Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)

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Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice) Page 14

by Vaughn, Violet

  Edie says, “It’s a laundry chute to the garage. You drop a story, so be prepared for the hit. It lands right by the side door and you can escape.”

  I try to make light of the situation. “This is kind of cool in a spy-girl way.”

  “You bring up my next point. Have you ever taken a self-defense course?”

  I put the closet back together. “Kaleb taught me some moves a few weeks ago.”

  “Good. If you want to review them, I can help you. Stop by tomorrow after work.” Edie leads us back out to the living room. “Do I smell tea?” She scans my living room, and her eyes linger on my book.

  She knows I don’t want to be alone. “Yes, it’s chamomile. I have cookies, too. Would you like some?”

  “Yum. Let me run downstairs to get my book, and I’ll sit with you tonight. I’m a little lonely and could use the company.”

  My heart warms at her kindness. “Thank you, Edie. I appreciate it.” I unlock the door for her and hear her feet pound down the steps in a jog.

  Gretchen. Damn, I wish I could text. It’s too late to call her, and she wouldn’t pick up a strange number. No need to panic her more. I’ll have to tell her first thing in the morning.

  Chapter 31

  Back to my paranoid ways, I’m super aware as I make my way to the locker room. I plan to take a few runs alone to focus on skiing and get my head together. I need to figure out what to do about Kaleb. A clump of snow explodes when I kick it.

  Selfishly, I’m not ready to let him go. But do I want to drag him into this? He’s the kind of guy that will stand by me. He’s also the kind of guy that won’t walk away if I gave him a choice. Maybe I shouldn’t give him any option.

  I pull open the locker room door and am greeted by the low roar of voices. But then it hits me. It doesn’t matter because it’s too late. The moment he got involved with me he was doomed.

  My stomach sinks, thinking about how stupid I’ve been. Even if I did leave, I have to tell Kaleb. He’s in danger, too. Lucas never let another guy touch me in any way. I can’t imagine what he’ll do to one that has done so much more.

  I glance down Kaleb’s aisle, but he isn’t there, and I remember that he talked about sleeping in after so many night shifts this week. I suppose that’s good. As much as I want to jump into his arms and feel better, I have to figure how to keep him safe.

  The moment I see him, all resolve disappears. “Kaleb.” Leaning against my locker, he has two coffee cups. He brought me tea. Tears surprise me, but I don’t bother to stop them.

  Kaleb sees them and sets down the cups. He holds his arms open for me. I let his embrace warm me as silent tears fall. After a few moments, I sniff and look up into his eyes. I barely speak. “He’s here.”

  “You’ve seen him?” He grips both of my arms.

  “No. But Gretchen has. And he left me signs. Kaleb, I’m really afraid.” My voice wavers. “Not just for me, but for you.”

  “Don’t be. I’ll kill the asshole.” His hands squeeze my arms before he lets go.

  “I wish it were that simple.” I shake my head. “He’s good at this. You have no idea.”

  “So what happened? How do you know?” He clenches his hands, and rage flashes in his eyes, but he stays calm for my benefit.

  “Last night Gretchen told me about this weird guy she thought she saw at the rec center and that he was outside our locker room the other morning when she snowboarded with you.” I sniff again. “I scared the snot out of her saying she might have a stalker. When I drove her home last night, a truck chased us until we got to the police station.” I shake my head in disgust. “Of course they can’t do anything because we couldn’t ID the guy or the truck.”

  Kaleb slides a hand down his face. “Why didn’t you call me?” His eyes close for a second. “Right, no phone. Never mind. Tell me about the sign.”

  I suck my lips between my teeth to stop them from trembling. “I found an Olympic training camp brochure in my locker at the rec center.”

  “We need to go to the police. You can’t live in fear like this.” His voice is steely, and I see the muscles of his jaw jump.

  “The police know. I live over the police chief’s garage.” I touch his arm. “Last night my landlady told me Lucas has violated parole, and they don’t know where he is.” Tears are on the brink of falling, but I have more I need to say.

