Business and Pleasure

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Business and Pleasure Page 6

by Jinni James

He rests his hands on the back of my head, not pushing or forcing, just setting them there, which makes the whole encounter even more erotic. I pull back, then immediately take him into my mouth once more. I love this. I love how he responds. I peek up at him for a moment to see him with his head tilted back, his mouth wide open. Yes he’s enjoying this. I pull back and stroke my tongue down his length before taking him again. He moves his hands to my arms and lifts me to my feet.

  “Oh, baby…what you do to me.”

  I know I have a huge grin on my face, but I can’t help myself—I feel sexually powerful, knowing I can make him shake with delight.

  “So, that’s how you want to play, huh? Okay, my turn.”

  He backs me up toward the bed, and before I know it, my knees hit the edge of the mattress and I’m falling, flat on my back. I hurry to scurry backward, using my arms and legs to crab-walk up the mattress, but he’s on me in an instant, Just as my head finds the pillows, indicating I’ve gone as far as I’m going to go, Alex covers my body with his. I think he’s going to kiss me, but as he’s about to press his lips to mine, he drops his head and instead nuzzles my neck. He places kisses down my neck to my collarbone, some light, some heavy and passionate. I think he may give some attention to my breasts, or at least I was hoping so, but no.... He presses a trail of kisses between my breasts then down my stomach. I’m already losing my mind, and so far, he hasn’t touched me anywhere he couldn’t touch me in public. I don’t know how much more I can take. Once he reaches the bottom of my stomach, he kisses each of my hips, then the inside of each thigh. He moves slowly, gently, lulling me into a sensual haze, so when his lips touch my pussy, my ass comes up off the bed, and I yelp in surprise. He rolls his tongue around my clitoris, making me nice and wet, before pulling back and softly blowing, coating me with his warm, moist breath. My entire body cried out for release. I feel like I’m on fire. I need him…now.


  He leans back to look at me. “You need only ask, Elizabeth.”

  “Fuck me, please, now!”

  “Yes, dear.”

  He climbs between my legs, bracing himself with one hand, while he takes my breast in the other. He guides my nipple into his mouth and suckles as he shifts his hips and slides inside me in one slow, deep thrust. I lift my hips upward to meet him, causing him to go deeper.

  “More, please! Oh, God, Alex…more.”

  “I love the sound of my name on your lips.”

  He drives into me again and again. My muscles are tense, craving release. My mind is a complete blur. I couldn’t even tell you my name right now. I’m lost in an erotic haze. Alex thrusts into me a few more times, and the pressure builds until finally, the sweet agony of my orgasm washes over me. Alex cries out at the same time, and in the next instant, he finds his release inside me and then he collapses on the bed next to me. I have never felt so satisfied in my entire life. My body is covered in sweat, and I’m shaking all over. Who would have ever thought sex could feel like this intense? He wraps his strong arm around my stomach as I lay and gaze up at the ceiling. I’ve never felt so complete.

  Chapter Five

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  I open my eyes to see Alex staring at me. A smile lights up his handsome face. I could definitely get used to this. He looks so cute, with his sleep-tousled hair and his wide, warm eyes gazing at me.

  “Good morning.”

  I stretch my arms over my head, and he grabs me and pulls me into a tight embrace.

  “Did you sleep well, Alex?”

  “Better than ever. I love waking up to you.”

  He places a kiss on my cheek, and then my neck. Heat pools inside me, and I’m instantaneously aroused. I can tell he feels the same when his kisses become much more aggressive. He cups my breast, and then dips his head to take my nipple between his lips. He suckles me for a moment, before drawing back and blowing on it gently. A greedy moan escapes my lips, drowned out by the blare of my alarm going off.

  Shit. Monday. We both have to get ready for work. Alex lets out a sigh.

  “If I had my way, Elizabeth Hamilton, I would stay here and make love to you until the sun goes down, and then keep you up half the night, as well.”

