Vengeance 02 - Trust In Me

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Vengeance 02 - Trust In Me Page 29

by Lana Williams

  “You speak nonsense,” he sputtered.

  “William was set to compete against Gregory in the joust before you struck him over the head and took his place.”

  “Gregory?” The mention of his son’s name agitated Crefton. “What of Gregory?” he asked Nicholas.

  “Do not listen to him,” said Gerard.

  Elizabeth stepped forward, her face pale with shock. “Gerard, is that true?”

  “You’ve always desired Elizabeth, haven’t you?” Nicholas glanced at his wife and caught her look of revulsion at the idea. “But even more than her, you coveted Amberley. This holding is prosperous and wealthy. Much different than your sad little estate.” He was speculating but hoped he was on target.

  Matthew grabbed Nicholas, waving his blade before him. “If yer smart, you’ll shut yer mouth and keep it that way.”

  Gerard moved closer to Elizabeth. “Don’t listen to his lies.”

  Matthew’s hold on Nicholas loosened as the knight’s attention was caught by Gerard. Nicholas didn’t waste the opportunity. He grabbed Matthew’s knife hand and jerked it forward, then struck his elbow, rendering his arm useless for the moment. With one quick move, he yanked Matthew forward, pulling him over his shoulder and threw him to the floor. The knight lay there stunned amidst the rushes.

  “Oh, dear heavens!” Margaret cried out.

  “Lady Elizabeth,” Robert began, “I fear we may have made a grave mistake.” He drew Margaret out of harm’s way.

  Stephen bounded into the hall with Sir Kenneth behind him, their swords at the ready. “My lord?” Stephen asked as he took in the scene.

  “See to this one,” Nicholas ordered as he pointed to Matthew. Sir Kenneth moved to guard Lady Margaret.

  “Damn you to hell, de Bremont!” Gerard yelled.

  “Put down the knife, Gerard,” Nicholas demanded.

  Rather than complying, Gerard moved closer to Elizabeth. He wound a loose strand of her hair around his finger and yanked it hard, sending a roaring sound through Nicholas’s head. “I know you were forced to marry de Bremont. I can help you to be free of him.”

  Elizabeth pulled her hair from his grasp. “You have the facts wrong.”

  He smiled at her. “The facts are of little consequence to me. I will still rescue you.”

  “I am not in need of rescue.” Elizabeth took a step back, and Nicholas moved forward.

  Gerard seized her arm, his knife in his other hand. “We can resolve this one of two ways. Either your husband agrees to an annulment and goes on his way, or I kill him.”

  As Elizabeth struggled to free herself, Nicholas lunged for Gerard. Gerard raised his knife to Elizabeth’s throat – the very image from Nicholas’s vision at the cottage.

  Nicholas’s heart stopped as he froze in place, his world tilting. He could not bear to lose Elizabeth. “Leave her be, Gerard.”

  Gerard pulled her in front of him to stop Nicholas from coming closer. “How would you prefer to settle this, de Bremont? Will you leave peacefully or do you die here and now?”

  “You and I can settle this with honor.” He touched the hilt of his sword in invitation. “Let Elizabeth go.”

  “But what of Gregory?” Crefton asked as he stared at both Gerard and Elizabeth, seeming not to notice the knife threatening his daughter, a perplexed look upon his face as he thought of his lost son.

  Nicholas eyed Gerard, trying to determine how desperate he was. Cornered men were dangerous under the best of circumstances, and this was far from that. Nicholas did not dare take unnecessary risks. Flashes of the vision he’d seen of Crefton covered in blood laying on the floor filled his mind. The old lord even wore the saffron tunic Nicholas had seen. He couldn’t let that vision come to pass.

  “Aye, Gerard,” Nicholas said as he eased closer, biding his time for a chance to disarm him though the large table still stood between them. Logic had returned, and he realized Gerard was unlikely to hurt Elizabeth, else no obstacle would’ve stopped him from killing the man on the spot. He needed to drag the truth from Gerard. “Surely you’d like to tell us what happened to Gregory, or shall I?”

