Falling for a Hustler: A Benton Harbor Love Story

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Falling for a Hustler: A Benton Harbor Love Story Page 3

by Jerniqua K.

  “Journee, chill out with that dumb shit. Them bitches ain’t got shit on me really. Plus, Rich said ain’t nothing to worry about. The judge agreed to let me walk for fifty thousand. Who you know passin up a deal like that?”

  She nodded her head and wiped her eyes. “I’m just an emotional wreck right now,” she cracked a smile. “I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you.”

  “You won’t, Journee.”


  Despite what I told Journee, when I walked in that courtroom my nerves took over me, but I refused to let that shit show. Instead, I strolled up in that bitch fresh as fuck in an all-black Armani suit, and an expensive ass pair of dress shoes. My nigga TK had just lined my dreads up, and I had Journee pin ‘em up in a neat bun, like I was Wale or something. The only jewelry I had on were my two diamond earrings, and them bitches was hittin’! Like my nigga 2 Chainz said, “Imma be fresh as hell if the FEDS watchin.” I didn't give a fuck what I was going through; muthafuckas would NEVER see me in shit but the best.

  I walked Journee to the pew-like bench, and kissed her cheek before she sat down. I looked over her body, and images of me fuckin her that morning flooded my mind. She was stunning in her skintight pink dress and spiked heels. Her hair was pulled into a bun as well. I almost wanted to mess that shit up right there on the bench. We had been together for about a year, and I couldn’t see myself without her. As soon as I got through this shit, I was gonna take her away and marry her. She was it.

  Richard placed his hand on my shoulder, and together we walked through the small swinging door and took our seats. The judge hadn't made it in yet, so I took the moment to question Rich.

  “You sure everything’s good?”

  I watched as he shifted uncomfortably and started tugging at his tie. “Well Bryce…Judge Hackney was on board with everything. But we ran into an issue…”

  I lifted my brow and waited for him to continue. I had to grip the damn table to keep from snapping his fucking neck.

  “Um...his assistant called the office this morning. He has food poisoning.”

  “What!” I yelled. Everyone in the courtroom looked at me. I mugged they asses and turned back to Rich. “What the fuck you mean food poisoning? Where the fuck is my fifty thou?” If this nigga said the wrong thing, I swear to God nobody was walking up out that bitch!

  “I...I never transferred it.”

  I sighed and turned my head. When Judge Riley walked into the room, I could have shitted on myself. It was my first time dealing with him, but I had heard stories about this hunky and I knew he was as hard as they came. I was going to fucking jail!

  We went through the bullshit standing and sitting, and listened to the prosecuting attorney make it seem like I was some type of fucking animal or something. After about five minutes of them throwing dirt on my name, it was Richard’s turn.

  “Your Honor, we would like to request a probationary sentencing. Now, before you respond, let me explain why. Mr. Donovan has been a leader in the Benton Harbor community for almost three years now. He has a thriving barbershop, as well as a local corner store in which most of the proceeds he earns, he gives back to the children and less fortunate in his community. Mr. Donovan’s record is clean. He’s never had so much as a parking ticket. Now, I do understand that he was pulled over with a substantial amount of marijuana, but I guarantee the drugs were not in his possession with any intent to sell.”

  I watched as Judge Riley’s eyebrow shot up in amusement. The smirk that was plastered on his face made me feel uneasy. This cracker was gon’ fry my ass!

  “Mr. Donovan was pulled over with over twenty pounds of marijuana. Don’t mind me for asking, but how is that not with the intention to sell?” the judge asked.

  Richard cleared his throat and walked over to the table, going through his briefcase. He pulled out a manila folder and flipped through a few pages. When he got to the page he was looking for, he pulled it out and skimmed it over. He motioned for the bailiff to take it and give it to Judge Riley.

  “That is a copy of my client’s medicinal marijuana card. Since there is no distillery in his area, Mr. Donovan has to drive almost five hours away to the nearest one. So that he doesn't have to do this weekly, he makes one trip once a month.”