  That sounded heavenly.

  “Something to look forward to, then?”

  He smiled as he kissed my cheek once more.


  We both climb out of bed, and while he heads for the shower, I head for coffee. As I’m sipping my coffee, Alex comes walking down the stairs, looking just as sexy as ever, even with clothes on.

  “I could get used to this,” he says.

  I can’t help but giggle. “What do you mean?”

  “Why, waking up with you, of course. Walking down the stairs and seeing you. Just being around you.”

  How did he always know the exact, perfect thing to say?

  “I think I could get used to it, too. In fact, I know I could.”

  Alex smiles sweetly as he walks over to me. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “I really don’t want to go to work today, but unfortunately, I have to. I had a wonderful evening, Elizabeth. I hope to see you again soon. Like…really soon.”

  “I had a wonderful night, too, and yes, we’ll need to see each other again.”

  Alex grins, gives me another peck on the cheek, and then heads toward the front door.

  “I’ll be in touch, beautiful,” he calls out over his shoulder.

  As soon as he shuts the door, I find I already miss him. What in the hell is going on with me? I’ve never missed a man, except for my father. What is he doing to me? A quick glance at my wristwatch tells me I don’t have time to think about this now, so I push those thoughts away while I run up the stairs to get ready for work. But the whole time I’m getting ready, memories of last night, spent with Alex, make me smile.

  I run through my usual, Monday routine: a Neo Corp board meeting, then a stop off at the coffee shop, and then on to Hamilton. Mr. Davidson, President of Neo Corp, spent the entire meeting going on and on about some new software they’ll unveil within the next few weeks. I am not optimistic about it given how the last software he came up with crashed and burned.

  I walk into Hamilton Publishing, and once again, everyone is buzzing about something. I try not to focus on whatever it is that has them talking and make my way to my office. As soon as I step inside the door, I’m overwhelmed by the scent of fresh flowers. I look around, wide-eyed. They’re everywhere! Vases of red, white, and pink roses cover every available surface, and a vase full of white and purple Calla Lilies sits right in the middle of my desk. There’s a card sticking up out of the Calla Lilies, and with a shaking hand, I pull it out and read it.

  Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman. Although these flowers do not even come close to your beauty. ~ Alex

  Wow. The man is either absolutely crazy or terribly romantic, and either way, I love his style. As I’m walking around the room, looking at all the flowers, Natalie comes running in the door.

  “So, you and Mr. Preston had a nice weekend, huh?”

  Her nosiness and insinuating tone irritated me a little, but she means well.

  “Yes, we did actually.” I’m not about to provide any details. At least, not here, at the office.

  Natalie takes a seat in front of my desk, while I move the Calla Lilies over to the side table.

  “The entire office is talking about this, Elizabeth. I mean, Ms. Hamilton.”

  “My door is closed; you can call me Elizabeth. What do you mean the entire office? Does everyone know I spent the weekend with him?”

  “Well, they don’t know for sure; I mean, how could they? But they’re making a lot of semi-educated guesses. All these flowers showed up, and of course, the receptionist who accepted the delivery for you took a peek at the card. I guess she couldn’t help but satisfy her curiosity. I mean, you never get flowers, and everyone wondered who sent them.”

Oh. Yes, I love my staff, but the place is a nest of gossipmongers sometimes.

  “Once they figured out who sent the flowers, a few people started talking, and now most of the office is freaking out. Their CEO is going out with a man who tried to buy out their company, which makes quite a few people nervous. Half of your staff is worried you’re selling out; the other half is worried he’s just using you. Just about everyone is worried about the safety of their jobs.”

  I cannot say I saw that coming. Probably because none of it makes any sense.

  “I didn’t think about it like that, Nat.”

  “Well, if I may make a suggestion, I know you’re a very private person, but in this case, it might be helpful to hold a meeting and assure everyone that this is strictly personal, and you haven’t changed your mind about selling the company. Let them know they don’t have to worry about their jobs.”

