Winning Mabel

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Winning Mabel Page 3

by Zoe Jane Fox

  “Next time wait for me, love,” Damon says. I want to squeal because he’s already thinking about a second date which must mean he really likes me.

  “Hello. You must be Mabel and Melissa! I’m Natalie but you can call me Ma and Grammy if you’d like,” his mom says as we reach her.

  “Hi, Natalie. Thank you so much for watching Melissa,” I tell her.

  “No need for that, dear. I’ve been excited to meet her since Damon told me about her.”

  We head inside and it’s even more beautiful than the exterior. It has high ceilings with wooden beams, and the windows give you the perfect view of the trees and land his property sits on. I’ve never felt more at home than I do right now, even with his mom and my sister here. Melissa notices the toys, forgetting we’re even here and takes off to play with them. We chat with Natalie for a little while until I’m comfortable, knowing I’m leaving her in good hands. It also helps that Penny has told me how much Natalie loves Doctor and treats him like a baby.

  Chapter Eight


  As I help Mabel in the truck, I think I about looking into an SUV or something easier for her. I rush to my side, anxious for our date. I’m trying to keep my bear under control since he’s excited to be with our mate and I don’t want to accidentally give away my secret too soon.

  “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise. You’re not afraid of heights are you?” I ask while pulling onto the highway.

  “Not that I know of.”

  “I promise it’ll be a good one,” I say.

  I grab her hand to stop her from biting her fingernails, but I also just wanted to touch her. She gives me a small smile before relaxing in her seat, not bothering to remove her hand from mine. The drive is about forty-five minutes and we ask the basic get to know you questions about food and colors. As we get closer, I notice she’s trying to look out the window to get a better view and I’m glad she seems interested.

  “Holy shit, the Gateway Arch?” She sounds shocked and excited.

  “Yes, have you been here?” I ask while giving her my biggest smile, proud I’m making her happy already.

  “No, but I always wanted to. I wish I had my camera,” she says sadly.

  “I haven’t either. You can always use your cell phone,” I remind her while helping her out.

  “True, but I’m a photographer and would love to have my Canon.”

  Crap, now I’m messing this up before it even starts. I didn’t even think to ask about her other job. I just assumed it was waitressing or something along those lines too.

  “Hey, where did you for a moment? It’s fine that I don’t have it, it’s just something I’d like to do. I can always come back another day,” she says while giving me a small smile, making me feel slightly better.

  I head to the counter for our tickets while she looks around the lobby. As I make my way back to her, she’s reading a sign about the arch and I can’t help but stop in my tracks to admire her. She is so beautiful. I can’t believe I’m so lucky to have her as my mate. I notice a man walking toward Mabel as if she’s an easy target. My bear growls in anger that someone is daring to look at our mate. Mabel doesn’t seem to notice him but glances over her shoulder like she knows the sound came from me. I wrap my arms around her while pulling her body flush against mine, then slowly lower my head so she’s aware of my intention. She shocks me as she stands on her toes meeting me halfway. The second our mouths touch there’s that spark again from when we shook hands at the diner. When I feel her lips part slightly, I slide my tongue against in, moving in slow strokes to give us both a taste of what I’d love to do on other parts of her body. My cock hardens in my pants when I hear her moan and I pull back, frustrated with myself that I almost took things too far in public.

  “You ready to go to the top, love?” I ask while leading her to the trams for that purpose.

  “Um yeah, but what was that back there? You looked pissed then you kissed me,” she asks.

  We get inside the small tram that’d normally hold four people but I’m a big man and take two seats myself, leaving no room for anyone else except us. Once the door shuts, she squeezes my hand tightly and I put my arm around her hoping to help the fear of going up so high.

  “Damon, I’m not scared. Please answer me,” she says, sounding unsure.

  “There was a man staring at you and I didn’t like it. I want my eyes to be the only ones that get to see your beauty.”

  “Oh, you’re a caveman! I’m sure he was watching someone else,” she says as she turns her head to look out the little windows. They give us a view of the inside of the arch, even though it’s not much, just some stairs and blank walls. However, I like knowing it’s made structurally, it’s something that speaks to me.

  “Trust me when I say, it was you. Don’t ever doubt your beauty,” I tell her with as much conviction as I can.

  Before she can reply, we come to a stop. I climb out then give her my hand to help her. We look out over the city in awe. My bear doesn’t like being up this high, preferring to be on the ground or running through the woods, but we’d both do anything for our mate, even making a second trip one day so she can take all the pictures she wants.

  Chapter Nine


  Going to the top of the Gateway Arch was one of coolest things I’ve ever done, though I have to say being kissed by Damon was better. I can’t stop thinking about it even as he drives us to a little mom and pop Italian restaurant. I should be mad he did it in front of everyone because that stranger made him jealous, yet I’m not. Even though I believed I wasn’t his type, I felt the hardness through his pants letting me know differently.

  I’d love to feel it other places, such as my mouth or inside me. I squeeze my legs together, trying to create some friction and have to stop myself before I moan out loud from the dirty thoughts I’m having about Damon. I hear him take a deep breath before he lets out a low growl. What the heck is with him and that? It seems like whenever we’re near each other he does it. I want to ask him but we’re pulling in and all I can think about is food. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.