  Judge Riley’s face was expressionless. Part of me was still nervous, but the other part felt like maybe I had a chance to walk away…that was until–

  “According to the prosecutor, we have a witness who says differently.”

  A witness? Besides Tyriq, no one knew the ins and outs of my operation and I knew my nigga wouldn’t sell me out, so I was extremely lost.

  The prosecutor began pulling what looked like pictures out of his bag. He passed them over to Richard, and when the color drained from his face I knew I was fucked.

  “Your Honor, in this picture we have the notorious ‘Brick’ serving one of his many clients. The same black duffle bag in the picture is the one from his car when he was pulled over.”

  “Where’s the witness?” Riley asked. I could tell he was ready to sentence me and move on with his life.

  “Our witness did not want to testify or show their face for their safety. Mr. Donovan is a very powerful man. I can assure you that everything the witness said was true. With the warrant we obtained, we were able to search his store, and it was there that we found multiple pounds of marijuana.”

  Since I opted to not have a jury, I had to sit and wait for the judge to reach his decision. After a five-minute recess, he came back and me and Richard stood to our feet. It seemed like my life was at a standstill when he announced that I would be serving five years in a maximum security prison.

  I was pissed, but I had no choice but to do my prison time like a man. When I saw Journee look at me with cold eyes, I could have died. She always looked at me with love and admiration, so I didn't know how to take that shit. To add insult to injury, she stood to her feet and walked straight out of the courtroom. I knew she was upset, but damn! She couldn't show a nigga no love?

  The first few days of lock up were hell. I fucking starved because the food was nasty as fuck, and I refused to eat it. I went from steaks and potatoes damned near every day to fuckin mush!

  On day four, I ended up getting into a fight. This nigga named Bo was two cells over, and from day one I could constantly hear him talking shit out the side of his neck about some damn fresh meat. The shit didn’t sit well with me, and if we were on the outside I would have been bodied him. Since the last thing I wanted to do was add more time to my bullshit ass sentence, I kept cool and said nothing. Bo could talk all he wanted, as long as he didn't try me.

  I should have known something was up when I didn't hear him saying shit anymore, but I brushed the shit under the table and figured maybe he found something better to do with his life. I was wrong as fuck.

  “What’s good, fresh?”

  I had just gotten out of the shower and was preparing to put my briefs and jumpsuit back on when I heard the voice. I looked up and saw Bo’s Ving Rhames looking ass. He was staring at me, and the shit made me uncomfortable as hell. I tightened the towel around my waist and slid my boxers on underneath it.

  “Can I fuckin help you?”

  He started walking up on me. The last thing I wanted to do was get in trouble in this bitch, but this nigga needed to know that this wasn’t that. I’d rot in this bitch before I let a nigga fuck me! Clearly he ain’t know who the fuck I was.

  “Five years is a long time to go without bustin a nut. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “That’s why I got Palmolina. She never lets a nigga down. Again, what can I help you with, B?” I had just gotten my jumpsuit on and was preparing to walk out when he stepped in front of me. I bit the inside of my jaw and gritted my teeth.

  “Nigga clearly you thought that shit was some friendly ass banter or something, but let me school you, young blood. I run this prison, and you got something I want. We can do it the easy way or the hard way, but either way it goes
…” he grabbed his crotch and licked his lips. “That ass belongs to me now.”

  Again, he moved closer and when he did, I lost it. Instantly, I punched that nigga in the face with a right, causing him to stumble back a little. He shook that shit off and charged at me, but before he could connect with my body, I came back with a left, knocking him straight on his ass. Once he was down, I stomped the shit out that faggot ass nigga. Blood spurted from his nose and his lip split open, but it still wasn't enough to get me off him. A few seconds later, this nigga named Rico came and pulled me off him. When he finally got me off, he looked down at Bo and shook his head.

  “Come on, B. We gotta get you up outta here for them punk ass guards come back.”

  I looked at him, prepared to square up but when I saw he was harmless, I threw my towel in the bin and walked out.


  Fuck. It was this annoying ass guard named Higgins. I turned and looked at him with a ‘What the fuck you want’ type look on my face.

