Logan Enchanted

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Logan Enchanted Page 10

by Lolah Lace

  “That was a mean thing to say to me. I really want you. I’m not even seeing anyone else. I’m really considering waiting around for you and not sleeping with anyone else while I wait.”

  What in the hell?

  “Logan seriously? Do you hear yourself?” I crossed my arms under my chest. When Mr. Horny Man glanced down at my breasts. I quickly put my hands on the clothes in my laundry basket.

  “I’m being painfully honest with you. I’m not trying to be vulgar. I really, really, really want to fuck you.” The word fuck rolled off his tongue a little too hot and heavy for me.

  “Logan.” Was all I could say.

  “How many guys have had the pleasure since I’ve been gone?”

  “What pleasure?” I was playing stupid because these questions were far too invasive. Logan rolled his eyes at me this time.

  “I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Why not? If you’re not going to give me any, talk to me like I’m one of your homegirls. No matter what number you say. It won’t matter. I already want you. It won’t make the difference to me.”

  That’s what I hated about Logan. He was good with words. He always made sense even when he was talking nonsense. I think he could talk his way into any woman’s pants. He was wise beyond his years. Now he had the body and good looks to go with his clever words.

  “If I tell you how many guys, can we drop this topic?”

  “Yes, if you’re honest.”

  “Okay.” I braced myself for my imminent slut shaming. I was going to be honest. He wasn’t anyone I should lie to. I hoped Logan wouldn’t think I was a slut. Why did I care what he thought about me? This was my pussy. “Four.”

  Logan frowned. “You mean like one, two, three, four.”

  “Yes, what other four is there?”

  “Okay.” Logan was thinking. “So those four guys were all brothers?”

  “Brothers? You mean Black?”

  “Yes, I mean African American.” Logan groaned.

  “Three of them, then there’s Juan.” I scowled. Where was this going?

  “Yes, your new Latin beau. So four, oh okay.”

  “Oh okay. What’s that mean?”

  “You’re afraid of me because I’m White.”

  Really? Sheba said something similar years ago. “No, I’m not.” Damn! Logan was pulling rabbits out of hats. He was too smart for his own good. I had never been with a White man before. But Logan didn’t even count as White or did he? Questioning it did scare me a little. He had planted thoughts in my head I had never considered.

  Logan smirked openly. He had rattled me yet again. “I don’t have a problem being your first White man. It’s not a big deal.”

  “No thanks. I’m good. I’m done with this conversation.”

  “Me too, give me your keys. I’ll pull the car around.”

  We stood there in a fierce stare-down for minutes before I dug into my purse and fished out my car keys. I handed them over to Logan.

  He pulled the car to the front door, and he packed my clothes into the trunk with his. The ride back to his loft was uneventful. Just like that, everything went back to normal. Logan’s outside appearance may have changed, but his insides were just as strange as they had always been.


  I thought Logan and I needed a cooling off period. I was confused by his actions and his newfound need to bed me. He could have anybody, literally his body was ridiculous. I was still trying to get adjusted to this new Logan. I didn’t hold anything against him. It was just words. I had heard it all. Plus I was a fine ass chick on my good days. I had gained a few pounds in three years, and the gym helped my hips and waist look better than I did when I was younger.

  Six days later my cell phone rang. It was my long lost friend Logan. I let it ring a few times before I answered. I had made him suffer long enough for his disrespect. I bet this time he would put some respect on my name.

  “Hey,” I said into my cell.

  “I’m hungry for food. I’m going to order a pizza. Come over. Let’s watch a movie.”

  Why does he assume I don’t have plans with my boyfriend? I need a t-shirt that reads ‘I gotta a man.’

  “How do you know I’m not busy?”

  “With Juan Pedro? His Facebook page says he’s at his amigo’s bachelor party.”

  “So you’re stalking my boyfriend’s Facebook page.”

  “No comment. I just really need a good friend tonight.”

  Really the friend card? That holds more power than the race card. “Are you okay?”

