The Crusader's gold jh-2

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The Crusader's gold jh-2 Page 23

by David Gibbins

  “My favourite.” Costas sighed contentedly and kicked on his hiking boots. “A treasure hunt.”

  “No sophisticated gadgets this time.” Jack lowered the glasses and glanced at Costas as he laced up his boots. “The terrain’s useless for geophysics, and what we’re looking for probably wouldn’t show up anyway. We’re talking Mark 1 Eyeball. Anyway, it’s the only way I’ve ever found treasure.”

  “So what are we looking for?”

  “Something on the highest point, or a prominent point on the seaward side. But your guess is as good as mine. A cairn, or courses of stones lying on the ground that look too regular and may be from a collapsed pile. But if it was a wooden marker like that keel in the saga, then we’re probably out of luck.”

  The three of them fanned out over a fifty-foot swathe and began to work their way up towards the centre of the isle, Jack in the middle. The terrain was not difficult to traverse, but it was an awkward mix of exposed rock and soggy gullies that reminded him of their walk across Iona a few days before. After scrambling up the first small ridge, Costas stopped suddenly and looked at the ground. Jack caught his movement and spun round. “Got something?”

  “It’s about Harald’s Vikings.”

  “Go on.” Jack relaxed and looked at Costas expectantly.

  “No women. I mean, apart from Harald’s lady, and she was obviously out of bounds.”

  “Maria said that. But remember, they weren’t planning a colony. In their own minds they were going from one battle to another, to their last showdown. Anything they found on the way, fine, but if not, they had a higher purpose. Plus they were hardly in a fit state.”

  “Are you worried about her?” Costas said. “Maria, I mean?”

  Jack was silent for a moment, then replied, “She can look after herself. It’s O’Connor who’s in the firing line.”

  A little over two hours later they had scoured the entire island and come up with nothing. Jack had dropped out of sight of the other two, and found himself wandering along the rocky foreshore on the west side of the isle. He was beginning to feel dislocated, and the memories of his troubled dreams the night before were flashing back through his mind. For the first time he seriously wondered whether they had come to the end of the trail. For the archaeologists who had followed the Vikings before, this bleak and forbidding site had been a scene of triumph, of euphoria that made even the tiny scraps of Norse remains at L’Anse aux Meadows seem as exciting as King Tut’s treasure. Yet here the trail had ended. Nothing conclusive had ever been found farther west or south, no evidence of Viking settlement or exploration.

  Jack squatted down on the foreshore, found a flat pebble and skipped it far out into the sea, counting the splashes until it disappeared. Maybe this was truly the edge of the Norse world, the boundary of the afterlife. Maybe this was where they had found their mystical battle at the end of time, their Ragnarok. Ever since Iona, Jack had felt an extraordinary convergence with Harald Hardrada, as if Harald were his spirit-companion, just present on the other side of the boundary. Maria had told him the Norse believed that those with wanderlust followed the paths left by their ancestors, by their spirit-companions, and Jack had begun to feel that he was being drawn along by this other presence. Now he suddenly felt marooned, swirling in a mist of uncertainty, without even a hint of where to go next.

  Maybe this was exactly what Harald himself had felt at this point. Jack thought again of the map, of the ship in the ice, of Halfdan’s great war axe. It was not all fantasy. It really had happened. There had to be something more here. He pressed his hands against the solid rock of the island, willing it to give up its secrets. He remembered the axe again. “Battle-luck,” he whispered to himself. Then he stood and strode resolutely back up the low ridges of the island until he spotted Costas and Jeremy together on a slab of rock near the lower eastern shore. He reached them in a few minutes, then passed them his water bottle before taking a swig himself. “We’ve got an hour before the ebb tide begins and we have to leave. Any suggestions?”

  “I’ve just been telling Costas,” Jeremy said. “Something’s been niggling me. Something about that map.” He took out the copy of Richard of Holdingham’s map and placed it on the rock, then sat down and stared at it with his hands clasped over his head. Suddenly he jumped up exultantly. “I’ve been stupid,” he exclaimed. “What I said about Richard, how meticulous he was. Look closely at his sketch. It’s not a cross, an X. It’s the Viking symbol of Thor’s hammer, the stem with two arms coming to a point at the top.”