  As much as I hate the idea, I think Natalie is right.

  “Okay. Send out an email to everyone in this office, letting them know there will be a casual meeting at one this afternoon. That will give everyone time to get some work done—me, included, since I’m sure I have manuscripts filling up my inbox.”

  Natalie stands, smoothes down her skirt, and makes her way to the door.

  “I’m on it, boss.”

  She shuts the door behind her, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe now I can have some peace and quiet. But first, I must send Alex a thank you text for sending me all these flowers. I would call, but he’s probably busy, and I know how much I hate being disturbed when I’m in the middle of something.

  Alex, I am surrounded by some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. Thank you.

  He responds immediately.

  You are most welcome. Have a wonderful day. I will be in touch soon. ;-)

  As much as I don’t want to end the conversation with him, I know I have to get some work done. I set my phone aside, settle into my chair, and open my email. Not surprisingly, there are at least twenty messages sitting here waiting on my attention. Seems as if everyone spent their weekend sending emails. Everyone but me, that is, I think with a smile.

  I’ve made my way through three manuscripts when my phone alerts me to an incoming text. A quick glance tells me it’s from Alex.

  Elizabeth, I think something is going on with Christina and your CFO. C’s been very testy today. I don’t know what’s going on, but they’re on the phone together now.

  What could Christina and Bob possibly have to discuss? Alex already told her he’s no longer interested in my company, so why would she still be talking to Bob? Had they developed an interest in one another? I snort at the thought. Highly unlikely. Bob is hardly Christina’s type. Maybe they’re conspiring together. I know Bob was upset with me for not selling, but I would never imagine he’d go behind my back in an attempt to undermine me. Not only that, but what can he possibly do? Deciding I need to get to the bottom of this immediately, I leave my office and head for Bob’s. If they’re still on the phone together, I can confront him, and he’ll be forced to tell me what’s going on.

  As I pass my reception area, Natalie glances up and gives me a curious look.

  “Hold all my calls,” I tell her as I walk pass. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  As I near Bob’s office, I can hear him talking. Good. He’s still on the phone, and for some reason, he left his door open. How odd. But his lapse in etiquette works to my advantage right now. As I get closer, I can hear some of the conversation.

  “I don’t know, Christina. I tried to talk her into it. Yes, I think she and Alexander are seeing each other. Yes, I agree with you.”

  That’s all the information I need. I walk into his office without knocking or otherwise announcing my presence. The look on Bob’s face is the classic I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar expression. Talk about priceless.

  “I’ll call you back,” he says, and quickly disconnects the call.

  “You didn’t even give Christina a chance to say good-bye, Bob. Don’t you think that was rather rude?”

  He makes an obvious attempt to compose himself, but I can tell by the look on his face that he’s trying to hide something.

  “Christina who?”

  I walk farther inside the office and come to a stop right in front of his desk.

  “Do not attempt to play me, Bob.” I look him straight in the eye. “I know you were just talking to Christina Miller from Preston Enterprises.”

  Bob leaps to his feet. I’m guessing he doesn’t like me towering over him while we’re having a confrontational conversation.

  “That was not Christina Miller.”

  I cross my arms and tilt my head, amused and yet also annoyed he’d try to lie after I caught him red-handed. “I’m warning you now; do not lie to me.”

  “Elizabeth, I—”

  His intercom buzzes, and then his assistant’s voice comes over the speaker. “Mr. Barnes, there is a Christina Miller on line one for you.”

  Bob fixes his gaze on his desk, as if it’s suddenly the most interesting piece of furniture he’s ever seen. He clears his throat, and then says, “Thank you, Jane.”

  I shake my head. What a piece of work he is. “So, you weren’t talking to Christina Miller, huh? Then why, may I ask, is she calling you now?”

  He says nothing, so I prod him a little more. “Well? Go ahead, Bob. Answer the phone.”

