The Vault Box Set

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The Vault Box Set Page 54

by Summers, Eden

  “Drama? I’m not here to—”

  “I like you.” Shay lowered her voice, shooting a conspiratorial look over Pamela’s shoulder as she released the glass. “Please don’t make me kick you out.”

  “Kick who out?” Bryan’s delicious, deep growl tickled her neck, the sound having the ability to burst ovaries in a ten-mile radius. “What did I miss?”

  He swiveled her stool, dragging her attention to his ruggedly perfect face. His beard had been cropped, the blond strands shorter, revealing more of the man he hid beneath. She’d never get sick of staring at him, not when he looked at her with affection and ownership. Tonight, there was something else, too.

  Was he nervous?

  “Apparently, our break-up.” She feigned a glare. “You told your friends we weren’t dating anymore?”

  His lush lips curved, setting off a chain reaction to transform his features into something entirely stunning, and maybe even a little sweet. “We’re not.”

  “True.” She leaned in, swiping her mouth leisurely across his. His responding growl carried into her belly, tickling all the way down to her pussy. “But I think you’ve given them the wrong impression.”

  “You’re still together?” Shay shrieked, stealing the attention of the room.

  Numerous people stopped what they were doing—the drinking, the kissing, the fucking—and turned to face them.

  “Subtle,” Bryan grated. “Real fucking subtle, Shay.”

  Pamela wove a hand around his neck and kept him close. She loved this man. Not that he knew it. The L-word was extremely significant to him. Without the love of his parents, he considered the emotion to be the holy grail of humanity. She didn’t expect to ever hear the declaration from his lips. But she took solace in telling herself his adoration and commitment were signs of something parallel.

  “Why did you give your friends the wrong impression?” she whispered.

  He’d changed during their time together. Each day, he opened up a little more, sharing tidbits about his past, giving enough to satisfy her concern. Apparently, that translucent behavior ended when he came to work.

  “I had to keep you to myself for as long as possible.” He leaned back to stare at her. “I didn’t want to keep fielding questions about us every time I took a breath. I needed it to be you and me for a while.”

  “What the hell is going on?” Shay slapped her hands against the bar.

  “See?” he drawled. “She’s a hemorrhoid we’ll never get rid of.”

  “I am not,” the bartender snapped. “You’re too secretive. Maybe if you shared every once in a while.”

  Bryan shook his head, his nose brushing Pamela’s. “I don’t want to share.”

  “You’re lucky you’re cute.” She nibbled his lower lip. “But it’s time to tell her. Don’t be mean.”

  His chest rumbled, the predatory sound tickling her nipples as he slid his hands around her hips and cupped her ass. “We’re not dating, Shay,” he muttered between kisses. “We’re living together.”

  Pamela smiled and sank into his affection while the bartender flung questions their way, over and over, one after another, until her voice approached a yell and Leo, T.J., and Cassie joined the inquisition. Not once did Bryan allow their kiss to break. He kept their bodies fused—lips and hips—while his tongue teased hers with gentle swirls.

  She couldn’t get enough of him or his arrogant demands. Not now, and definitely not when he’d dragged her from their first date and announced they needed to skip the irritating formalities and move in together.

  Bryan hadn’t functioned well under his preconceived notions of what a romantic relationship should be. He’d needed to create his own rules. And the unscheduled fast-forward into a cemented commitment had worked for them both.

  She loved the stability and devotion. He enjoyed keeping her on her toes.

  Not once had they looked back.

  He wasn’t anything like she’d anticipated. She’d already known they’d set sheets aflame in the bedroom. But away from the sex and the seduction, he was the most attentive and protective man she’d ever met.

  Selfless, too.

  Tonight, he surprised her all over again with his gentle devotion. In a sex club, for the first time as a couple, she’d thought he would’ve been in predator mode—all hands, teeth, and gyrating body parts.

  This smooth tenderness was a million times better.

  He inched back, those blue eyes slaying her with their passion. “Are you ready for the inquisition?”

  She nodded, taking the seconds of their locked gaze to try to read him. When he swung toward his friends, she remained clueless.

  T.J. and Cassie huddled beside them near the stools. Shay and Leo stood behind the bar.

  Shay cocked a hip, a manicured brow rising. “You’ve got some ex—”

  Leo clapped a hand over his girlfriend’s mouth, softening the restriction with a kiss to her forehead.

  “Are you happy?” Cassie asked over the growing enthusiasm in the room.

  “That’s your first question?” Bryan scoffed. “Great. This is going to take all night.”

  “That’s our only question,” Leo clarified. “You don’t like to share, and we don’t need to pry. We just want to make sure you’re happy.” He dropped his hand from Shay’s face and poured himself a glass of bourbon. “Isn’t that right, Shay?”

  She grunted. “Speak for yourself. I want all the gory details.”

  “There are no gory details.” Bryan wrapped a hand around Pamela’s waist, squeezing tight. “Dating didn’t work, so we moved in together.”

  “But you’re happy?” T.J. asked.

  “Yes.” His response was simple. No inflection. No emotion. No bullshit. “Are we done now?”