  “I’ve been looking for you. You need to get in your cell so we can do a count and take you down for visitation.”

  I nodded my head and remained there until he walked off. I couldn't risk him walking in the showers and seeing Bo fucked up. When he kept going down the hall, I let go of the breath I was holding and went to my cell. Luckily, my celly Kirk was gone. I mean, the nigga was cool and shit, but he just didn't know when to shut the fuck up, and I wasn't in the talking mood.

  After being counted, everyone with visitors had to line up and be chained together before we could head to the visiting room. When we got outside the door, we were unchained and allowed to go inside. As soon as I saw my nigga Riq, I nodded my head and made my way over. He stood to his feet and gave me dap. It fucked me up that Journee wasn't here with him. I expected her to be over the shit.

  “Damn my nigga! They got you up in this bitch looking rough as fuck,” he cracked.

  “Fuck you!” I laughed. “How it's been lookin out there?” Visitation was limited, so I had to get down to business. We could bullshit later.

  “Shit still going, but without you shit tight. Nigga you the one with the plug.”

  I rattled off a phone number. “I hope you caught that shit, cause you know I can't say that shit over the phone or through the mail. These bitch ass pigs be reading niggas shit. That's the number to Eden. She knows what went down, and she know I ain’t one of these fuck niggas that's gon’ talk, so she willing to do business with you on my behalf. Bro, make sure you don’t fuck shit up! I ain’t just fucking with no random ass nigga. That bitch is head of the Suarez Mafia!” I whispered.

  “I got you my nigga. You already know I don’t fuck around when it comes to business.”

  I had never known for Tyriq to fuck up some money, but I still needed him to understand how serious this shit was. Once I was sure he understood, I changed the subject.

  “You see Journee around?” I watched as his head dropped.

  “I ain’t want to be the one to say it, but I think that bitch set you up bro.”

  I bit my jaw. “How you figure that?”

  “That day you went to court, I sat outside. I saw her come out the door with a big ass smile on her face. A black Jag pulled up to the front, and she jumped in. Before it pulled off, I saw her kissing on that nigga Bird. They been out here flossin and shit heavy, man.”


  I ain’t wanna believe the shit, but I knew Tyriq wouldn't lie about something so simple. The bitch I fell in love with was fuckin grimey. I knew the shit was true, cause that nigga Bird wasn't out there in the streets like that. Nigga ain’t have not one hustlin bone in his body, but he stunted like a muthafucka. Shit, the fuckin Jag he was driving came from the lil bands he got from his mama life insurance when she died.

  “You want me to handle that?” Riq wasn't my right hand for nothing. That nigga breathed murder, and whenever I needed somebody to disappear, I always made sure I hit him up.

  “Nah, I gotta see about getting this paperwork about my case first. If she snitched, her name gon’ be in that report and if it is, I wanna handle that bitch. This shit personal, man. I got five fuckin years behind this bitch!” I semi-yelled.

  Me and Tyriq caught up a little more before he had to leave. I went back to my cell with so much on mind it was crazy. I didn't know how I would go about things, but I knew for a fact if Journee’s name showed up on any of my shit, I was killing that bitch!


  Present Day

  I don’t know how the fuck shit happened, but after only doing a year, a nigga was walking up out that bitch! As I was signing out, the nigga at the window tried to give me the clothes and shit I got locked up with, but I declined ‘em. All I wanted was my wallet, my keys, and earrings. The rest of that shit they could trash. I ain’t need a reminder of being sent to that bitch.

  As soon as the gates opened, I saw Tyriq posted up on a brand new Range with his little brother Jaeden standing next to him. Jaeden was twenty-two and always trying to get put on. He was a beast at football and had a lot of NFL recruiters looking his way, so we always tried our best to keep him out of trouble. If he needed something for his dorm or anything in general, we made sure he got it and made sure money stayed in his pockets.

  “What kinda bird don’t fly?” Jaeden said, laughing when I made it to the truck.

