Business and Pleasure

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Business and Pleasure Page 12

by Jinni James

  “I love you so much, Elizabeth. I can’t believe I feel this way so soon, but I do. You’ve taken over my heart, my emotions, my body, and my soul. I’m all yours.”

  What beautiful words, but Alex isn’t simply giving me a line of bullshit. The look on his face tells me he’s dead serious, and I melt beneath his heated gaze.

  “I love you, too.” Somehow, I manage to speak with this lump in my throat. “More than you know.”

  He lets out a sigh and then kisses me. Softly, at first, until the want inside both of us takes over. My skin tingles and grows warm where he touches me. He kisses a trail from my lips, down my neck, but stops just short of my injured shoulder. He looks for a moment at my arm, still in its sling, and my bandaged shoulder, and then he continues on, placing light kisses all the way down from my shoulder to my hand.

  “That bastard will pay for this.”

  He whispers so softly, I can barely make out the words, but right now, I don’t care. Not about Bob and his craziness, anyway. All I care about is Alex, and what he has planned for me next. I want him inside me.

  He moves again, to hover directly over me once more, and with a smile, he kisses down my torso while his hands find my breasts, my most sensitive areas. He rolls my nipples between his thumb and forefinger, as his lips find my core. He’s being ever so careful, so gentle, but I need more. My body feels energized, like I’m going to fly up off the bed. His hands and his lips on me are sheer torture.


  “Shh… Let me take care of you.”

  How can I argue with such a sweetly phrased plea? His tongue sweeps across my core, and I buck my hips in response.

  “Easy, baby.”

  I’m panting so hard, I can barely breathe. I throw my head back against the pillows as he explores me with his tongue, lapping along my swollen pussy, swirling the tip around my sensitized clit. I moan again, trying to let him know how much I need him.

  “Are you ready for me, Elizabeth?” He replaces his tongue with his finger, delving into my wetness. “Yes, I do believe you are.”

  He makes his way back up my body, stopping to lick each hard nipple, and then finally, his face comes into view.

  “You are so wet, so ready for me.”

  “Yes! Alex, please. Fuck me.”

  He smiles. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He tilts his hips forward and enters me, and my insides stretch, adjusting to his width. He begins moving in and out, very slowly, not once breaking eye contact. Oh, God…

  “You feel so good,” I tell him.

  He groans in response and moves a little faster, making me moan with each stroke. He moves deeper, and then faster, still. Unable to restrain myself, I throw my head back against the pillow and cry out.

  “Yes! That’s it,” he says. “Come for me, baby.” He thrusts inside me once more, and then stiffens.

  My muscles tense, and I feel that pool of warmth at my core, and then suddenly, we both cry out as we find our release. He kisses me on the forehead then rolls me over so that my back is to his chest. I feel his nose against my neck as he places a soft kiss against that little spot between my neck and shoulder. “I love you Elizabeth.”

  “I love you too Alex.”

  Chapter Nine

  The weekend seems to pass in the blink of an eye. One minute, it’s Friday night, and Alex and I are making love, and the next thing I know, it’s Sunday evening, and Nicki, Becca, and Natalie are on their way over, just as Alex promised. We spent most of Saturday eating and shopping. Alex found my lack of pajamas hilarious, so he decided we needed a shopping spree. “How else can you lounge around the house like an invalid while you recover from your injury?” he’d asked. I haven’t worn pajamas since I was a teenager, preferring to sleep in the nude, but it doesn’t take me long to get used to them again. They’re quite comfortable, actually, especially the all-cotton ones I picked out specifically for lying around on the sofa all day. I’m always in suits or dress clothes, and sometimes, I’ll wear jeans and a blouse, but since I never just sit around my house, I’ve never had any use for what Alex calls “loungewear.” I learn real quick that I could get used to this…both the pajamas and the long, sometimes lazy hours spent with Alex. Saturday evening, immediately after shopping, Alex insisted I put on one of my new outfits, and I’d worn one ever since, but with the girls coming over soon, I insist on putting on some actual clothes. We compromise, and I throw on a pair of jeans and one of his oversized, cotton t-shirts.