  We walk inside the cute little place and the hostess greets Damon like they’re best friends. If it wasn’t for the fact she looks to be in her seventies, I’d be jealous. She takes us to our table and places our menus in front of us, letting us know our waiter will be with us soon.

  “Since I’m taking it you come here often, what do you recommend?” I ask, trying to play it cool but also to find out more about him.

  “My firm is down the street, so I eat lunch here at least once a week.” Then he tells me his favorites and what else he’s tried and liked while we continue reading the menus.

  Our waiter stops over for our drink preferences, and Damon asks for a bottle of Pinot Noir. After he returns, we ordering our meals, both choosing the stuffed rigatoni. When we’re alone again, I take this opportunity to get to know Damon a bit more.

  “I’ve already noticed you’re a caveman, but what else is there to know about you?” I ask with a giggle.

  “There’s not much to tell really. As soon as I graduated college, I decided I didn’t want to work for someone, so I used all my savings to open my business. It’s not huge, just me and five employees, but I like setting my own hours and doing the designs I choose,”

  “That’s how I am with photography,” I say while squeezing his hand.

  When our food arrives, we dive in, making small talk as we eat. I tell him I used to frame pictures I took and sell them online or in small shops around town but had to stopped when my mom got hurt. I started working for a local photography studio part-time instead but it wasn’t enough. That's when Penny told me they had an opening at Ted’s.

  When I can’t eat anymore, I ask the waiter for a box while Damon settles the check. I look at my phone to see what time it is and almost panic when I see it’s eight. Melissa always goes to bed in a half-hour and if she doesn’t, morn
ings are a nightmare. Well, more like Melissa is. I don’t understand it but for some reason, the child needs her sleep. All it takes it keeping her up once to find that out the hard way. When Damon comes back, I tell him I need to be going and why.

  “Ah, so she’s like a little bear who needs her sleep,” he says, smiling.

  I’m pretty sure I’m missing some hidden message but have no idea what. I’m sad the date is coming to an end yet I’m looking forward to the goodnight kiss. If it’s anything like the one he gave me earlier, I’ll be the one missing out on sleep tonight as I think about it over and over again.

  Chapter Ten


  We’re walking towards my front door and I’m reluctant to let her go, although I understand why she needs to. As we climb the few steps to my porch, I stop and turn to Mabel.

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” I warn her, not sure if we’d be able to sneak one in when I drop them off at their house.

  I lean down slowly toward her soft lips that I can’t stop thinking about and she stands on her tiptoes, looping her arms around my neck. With a growl, I grab her waist and pull her closer. She lets out a soft moan and I take advantage of the chance to slide my tongue inside her mouth. Mabel tastes like a mix of sweet wine and a flavor only she can have. I’m about to pick her up and push her against the wall when Ma opens the door, startling both of us.

  “Oh, I thought I heard voices out here! Did you have a nice time?” She knew damn well what was going on with her shifter hearing but I’m grateful for the interruption. This is not how I want our first time to be.

  “We did. Thank you for watching Melissa. How is she?” Mabel asks as she goes inside like she owns the place. Frankly, she does and can have whatever she wants.

  “She was wonderful and such fun to play with. She fell asleep about ten minutes ago on the couch. I figured you’d be back soon, so I left her there,” Ma says.

  We talk with Ma a few minutes before she leaves then it’s time for me to take them home. My bear is whining, not wanting them to go. I pick Melissa up and carry her to the truck, surprised she stayed asleep. The drive seems faster this time. After helping get Melissa in bed, I give Mabel a soft kiss before saying goodnight. I need to figure out how to help them so Mabel can get back to doing what she loves and not working so hard. When she was telling me about it, I could tell she’s starting to lose the joy in it. I also need to find a way to tell her about my bear, although I have no idea how to go about it. Instead of turning toward my house, I head the other way.

  Monroe opens his front door as I’m getting out of my truck, just standing there as if he was waiting for me. He takes in my sad state before leading me to his office so we can talk.

  “What’s going on? Did the date not go well?” He asks as he pours us each a glass of whiskey.

  “It went great and I didn’t want to leave her. I’ve got an idea how to help her, but I want to tell her about my bear first. I don’t like hiding him from her. I figured I’d ask you for advice,” I say while downing my drink.

  “Whatever you do, don't play dead. I did that and Penelope fainted,” he says, looking scared from the memory.

  “Would you stop telling people about that! It was because I was chased by a psychopath not even two hours before you told me you were a bear. It was a lot to take in at once,” Penny says as she joins us and sits on Monroe’s lap.

  “I think you should tell her soon. She has to be feeling the mating pull already. I did and didn’t want to be away from Monroe for even twenty minutes,” she says.

  “I know I’m feeling it and my bear doesn’t like it either,” I admit while getting up to refresh my drink.

  “Ooh, how about I call tomorrow and invite her over for a cookout! She only works at the studio on Sundays, so she’ll be able to come! Maybe you can find a way to sneak off and tell her,” Penny offers excitedly.