  “We can talk about it when you get here.”

  I sighed into the phone. “Do you have any movies?”

  “Like DVD’s? No. I have Cable and Netflix. You can pick something to watch when the pizza gets here.”

  “I don’t know if I should be alone with you. You have a hard time holding your tongue.”

  “Please, I promise I will be on my best behavior.”

  He said please. The invite was so reminiscent of our old times together. Times I treasured and missed when he disappeared. Pizza and a movie were so us. For some reason, I wanted to go and hang out. I could be a regular person with Logan. He saw me in the morning before work. He saw me at night before bed. He had even shared my bed many times. I wonder why he never made a move to have regular sex. I felt like I had to be pretty all the time around Juan. Maybe it was because he was so handsome and fit and because he had so many Instagram followers. I found his Instagram page when I was snooping around trying to find out more information on him.

  Logan was fluffy when I first met him. So I didn’t have anything to live up to. I only had female friends. All of them were in relationships so that meant they didn’t hang out anymore. I didn’t want to lead Logan on. As long as he stayed in his lane, we would be fine. It wasn’t like Logan would force himself on me. A shiny motorcycle and a few profane words didn’t make him a violent offender.

  “Chey.” Hearing my name brought me back into the conversation.

  “I’m here. Let’s do this. You can come on over here. We can watch the movie at my place. I will order the pizza.” I flipped the script. I was destined to run this show. This made me feel safe. I could keep my good eye on Logan, control him if he got out of line. Kick his buff ass out if I had too. I knew I was being paranoid. Logan was mellow. He was so laid back and cool. I couldn’t even imagine him angry, but I was the showrunner. I knew Juan was going to drink a lot and pass out at his cousin’s place. He wasn’t likely to pop up on me and my so-called male friend.

  “We can watch the movie and eat at your apartment if you like. I don’t have a problem with that per se but you are a female, and I doubt you have an adequate sized TV.” Logan frowned. “How many inches is your TV?”

  “Thirty-two,” I said. He had never been to my place. Which was good I think. Then there’s Juan. I needed to really rethink Logan being at my apartment. I would never want them to cross paths. I was just being stubborn today. Logan coming here was a bad idea.

  “Ughh!” He was appalled and tried to hold it in. “It is a flatscreen right?”

  “Yeah.” Jerk.


  “Yeah.” He tried it.

  “Okay.” I was sure he was making faces through the phone although I couldn’t see him.

  “Fine, I’ll come to you.” I was annoyed that I lost an imaginary fight. But it was better to go to his place.

  “Park on the street. I’ll buzz you up.”

  “Okay, whatever.” I hung up the phone. I think I’ll take a quick shower.


  I drove the short distance to his semi-lavish apartment. How much did it cost to live here? I parked on the street under the streetlamp. He buzzed me in, and I took the elevator all the way up. The door was open. I walked into his apartment. I had on shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops. My hair was up in a messy ponytail, no make-up, earrings or anything. I wasn’t getting grown and sexy for this fool. This was Logan.

nbsp; I noticed his furniture was still sparse. I only picked out a few pieces. The TV was on a long stand equipped to hold such a big TV. The TV was on the floor the last time I was here. He had the long sectional I picked out. That thing could sleep a few people.

  I wondered what his bedroom looked like with the bedroom set. I scolded myself for wondering. Logan watched me as I looked around. He was wearing long nylon shorts and a white wife-beater tee.

  I think he liked to be controlled. I did too. Why was I even thinking about his likes and dislikes? Our friendship may not last. The thought saddened me, but we both couldn’t be in charge.

  Logan was quiet most of the night. We sat on the sectional and waited for the pizza. He had ordered all my favorites. He remembered what I liked.

  I thought about what I was doing. I was at some other guy’s house. This was not good girlfriend behavior. I should be with Juan. I had been cheated on, and this felt like cheating to me. This would be the last time I came over to Logan’s at night.

  It was Friday, and I didn’t have work in the morning. I really wanted the company. Maybe I really wanted his company.

