Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)

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Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice) Page 4

by Vaughn, Violet

  Oh my gosh. I tear up. I’ve just witnessed what real people in love do when they argue. My heart aches, wanting that. I dab at my eyes with a napkin and notice Kaleb is back.

  He places the tray down, and his eyebrows lower in concern. “Are you okay?”

  Uh-oh. Quick, how do I explain this? His hand lands on mine, and I smile up at him. I decide to go with emotional female. “I’m fine. I’m just having a girl moment, witnessing something sweet. I should learn not to get so involved in my people watching.”

  His face warms in a smile. “You’re cute.”

  “I don’t know about that. It’s kind of creepy when you think about it.” I smile, but it’s fake. What’s creepy is my reaction to conflict. Any conflict. I pick up the extra fork. “What’ve we got here?”

  “Black Forest cake. I guessed you like chocolate.”

  “Good guess.” I plunge my fork into a rich-looking, oversized slice of cake. I put it in my mouth, and the sugar makes me salivate in pleasure. “Ummmm.” I close my eyes to concentrate on the taste. “Oh yeah, Casey knows good dessert.”

  When I open my eyes Kaleb is looking at my mouth. His eyes are hooded, and my core twinges. He’s hungry for more than dessert. So am I.

  I take a few more bites before I’m full and watch in amazement as Kaleb manages to polish off the rest. “You surprise me. I didn’t take you for a dessert guy.”

  “It’s my weakness. I’m a sugar addict. You know my dark secret now.” He sits back and sighs with satisfaction.

  “If that’s your dark secret, I’m afraid to tell you mine.” For real.

  “That’s okay. I’ll figure it out.” He taps his temple with a finger. “I’m pretty psychic when it comes to women.

  I hope not. But I grin. “And cocky too.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” He winks at me. “But it’s all part of the charm. How am I doing?”

  “It works for me.” I give him a coy smile. I gather my tea items and stand to bring them to the dirty-dishes bins. Kaleb stands with his dessert plate.

  I say, “I’ll take that. Be right back.” I walk off and hope he watches me the way I watched him and that he likes what he sees.

  When I return, Kaleb holds my coat for me, and I put it on. When he turns me to face him and zips it up, we’re so close I want to kiss him in the worst way. He licks his lips, and it’s a telepathic message to the pit of my belly.

  “C’mon, let’s get out of here.” His voice is low and deep, and it resonates through me. He takes my hand and leads me out of the café.

  With a full stomach, and plenty of time to warm up, the brisk night air doesn’t penetrate my jacket. Although the anticipation of kissing the hot guy holding my hand might have something to do with that. We walk in silence back to our vehicles. Our feet beat out a rhythm. Stars twinkle over the dark outline of the Continental Divide.

  “Isn’t the sky here beautiful? It makes me feel so small.” Kaleb looks up at the stars, and the streetlights reflect in his eyes.

  I say, “I know. It’s amazing when you think about it. We’re nothing in this huge universe.” I snuggle in to his side as we walk slowly.

  Kaleb stops and puts a finger under my chin. Tilting my head up he leans down to kiss me. Soft lips nibble my mouth tenderly. His tongue darts in just enough to test the waters. I meet him with mine and we explore more deeply. He tastes of salt, spice, and sweetness. When he pulls away, my lips throb for more.

  I hook my arm around his as we continue down the sidewalk. My truck is only feet away, and I don’t want this night to end. “I had a really nice time.”

  He says, “Me too. Will I see you early tomorrow morning?” We stop by my driver’s door.

  “Yes.” I reach up to grasp the fabric of his coat by his chest. He leans down to kiss me again. This time it’s deeper. I lose myself in the sensation of his tongue as it explores my mouth. His arms pull me tight against his chest, and heat seems to seep through layers of fabric to ignite my desire.

  When he pulls away, I blurt out, “Wow.”

  He grins. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  I hold back the excited noise that threatens to escape and pull my keys out of my pocket. While I fumble with the lock, Kaleb kisses the top of my head. “Good-night, Lori.”

  The lock turns with a click, and I turn to him. “Good-night, Kaleb. See you tomorrow.”

  I let myself into my truck and watch him walk away. I can’t help myself and let out a little squeal of delight. I drive home with the stars shining down on me and my head in the clouds.

