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We All Fall Down - Quills and Daggers Part Two: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 10

Page 21

by Carver Pike

  Rotten and Putrid would leave the house in the bodies of James and Kevin, but I’d keep Nikki around for a little while. Maybe I’d even keep her around permanently. I could easily pretend Hag wasn’t inside her, and Hag loved to fuck, so we could potentially have a nice life together.

  “Now,” I said, doing my best to ignore Nikki’s naked perfection. “If you’re as smart as I think you are, you must’ve told Kevin to go around to the back of the house. So why don’t you go ahead and have him come in here and join us.”

  “He’s been through a lot,” James said. “You’ve got the two of us. Let Kevin go.”

  Do you really think I’m that stupid? Like I’d let Kevin go on home. I’m sure he won’t call the cops or anything.

  “Don’t you let him go,” Putrid warned, chomping his teeth at my ear. “He’s all mine.”

  “I would never,” I promised. “He’s going to be yours, as promised.”

  James cocked his head to the side and I realized he’d heard me talking out loud to what must have looked like nobody.

  “Kevin is as much a part of this as you two,” I said. “It wouldn’t mean anything at all without him.”

  James looked down at Nikki again and bit his bottom lip.

  “Kev!” he yelled. “Come on in!”

  I didn’t need to look behind me when I heard our older brother enter. I was sure he’d come in armed with some sort of weapon, but James would never let him use it as long as I had the knife set firmly under Nikki’s chin.

  “Kev, put the pipe down,” James said. “But do it slowly. He’s got a knife on Nikki.”

  You see? I know them so well.

  The soft clang of metal on the tiled kitchen floor told me he’d obeyed. Kevin walked around the right side of us, his face barely visible in the candle’s glow.

  “Good to see you again, Kevin,” I said.

  “Ohhh yes,” Putrid said in my ear. “He’s perfect.”

  “So is James,” Rotten said.

  “I’m going to have so much fun with Nikki,” Hag added.

  They were so excited. Listening to their chatter was like listening to three fucked up children in bed on Christmas Eve, eager for morning to come so they could race to the Christmas tree and see what gifts awaited them.

  “Sit at Nikki’s other foot,” I told Kevin. “We’re going to play a little game.”

  Kevin looked down at James as if he needed his permission to sit. James nodded at him and Kevin sat down.

  “Whatever you have in mind,” James said. “We can sort this out.”

  “Sort it out how?” I asked. “Sort it out the way you did when we were kids? I remember very well how you sorted it out. When I was attacked in this house…by the Midnight Man. You ignored me. That’s how you sorted it out. You all ignored me. You all said I was lying. You said the demons didn’t exist. You said the Midnight Man didn’t exist. You made fun of me. Well, we’re going to play the game again. And, yes, we will certainly sort this out.”

  “We n…n…never made f…fun of you,” Kevin said.

  “We believed you,” Nikki cried.

  Liars. You’re all liars. Nobody believed me. Nobody. But you will tonight. You’ll see. You’ll all see.

  “The Midnight Man?” James asked. “That’s what this is all about? Are you still talking about that? Your idea that some dark being attacked you in the fucking kitchen? Neal, that was years ago. You’re fine. You always were fine. It was all in your head.”

  I couldn’t respond to him. I had so much to say, yet my words got stuck in my mouth.

  “They didn’t believe you,” Hag said from somewhere behind me.

  “They didn’t,” Rotten agreed.

  “They’ll never believe you until they see,” Putrid said.


  I can’t kill them. The Midnight Man will like them. Don’t you see? He was angry with me that night because I alone left the circle after calling on him. That’s why he gave me all of you. That’s why he gave me Samuel and Hag and Rotten and Putrid. The only way to make him stop is to bring the others to him. Then you can leave me and be with them. My punishment can be over.

