried to stay out of it. But you know this family is ingrained in me, just as much as it is in you. Had it been the other way around, do you think you would have stayed away? Would you want me and Nikolai on the front lines while you were hidden away? Let me answer for you, no. Fuck no you wouldn’t stay away,” she snapped.


  “I’m not finished.” She pounded her fist on the table. Even Boris had shock registered on his face at her outburst. “It was too much for just you to handle. We are a team, we have always been one. Since the time we were children, you, Nikolai, and I have always had each other’s backs. With the war going on, the only thing I could do to help was to get the contract on my head cancelled and I handled that. And in doing that, you are now officially the King of New York. Did I hear a thank you for that? Did I hear “I’m glad you didn’t get yourself killed, Mila?” No, I didn’t. Just a “Get your ass back to New York,” was all I got,” she snapped, her breaths coming fast.

  “Am I allowed to respond now?” Pasha asked, standing from his seat and walking from around the table to stand next to her. Even in heels, she had to tip her head back to look at her older brother.

  “Thank you,” he said, cupping her head in his hands as he placed a kiss on her forehead. She softened on the inside as she would only do for her brother.

  Dammit, she cursed to herself. She had been on a roll.

  “But if I ever hear of you racing off with guns blazing into a battle with our enemy again, I will tan your backside myself,” he growled, holding her chin in his hand. The look in his eyes had her believing her brother. “We have much more to discuss, but right now, order a drink and grab a seat. We are expecting company.”

  Company? As much as sh
e was trying to put on her tough front, she was dog tired and was hoping to leave here and go home. She hadn’t spoken to Kole in a day since he had dropped her off at her place. She flagged the waitress down and ordered her favorite drink while settling in next to her brother.

  “Sir, Kole Bozovic is in the building,” Jora announced to the table.

  She turned a curious eye to her brother who nodded toward the door. Her breath caught in her throat as Kole and his men walked through the door. Her eyes greedily took him in. His tailored suit fit him perfectly. She knew what the suit held, and she had to keep herself from licking her lips.

  “Pasha,” Kole said in greeting. Her brother stood and met Kole, shaking his hand in a firm grip.

  Mila didn’t know what to make of this meeting.

  “Please, Kole, have a seat.” Pasha motioned for the empty chair next to Mila. Mila glanced at Kole, but his face was expressionless. She couldn’t read him or her brother.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Kole said as he unbuttoned his suit jacket. The waitress came over to their table and took his order as she dropped off Mila’s drink. She took a healthy sip of her vodka tonic, completely left in the dark. “With the Slokavich Bratva out of the way, your organization will be the largest here in New York.”

  “Kole, what are you doing here?” she murmured to him. He turned to her and smiled as he scooted her chair closer to him. He placed his arm on the back of her chair.

  “I invited him here,” Pasha announced, to her surprise.

  “For what?” she asked, looking back and forth between them.

  “Well, I can’t have my baby sister declaring that she’s in love with my rival. A rival who at the asking of our father, took my sister and moved her out of harm’s way.”

  “It was my pleasure.” Kole nodded as he threw a wink at Mila. “She was a little difficult to handle sometimes, but I was able to finally get her under my control.”

  “Excuse me,” she gasped, turning to Kole.

  “While you’ve been resting, Kole and I had a long discussion. We both care for you and want what is best for you,” Pasha stated.

  “It was unexpected, but a necessary conversation,” Kole informed her.

  “What did you talk about?”

  “I have made an offer to Kole that he just could not refuse,” Pasha announced. The waitress came back and dropped off Kole’s drink.

  “I certainly could not resist. Your brother is a shrewd businessman. I have to say that I respect the hell out him right now.” Kole tipped his drink toward her brother.

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell you two are talking about?” she demanded.

  “Kole and I have buried our rivalry. I offered Kole a truce. The Belotov gang will be an ally to the Tokhan Bratva, but only with one stipulation.”

  “Well? What is that?” she asked her brother. She felt Kole’s arm disappear from the back of her chair.

  “He’d have to make an honest woman out of you,” her brother stated, nodding his head in Kole’s direction.

  She turned and a gasp escaped from her as she found Kole on one knee next to her with a small velvet box in his hand.

  “What do you say, Mila?” Kole asked as he opened the small box, revealing a large princess cut diamond with small diamonds surrounding it. Everyone around them became quiet as they waited for her reply.

  “Kole, I don’t know what to say.” She sniffed as she held the back of her hand to her face. Her heart slammed into her chest as she stared into his eyes. She knew that there was no one else for her.

  “Say yes, Mila,” Kole murmured, his eyes locked on hers.

  “Yes,” she cried out, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Fuck, yes!”

  Letter to the Reader

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking the time to read Unexpected Allies. I hope you enjoyed Mila and Kole’s story! If you want to keep receiving books in this series, leave a review telling me what you thought of the book! I love reading what my readers think of my work and this will let me know if you want more from the Tokhan bratva!

  Again, thank for reading Unexpected Allies!