  “The only bird I know that don’t fly is ya mama B.” Jaeden’s mouth dropped, and we all fell out laughing. “Let’s get the fuck away from this bitch. A nigga need a shower and some fucking real clothes. I feel like a muhfuckin bum out here.” I ran my hands over my dreads. My shit was all fucked up! I needed a lining and a retwist ASAP.

  We got in the Range and Riq wasted no time pulling off and passing me a fat ass blunt. “Aye man, I already got shit lined up for you bro. Mariah at the crib waiting, so she can twist you up.”

  I nodded my head and listened to him, but my mind was elsewhere. As soon as I got myself together, I was gonna pay Richard a visit. Shit wasn’t right, and I needed to know how the fuck he didn't know about a witness, or how the shit with the judge got fucked up. There was no way I was supposed to see the inside of a prison. One thing was still bothering me though. “Yo, how the fuck I get out anyway? No one told me shit.”

  “Man, Eden is a bad bitch for real! She hit her lawyer Charles up, and that nigga pulled yo case up, made a few calls, and the rest was history! You would have been out sooner, but you had to do some kind of time for that bullshit weed they found at the store.”

  Once again, I nodded and looked out the window. I didn't give a fuck about all that other shit. I was just happy to have my freedom again.

  “I been keeping my eye on that bitch Journee. She done already blew through the one fitty she hit yo spot for. I heard she out here trying to find the next nigga to take care of her ass. You should’ve let me dead that hoe last year,” Tyriq said with venom lacing his words. It was no secret that he didn't like Journee. When he found out that we had made shit official, he hit the fucking ceiling. Now I wish I would have listened to my nigga; I’d at least have a few bands to my name.

  The last thing I wanted to do was start over. Tyriq made sure to keep money on my books and shit, but we could have no more than two thousand at a time in our commissary and when I signed out, they gave me that in a check. It was better than nothing, but it was nowhere near enough to start fresh with. I just prayed that old reliable was still intact.

  After riding for a few more moments, we were finally pulling into my driveway. Just like my businesses, I had put my house in my mother’s name so that if I had ever got into any type of trouble, my shit wouldn't be seized. My mother also had a key to my home, so I knew that I wouldn't come home to a foul smelling dusty ass house. I was pleased to see that she had even been keeping the grass maintained. I definitely owed my favorite girl big time! I scanned the block and noticed that there were a lot of new cars parked along the curb. That was different. I lived around a
bunch of doctors and lawyers, and they rarely ever had company.

  “Calm yo ass down nigga!” Jaeden said, like he could read my mind or some shit. “Ms. Kensey is having a lil party at her house.”

  I stepped out of the car and stretched my arms and legs. After taking one last pull of what was left of the blunt, I threw it in the grass and made my way to the door. All I wanted to do was go inside, shower, and relax with a bottle of Henny and a few blunts while I planned my next move.

  As soon as I stepped inside, niggas jumped out from everywhere and my mother approached me with tears in her eyes as they all yelled ‘SURPRISE!’ A smile snuck across my face as I pulled my mother into a loving hug. When we finally pulled apart, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. I opened my mouth to tell her I loved her, but was cut short when a hard slap landed across my face.

  “You promised me I would never see you inside of a fuckin prison! Do you know how hard that shit was to see my only son locked away like a damn animal? This shit has to end, Bryce!”

  There was no way I could lie to my mother’s face, so I simply nodded my head. I knew that I wouldn’t be stopping anytime soon. Shit if anything, I was about to go hard as fuck just so I could maintain the life I had become accustomed to before I went to prison. I wish I would get a damn job only to slave for minimum wage; fuck that!

  What I saw next almost killed a nigga! Mariah came waddling towards me with a plate full of chicken wings, greens, sweet potatoes, and cornbread plus more. My eyes quickly darted toward Tyriq, and he turned his head like he ain’t see me mugging his ass. She came up and hugged me. When she let go, I tried to steal a wing and she popped my hand.

  “Nigga you betta act like you know and quit playin,” she said as she continued to stuff her face.

  “When the fuck this happen?”

  “I’m assuming that’s your twisted ass way of asking how far along I am. I'm five months. You came home just in time to meet your niece when she gets here.”


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