  “I need to show you a picture of him. So you’ll know what he looks like. He’ll go after you. I don’t doubt it for a second.”

  “I know what he looks like, Lori.” He sighs. “I googled some of your old performances to watch you skate. You were amazing.” He outlines the edge of my face with his finger. “It’s easy to figure out who Lucas is in those videos.”

  I shudder. I’m not sure if it’s the sensation of his touch or the memory of Lucas at competition. I’ll bet Kaleb found a lot more than videos, and it makes me sad he had to read it.

  “Okay. What can I do?” asks Kaleb.

  “First, can you text Gretchen and tell her she doesn’t have a stalker? She’s got to be a mess.”

  He nods his head. “Yeah, sure.” I watch as he pulls out his phone and taps out a quick text.

  His blue eyes reach out to me. “You know I don’t want to let you out of my sight, right?”

  I nod as moisture fills my eyes. “I know. But you have to live your life.”

  “My life?” An incredulous look spreads across his face. “Your life is a hell of a lot more important to me right now.” He takes me by the arms again. “I’m not letting you be alone. If I’m not with you, then someone else needs to be.”

  I nod my head in agreement. I should just leave. How can I make him live through this? I know this nightmare all too well.

  “That means you don’t drive to work alone. You don’t sleep alone, and you don’t even go to the bathroom alone. Got it?”

  I nod again as tears stream down my face. Casey comes around the corner, and Kaleb pulls me against his chest.

  “Hey, guys.” I hear her bag fall to the bench with a thud. “Is everything all right?”

  I pull away and wipe my arm across my eyes. “Yeah, I’m just having a rough morning.” I force a smile. “Lucky for me, I’ve got this big teddy bear to make it all better.”

  She cocks her head at me as if she’s not so sure. “I’m off to the bathroom. Want to come?”

  “No, I’m fine.” I watch her leave.

  When she’s around the corner Kaleb speaks. “I won’t let him hurt you. We’ll fix this. I promise.” The determination on his face gives me a sliver of relief.

  How did I find this man? “Kaleb?”

  He lifts my chin and wipes a tear from my cheek. I whisper, “Thank you.” Soft lips kiss me tenderly. A sensation spreads through my stomach, but it’s not pleasure.

  Chapter 32

  After work, Kaleb has me drive to his house while he follows. He managed to get Gretchen to cover for him tonight, but she can’t get to the shop for the beginning of his shift. We drop off his car, and he runs inside to grab an overnight bag. Guilt that I’m taking him away from money he probably needs bleeds into my thoughts, but I’m relieved. He makes me feel safer. He’s a big guy, and Lucas wouldn’t stand a chance against him.

  I turn on the radio and wait. I search the stations, trying to find something I want to listen to, but it’s no use. I switch off the music with more force than I need.

  I can’t sit still, and when Kaleb gets in he starts talking. He tells me a funny story about his afternoon class. I half listen and warm with gratitude. He knows I’m afraid and need the distraction. I love him more for it.

  Kaleb lets us in the back door of The Bike Shop, and it opens up to the tuning and repairs area. A hint of melted wax wafts toward us as I notice Nick work on a ski binding, which is set on a high bench to make it easier to see. His dark eyes lift up to us.

  “Hey, Nick.” I smile at him and watch his expression warm up. His hair is getting long, and I imagine Megan likes
it that way. It makes his angular features and white teeth a touch softer.

  “Hey. It’s been a while. I heard you ladies had quite a wild night at Casey’s.”

  I snort. “I’m not sure wild is the right word, but we did have a good time.”

  Kaleb pulls down two aprons from a hook and speaks to Nick, “Gretchen will cover for me tonight, but she won’t be here for another hour. I’ll work on tunes until she does.” He throws an apron at me.

  “What’s this for?” I unroll it from the ball he bundled it in.

  “You didn’t plan to just watch me, did you? I’m going to teach you how to tune.”

  God, this man is amazing. I put the apron on, and he hands me squishy foam earplugs.

  “Let me show you what to do first, and then you can put those in.” Kaleb slides safety glasses on my nose.