  Chapter 7

  I should have known it would happen. The dream. It had been so long since I’d had it I thought maybe it was gone forever. I thought wrong. Last night I woke up sweating and shaking and so sure Lucas was in my room I wanted to crawl under the bed. The vision… I shake my head, hard. I try to clear the awful memory.

  But the image of my face and my body won’t go away. A naked person lies on an ice rink. Jet-black hair is splayed artfully, and the girl looks posed in a beautiful sleep. Only, because it’s me, I’m embarrassed.

  It’s been a while since the ice was resurfaced, and frosty residue from sharp skates is everywhere. As if I’m zooming in with a camera, the scene gets closer, and my body gets larger. My skin is so pale it’s translucent, and I see blue veins.

  My hand reaches toward the porcelain face, so unlike reality. I see a piece of my hair is in my mouth and I want to take it out. I would find it annoying. Frost is on my eyelashes and nostrils. Am I alive? I reach to pull the hair out of my mouth, and something comes with it. Fear grips my heart as ice flows through my veins.

  I’ve never seen what it is that comes out of my mouth. But whatever my mind blocks me from seeing, it causes sheer terror.

  The memory makes me hug myself, and a tiny shudder runs through my body.

  In line at the post office, a voice behind me speaks. “Cold today, huh?” I turn to sleepy brown eyes.

  “Yeah, but the snow was nice.” I’m being polite. The skunk-like odor of the guy behind me makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel completely out of my element. I suppose that was the plan, but it still seems weird.

  “I have a package.” I hand the yellow notice to the mail lady behind the counter. I take the priority box from the woman’s hands. “Thanks.” Not even my dream can ruin my happiness right now. It’s like Christmas morning as I glide out to my truck, anxious to open the package. Not here, though. Instead, I put it on my passenger seat for later. I lock up and head toward The Bike Shop.

  The bell attached to the top of the door jingles as I push it open. Numerous people are inside, and I know Kaleb is too busy for me to hang around. Spotting him with a customer, I wait to catch his eye. He sees me and nods his head to indicate he’ll be with me when he can.

  I walk to the ski rack and listen to two guys talk. I hear the words “wood” and “titanium,” which tells me I have no interest in what they have to say. I move toward the bright-colored ski poles.

  “Lori.” I turn and am startled by Kaleb’s crystal-blue eyes. He reaches for my hands, and I clasp on. His warm, strong fingers wrap around mine.

  “Hi.” I let the big grin I’ve been containing spread across my face. “My skates are here.”

  “Great. You look more excited about tomorrow than I am.” Kaleb steps in close, and I catch his clean, salty scent.

  I want to put a hand on his chest and feel the tight cotton of his T-shirt strained against his well-defined pecs. I lose myself for a second before I look up at him. “Uh-huh.”

  He shakes his head. Yeah, I think he’d like me to touch him, too. “I wish it weren’t so busy.” He takes a step backward. “Tomorrow night, I’m all yours.”

  I rub my hands together and raise my eyebrows. “That you are, and I have plans for you.” Tomorrow night, I plan to kiss Kaleb in a way that leaves him wanting so much more.

  He winks at me. “I can’t wait.” Somehow, I don’t think Kaleb will be the only one wan
ting more.

  * * *

  When I get home, I put the kettle on. Feeling sassy, I spoon out a chai blend of tea into the filter. The spicy aroma floats to my nose and tingles. Tea is one of my things. I have a small collection of loose-leaf blends in tins and find the process of brewing a small pot to pour into a pretty teacup relaxing. The honey container spits into the pot as I work to get the last bit out. I make a mental note to buy more.

  While I wait for the water to boil, I get my scissors from the bathroom medicine cabinet. I catch my reflection and stop. The dream face seeps into my mind, but as I look at the mirror I see red lips and olive skin colored with life. A sense of relief looms over me.

  The kettle grumbles as water gets closer to boiling. I open up the scissors and use one blade to slice the tape on the edge of my package. Inside is a tissue-paper-wrapped mound surrounded by packing peanuts. I clutch it to my chest—my practice skates. Peeling the soft tissue away reveals well-worn and dirty leather. I slide my hand over the buttery material that holds the slight impression of my foot.