  Logan meant what he said. He was honest just like he always was. The men I encountered said one thing and always meant another. They played too many games. I’ve never known how to play the games back. That’s why Juan and I were a perfect fit. He was drama free. He was honest. Sadly, now I wasn’t.

  Maybe I was being too naïve taking this friendship at face value. Why in the hell was I thinking so hard about nothing? Get a grip.

  Logan and I stuffed our faces and watched two movies. It was late, but we were both still wide-awake. Logan actually ate a lot. I guess he was the Calorie Killa that could just burn all the excessive calories at the gym.

  Logan grabbed the remote and muted the TV. “Cheyenne you owe me.” He grumbled. He always had that voice, but now it just seemed sexy.

  “Owe you what?”

  “You owe me that salacious pussy I never got a chance to fuck.”

  “Salacious.” I giggled “Okay Logan. I know you’re a man but get sex off the brain.”

  “I can’t do that.” He was very still on the opposite end of the couch.

  “You are tripping.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You need to get a girlfriend right away so you can leave me alone.”

  “I want you. It’s my turn.”

  “I’m not a ride. I don’t owe you shit and even if I did. I have a boyfriend. I still wouldn’t sleep with you.”

  “Juan Pedro, I don’t care about him.”

  “I do. Stop calling him Pedro, Juan Pedro, whatever.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  I pursed my dry lips. I should have worn lip-gloss. “You must have forgotten who I am. I would never cheat on my boyfriend.”

  “Even with me?”

  Who the fuck are you? “With anybody.” Fool!

  “The first time I went down on you … you were technically still with Darius.”

  “I can’t believe you would even bring him up. That’s messed up.” I sat up straight.

  “I’m sorry, but I was there for you. Good times and bad. You owe me. I made sure you woke up with a smile on your face.”

  Here we go. “I never asked you to do that.”

  “After the first time, you just expected it. You stopped wearing panties.”

  Liar! “I don’t know what you want, but I don’t have anything to give you.

  “I want to fuck you. I’m trying to give you this dick.” He grabbed what he coveted with his right hand.

  “You can’t give it to me. I don’t want it.”

  “I’m not going to beg.”

  “Well, that’s good because that would be a waste of time.” I stood up. I was ready to go home. This conversation had gotten ancient. Logan just had to go and fuck the friendship up.

  Logan leaped to his feet. He rushed over to me. He was in my face and standing too close for comfort, my comfort. I instinctively raised my hands to his chest to hold him at bay. I pressed my palms on his pecs and pushed, but he didn’t budge. He just stared down at me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “I’m standing here. What are you doing?”

  “Backup, please.”

  “Give me a kiss then I’ll back up.”


  “Give— me— a kiss.” This was clearly a demand and not a request.

  “Hell no.”

  “Kissing isn’t cheating. Juan will never know. Kiss me.” Logan wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me as close as close could be. Wait! Wait! Wait!


  “Chey, kiss me.” He was enchanting me with his dreamy blue eyes. Blink and break the trance.


  “Didn’t you miss me?”

  “Yeah I did but—”

  “Just one little kiss.”

  Why was I considering this? What the hell is going on here? Why are my knees so damn weak?

  “Logan.” I couldn’t think straight. His body was warm, and my hands were trapped on his hard chest. I closed my eyes and turned my head because looking directly at him made me even more confused. I was enchanted.

  Why did I do that? Why did I turn away? I felt his warm lips on my neck. His tongue licked my bare skin. I tried to break free but just as I moved my head he caught my lips with his. He pried my mouth open with his rigid tongue.

  Oh okay.

  He was in my mouth. He was kissing me, exploring an area that he never bothered to travel three years ago. I lost control and started kissing him back. Oh my God, this was happening. His hands roamed from my waist onto my ass. He was gripping my ass cheeks tight and pressing me into him. I didn’t remember this Logan.