  Alex has gone all out for my friends’ little visit. He ordered a ton of food for delivery and had his bar stocked to the max. You would think he was having a party with fifty people. I have to admit, it’s awful cute watching him get excited about throwing what amounts to our first get-together as a couple. Then again, what do I really know about his personal life? Perhaps he’s something of a recluse, and having a few women over for an evening of chatting, drinks, and snacks is a big deal to him.

  I want to check my email before the girls come over, but Alex hijacked my laptop and hid it somewhere, swearing he’d give it back at the end of the weekend. Honestly, I think I’m having withdrawals. I’m used to working all the time, and I’m ready to go back to the office, but Alex thinks I should wait. Monday, he says, is too soon after my surgery, not to mention, they still haven’t located Bob. He’s worried, and I get that, but I can’t stay cooped up in his house for weeks on end until they find that maniac. I’d lose my mind. But I decided not to argue my point until after tonight, once everyone leaves. Alex doesn’t know it yet, but I can be pretty damn bullheaded, and I’m bound and determined to go back to work. I have manuscripts to read and edit, and Natalie can’t do everything.

  “Wow, would you look at this place?”

  Speak of the devil… Natalie follows Alex in from the direction of the front door, and Becca and Nicki bring up the rear. I must have been so deep in thought; I didn’t hear the doorbell ring.

  I move to rise, wanting to greet them.

  “Stay put.”

  “Don’t you dare get up.”

  First Alex and then Becca reprimand me. I sink back down on the couch, and before I know it, I’m surrounded by my friends. Alex plays host for both of us, bringing trays of drinks and food over to the coffee table.

  “Alright, ladies. Now that you’re settled, I’ll retire upstairs and get some work done, while you all talk. Enjoy your visit.” He turns to Becca. “There’s more of everything in on the kitchen counter. Help yourselves.”

  Alex gives me a warm smile, and then heads for the stairs. For a moment, I forget I’m not alone, and I watch him go, my gaze pinned on his ass.

  “Hello? Earth to Elizabeth.” Nicki, sitting beside me on the sofa, waves her hand up and down in front of my eyes.

  “Um, yeah? What did you say?” Did I miss something important?

  “I asked how things were going, but I guess I don’t blame you for ignoring me in favor of, um…checking out the view.”

  Nicki chortles at her own humor, and Becca and Natalie giggle like a couple of schoolgirls.

  “So?” Nicki asks. “How are things going, so far? From the looks of things, your hot new boyfriend ranks right up there with Prince Charming.”

  Boyfriend? Is Alex my boyfriend? We haven’t put a title to what we are yet, but I suppose, after a guy tells you he loves you, he probably thinks of you as his girlfriend.

  “The visit is going well, thanks. Really well. I’m enjoying myself, but I’m ready to get back to work.”

  “How could you possibly think about going back to work already? You were just shot. The man that shot you is still on the loose. What does Alex think?” Becca asks, her voice laced with concern.

  “Alex thinks I should wait. But damn it, Becca, I can’t just sit here and wait until they find Bob. That could take months—maybe even years—and I’ll go insane. I need my office. I need to feel normal again. I refuse to allow Bob make me into a prisoner.”

  Nicki smiles.
“How could you feel like a prisoner here in this gorgeous apartment with that sexy man?”

  “Because I can’t venture outside,” I say, and my voice sounds weary. “Sure, being alone with Alex is nice, but for a few days, not weeks or months…and not because I don’t have any other choice in the matter. You know me; I need to be out in the world, be a part of the hustle and bustle. I need to be working.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpse the strange look on Natalie’s face. What’s going on in her head, I wonder. Is she afraid? Concerned? Maybe all this is just too much for her, and she’s not sure how to react. I decide to take pity on her and change the subject.

  “So, what’s been going on at work, Natalie? Is everything okay?”