  Pamela hid her disappointment. She didn’t want him to gush and brag about their relationship. She just wanted… Something. Anything to match the man he became in the privacy of his own home. Here in the bar, he’d regressed to being the closed off, tight-lipped guy she first met. Even his posture seemed stiff.

  Leo inclined his head, raised his glass in salute, and then walked for the end of the bar.

  Discussion over.

  “Yep. That’s all.” Cassie beamed. “I’m so pleased for you both.” She clapped Bryan on the shoulder and strode away, dragging her husband along with her.

  Shay did a repeat of her eye-roll, not saying a word as she side-stepped and requested a drink order from a waiting patron with a jerk of her chin.

  That was it. The inquisition had finished before it had begun.

  “You hid our relationship because of that?” she asked.

  “That’s not normal,” he muttered. “I think they’re lulling us into a false sense of security.”

  “Is that why you’re anxious?”

  He stiffened, not meeting her gaze.

  She’d nailed it. He was anxious. “What is it? I thought you were excited about tonight.”

  They’d discussed the complexity of returning to the Vault. It was their first major test. The trust and responsibility of being committed while participating in a sex club wasn’t something to disregard without a second, third, or fourth thought.

  He frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Now he was lying? “Bryan? What’s going on?”

  “Shit,” he muttered under his breath. “Look, I have something planned. I’m just not sure how it will turn out.”

  Her stomach flipped. What plans could put this experienced man on edge? “You’re never nervous when it comes to sex.”

  “Exactly.” He cleared his throat and stood tall. “Hey.” He raised his voice, cutting through the moans and whimpers. “I need everyone’s attention.”

  Her heart fluttered as the room fell under his command. Couples stopped fucking. People stepped out of the adjoining rooms to hear what he had to say. Even Cassie and T.J. looked on in confusion from the far corner.

  “As you all know, this is my first n
ight back—”

  Wolf whistles and cheers sliced through the air.

  “Come on, guys.” He hushed the excitement with raised hands. “As I was saying, I haven’t been down here since before I canceled the demonstration night. Unfortunately, the original plan didn’t work out, but tonight I’d like to give you all a taste of what’s in store when I reorganize the class.”

  He faced her and held out a hand.

  “Bryan?” She glanced around the room, unsure what was going on. “What are you doing?”

  “I need you to help assist me in a tiny preview.”

  She shook her head. No. No, no, no. She’d barely been prepared for what could’ve happened in the dark shadows on their own, let alone under a microscope.

  Everyone stared at them, the simmering excitement in the air tickling her skin.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for this.”

  His anxiety faded under the brilliance of his smirk. “You will be.” The promise was wicked. Confident. Entirely undeniable.

  She reached for her drink and gulped some of the liquid.

  “Don’t drink too much.” His heat closed in to envelop her, his lips finding her neck. “You don’t want to be numb for this.”

  Yes, she did.

  If it weren’t for his anxiety, she would’ve indulged in the upcoming naughtiness with bounding delight. Her nipples already tingled. Her panties had turned into a Slip ’N Slide. She loved every opportunity to be an exhibitionist in the safe environment of the Vault.

  But Bryan was worried about something. The fear pulsed off him in waves.

  “We should talk about this first.” The weight of the room’s interest bore down on her.

  “Trust me.”

  “This has nothing to do with trust. I’ve never seen you anything other than one hundred percent confident when it comes to sex. Whatever you’re concerned about is starting to concern me.”

  “Come on,” a man called from the back of the room. “Bring on the demo.”

  Bryan slid a hand into her loose hair and cupped the back of her head. “I was worried about dumping this on you. That’s all. I didn’t want you to anticipate what was coming, and not telling you made me feel like a guilty little bitch.”

  She studied him, unsure what to believe. “Are you bullshitting me?”

  “When have I ever done that?” He smirked, making it ten times harder for her to trust her intuition.

  “Are you sure everything is okay between us?” That was all that mattered. She didn’t care about anything else.

  “We’re exactly where I want us to be at this point in time.” He entwined their hands and tugged her from the stool. He led her through the mingling crowd, weaving through the condensing throng without effort. “The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I get you all to myself.”

  Leo and T.J. quickly rearranged furniture, creating space. Ottomans were shoved toward the wall. Sofas were turned and swiveled. Everything was strategically placed to face the large bed in the center of the room, the cream satin sheets gleaming under the overhead lights.

  Bryan stopped at the side of the mattress and kissed her knuckles. “You’re not going to fuck this up. However this turns out, it’s because of me, okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay?” he growled, his drawn brows demanding a vocal response.

  “Okay, you big brute.”

  With a subtle glide, his expression transformed from tight concern to gentle appreciation. Maybe even pride. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “I already have.” She knew him better now, better than anyone who believed this man was harsh and heartless. Past his sterile exterior, he was the exact opposite.

  “All right, everyone.” He scoped the audience of half-dressed patrons. “This is only going to be a taste of what’s to come. On the actual demonstration night, I plan to discuss a range of different techniques. We’ll go over the benefits of edging, and how consistency or surprise can affect women in different ways. But tonight, it’s all about reading signs.”