  “Cool.” Costas sounded deadpan. “But how does that help us?”

  “Let’s say they found a rock of that shape and put their cairn there. Maybe not the best place for a beacon, but that’s exactly what the Norse would have done. It would have been an affront to Thor to ignore it.”

  “We’ve just found it,” Costas suddenly exclaimed. “Take a look around your feet.”

  They looked down and realised the slab they had been standing on had a peculiar regularity in its shape. They would not have noticed it without prompting, but as they clambered around they could see from one angle a clear similarity to the Thor’s hammer symbol.

  “Okay,” Jeremy said excitedly. “What we’re after is markings, probably runes. Look under any overhangs you can find, anywhere sheltered.”

  He vaulted over the side of the slab and began working his way along the edge, scanning the worn surface of the granite intently. After only a few seconds he dipped under an overhang and they heard a muffled whoop of delight. Jack jumped down beside him, and Jeremy took his hand and pressed it against the underside of the slab. “Can you feel it?”

  Jack moved his hands over the rough, damp rock and began to feel interjoined linear depressions, like gouged lines. “Yes!”

  “Do you have a torch?”

  Costas moved alongside them and thrust a mini Maglite into Jeremy’s hands. He squatted back under the overhang and trained the light on the rock. “Two runes,” he said. “The first is the third rune in the Norse futhark, the sound th. With only two runes here, I’d suggest we’re looking not at the letters of a word but at the rune’s symbolic meaning, which in this case is eagle.”

  “Eagle,” Jack said excitedly. “Could that mean Harald’s ship?”

  “The second one clinches it,” Jeremy said. “You’d better take a look.” He heaved himself out and passed the light to Jack, who crouched down and took Jeremy’s place under the rock. Jack trained the light upwards straight on to the seven-branched symbol of the menorah. He stared transfixed, barely breathing. He could scarcely believe it. Harald Hardrada himself must have been at this very spot, staring up at the marks his men had made, perhaps the last person to see this before now. The pitted rock of the ancient runestaves looked like the surface of the carved stones Jack had seen two days before on Iona, yet he had only seen the symbol of the menorah carved in stone on the Arch of Titus in Rome. The image he was now looking at seemed to defy all the conventional parameters of history. It was incredible. He had to blink hard to remind himself that he was thousands of miles away from Iona and Rome on the other side of the Atlantic.

  When Jack re-emerged he had a broad smile on his face, and he slapped Jeremy on the back as he shook his hand. “That’ll do nicely,” he said. “Very nicely. Congratulations, Jeremy.”

  “What do the runes mean?” Costas said.

  “The Eagle, Harald’s ship, plus the symbol of his treasure,” Jack replied.

  “Harald was here.”

  “Something like that.”

  “So it really did happen.” Jeremy slumped down on the grass beside the rock, exultant but drained. “This rewrites the history books completely. Vinland was not just an obscure outpost, but a place visited by the greatest king of the Viking age.”

  “And he went further,” Jack murmured.

  “What happened here?” Costas said, peering glumly at the low shoreline where it was beginning to spatter with rain. “I mean, if this godforsa
ken place was such a paradise for the Norse, why didn’t Harald stay?”

  “The Norse were great believers in the spirit world,” Jeremy said. “The barrier between their world and the spirit world was porous, easily transgressed. The wolf-god, the eagle-god, the evil god Loki, any of them could appear in the real world in various guises visible to those with seid, a kind of second sight. The spirits of the dead could haunt a place. Maybe Harald and his men could sense a malign presence when they arrived here.”

  “You wouldn’t have needed second sight,” Costas said. “Even after half a century there’d still be all the skeletons, especially if they were trapped inside one of the longhouses.”