  I agree with the idea before heading home. I need to make some calls before it gets too late to start on my plans for helping my mate.

  Chapter Eleven


  As much as I love photography, this job is sucking the fun out of it. Talking to Damon about being able to do what you love makes me miss the freedom to take the pictures I want instead of people wanting to recreate poses they found on Pinterest. It’s also not helping that I barely got any sleep. I don’t understand it, but for some reason I missed Damon terribly. All night I felt like calling him to come over, but I didn’t want to seem clingy and scare him away before this even really begins.

  My current customers are a family of six and all I can think about is starting my own with Damon, which sounds crazy. It makes me wonder if I feel like this because I’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone kissed anyone until him. I finish the session and tell the clients to wait in the lobby and I’ll call them back when the pictures are ready to view. I plug in the memory card to pull them up and hear my text alert. I check it, thinking it’d be Michelle about Melissa, but it’s from Penny inviting us for a cookout after work. I start to tell her no, but then I think what the hell, let’s go for it and reply we’ll be there. If I’m lucky I’ll run into Damon.

  “Mabel, you’re home,” Melissa says as I walk in the door.

  “I am. Guess what? Penny invited us over so we can see her new place,” I tell her while hanging up my purse. Michelle gets off the couch and gathers her belongings while telling me how it went. I give her my thanks before she goes home.

  “When do we leave?” Melissa asks excitedly.

  “After I change, so clean up your toys while I’m changing. That way we’ll be ready to go,” I suggest while heading to my room.

  I’m going through my closet to decide what I should wear, even though it’s just a cookout but Damon might be there. I decide on a black shirt, dark jeans, and my white Converse. I meet Melissa in the living room and we get in the car and drive to Penny’s.

  As I pull up to a gate, a man steps out of the little building and walks to my car. He checks my license then allows me to through. I get that same feeling I had both times at the diner when Damon was near. I don’t know if it’s wishful thinking or not, but I hope he is. I miss him like crazy even though it hasn’t been that long since I saw him.

  “Did you see that bear?” Melissa asks from the back.

  “Mel bug, there aren’t any out here, you silly goose,” I say with a laugh.

  “It was in those trees over there,” she says, pointing to the right. I slow to a stop and look around, but I don’t see anything. I bet it was a dog or something and she’s just using her vivid imagination.

  “I don’t see it. Maybe you can ask Penny if there’s some on their land.”

  After a few minutes, we’re at their house. It’s cute, but if I’m honest, I love Damon’s better, though I might be a bit biased because of the man himself. I climb out then pull open Melissa’s door with a bit of a struggle. My mom got in a wreck a few years ago and since then it doesn’t open without force. Melissa grabs the box of cupcakes we grabbed on our way before joining me. We walk up to the porch as Penny steps out.

  “I’m glad you were able to make it,” Penny says, pulling me into a hug.

  “Me too,” I reply, feeling bad that I’m always having to bail on her lately.

  “We brought cupcakes but I couldn’t have any yet,” Melissa pouts.

  Laughing, Penny leads us to the kitchen where we leave the dessert before heading to the back patio. That’s when I realize Penny forgot to mention she was inviting what appears to be Monroe’s entire family. I see his mom sitting at the patio table talking to an older man who Damon resembles a bit. There are five men standing around the grill joking around. Penny leads us to them when one turns around who looks almost identical to Damon if it wasn’t for the beard.

  “This is Rhys, Damon’s twin. Rhys, this is Mabel, my best friend,” Penny says before she finishes introducing me to everyone else. When she gets to Damon, she doesn’t even bother and just walks away. />
  Melissa gets excited to see Damon again and starts talking his head off, asking when she can go back to his house to play with the cool toys. Once he’s done saying hi to her, he slowly glances at me looking breathtaking.

  “Hello, my love,” he says, with a low growl that makes my panties wet. Hearing him call me that makes me want to do an excited girly dance.

  “Hey,” I reply quietly while staring into his beautiful eyes.

  “We saw a bear when we came through your gate,” Melissa says proudly.

  Everyone freezes as soon as the words come out of her mouth and Penny drops the plate she was holding, causing it to shatter. I thought Melissa was just making it up but the way everyone is acting leads me to believe I’m missing something.

  Chapter Twelve


  Fuck. I didn’t think they could see me where I was. I just wanted to make sure they made it okay since Penny said I shouldn’t pick them up in case Mabel wants to leave after I tell her about my bear. We’re all still just standing around not quite sure what to say.

  “Are you sure it wasn’t a deer? We get those running through our land sometimes,” Ma says coming to her senses as she leads the girls inside for a drink. I hear Jace choking a little then everything goes back to normal. I’ve missed Mabel so damn much, but I knew I had to take care of some things before I saw her again. I called my friend, who happens to be a lawyer, and asked him to look into her mom’s case about not getting workers compensation. This morning I contacted the rehab facility to find out what kind of assistance she needs. They said she’s able to live at home now but needs a daily therapist and nurse to help her so I hired the best and arranged for her to come to my parents’ house.


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