  “You know nothing,” Gerard said with derision.

  “Gregory stood in your way, did he not? Both Elizabeth and Amberley could be yours except for Gregory.”

  Gerard gave a nervous laugh. “You tell lies!”

  “The tournament provided you with the perfect opportunity to murder him.” Nicholas was presuming much, but the whole story fit with the few details he knew.

  Elizabeth seemed transfixed by what Nicholas said, though pain splayed across her face. He hated to upset her more by recounting the details of her brother’s death, but if he were in her place, he’d want to know what had happened and why.

  “You knew William was entering the jousting field to compete against Gregory,” Nicholas continued. “You caught my brother unaware, knocked him unconscious, and took his surcoat, which bore his colors.”

  “This is ridiculous. Cousin, you can’t possibly believe what he’s saying,” Gerard said to the old lord.

  Crefton glanced at Elizabeth then looked back at Nicholas, his gaze clearing. “I would hear the rest of this story.”

  “A story!” Gerard latched onto the words. “’Tis nothing more!”

  “Silence, Gerard,” Crefton commanded. He stood upright, hinting at the formidable lord he must’ve once been. He looked back to Nicholas. “Continue, please.”

  “You put a steel tip on your lance and, disguised as William, took his place on the lists,” Nicholas said, hoping to keep Gerard talking until he could find a way to remove his weapon.

  Gerard waved a hand at Nicholas, his expression now one of disdain. “What other wild tales do you have for us?”

  “You murdered Gregory and framed my brother for it,” Nicholas said, keeping his tone matter-of-fact, no easy feat when rage poured through him.

  Elizabeth gasped. “Gerard, did you kill Gregory?”

  Gerard faced Nicholas, a cunning look upon his face. “You are only making a fool of yourself, de Bremont. Do you think I’ve never heard of you? The crazed knight with visions? Please. Who do you hope to trick with that story? No one believes you. No one ever has.”

  Nicholas stilled, caught off guard by Gerard’s words. He pushed away the old hurts and doubts to glance again at Elizabeth.

  No sign of doubt touched her face. Her gaze held his, full of trust and support. Her faith in him in this moment when he needed her most washed away all the pain from the past. Those previous events had done nothing but bring him to her.

  “This,” Crefton waved his hand as he spoke, “is all very difficult to understand. Who are we to believe?” He looked to Elizabeth for an answer.

  “Nicholas,” she said firmly, her gaze still holding his. “We believe my husband.”

  “Elizabeth is right,” Margaret agreed. “We believe Lord de Bremont.”

  “Bah,” Gerard cried out. “You owe de Bremont no loyalty. Do not encourage his lies.”

  “I need to know, Gerard, if you killed my Gregory. Is it as de Bremont says?” Crefton asked, his voice wavering. “Did you?”

  “I don’t owe any explanations to you, old man.” Gerard’s composure seemed to be crumbling. “You’ve had everything all of your life. You never bothered to give my father anything.”

  Crefton pulled back, obviously surprised by Gerard’s verbal attack. “We each must earn our own way in life. Surely my cousin did not give you this bitterness.”

  Gerard laughed. “He gave me nothing but debt. Debt that there is no money to pay for.”

  “And this is your solution?” Elizabeth asked, her voice quiet, her eyes filled with tears. “You kill my brother? You try to take what is ours?”

  “You have no idea what it’s like.” Gerard faced her. “You’ve always been a spoiled little girl.”

  “You know not of what you speak,” she said, her anger evident.

  “Nay. You all are the crazed ones if you be
lieve this beast with his visions.” He tucked his knife in his belt and drew his sword, then turned to Nicholas. “And I will not let you ruin this. I will have what I am due.”

  Nicholas held his sword before him, waiting for Gerard to make the first move, hoping for a chance to get him to shift away from Elizabeth and Crefton.

  Gerard waved his weapon at Nicholas. “Was it one of your visions that showed you all of this?” The sneer in his voice grated on Nicholas.