  He’s sweating bullets, and shaking like it’s ten below zero in here.

  “No, wait. You know what? I think I’ll take this call myself.”

  We both reach for the phone at the same time, but I’m just a little bit faster. I put the phone to my ear and take a step back so he can’t reach to snatch it away from me.

  “Hello. Christina? This is Elizabeth Hamilton. I don’t know what you and Bob are trying to pull, but as of right this second, it’s over. Alexander told you he’s no longer interested in acquiring my company, so there is no reason for you and my CFO to still be talking.”

  At first, I hear only silence, but then she sighs and finally answers me.

  “Alex may have decided to leave your company alone, but I have not. You have no idea what I manage to accomplish behind his back. He has so many companies under him that he has no idea what goes on with half of them.”

  “Well, Ms. Miller, I can assure you that once Alex finds out what you’re doing, you’ll be sorry you ever decided to go up against me. Have a nice day.” I hang up the phone and look at Bob. His entire demeanor has changed, and it appears he has regained his composure.

  “I didn’t want you to find out like this.”

  “Find out what? That you and Christina were planning something behind your bosses’ backs? I told you I’m not selling. This is my company! I built it, Bob, not you!”

  “Yes, you did, but I think you’re allowing your ego to stand in the way of making a sound business decision. The name Hamilton doesn’t hold nearly as much sway in this industry as does the name Preston. Once Preston Enterprises put their name on our company, we’d become a real contender. Think of how much better things would be for us.”

  I slam my hand down on his desk. “You mean better for you! You want a bigger office, a bigger pay check, and more perks! That’s all you care about! Well, I hate to tell you this, but none of that’s going to happen. Not on my watch, and you won’t be here to worry about what kind of contender we are, because you are fired. Pack up your things; I’ll have a someone from security walk you out.”

  Bob went completely white. “Fired?”

  “Yes, fired. I’m certain you’re familiar with the concept. Now, get your things and get the hell out of my building. You have thirty minutes.” I turn, walk out, and instead of slamming the door like I want to do, I pull it closed and head straight for my office. I phone security and instruct them to send someone up to see Bob out, and then I grab my phone and call Alex. Screw sending a text; I need to hear his voice. He answers before t
he second ring.

  “Elizabeth, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I did, however, just fire my CFO. He and Christina were discussing taking over my company. Can she even do something like that without your involvement?”

  “She has taken point on a few buyouts, but I know about them all. She has to know I would eventually find out.” He sighs. “I’m not sure what to do right now.”

  What does he mean; he doesn’t know what to do?

  “I can’t just fire her,” he says.

  “I don’t care what you do to Christina, and I’m not asking you to fire her. Just keep her ass away from me and my company.”

  “I will take care of this. I promise you.”


  “In the meantime, you should have your IT department go through every file and every email on Bob’s computer.”

  “I’ll call IT now.”

  “Oh, and Elizabeth, you might want to have them search a few others, just in case. You never know who else might be working with Bob.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  I hang up the phone and immediately call my IT department. As soon as Bob walks out the door, I want his computer searched. As I hang up with IT, Natalie knocks on the door.

  “Come in, Nat.”

  She walks in and shuts the door behind her. “What’s going on? We just saw Bob walk out with all his stuff. Did you fire him? Or did he quit?”

  “I fired him.”

  “May I ask why?”

  I let out a sigh. The day’s just begun, and I’m already exhausted. “Bob and Christina Miller from Preston Enterprises were plotting against me, thinking somehow they’d be able to convince me to hand over Hamilton. I have no clue what they thought they would accomplish, but nevertheless, they were sneaking around behind my back. I cannot have someone working to undermine me like that, so I fired him. I refuse to have anyone working for me who would betray me like that.”

  “Oh my God, Elizabeth. Are you okay? I mean, Bob has been with you for a long time.”

  “I’m fine, and I’m actually happy he’s gone. I never really liked him. He was always a jackass.”


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