  He crooked a finger at her, encouraging her onto the bed. “Lie down close to me. You need to stay in reach.”

  She stood immobile, her heart galloping into her throat. This would bring her exhibitionism to a whole new level—from amateur to professor.

  “Don’t worry.” He held out a hand. “I promise to look after you.” His grin was sly and cocky, the opposite of reassuring.

  He didn’t make sense. One moment he seemed restless and skittish. The next he exuded his ingrained confident sexuality without flaw.

  “You’re going to have a lot of explaining to do later. You know that, right?”

  He inclined his head. “I know, sweetheart.”

  She slid her palm into his and allowed him to help her onto the raised bed. He guided her to lie close to the side of the mattress, the tiny overhead lights beaming down, bathing her in a glow before the shadowed audience.

  “Gorgeous.” Appreciation ebbed off him. “I think you’re going to have more than a few admirers after this.”

  Her cheeks heated, from his words and the crowd’s whispers of affirmation.

  “Your blush does things to me, sweetheart.”

  “Me, too,” another man muttered.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Just get started, would you?”

  “You all heard the lady. We need to get this show on the road.” He pivoted to the crowd of thirty-odd people, all of them silent with expectation. “Your job tonight is to study this flawless woman. I want you to be able to pinpoint those barely recognizable signs to learn just how subtle a partner can be during sex.”

  Their scrutiny bore down on her, tickling her skin and heightening her awareness. She breathed in their interest, letting it coat her in tingling carnality. But something else made the pressure between her thighs intensify. Something she’d grown to crave each day from this addictive man.

  “See that?” His short, sharp glance captured everything. “Her breathing has increased, and I haven’t even touched her yet. Can anyone tell me why she’s already aroused?”

  “Alcohol?” someone asked.

  “Nope,” Shay called. “She didn’t even finish her first drink.”

  “She’s in a sex club. Of course she’s aroused,” a man drawled.

  “Wrong.” Bryan verbally slapped away the comment. “She isn’t new to the scene. It’s not like watching you fool around is going to send her into a panting mess. Try again.”

  “The anticipation?” a feminine voice asked.

  “Maybe, but I wouldn’t bet my house on it.” He held Pamela’s gaze, deciphering every move she made. Every breath. Every thought. “Anyone else have a suggestion?”

  Silence followed, not a whisper of an answer coming forward.

  His focus held her in a trance, her breaths becoming gasps.

  “Your eyes,” she admitted. “Your confidence.”

  “I hoped you’d say that.” He gifted her with a subtle grin. “Most women are attracted to knowledge. Problem is, every woman is different, which means nobody can become complacent. There’s always a learning curve with a new partner, no matter how good you think you are. The trick to becoming an expert is to read who you’re with. Never stop searching for signals.”

  He took a step toward the end of the bed, aligning himself with her feet. “You have to acknowledge what isn’t being said, because your partner may lie for numerous reasons. Maybe they lack confidence. Or don’t trust you enough. Maybe they’re shy. Or don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  His hand reached out, the approach a slow, tormenting tease. She could feel his touch before the lone fingertip grazed her ankle, the slight brush scorching in its wake.

  “Nothing is more rewarding than a sexually satisfied woman.” He spoke softly, the trail of fire ascending along her calf. “Take your time exploring their body. Make her think it’s a game, when all along, you’re creeping further and further under her skin. Learning her secrets.”r />
  She tried not to move, not to flinch. Staying quiet became difficult. The further that lone fingertip trailed, the more her body reacted without her permission, jolting and glitching like a Richter scale in an apocalyptic earthquake.

  “How do y’all think I’m doing so far?”

  “Her breathing is still getting faster,” Cassie offered.

  “Yes. But what else?” His caress crept higher, over her knee, along the inside of her thigh. “Has anyone noticed her muscle spasms? They’re flowing along her leg, preceding my touch, anticipating my next move.”

  “She’s tilted in your direction, too,” T.J. added. “Not much, but a little.”

  “Those are the tiny signs you need to look for. Anything deliberate could be a lie, for the reasons I’ve mentioned. These almost imperceptible changes are the things that mean the most. Especially those beautiful eyes dilating.”

  She was ready to ditch the imperceptible signs and drag him to the bed by his hair. How could a lone finger torment her like this?

  No. It wasn’t the solitary stroke. She couldn’t forget that. It was his stare. His voice. His infallible expertise. The list increased with every blink.

  His aftershave. His dress sense. His erotic selflessness.

  There wasn’t one thing about this man that didn’t turn her on.

  Not one thing that didn’t encourage her to want to grind her thighs together.

  She cleared the gravel from her throat and swallowed to soothe the burn.

  He paused in his moment of sexual prowess, giving way to sweet sincerity. “How are you doing?”

  “Fine, thanks.” Her betraying voice broke.

  People chuckled, some snorted, while Bryan grinned down at her, his admiration a living, breathing thing.

  The fire reignited at mid-thigh, sliding to her garter.

  She licked her lips, overheating, hyperventilating.

  Everyone watched them, their fascination rushing through her. There was no condemnation from the group, only awe and enjoyment. Every single person had pinpoint focus on her gratification.


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