  Warm wishes,

  Peyton Banks

  Unexpected Chaos

  Sneak Peek

  Chapter One

  “To the King of New York,” Boris Rokossovsky called out in a toast.

  “King of New York,” was called out, echoing throughout the nightclub. The Treasured Angel was a popular gentlemen’s club that was packed with members of the Tokhan Bratva for a celebration. They had plenty to celebrate tonight.

  Pavel “Pasha” Petrovna tipped his glass to the men surrounding him. Men that were loyal to him as the pakhan of the Tokhan Bratva. Thanks to his younger sister, their brotherhood was now the largest organized crime unit in all of New York.

  King of New York sounded fucking good to him. He took a sip of his drink as he observed his men enjoying themselves.

  A few months ago, they went to war with their most notorious rivals, the Slokavich Bratva. This rival dated back to the days of the creation of the two organizations in the motherland, Russia.

  Vladen Jaksch, the pakhan of the Slokavich Bratva, had took out a contract on Pasha’s sister, Mila, citing that she had attempted to kill him. Mila, one of the deadliest women in organized crime, didn’t take too kindly to the lies he had spread. Had his sister gone after Vladen, it wouldn’t have been an attempt. Leaving a mark alive wasn’t her style. Vladen would have certainly met his maker had she been the one to deal with him.

  Vladen’s blatant disrespect for the Tokhan Bratva was evident when he then proceeded to declare war on the Tokhan as retribution of the faked attempt on his life. The Tokhan’s, not an organization to take threats lightly, went toe-to-toe with the other mafia. The short-lived war had been brutal, with much blood spilled on the streets of not only New York, but along the Eastern seaboard.

  With a heavy contract on Mila’s head, many assassins had gone out, gunning for her. It was at the request of their father, Salagin Petrovna, that Pasha’s other enemy, Kole Bozovic, take Mila and move her. Kole was a shipping mogul and had a reputation of moving items with no questions and no trace. He accepted the elder pakhan’s request to get her out of harm’s way. With the attempts on her life, it was not safe for her to remain in New York.

  While on the run and against his better judgment, Mila had taken it upon herself to go after the pakhan of the Slokavich Bratva. He wasn’t sure what the hell had happened, but from what he did know, his stubborn sister had gone in with guns blazing to force Vladen Jaksch to cancel the contract on her head.

  In Mila fashion, she had to shoot her way out of the situation while suffering a bullet wound. In the end, she had taken out the leader of the other Bratva, leaving their organization in a state of disarray, allowing Pasha to move in and disassemble them.

  Hence the new title, King of New York.

  “Congratulation are in order for our sister who is not with us tonight,” Yulian Nazarou, his other captain called out. Everyone raised their glasses again. No, Mila was not there. She was probably somewhere with her new fiancé.

  “To Mila,” a voice shouted with a raised glass.

  “To Mila,” echoed around the club.

  Yes, congratulations were in order. Mila had fallen in love with Kole Bozovic, and right now, they were planning their wedding. Pasha knew a good business opportunity when he saw one. Kole and Mila would wed, meaning that Kole’s organization, the Belotov gang, would become a strong ally for the Tokhans. Everything would be right in the world.

  Pasha glanced up at the change of music. A new girl, dressed only in a skinny outfit, came out on the main stage and began grinding on the stripper’s pole. Catcalls and lewd comments were thrown out as she took what little items she had off. The Treasured Angel was an exclusive club that didn’t grant entrance to just anyone.

  “Here’s another drink, sir,” the waitress announced as she dropped off his dri
nk and took his empty glass.

  He settled back as he watched the female on stage. He might as well enjoy himself tonight. His men deserved a night on the town to relax. They had been working diligently as they continued their takeover of all the Slokavich territory.

  “You look so serious and tense.” A female’s husky voice appeared at his side. Two small hands slid along his shoulders and began to gently massage them. He relaxed as the hands worked wonders on his tense muscles.

  He glanced over to his side and found a female with dark hair. His eyes perused her body, finding her full breasts straining against her low-cut top. Her short skirt showed off her long, tan legs.

  “I think we need to take him to a private room and help him relax,” the one massaging his shoulders spoke up.

  “I have had a rough week,” he murmured, knocking back a healthy amount of vodka. Rough week barely described the past seven days.

  “Hmm…that sounds like a great idea,” the brunette announced, licking her luscious red lips. She reached down and took his hand in hers. He knew what happened in the private rooms and was in need of a good release.

  The Treasured Angel was known to employ the hottest women around who loved to have a good time, and anything was a go as long as all parties were down for a little fun. The owner was on Pasha’s payroll, and tonight, the club was reserved for his men only. His security was posted around the building and outside to ensure that they would be able to relax.

  Pasha could feel his cock thickening at the thought of taking two women. He pushed back from the table and glanced at the one massaging his shoulders, finding a little hot blonde with a low-cut black dress, with a zipper that ran the length of the material. The blonde came up and took his other hand as the brunette led them through the club.

  Tonight would be a night of relaxation and enjoyment. These two would do well enough.


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