  “Harald’s men probably would have felt compelled to collect the bones and cremate them, and then burn and bury everything else they could,” Jeremy said. “And these runes probably had a double meaning, a protective magic to keep the spirits of this place at bay and safeguard Harald and his men for what lay ahead. They were a rune-spell, a galdrastafir.” He got up and reached under the overhang, tracing his fingers over the staves carved in the rock. “One rune might be the eagle’s beak, another the tooth of a wolf, another Thor’s hammer.”

  “And one might be the menorah,” Jack added quietly.

  “The more I’ve seen it, the more I believe the menorah became Harald’s own rune, not only a symbol of his prowess and achievement but also a kind of talisman, something wrapped up in his own destiny.”

  “His survival at Stamford Bridge would have seemed little short of a miracle,” Jack said. “As a Viking warrior Harald would have hoped for glorious death in battle, but the fact that he was spared may have suggested that an even greater battle awaited him. In their half-crazed state he and his men may already have crossed the boundary into the spirit world, and believed they were seeing portents of their own destiny at the final showdown of Ragnarok.”

  “Remember what Father O’Connor said,” Jeremy added. “The Norse believed in predestination, that one’s fate is fixed at birth. Maybe Harald felt his was still to come, and was being driven onwards. He still needed to find the greatest triumph for his character, to die a death befitting the supreme image of the Norse hero.”

  “Okay, guys, you’ve lost me,” Costas said. “All I want to know is where he went from here.”

  Jack nodded and looked serious. “Well, one thing they would have been able to do here was replenish their water and food and carry out ship repair. One of the first things the archaeologists found in the 1960s was a primitive smithy where local bog iron was smelted and made into rivets. And some of those wood chips found near the foreshore could have come from Harald’s men making replacement hull timbers.”

  “And then where? East or south?”

  “West down the St. Lawrence estuary would have been a tough haul against the river flow,” Jeremy said. “And going any farther in that direction they would have been terrified of reaching the edge of the world and plunging into Ginnungagap, the great abyss.”

  “Not exactly the glorious end they had in mind,” Costas said. “So we’re talking south?”

  Jack nodded, then turned round and squatted with his back to the rock while he took out a palm computer from his backpack. He looked up at Jeremy. “It’s my turn to apologise for concealing something. I’m already one step ahead.” He flipped open the screen and activated the computer, and Costas and Jeremy squatted on either side of him. After a few seconds the isometric image of a Viking longship appeared on the screen.

  “Lanowski emailed this to me late yesterday evening, after you were both asleep,” Jack said. “It’s a 3-D image of our Viking longship in the ice, based on the photogrammetric data we acquired inside the berg. Assuming that the Wolf and the Eagle were sister ships, this gives a pretty good idea of what the vessel looked like that brought Harald and his men to Vinland.”

  Jack scrolled around the image to give them different isometric views, then zoomed in to reveal details. They saw an elegant vessel with a single mast and square sail, broad-beamed amidships, with the stem and stern rising symmetrically. They could see where each strake of the hull had been made up of several planks, the lower edge of each overlapping the outside of the one below and joined to it by rivets and clenched nails. The keel was deep, with steeply angled lower planks, giving the vessel good resistance to sideways drift. Below the gunwale were evenly spaced oarports, and at the stern a steering oar on a projecting boss, just as Jack and Costas had seen on the longship in the ice. Lanowski had left out the superb carving that had adorned the stem-post, but flying from the stern was a white flag which on close inspection proved to contain the distinctive IMU logo and a spidery image of a seven-branched candlestick.

  “My God,” Costas murmured. “The guy’s got a sense of humour after all.”

  “After overwintering at the icefjord they would have needed to refit their ship for the voyage south,” Jack said. “Remember she was a venerable vessel by Viking standards, the same ship Harald had used to escape from the Golden Horn twenty-five years before. They would have had their work cut out for them making her seaworthy again after having survived the trip from Iona and then being laid up on the ice all winter.”

  “What time of year are we talking about?”

  “The palaeoclimatologists in Macleod’s team have got pretty excited about the ice cores they took through the berg where the longship was trapped. Apparently the winter of 1066 to 1067 in Greenland was particularly harsh, presaging the Little Ice Age of the medieval period. It would have been May or even early June before the Davis Strait was clear of drift ice.”