  My nerves were shot. Too much was happening too quickly. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself, but Samuel was there waiting for me. He hung from his cross, lightning crashing from both sides of him, threatening to fry him there on his wooden post. A kid. He was only a kid, yet his face was twisted in rage and spit dribbled down his chin as he cursed at me. Always angry. Samuel was always so angry. An angry, ruthless, demonic voice inside of me, always forcing me to do things I didn’t necessarily want to do. Or did I?

  I opened my eyes. James and Kevin and Nikki were waiting to play my game.

  “Here,” I said as I tossed a small notepad and pen over to James. “Write your name on a sheet of paper and then toss it to Kevin to do the same.”

  James was slow to start but eventually wrote his name and ripped off his sheet of paper before handing the pad over to his brother. Kevin did the same.

  “Nikki will need to do the same,” I said.

  I untied her right hand and gestured for Kevin to toss me the notepad. He did and Nikki nervously scribbled her name down, her hand shaking the entire time. With the knife, I quickly sliced her palm. She screamed and both men across from me jumped up.

  “Sit the fuck down,” I warned. “And you…”

  I slapped the side of my blade against Nikki’s forehead. It was a hard thwack and her head fell back to the floor.

  “You shut the fuck up,” I told her.

  I wiped the piece of paper with Nikki’s name across her palm so the blood soaked into the paper. I tossed it onto the floor next to the candle. I pulled a small penknife out of my pocket and threw it to James.

  “Cut your palm and put blood on your paper. Then give it to Kevin to do the same.”

  James reluctantly did as he was told, handing the knife over to his brother afterward.

  “This isn’t going to work,” James said. “Don’t you get it? It’s all in your head. You need help, Neal. We’re your family and we can get you some help.”

  I ignored him and watched Kevin cut his palm.

  “Good,” I said. “Now both of you put your sheets of paper on top of Nikki’s. Next to the candle.”

  “Neal…” James started.

  “Sh…shut up, Ive…Ivory,” Kevin said.

  Kevin leaned over and tossed his sheet of paper on top of Nikki’s. James reluctantly did the same.

  “This is going so well,” I said. “We’re gonna be having so much fun in no time at all. Now, you know the drill. Both of you get up and go to the door. Don’t open it. It’s nearly eight o’clock. I’ll let you know when it’s time to start knocking. You remember how it’s done, right?”

  “I do,” James said. “But you’re playing it wrong. It’s not called the Eight O’Clock Man. It’s the Midnight Man, remember?”

  “Of course I fucking remember,” I barked. “All I’ve done my entire life is remember. But I’ve talked it over with my friends on the dark side and they’ve assured me the Midnight Man is willing to make an exception for the three of you.”

  “You really believe this, don’t you?” James asked.

  “I do,” I informed him. “And soon you will too. Trust me. You absolutely will.”

  “And if you’re wrong?” James asked.

  “I…I…Ivory,” Kevin said. “D…don’t argue w…with him.”

  “But what if he’s wrong?” James asked. “What if we do this and nothing happens?”

  Of course something’s going to happen you ignorant sack of shit.

  “Go to the door,” I ordered them. “Go now.”

  James hopped up from the floor and his lack of fear was frustrating. I wanted him to be trembling in his shoes, but he wasn’t. Kevin seemed much more concerned.

  “Now?” James asked.

  “I’ll tell you when,” I reminded

  “Now?” he asked again.

  I pressed the point of my knife blade into Nikki’s cheek until I drew blood. Finally, he stopped teasing me and began to take things more seriously.

  “Pull out your cock and put it in Nikki’s mouth,” Hag begged.

  “No,” I said.

  “You’re no fun,” she replied. “When I take her body, I will suck every last drop of cum from your cock…and then you’ll kiss me after. I know you will.”

  Looking down at Nikki, I loved the thought of her taking me in her mouth, even if Hag was the one controlling her body. I refused to turn around and look at Hag because I knew her disgusting appearance would turn me off. Thinking of the old woman gumming my dick made my stomach turn. I’d have to learn to forget about her and focus on the future. The new and improved Nikki.

  “Nikki has to knock too,” James said as if telling me something I didn’t already know.