  “Oh!” Lord Crefton clapped his hands. “I do love a good sword fight. Let us see your skills.”

  Gerard laughed. “You are a dotty old man. Neither you nor this vision-seer will be in my way for long.” He pointed his sword at Crefton.

  “Gerard, put down your weapon,” Elizabeth said as she stepped in front of her father.

  “Elizabeth!” Nicholas tipped the heavy table toward Gerard to send it crashing to the floor, his fear for her safety lending him strength. He grabbed Elizabeth and pulled her behind him.

  Gerard gave an angry cry at Nicholas’s action, his eyes wild. He seized Crefton and held his sword to his neck, choking him with the blade. The old man was no match for his angry young cousin. “Get back!”

  “Let him go!” Elizabeth demanded.

  “I told you I’d take care of you, Elizabeth. Why didn’t you believe me? Now I have to do something I’d hoped to avoid.” Gerard looked at Crefton as though he’d enjoy running him through despite his words.

  Crefton giggled like a young child as he pulled at Gerard’s arm, then lost his footing, the weight of his body loosening Gerard’s hold.

  Nicholas took advantage of Gerard’s distraction to reach forward and strike Gerard’s injured shoulder with the flat of his blade.

  “Ah!” Gerard cried out in pain as he let go of Crefton, who collapsed onto the floor. “Damn you!” He shifted the sword to his other hand and edged toward Nicholas. “You should’ve left when I gave you the chance.”

  Elizabeth ran to her father as Nicholas and Gerard moved in a slow circle.

  “Give it up,” Nicholas urged as he tried to force Gerard away from Elizabeth and Lord Crefton. Sir Kenneth moved to guard them while Stephen continued to watch Matthew.

  “Never!” Gerard lunged forward, but Nicholas easily blocked his thrust and made one of his own.

  Gerard dodged the blow then glanced around the hall. “Why don’t you help me? You are my family!” He seemed genuinely surprised that Elizabeth and Crefton hadn’t taken his side. “Elizabeth?”

  “You are not our family any longer,” Elizabeth said as she and Sir Kenneth helped her father sit up.

  “Out with you, Gerard,” Crefton wheezed. “Before I have my men drag you from this hall. You are no longer welcome here.”

  Gerard scoffed. “You’ve all lost your minds!” He thrust his sword at Nicholas then spun to swing it at Crefton. Sir Kenneth was not prepared for the attack.

  Before Gerard’s blade reached the old lord, Nicholas plunged his sword into Gerard.

  “You bastard!” Gerard cried out as Nicholas pulled his blade free. He clutched his side. “You’re coming with me to hell!” He struck out at Nicholas again.

  Nicholas blocked him and left with no option, ran him through once more. This time, Gerard fell to his knees, his sword clattered to the floor, blood seeping into his tunic.

  “Don’t you see?” the wounded man asked on a gasp. He held his abdomen with hands that were wet with blood. “Gregory had it all. I didn’t want to kill him. It was only fair.” He fell to the floor. “Only fair.” His voice faded on the last words. He drew one sputtering breath, a frothy deep red blood trickling out the corner of his mouth, and then he lay still.

  “Nicholas!” Elizabeth cried and ran to him. She threw herself in his arms and held on tight as though she’d never let go.

  Nicholas released his sword and held her. Having her safe in his arms made him dizzy with relief. Love for her flooded through him, nearly undoing him with its power. Perhaps his second sight was a kind of gift after all rather than the curse he’d always believed. It had helped him save Elizabeth.

  His wife had given him the capacity to trust; something he thought he’d lost long ago. He met Crefton’s weary gaze over the top of her head.

  “Well done, Nicholas,” the old lord said. “Well done. Are you certain you can’t service my daughter as a husband should?”

  Elizabeth lifted her head from Nicholas’s shoulder, sniffed back her tears, and turned toward her father. “Are you all right?”

  “Indeed, Izzie. I’m fine.” He rose on unsteady legs with Sir Kenneth’s assistance and looked at Gerard’s body. “I should never have believed his lies.”