  The faded scent of sweaty skates floats to my brain. These haven’t been on ice in over two years. I pull one on and lace it up. Twisting my foot around in the air, I close my eyes.

  My chest heaves with exertion, and the strength in my legs propels me faster down the ice. Ready, set my edge, and leap! I’m up and snap my arms into my chest as I rotate—one, two, three and a half times. My blade hits the ice, and I bend my knee to absorb the shock as my other leg extends behind me. Nailed it. Momentum moves me backward while I recover. Within seconds, my hips twist me forward to begin the next move.

  A tear slides down my cheek. My dream was the Olympics, and it was so close. I’d given up everything to make it happen. Only I’d given up too much. No. Stop. He took too much. I know it wasn’t my fault, and in my head I know I did nothing wrong. But damn it, I hate being a victim.

  The kettle screams, and I brush away the tears. I remove the skate, and the metal blade catches the light and flashes against the wall as I drop it in a rush to get to the boiling water.

  I’m done crying. The dream died a while ago, and I have a new life. I’m happy and safe, and I’ll focus on the present. Tomorrow I’m going skating for fun with someone gentle and kind. Someone who thinks I’m great just the way I am.

  I pour steaming water over the tea. It’s boiling so fiercely the water bursts out of the spout and splashes around the pot. I frown at the mess I’ve made. I know better, and I grab a towel to clean it up.

  Chapter 8

  Kaleb pulls off his boot and puts on a skate. He’s wearing a black fleece and hat. I look down at my red wool mittens and say, “You look stealthy. Please tell me you brought gloves.”

  “I did. And guess what?” He winks. “They’re black.” He pats the pocket on his jacket, and I have a sneaking suspicion those gloves will stay there.

  I lace up my skate. Wearing a creamy-white fleece with a red turtleneck and red hat, I’m not even close to looking like a ninja. “I sure hope I can find you in the dark.” I give him my best flirty look as I stand.

  We both clomp out to the ice. Kaleb looks down at my skates. “Those look kind of beat-up. Did you used to skate a lot?”

  I pull off my guards. With a sneaky smile, I answer. “Kind of.” I take off like a shot and race down the ice. Tired of not being good at something, I can’t help but show off. Fortunately, there aren’t many people around tonight to get in the way. A glance over my shoulder tells me he’s right behind me. At the end, I stop abruptly and he sprays me with a traditional hockey stop.

  “Right, kind of.” Kaleb is slightly out of breath, but recovers quickly.

  “Okay, I used to compete. Want to see me jump?” I itch to whip out as many double axels as I can, but it’s been a while. It’s a big jump, so I opt for a simple one.

  “Of course. Show me what you’ve got.” His face glows.

  I skate out, do a single flip jump and go into a spin.

  Kaleb claps. “Nice!”

  I skate back to him. “Want to race around the rink? I feel the need for speed.”

  “Absolutely.” Kaleb takes off like I did to him.

  I catch up easily and we fly around the perimeter. I welcome the wind in my face like an old friend. After a couple of laps, I can’t help myself. I turn backward and prepare to do a double Salchow jump.

  I’m up. The landing is smooth, and I go into a spin. Chains of self-control fall from my limbs. I continue on and try a few different jumps. The power of my body intoxicates me. As I keep moving, I notice people have cleared the ice to watch me. I don’t care. I begin to skate as if I’m in competition. Music plays in my head, but I’m doing whatever comes to me. No judges, no routine, and most importantly—no coach. The high of performing has me on fire. I don’t ever want to stop.

  After a few minutes, my legs burn, and I slow down to do a final layback spin followed by a sit spin. It’s a crowd pleaser and the perfect ending. When I finish, my pulse pounds at a familiar rate in my chest. I resist the urge to raise my arms and bow. People clap, and I skate self-consciously over to Kaleb.

  “That was intense. I’ve never seen anything like it. I had no idea.” He grins at me with pride, and embarrassment floods my cheeks.

  “Yeah, I got a little carried away. It’s just that, well…” I let out a breath. “It was my life for so long, and it’s been a while since I skated.” I put my hand on my racing heart. “Gosh, that felt great.” I look up at him with excitement in my eyes.