  “Don’t worry about her,” I said. “Arrangements have been made. Now. Knock right now.”

  James and Kevin both knocked on the door. They had to knock a total of twenty-two times, with the final knock occurring at exactly eight p.m.

  “Again,” I said.

  They knocked.

  “Again,” I said, walking them through each second.

  At exactly eight p.m., I said “Again,” to signal their twenty second knock.

  “Now hurry, come sit,” I said.

  James and Kevin both sat, one at each of Nikki’s feet again.

  “He’s coming,” I said, unable to control my smile.

  I leaned forward and blew out the candle, plunging us all into darkness.

  “What the fuck?” James said.

  “Anyone move and I’ll slit her throat,” I promised. “Now we wait for the Midnight Man, just as I did that night in the kitchen, when you all let me be taken from the circle.”

  “L…l…light the fucking c…candle,” Kevin said, sounding frightened.

  “You’re playing it wrong,” James said.

  I laughed out loud, enjoying the sound of my chuckle as it echoed off the living room walls.

  “He’s coming,” I said. “No candle flame, no circle of salt, nothing will save you. It didn’t save me and it won’t save you.”

  “Please, Neal,” Nikki cried in my lap.

  I stroked her damp hair with my free hand and whispered to her, “My name’s Simple Simon.”

  I whistled as a reminder to them all.

  Ring around the rosy. Pocket full of posies. Ashes…ashes…we all fall down.

  The back door opened behind me and I wondered why he’d entered through a different door. When we were kids he’d come through the front door, the door we’d knocked on. It didn’t matter. The Midnight Man could enter any way he liked. He could come down the chimney if he wanted. As long as he came and as long as he took my siblings and showed them how bad life had been for me. Yes, he would make them see. He would make them suffer like he did me.

  “He’s here,” I said.

  “Light the candle, Neal,” James said and I sensed fear in his voice for the first time.

  You believe me now don’t you?

  Footsteps thudded behind me in the kitchen, making their way toward us.

  “Light the fucking candle!” James ordered.

  “You’re going to see,” I sang. “You’re all going to see. The Midnight Man is here and he’s angry and he…”

  My voice caught in my throat as I heard two heavy footsteps thud behind me and stop. The Midnight Man was only a foot away, squatted down, breathing his hot, disgusting breath on the back of my neck. I remembered him from my childhood. I remembered the absolute fear I felt and how I couldn’t move in his presence. I felt it again now. He was so close to me and I couldn’t see him. I was afraid to turn and look over my shoulder. I knew his face would be right there.

  But he was here for them. He would take them. He only wanted to see them first. He wanted to see them from my level. He’d take them soon and…two hands gripped my shoulders, nails digging into me. I howled in pain.

  No! No! What’s happening?

  Long, bony fingers curled over my shoulders and the sharp talon-like nails dug into the soft, fleshy part of my armpits. Then he yanked me away from the others. My body lifted up off the ground. A claw gripped the back of my neck and another grabbed the right side of my body, digging into my side, gripping the bottom of my ribcage. I screamed.

  “Wha…wha…what’s happening?” I heard Kevin say in the living room.

  “Help me free her,” James said.

  “No!” I screamed. “Noooooo! Get them! Get them!”

  My feet dangled beneath me as the hands held me high in the air. Through the faint moonlight shining in through the window on the backdoor, I saw the silhouette of the Midnight Man. His blackness was darker than the night. He was absent light, absent color, and he pulled my face close to his again. His tongue slithered out of his mouth and licked my ear. It burned like acid stripping the skin off it.

  “No!” I screamed again. “Help!”

  Why is he coming after me? Why is he making me suffer again?

  I realized the demons weren’t with me at that moment. Even they feared him. Whatever this demon was that we’d summoned as kids, it was strong enough, evil enough to scare away all the demons that had been tormenting me since childhood.

  “I brought you three people to give to the demons. Take them from me! Take the demons from me and give them the three I brought you! It’s what you want!”

  “Your curse is yours!” he screamed into my ear.