  “He fooled us all,” Margaret added, shaking her head. “I’m sorry I believed him, Elizabeth.”

  Nicholas turned to Stephen. “Escort that one out of the gate with orders never to let him return.”

  “My pleasure, my lord.” Stephen smiled.

  Lord Crefton shook his head. “I would never have believed all this if you’d tried to tell me of it, Nicholas.” He eyed him warily. “Visions, eh?”

  Nicholas smiled and met Elizabeth’s gaze. “Whether I want them or not it seems.”

  “Well, they might be useful on occasion, don’t you think?”

  Elizabeth hugged Nicholas tighter. “I think that as well. You saved us.”

  Nicholas shook his head. “Gerard had me worried for a time.”

  “And me as well.” She shuddered.

  Nicholas released her and took her hands in his, easing her aside as the others conversed. “Elizabeth, I love you. I love you with all of my heart. I would see you happy, for you deserve that and so much more. What kind of life would you have with me? This second sight...these visions...they often hinder more than they help. It is as Gerard said. People think me a beast.”

  “People who know you will say differently. Just as I’ll say differently.” She reached up and put her hand alongside his cheek, her eyes warm and filled with a wealth of emotion.

  He stepped back, trying to maintain some distance between them, difficult though it was. She had to make a choice now that she knew the whole truth. “I understand if you don’t wish to be married to me. You could stay here with your father. We can try to have the marriage annulled.”

  “Nay. Not on your life.” Elizabeth shook her head. “I am not leaving you. And you are not leaving me.” She moved closer to wrap her arms around his neck, her brown eyes full of emotion. “Don’t you see how much better we are together?”

  “I know you want a child – ”

  Before he could continue, she put a finger to his lips. “A child would be a blessing, but not if that means I can’t have you. Trust in me, Nicholas. Please.”

  His heart melted at her words, making him want to give her the world and more. He cupped his hands around her face, desperate to tell her what lay in his heart. “Elizabeth, let me finish. With you in my life, by my side, I know I can do anything. I already trust in you. If we are blessed with a babe, I would drop to my knees to give thanks.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, Nicholas! I love you so much! I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “You’d better listen to the girl, Nicholas.” Crefton nodded at him. The old lord had silently moved to stand beside them. “She knows of what she speaks. I seem to regret the times I don’t listen to her.”

  “I believe you have the right of it, my lord,” Nicholas said with a smile.

  Elizabeth laughed in delight. Then, she reached up on her toes and kissed him. Her soft lips, her sweet smell, her warmth and love rocked him to his core. “I love you, Nicholas. More than words could ever say,” she said.

  He held her tight, determined to never let her go, relishing the feel of her in his arms. “I love you, Elizabeth, even more.”

  They sealed their words with a kiss. And then another, their passion rising despite their audience.

  Lord Crefton clapped his hands and laughed
with delight. “We’re going to have lots of babies!”

  Nicholas pulled back to look into Elizabeth’s glowing face, and they shared a chuckle.

  “You’ve gone and said it now.” Elizabeth’s smile was bright enough to light the hall.

  “Indeed. There’s no going back.”

  She chuckled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Another kiss promised a lifetime of love.

  The End

  Other Books by the Author:

  A Vow To Keep

  Book I of The Vengeance Trilogy

  Revenge was all he lived for...until he met her.

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  Believe In Me

  Book III of The Vengeance Trilogy

  He took her for revenge...but she captured his heart.

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  The Secret Trilogy - Set in Victorian London

  Unraveling Secrets

  Book I of The Secret Trilogy

  When the past returns to haunt her, only one man can save her.

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

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  Turn the page for a preview of


  Book III in The Vengeance Trilogy

  Available Now!

  Chapter One

  England, September 1268

  A life dedicated to God was not for her. Of that, Lady Cristiana Ormond was quite certain. Her stay at the Convent of Saint Gabriel had not changed her mind-set about aspiring toward a religious life. She and the sisters had a difference of opinion--one that could not be easily overcome.


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