  Her expression immediately softens, becomes less tense. “Things at work are fine. Everything is running smoothly. Everybody misses you, of course. Are you really thinking about coming back next week?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Becca puts her arm around me and gives me a hug.

  “I just worry about you, Lizzy. I still can’t believe what has happened. I could not bear to lose you…and you should’ve seen Mark; he was downright inconsolable.”

  “He blames himself, just like Alex does, and I know you all worry, but I’m fine. Everything will be fine. They’ll find Bob, and all will be right in the world again. Can we just relax now?”

  “Yes, of course.” Becca pulled me in for another hug. “Let’s talk about something else, okay?”

  And for the next several hours, I manage to pretend like everything’s perfectly normal, and I’m not living like a bird in a gilded cage.


  More than four hours later, the girls decide it’s time to go. No doubt, my yawns let them in on the fact I’m exhausted. After saying good-bye—from my spot on the sofa; the girls insisted they see themselves out—I turn to smile up at Alex. Although I’m tired, I nevertheless intend to talk to him about tomorrow. I desperately want to go to work, and I fully intend to go to work. Besides, who died and made him boss?

  “Now that the girls are gone, I get to have you to myself again.” Alex returns my smile. He reaches for my hand, but I shake my head.

  “Not so fast, Alexander. You and I have to talk.” I work on keeping my voice firm, despite the fact he’s standing there looking like a million bucks, and I’d much rather drag him off to his bedroom than have an argument right now.

  He gives me what looks like a fake look of shocked. “Alexander, huh? I must be in trouble.”

  I keep my expression totally serious…or, as serious as I can manage with him looking so yummy, and say, “I want to go to work tomorrow.”

  He raises his brow as if surprised at my statement. “I thought we settled this.”

  “No Alex, you settled it. I, however, did not get the chance to speak my peace, and really, this is my decision. I want to go to work tomorrow. I’m going insane! I love being here with you, but I’m missing work, and you’re missing work, and it’s just not right. The police are hunting Bob down, so he won’t be at my office waiting for me when I walk in. Whether you approve or not, I am going.”

  There. I put my foot down. No man has ever told me that I can or cannot do something, and I’m not about to start putting up with that kind of controlling behavior now.

  Alex sighs, and his shoulder droop. Obviously, he’s about to admit defeat.

  “Okay, Elizabeth. You win. But I’m sending one of my security people with you.”

  “I have my own security.” I don’t see the sense in having one of Alex’s men tagging along with me to the office every day.

  His lips form a grim line. “But my security is superior to yours. I’ll feel better if I know one of my men is watching over you, since I can’t be there myself.”

  I start to tell him it’s not necessary, but then I change my mind. Maybe a compromise is in order, here?

  “Please, Elizabeth? For my sanity. You say you’ll go insane if you can’t go to work. Well, I’ll go insane worrying about you at work all day.”

  Crap. Yeah, I guess this situation does call for a compromise. I can’t have him sitting around worrying about me all day. “Okay. Fine. You can have your security guy follow me around like a puppy.”

  “Great!” he says, ignoring my sarcasm. “I’ll call Bryan once I get you settled into bed. Isn’t compromise grand?”

  My laughter turns to a squeal of surprise as Alex lifts me into his arms. I hang on tightly, and he strides toward his bedroom.

  “You know, darling, it’s my arm that’s injured, not my legs. I can walk.”

  He doesn’t answer until we reach the bedside, and he gently lowers me to the mattress. He kisses my forehead, and then straightens. “Yes, but it gives me so much pleasure to carry you. Is that not what all women want? A strong, insanely good-looking man who will carry them up the staircase, and then make love to them all night long?”

  “You got me there.” Definitely can’t argue with his reasoning.

  We both laugh, and then I look around the room. “So…care to tell me where you put my laptop? I’ll need it for work tomorrow, you know?”

  “I might. In about an hour or so.”

  He winks at me, and then he lifts me once more and carries me into the bathroom. “If you’re going to work tomorrow, you’re going to need a bath tonight.”