  “Once they’d decided to consolidate in one ship, the Eagle, they could have used timbers from the other vessel to make repairs,” Costas said.

  “Exactly what Lanowski found when he studied the pictures,” Jack said. “Cross-beams and even part of the keel had been removed from the stern area.”

  “What about caulking material?”

  “They could only have survived the winter by hunting and fishing on the ice,” Jack said. “I’m convinced they had Greenland Norse with them, men they had taken on board at the western settlement of Greenland to act as guides. They would have shown Harald’s men how to smear the timbers with seal blubber as protection against shipworms and to make rope from walrus hide.”

  “And they would have told them there was no hope in going north,” Costas suggested.

  “In theory, the Vikings could have navigated the Northwest Passage through the Arctic to the Bering Strait, but there’s no evidence they ever went west of Baffin Bay,” Jeremy replied. “There’s a smattering of Norse artefacts from Inuit sites as far north as Ellesmere Island, on the edge of the polar ice cap, but they were probably collected by Inuit hunters from shipwrecks or from abandoned Norse settlements in Greenland. It’s like the evidence for Franklin’s doomed expedition to find the Northwest Passage in 1845, a tantalizing scatter of finds absorbed into another culture.”

  “It’s kind of spooky,” Costas murmured. “Everywhere we go we seem to be on the trail of the Vikings, yet it’s as if they weren’t quite there. I think I’m beginning to believe in that spirit world.”

  Jack jerked his head back towards the low shoreline behind them and the site of L’Anse aux Meadows. In his mind’s eye he saw the Viking ship, sail furled, drawn up and keeled over in the shallow tidal estuary. “You can be sure they were here. And remember our longship in the ice.”

  “So we agree they reached here in, say, late June of 1067?” Jeremy asked.

  “Once the drift ice had gone and the weather had settled, it would have been a relatively easy passage across the Davis Strait from Ilulissat and down the coast of Baffin Island and Labrador to this place, following the route told to them by the Greenlanders,” Jack said. “It’s iceberg alley out there, but they could have mustered enough fit oarsmen for short bursts to keep out of harm’s way. Chances are they had a steady and favourable wind all the way, behind them or on the quarter. Even in rough seas
a vessel like this would have been able to ride out storms, supple enough to flex with the pitch of the sea, and with a high enough freeboard to prevent the hull sinking under the weight of icing. And the Norse were extraordinarily skilled navigators. They had a kind of sunstone, a refractive feldspar which would catch polarized light in overcast weather and tell them where the sun was, but mostly they navigated by their senses, by an intimate knowledge of the sea and stars. If Harald ever got caught in one of the perennial fogs of this coast, they would have kept on course by the smell of the land, the waft of the pine forests.”

  “And you really think Vinland was their promised land?” Costas persisted, looking dubiously towards the shore again. “It looks pretty bleak and forbidding to me.”

  “That’s not how it would have appeared to the first Vikings who came here. It had all the ingredients for the good life.” Jack paused and looked pensively towards the mainland. “But by Harald’s time it had a darkness over it, a pall cast by Freydis’ murderous crime. The Greenlanders would have known of it, and may even have warned Harald to stay away. Half a century after the events described in the sagas, Vinland may have acquired a sinister reputation, a place where people went but rarely returned. The Norse were the toughest adventurers around but were a pretty superstitious bunch, and for them this place was baleful, cursed. They would not have wanted to stay.”

  “And there were the Scraelings.”

  Jack nodded. “By this stage Harald’s men probably numbered well under a normal longship’s complement of about thirty, maybe only half that. They would have known about the Scraelings from the Greenland Norse. To provoke any kind of confrontation would have been suicidal. They probably slipped into this bay unobtrusively, took the timber and iron they needed, tapped pine resin for caulking, killed a few deer for clothing and venison, collected as much fish and meat and wild fruit as they could. Their last act may have been to burn and level the settlement and then stop at this island to make their mark, before leaving Leifsbu?ir forever.”


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