  I put the earplugs in my apron pocket and hear the tuning machine roar to life with the flip of a switch. He shows me the process of grinding the metal edges on a ski. My job will be to hand file any burrs that might remain after Kaleb is done.

  I put my earplugs in, give him a thumbs-up, and we begin. I’m grateful for something to do. The file is cool and solid in my hand as I rub it against the edge of a ski. The work doesn’t require a whole lot of brainpower, but it’s Zen enough in the fine details that I relax.

  An hour goes by quickly. When Gretchen opens the back door, I jump at the sound. She makes a beeline toward me.

  I barely hear, “What the fuck, Lori?” She pulls me into a hug that’s a little too tight.

  When she releases me, she has tears in her eyes. I pull out my earplugs. “Whoa. I’m okay, Gretch.”

  “No. This isn’t okay.” She runs her hands through her bleached hair. “It’s just not, and I know how you must feel right now. I spent last night on the verge of puking.” She holds up her hand. “I bit off all my fucking nails. I couldn’t sleep thinking some weirdo is out there jerking off to my picture and wants to kill me.” She paces a small area. “And then I find out that asshole last night was after you and not me. So, no. This isn’t fucking okay for you. You’re a cupcake. Got it?”

  I nod my head as my throat thickens. I should be insulted she thinks I’m weak, but I know it’s her fear talking. I was the calm one last night, and I guess that was a blow to her ego.

  “I do.” I walk over and take her hands to stop her from pacing. “I’m so sorry you had to live my nightmare. I’m sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion and scared the hell out of you.”

  She removes her hands. “Don’t apologize to me. You didn’t do anything wrong. You were trying to keep me safe.”

  Gretchen takes a deep breath. “I’m fine now. I just needed to have that little…” She waves her hand as if fanning herself. “Moment.”

  She starts to chew on a nail, and I take her hand out of her mouth. I try to diffuse the situation with humor. “You know what this means? You can still get naked for posters.”

  Gretchen tilts her head at me with an incredulous look. “That’s kind of funny. Sick,” she says, “but funny.” She removes her coat. “Okay. You two get out of here. I’ve got this.”

  I realize the tuning machine is no longer running and turn to see Kaleb fiddle with tools. He’s doing his best to look busy. That guy gets women better than any man I know. I walk over to him and put my safety glasses on their shelf. His warm hands touch my back as he unties my apron.

  I tilt my head in response. “You know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, right?”

  He leans down and kisses the side of my neck. “I can say the same thing.”

  A tiny shiver runs through me. I whisper, “Take me home.” He rewards me with a growl low enough for my ears only.

  Chapter 33

  Fat flakes lazily dance their way to the ground. A light coating is on my truck, but the windshield can be cleared with a swipe of the wipers. I hand my keys to Kaleb. “Will you drive?” I want him to take care of me tonight. I hunch down in the passenger seat with my hood pulled up. I’m not sure why I’m trying to hide. Lucas knows my truck now.

  “What do you want to do about dinner?” Kaleb drives with ease. I look at him and decide he looks good behind the wheel.

  “I made lasagna a few nights ago.” I smile. “A lot of it so you could have some. We can just heat it up when we get to my house.”

  A smile forms on his face. “A lot? Good. Because I’m starving, and you make awesome lasagna.”

  We ride in silence for a while. I would like to zone out and ignore what’s happening around me. But my survivor side won’t let it happen. Instead, I identify cars and the people we drive by. When I stop to think about it, it’s amazing the number of people that go through their routines oblivious to their surroundings. I’ve seen so many people I know who wouldn’t even notice if I waved.

  It strikes me how vulnerable I feel when we’re in Kaleb’s Subaru. When I first got my truck, it was because I knew Lucas would never imagine me in one. It doesn’t fit my personality. But over time, I’ve grown to love it. Being high up, looking over other cars, gives me a sense of power. I’m glad we’re in it right now.

  Rolling into my driveway, the snow is soft under the tires. It’s not very cold, and the flakes are even bigger now. Kaleb cuts the engine, and I hear his seat belt hit the door after he unbuckles it.