  I normally shower—not bath—and I prefer doing so in the morning, rather than the night before, but as I open my mouth to explain this, the scene before me registers, and I change my mind. Alex has gone all out…as usual. The scent of roses overwhelms me. The tub is filled to the max with frothy, white bubbles, and lit, scented candles cover every possible surface. Talk about beautifully romantic. He places me on the counter next to the sink, and then begins to undress me, starting with my jeans and then my—or I should say his—T-shirt.

  “I must say, I love the sight of you in my shirt.”

  I can’t help but smile. “It is comfy.”

  Once I’m naked, he lifts me again and places me gently in the tub, making sure he props my injured arm on the side, where he’s already positioned a pillow.

  “Will you join me?” I ask, and smile up at him.

  He shakes his head and picks up a sponge, which he then dips in the soapy water.

  “I would love nothing more than to get in this tub with you right now, Elizabeth, but I want to make sure you are taken care of, and I don’t want to accidentally hurt your arm. Right now, it’s all about you.” He proceeds to wash me off with the soapy sponge, starting with my back.

  How can I argue with him? He is so incredibly sweet and thoughtful. I close my eyes and smile. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I went back to work on Tuesday…or maybe even Wednesday. All this pampering…I could get used to this. But no. I made such a huge deal about going back to the office tomorrow; I’d look like a fool if I changed my mind now. Plus, I do want to go back to work. I lay my head back. Might as well enjoy the attention while I can.

  After he finishes washing my body and then my hair, Alex kisses my cheek, then each eyelid. He stands, and I begin to sit up, but he stops me with a hand on my shoulder.

  “No, my love. You sit here and relax for a few more minutes. I’m going to go call Bryan and let him know that he will be with you tomorrow.”

  “Poor guy.” I sigh. “He’s going to be so bored just sitting around that office with me all day.”

  “Honey, I pay him plenty of money to sit around and be bored. He won’t mind. Trust me.”

  As he walks out and shuts the door behind him, I lay my head back again. The water feels so amazing, still plenty hot; I can still see steam coming off my body. Of course, my mind doesn’t let me be for long. I begin thinking of all the work I must have waiting for me, and while I made a big fuss about not worrying about Bob, the truth is, I am a little scared. I know the police are looking for him, and surely, he wouldn’t be dumb enough to come to Hamilton, but something tells me I should be on guard and k
eep an eye out for him, just the same. Maybe it’s a good thing that Alex is sending Bryan with me tomorrow, although you won’t catch me telling Alex that. And what about Christina? She did up and quit awfully suddenly, which is just weird. Oh, what the hell…why am I thinking about this stuff? I need to learn to relax and shut my brain off now and then. I close my eyes once more and attempt to forget all my troubles for a while, but the sound of the door opening again interrupts my efforts. I look to see Alex standing over me.

  “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

  “Not at all; I welcome the distraction.”

  He grabs a towel off the nearby warmer, turns, and smiles that hot smile of his.

  “Are you ready for me to take you?” He holds the towel open wide, and gives me a wink that has me shiver with anticipation, despite the still-warm bathwater.

  Oh, yes, I’m ready for him to take me…but as I try to stand, I realize I’m not getting out of this tub so easily. I can’t quite figure out how to find my balance and get to my feet, with only one arm to use for lifting. Apparently realizing my dilemma, Alex drops the towel on the counter and goes around behind me. He places both hands under my arms and lifts me up.

  “Here we go, sweetie.”

  I step out of the tub, one foot at a time, careful not to slip on the tile floor, and Alex retrieves the towel and wraps it around me. He then scoops me up in his strong arms and carries me into the bedroom, where he places me down carefully on the mattress.

  “My sweet Elizabeth. I will never get tired of this. If I had my way, your feet would never touch the ground.”

  I give a small laugh. “I would think that would get tiring after a while, my dear.”

  “Not with you, it wouldn’t. I do not think you realize what you mean to me. Elizabeth, I love you so much; if I could put you in my pocket and carry you everywhere with me, I would do it.”


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