  A high-school-aged girl skates over to me. “You’re Lori Langley, aren’t you?”

  Oh no. I can’t lie. Kaleb knows my name. “I am. How did you know?” Shit, shit, shit. Things are about to get uncomfortable.

  “You were my idol. I was at nationals when you made the Olympic team. But…” She stops, and I know she’s hesitant to ask the next question.

  “I know.” I drop my voice to a whisper and skirt around the issue. “And then I got hurt.” Moisture fills my eyes. And I think about all the tabloid stories that surrounded the incident. “I’m sorry. I can’t talk about this.” I skate off toward the warming hut.

  Kaleb is right behind me. “Hey.” His voice is soft, and he touches my arm. I turn to him as tears stream down my face. He pulls me against his chest. “Shhh, it’s okay.” Firm arms hold me, and he strokes my hair.

  I let myself cry a little and then stop. I pull away with a sniff. “I’m sorry.”

  Kaleb leans down and lifts my chin with his finger. It’s a move that endears me to him more than he can possibly know. He says, “Don’t be. Let’s go get you a hot chocolate. Okay?”

  I nod. This guy is so sweet. How is it he knows not to ask what’s wrong and just hold me?

  We put our guards on and march over to a table. “You sit, and I’ll go get them.” He clunks off, and I wipe my nose with a napkin.

  When he returns he has a big cookie, too. “I thought you might need it.” Crumbs fall as he snaps it half.

  “Are you sure you’re not a girl in disguise? You’re way too good at this.” I give him a weak smile.

  “Nope, but I’ve had great training. I have three older sisters. Crying? Pshaw.” He waves a hand dramatically. “Ten bottles of different shampoo? Normal. Need me to buy feminine products along with ice cream and chips? No problem.”

  I snicker and look at him with gratitude. “Thank your sisters for me. You’re a treasure.” I marvel at the magic of chocolate as I take a cautious sip. It’s not too hot, and I suspect it’s because so many children skate here. I drink a mouthful and let the sweet flavor please my taste buds.

  He reaches out and puts his hand on mine. “Would you like to leave?”

  “Actually, no. Can we just skate around for a bit? No fancy moves, let’s just skate and talk. I want to hear about you and your sisters.” I break off a piece of the cookie and put it in my mouth.

  “The first thing you should know is they tortured me. Still do. When you mee
t them, they’ll show you the picture of me in a dress.”

  When I meet them? My stomach flips. I’m not sure if it’s from happiness or fear. “A dress?” I snort. “Do I want to know?”

  He lets out an exasperated noise. “I was two. I suppose my mother let them because she thought it would make great ammunition for when I was a troublesome teen.” He pops the last bit of cookie in his mouth.

  “Ah, but did they bring home hot girls when you were an underclassman?” He chews as I see his eyes light up, and he nods.

  I don’t wait for him to speak. “I don’t have any brothers and sisters. I would’ve loved to have grown up in your family.”

  “I used to want to be an only child. Nobody to fight over the remote and a bathroom to myself was my idea of heaven.” He sighs.

  “It’s lonely.” I begin to clean up our snack.

  He reaches for the garbage and takes it from me. He stands, and in one quick movement throws it in the can with ease. Holding out an arm, he looks at me. “Let’s go take a few turns around the rink.”

  We walk to the ice, and I don’t let go. The echo of excited voices marks our exit from the hut. We match strides as we skate slowly around the edge. “Do you miss Christmas with your family?” I ask. I notice the stars twinkling in the background. I’m amazed that they can be seen over the floodlights.

  “A little, but by the time I was in college, it wasn’t the same. My sisters have their lives, and we stopped getting together as a whole group.” The rhythmic motion of our feet scrapes out a steady beat. “What about you? Is this your first holiday away from home?”

  A painful memory floods my mind. “No. I had a couple of years when training got in the way. But my mom came to me, and we had a nice time together.” If you call being rescued from hell a nice time. “This year will be my first year without seeing my mom, though. I guess that makes me a grown-up, huh?”

  “I have a feeling you had to grow up a long time ago.” Kaleb pulls me in a little tighter, and I breathe in his salty scent. I have the urge to tell him everything. But I can’t.


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