  He carried the last note on so loud and so strong that I felt it in my head like nails scraping at my brain, picking apart my skull, until my eardrum burst. Wet blood seeped from my left ear. The Midnight Man brought his lips to my right ear and I feared he might scream again and rip through that eardrum as well, but he didn’t. He whispered this time.

  “We all fall down,” he said. “Your curse is yours.”

  Then he dropped me to the floor and I felt my right knee explode. It popped and I fell to my ass.

  “Help me!” I yelled.

  James and Kevin were my brothers. Nikki was my sister. They would help me. They wouldn’t leave me like this. I scooted across the floor, dragging myself into the living room, begging for somebody to save me. The Midnight Man teased me, scraping his claws against my good leg, slashing through my pants and ripping at my skin.

  He hadn’t brought the demons in the first place, I knew that now. They were something entirely different. They’d snuck into my life the night the father of all demons visited me in the kitchen. Somehow they’d stayed behind to harass me. But they weren’t sent by him. He hated me, he wanted to kill me, but I was his and my curse was mine. The demons were my curse. I’d brought them, not him.

  “Please,” I cried.

  I could hear James and Kevin freeing Nikki. They would lead her out of the house and escape into the night, never knowing the demons’ wrath. It wasn’t fair. I’d done everything asked of me. Then, the front door burst open and through the light of the moon, I saw a new Midnight Man silhouetted in the darkness. He stood there before my siblings, and I knew more would come. I hadn’t been abandoned. Midnight Men would come for each of them and they’d finally feel my pain.

  “Yes,” I said as I rolled onto my back and laughed. “Your curse will be yours!”

  Chapter 22 - Kevin

  In the darkness, Ivory untied Nikki’s left hand and foot while I worked on her right. Neal was crazy. He’d lost it. Like when we were kids, he scooted out of the living room and started screaming in the kitchen. It was almost an exact reenactment of way back then. Yet, this time he sounded like he was truly in pain. A part of me felt guilty for not running in there to save him. He might have lost his mind but he truly believed someone was hurting him. He really thought he wasn’t alone.

  Neal’s mind was fractured beyond repair. He seemed to believe all that was going on and ye
t, I hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary except our fucked up younger brother holding a knife to our sister.

  “I…I…Ivory,” I said. “Is…is…is he okay?”

  “Fuck him,” Ivory said.

  “Hurry,” Nikki begged. “Before he comes back.”

  Then Neal really began to scream. He screamed like someone being burned alive. I’ve never heard anything like it. He was truly in agony. This wasn’t a joke or make believe. If it was, he had one hell of an imagination. As we were helping Nikki, the front door burst open.

  There, silhouetted in the doorframe was a man. A dark man. The Midnight Man.

  “Get them!” Neal yelled.

  When I turned to look at Neal, I saw him hobble a couple of steps and then leap at me. I had no time to move. We both fell to the floor.

  “Get them!” Neal yelled again.

  “Kevin!” Ivory shouted.

  The room was still so dark, even with the light coming in through the front door, bathing everything in an eerie blue color. I punched Neal in the face and tried to fling him off me, but he was strong. His knife slammed into my shoulder, tearing through my flesh, burying itself in bone. I howled in pain and tried to fight him off me. A light came from the front door, many lights, all illuminating us as we fought.

  “Get down!” someone ordered.

  “Kevin!” Ivory yelled again.

  “He’s got a weapon!” the man in the doorway yelled.

  Then the room lit up with a new light.


  The sound of the gun was deafening and the bullets hit me hard, sinking into my chest, and throwing me against the far wall. As I slid down onto my ass, I couldn’t figure out what had happened. Neal was no longer on me and it no longer mattered anyway. I felt cold. My eyes were heavy. I didn’t understand.

  What happened? Fuck, it hurts.

  Nothing made sense. I kicked my left leg, trying to reach Neal so I could hit him at least one more time. He looked shocked, stunned, as he lay there on the floor, his hands up over his head.


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