  Before he gets out, I clasp my hands in my lap and speak. “It’s important to always be aware of your surroundings.” I sweep my eyes around my driveway. “Before you get out of the car, check the ones around you and be wary if anyone is sitting in a parked one. Notice the people in the area too.”

  I say, “When we pulled in, I looked for evidence of another car being here since we last left. You can’t always tell, but you need to try.”

  Kaleb looks at me with a serious expression, but I see sadness in his eyes. My stomach sinks because I hate that he is afraid for me.

  I continue, “Most of all, trust your gut. If you sense something isn’t right, or you’re the least bit nervous, believe it.”

  He nods. “Got it. Let’s get you inside that safe house.”

  I don’t say anything, but I think, Let’s get you inside it, too.

  Our feet are nearly silent as we approach my apartment steps. Kaleb scans the area and continues when I unlock the three bolts. As soon as we enter, he shuts the door, relocks them, and slides the chain in its housing.

  I show him the escape routes, and he takes it all in without a word. His face is stormy, and I’m almost afraid to ask, “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking how much I hate Lucas and what he’s still doing to you. What the hell are the police doing about this?” I realize anger smolders in him.

  “I have a protective order, and if he comes close to me, we do have recourse. That’s what we have to hope will happen.” I don’t want to think about all the things that could go wrong with that scenario. I head back to the kitchen to heat up dinner.

  The plastic container of pasta is cold in my hand as I pull it from the fridge. I pop the cover and lay it lightly on top to keep lasagna from splattering everywhere. As I place it in the microwave, I call out to Kaleb, “Do you want any wine tonight?”

  “No, thanks. I think I’d rather keep a clear head.” He comes behind me in the kitchen as I tap in the time on the microwave.

  I lean back into his strong chest, and his arms slip around my waist. “Me too.” I twist around to face him. “I’m so sorry I dragged you into this.”

  “You’ve got nothing to apologize for. We’ll get through this together.” He touches his lips to mine. I revel in their soft fullness. When I nibble on his bottom lip, I’m suddenly hungry for him. I reach behind his head and thread my fingers through his hair. His tongue intertwines with mine as we fall into each other.

  Kaleb lifts me up as if I’m light as a feather, and I wrap my legs around his waist. Big hands support my bottom, and he backs me up against the counter to set me down.

nbsp; I pull his shirt off over his head and tug him back by his hair so I can work my way down his neck. Kissing and nipping at his salty skin, I savor the male smell of him. I suck on his nipple lightly and hear a groan of appreciation. Somewhere in the background, the microwave dings, but I’m lost in loving my man.

  “Whoa, babe.” He steps away. “Don’t hate me, but I’m famished.”

  I grin. “The honeymoon’s already over? Or am I just not doing it right?” I pull him back by his waistband as I lick my lips slowly. I unbutton his jeans and bite my lower lip.

  “Damn.” He crushes me with a kiss that tells me he forgot all about food. Desperation bubbles to the surface. I want him inside me and all horrible thoughts to be drowned out by our love. My nimble fingers unzip his jeans and reach for his hardness. It pulses in my hand.

  He groans and pulls me off the counter with hands under my thighs. I reach around his neck, and he brings us to my bed and throws me down on it. I hear his zipper grind as he works on getting undressed. I scramble to my knees to do the same.

  A flash of silver flies by as a condom packet lands on the pillow behind me. I hear my shirt land with a swish across the room where I threw it. Skinny jeans don’t come off as easily, and they tangle at my ankles. I look at the naked Adonis that stands at the end of my bed. “A little help here?” I lay back and put my feet in the air for him to remove my jeans and panties. They hit the wall before they fall as Kaleb crawls toward me.

  He doesn’t get far before he dips his head down between my thighs. Hot breath on my moist sex raises me to his mouth. “Yes.” I barely get the word out before it’s replaced with my soft cry. His tongue darts right to my clit. I’m so ready, and release is close. My body trembles with need.

  Like a volcano I explode. I clench his hair in one hand and the bedspread in my other. “Oh, Kaleb, yes!”


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