  We never kissed on the mouth before. He was good at it. He was devouring my tongue. His kisses were deep, firm and passionate. My head was spinning in a frenzy I set myself up by showing up here. What a damn slut I am. Yep slut is accurate.

  Logan pulled back to look at me. He was hungry for more or at least that’s what I thought I saw in his eyes. It was that lust men had when you made them wait too long before you gave it up.

  “You said one kiss and you would let me leave.”

  He smirked. “I lied. You’re not going anywhere until I have you naked, bent over, open and extremely wet.

  What the fuck? “Logan you got to let me go. Now!”

  He chuckled. “Now, that’s cute.”

  “I’m going to scream.”

  “No, you’re not.” He grinned with a closed mouth like he was holding in a hearty laugh.

  Shit he was right. “I’m going to punch you in your fucking face.”

  “Take your best shot.” He tilted his chin up and closed his eyes.

  I swung my fist at his face, but he caught my entire fist in his hand. What in the hell? His eyes were closed. Why did I do that? I don’t punch people.

  Logan grabbed my wrist and started pulling me across the open living room. He yanked me down a hallway and pulled me into his darkened bathroom. He swung me around until I was faced toward the walled mirror above the countertop. He pressed his body into my backside. He flicked the light switch.

  “Chey, did you just try to punch me?”

  I didn’t respond.

  “Cheyenne Alexis Miles!”

  “You told me to!”

  “That’s not good.” He whispered.

  What’s not good? Logan spun me around and tossed me over his shoulder. He just hoisted me up like it was a normal thing to do. My ass was in the air. I was too appalled to protest. It was all happening so fast. He turned and marched out of the bathroom. He moved quick but precise. Somehow my legs, feet, and head didn’t get banged into the doorway.

  I think he’s throwing me out of his place. I don’t know. Maybe not.


  I blinked my eyes, and I was in his sparsely but newly furnished bedroom. Unexpectedly staring at things from over-the
-shoulder of a madman. I had a shaky upside down perspective. The blood was rushing to my head. Logan vigorously put me down on my feet. I stumbled, slightly dizzy by all the jittery motion.

  My eyes searched the room. One big King-sized bed, a clothes hamper, a chest of drawers, two nightstands. He strategically placed his body in front of the open doorway. I was trapped.

  Logan hurriedly pulled his sleeveless t-shirt over his head. His naked torso was right there in front of me, staring me in the face. OMG, he was ripped. Fuck a six-pack. He had an eight-pack. The gods of every domination created his beautifully sculpted body. I held my lips tight so they wouldn’t fall open. Trying to act unfazed was very challenging. He was really fine as hell.

  “Your turn. Take your shirt off.”

  Huh? No way. A part of me wanted to pull my t-shirt over my head and show this cocky bastard two can play that game, but that wasn’t smart. Calling his bluff seemed ridiculous. I wasn’t physically stronger than him. I’m not a dick tease. I don’t play like that with men. If I did it. What would he do? I didn’t know this new Logan as well as I thought I did.

  “Enough bullshit. Move so I can go home.”

  “Do I really have to chase you around the room and rip your clothes off?”

  I shrugged. “I guess so.” I placed my hands on my hips and stood firm in my stance. I eyeballed him. I gave him my ‘I wish you would’ face full of cynicism.

  The moisture that pooled in between my shaky thighs stunted my rigid posture. His crazy talk was getting to me, or maybe it was the kiss. I couldn’t forget that kiss.

  I didn’t know what was happening to my body, but my nipples were hard as rocks. They ached under the fabric of my bra. They hurt like hell. My bra was cutting into my circulation. Glad I wore one. My breasts had swollen to the size of cantaloupes.

  “I can stand here forever Chey. Just take your shirt off.”

  “If you think I’m going to willingly cheat on my boyfriend, you are crazy.”

  “Willingly? I think I can handle that.” He licked his lips.

  “Handle what?”

  “So you want me to take it.” Logan took a quick step forward.

  Take it? I stepped back. “No, I want you to get out of my damn way.”


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